
By simplyinspired

326 17 35

Life is indeed a mystery for Maya Smith. After a wonderful summer in New York she returns home. Having only o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

72 0 2
By simplyinspired

I wasn't really feeling this chapter but, here you go!  Enjoy! :) This chapter is dedicated to kaitlanekilgore29 who gave my book its tittle :)                                  

Maya's POV:

Tuesday morning I was happy to be heading to school. I felt great, maybe It had something to do with how well rested my body was. I just hoped that today would be a little better than yesterday, with Shay hassling me and shit. Since Mel would be at school today, I figured she would at least be able to occupy Shay taking her mind off of the whole dating thing. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it, she is so stubborn.

After my quick shower I went downstairs with enough time to spare.  Settling down at the table I took my sweet time to eat my cereal. My phone started to ring, seeing the caller ID I answered it quickly.

"Hey stranger, why are you just now calling me?" 

"Sorry kid, I've been a little preoccupied with things down here. I miss you though," my brother said.

"I know you miss me. So what are you doing down there anyways?" I asked, he had just gone and left without telling me anything. I figured it had something to do with the shop. After the little brake in everything has been pretty good, and I hope it stays like that. Don't like seeing my brother worried like that.

"I got a call from Jason. You remember him, we use to work at the shop together. Well he heard about the brake in and wanted me come down here so we can sort some stuff out regarding the shop." Richard replied.

I do remember Jason. He and my brother was real close when he lived here in Houston.  I remember how I would always try to  tag along with Rich just to see him, at the time I had the hugest crush on Jason. They were the best of friends. They use to do everything together, the two were inseparable but for some reason he had moved down to Dallas and they lost contact. So I was rather confused as to why he had called him all out of the blue. 

"Yeah I do," I replied glancing at the clock, noticing  it will soon be time for me to pick Shay up.

"So he asked if he could help out. He wants to come down there and lend a extra hand, just in case. I know the shop hasn't gotten any attention so far but just to be on the safe side."

I could hear the joy in his voice. Clearly my brother still misses his best friend and haven't giving up on their relationship. Maybe having Jason come down here would be a really good thing.

"So by the sound of your voice I'm guessing you're more than ok with the idea?" I asked him.

It was a really good that he had his mind on something else.

"Yeah I am. So we will be coming back probably on Friday. Jason has to take care of somethings first," he responded.

"Why so long though?" I asked whining a little,making me feel a little selfish for wanting him all to myself

He started chuckling, "Maya, its just a few days. I want us to catch up while I'm here, that's all."

"Yeah ok. Have fun and I'll be expecting you on Friday no later got that?" I said using my strict no nonsense tone which got me another chuckle from him.

"Yes ma'am. Have a good day at school kiddo, and tell mom I'll call her later. Love you both, bye," he replied. After hanging up the phone I took my bowl to the sink and headed out the door.

When we got to the school I didn't even cut the engine yet and  Melanie was already running towards the car with a wide grin on her face. She looked the same except for the red streaks of highlights in her hair.

Mel was 5'7 towering over me. She had golden hair, piercing blue eyes and was average built. Shaking my head I cut the engine and got out the car.

Almost knocking me over she wrapped me up in a tight hug. 

"Maya baby you look so cute!" she yelled, causing people to stare. 

 "Ok Mel, can you let me go now?"

 I tried peeling her arms off me but she wouldn't move. Pulling back she grinned down at me. She looked to my side at Shay and grinned, opening her arms for a hug. Shayla shook her head but went over to her anyway.

"Hey beautiful," she said giving Shay a tight hug before coming back to stand in front of me.

"Wow sweetie it works for you. I love it!" she squealed reaching out to touch my hair again but I dodge her hand.

"Yeah, now why wasn't you here yesterday?"I asked crossing my arms. She mimicked my movement.

"I overslept that's all," she answered with a small smile. 

"Why did you oversleep?" I replied smirking, she started to pout before something over my shoulder caught her attention. Her mouth fell open and I glanced back to see what was so damn fascinating. Groaning inside I saw exactly what caught her attention, Jared and Devin were heading over to a group of guys.

"Who's the cutie with Devin?" I heard Mel ask and before I could respond I saw Shayla hauling her towards the guys.

"Come on Maya," Shay yelled over her shoulder winking at me. "the boys are waiting," why is this girl so damn stubborn?

Shaking my head I followed them hopping and praying that this day ends soon.

Jared's POV:

Tuesday morning when I got to school I was early and noticed I wasn't the only one. A lot of kids were here too, and so was Maya. I spotted her when I heard someone scream, a girl with blond hair had her arms wrapped around her. I took my attention off of them looking around the lawn and saw Devin coming towards me. "Hey man," he said stopping right in front of me. 

Since yesterday --when Maya introduced us--, he decided to befriend me I guess. Although I didn't really care for making friends, I gave into his welcoming arms. He seemed cool, though it will take awhile for me to really call us friends.

"Wassup," I replied. 

"Come on there's some guys I want you to meet," he said and motioned towards a group to my right.

I guess I had a confuse look on my face because he spoke up, "Some of my friends, I wanted to introduce you that's all." Wow second day here and I'm making more friends, oh joy!

