Lieutenant Parsons: Chūsei No...

By RoyalFranz

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Warning: this story may or may not contain stupid insults or maybe strong language when The Dominican Republi... More

Chapter 1 - Spacewar!
Chapter 2 - A Certain Someone
Chapter 3 - K.O
Chapter 4 - Once Upon A Time in the EU
Chapter 5 - La Petite Venise
Chapter 6 - The Race to Frankfurt
Chapter 7 - Swiss Cheese
Chapter 8 - A Price To Pay
Chapter 9 - The USS Brooklyn

Chapter 10 - Sinking Ship

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By RoyalFranz

after finding the pile of deceased US Marines, Sneaker team searched the bodies and collected all dog tags before starting the process of planting the bombs on to the walls of the engine compartment. each member of Sneaker team had four blocks of C4 modified to cause deadlier explosions than a fuel tanker in a road accident, half of the bombs were deployed on the walls while the others were on the engine itself. "Field this is Sneaker team, we've nicked the engine" Sneaker team said before they left the room with their bags full of dog tags that belong to the dead marines, Crippler teams One and Two on the other hand managed to locate the security rooms that monitors the entire interior of the ship.
"Field this is Crippler One, we found our room, over"
"Field this is Crippler Two, principal's office has been located, over"
"solid copy, all Crippler teams are cleared to breach but use silenced weapons, we don't want the surprise to go early, over." Field gave both Crippler teams permission to breach and clear, and so they entered both of the rooms and executed all security monitors, causing all the guards to go blind.
"Field this is Crippler One, security is down, i repeat, security is down."
"Field this is Crippler Two, game is cracked."
"copy, One and Two. stand by for magic trick, over" Field said, telling both Crippler teams to occupy the security rooms in case a hostile guard would enter. meanwhile on the carrier's aircraft deck, the rogue marines were suddenly ordered by Dominguez to begin the ritual. "you see, lieutenant. General Thorman has always been a loyal follower or mine which was why he gathered these americans here to betray their armies and allies and join me and what they're gonna probably won't recognize the world tomorrow because of that" Dominguez said before a portal suddenly covered the entire pentagram on the runway, emitting loud demonic screams from the darkest realms ever discovered by the human race. "today...we witness the birth of a new age" Dominguez presented the portal of hell to Evan. meanwhile with Sneaker team, the soldiers hurried to the brig to find Kanami locked in a cell. they then smashed the lock open and carried her out to the docks.
"Field this is Sneaker team, i think we got our VIP." Sneaker team said. "copy, Sneaker team. MetPol is enroute for evac" Field acknowledged before notifying the local constabulary. once Kanami was off the ship and outside the harbor, an area car drove up to her and secured her. "