"Uh Devin--," I stopped short.

Here you are Jared in a different state not knowing how long you're going to be here, you might as well make the best of it. And making new friends seems ok, cause there's no harm in that. And you don't want to come off as an ass to the guy so why not. "sure let's go." With a nod from him we headed over to the group.

There was six guys, they all looked up when Devin and I walked up. "Guys this is Jared. Jared these are the guys: Trevor, Cameron, Matt, Terrance, Keith, and Sean." They all nodded and said hey in reply to me.

"So you new here huh?" the guy named Cameron asked. He was about my height with blond hair and Ice-blue eyes.

All eyes was on me once again. "Yeah," I answered.

"Where you from?" I turned around to see the one called Sean ask me. He looked pretty intimidating with his huge frame and dark eyes, but the smirk he had on his face showed me he wasn't a threat

"I came from Arizona," I said to the group. 

"So what brings you here?" Cameron asked and before I could answer we heard a scream from behind us. We all turned around to see Shayla, the girl with blond hair I saw hugging Maya earlier, and behind them was Maya herself. 

"Jared!" Shayla yelled.

"Shay why the hell do you have to make unnecessary noise all the time?" one of the guys said and they all chuckled. The smile on her face was immediately gone and she glared at whoever said it, I didn't pay much attentionto them because Maya was still standing behind blondie smiling, at me.

And I couldn't help return it.

"Trevor keep running that mouth of yours and watch me stick my foot so far up your a-"

"Whoa, cool it kitten. Come here," I heard Sean say. I turned away from Maya, and saw him pull Shayla into his arms. 

The guy's looks could have you fooled. While his looks and size were intimidating the way he held Shayla said otherwise. He was so gentle with the way he held her.

"Maya Papaya!" Cameron yelled, he ran over and wrapped Maya up in a tight hug lifting her off her feet. She started laughing and I immediately turned away. It was kind of difficult to watch the two embrace like that. I felt a ping of jealousy which I instantly shook off.

You don't know the girl and for all you know she and Cameron could be dating. 

"And look here, Melanie decided to grace us with her presence today" Devin said teasinly and that's when Blondie walked up to him.

"Hey Devin," she replied and he bent down to wrap her up in a hug. 

"Cam put me down, seriously," Maya said in a playful tone.

Hug fest or what? This is so awkward and uncomfortable. 

Taking my attention off of Devin and Blondie I watched Cameron gently set Maya back down."I just missed you and your hugs so much," he responded and she rolled her eyes which made me roll my eyes.

Someone cleared their throat --which I was thankful for-- and everyone turned to look at a guy with long dark hair. He was one of three guys, who like me was just standing there watching all that was going on. 

"Are we done with the hug fest?" he asked and I could have sworn he read my mind.

That'swhen Shayla wiggled free out of Sean's grip only to walk over and smack the guy on his arm lightly.

"Terrance you don't have to be so grumpy. If you want one you could have asked." she said giving him a quick hug and peck on the cheek causing Terrance  to grin like a fool.

"Hey what about me?" the guy standing next to Devin asked.

"You can get one too Mattie," Shayla replied and she walked over to give him a hug also. Devin shook his head when Blondie went over to give Mattie a hug too.

Wow when does this bell ring? I'm more than ready to get to class.

"Okay enough with the hugs already," the guy on my left said. He was tall and lanky, and had his arms crossed. By the look on his face, like me he wasn't all that comfortable with the situation. 

"Sorry Keith," Shayla said and he only snorted.

"So who's our new friend?" Blondie asked ending the hug fest her eyes glued on me, with  a smirk on her face.

"Oh, right this is Jared," was Shayla who answered her gesturing to me. "Jared this is Mel"

"Hi new guy," Mel said winking at me. Pasting on a smile I nodded and muttered a nice to meet you. Thankful that the bell rang a second later.

"Well that was fun, nice meeting you Jared. Hopefully we'll catch up later," Sean said stepping up to shake my hand. 

"Yeah hopefully," and I hope it wouldn't be anything like this was.

The other guys said their goodbyes and went off to class, all that was left was Devin, Shayla, Mel, Maya and Myself.

"Okay well I gotta go, come on Mel," Shayla said grabbing her friend's arm when she tried to protest. "I have to catch you up with how my summer was. Bye Jared," and the two disappeared into the school building.

"Yeah I'll catch up with you two later," Devin said leaving Maya and I, alone once again.

This whole leave Maya and Jared alone was really getting old.

"Hey," she said after Devin was out of sight and 

"Hi yourself," I replied feeling a little shy, which was absurd . Why couldn't my morning start of like this? With just Maya and I?

"Jared we should probably go. We don't want to be late," she said and I couldn't stop staring at her eyes. They are dark green and have little brown flecks around the pupils.

"What did you say?" I asked focusing on our conversation at hand. She rolled her eyes and smirked at me.

"I said, we should get to class. Come on," she started to walk towards the building and I followed.

This should be interesting.

This chapter was just a filler. Basically to introduce the guys at school OH and Mel. And the all last part with Jared and Maya wasn't all that good so forgive me please.                                          Kay that's all folks bye :) x.

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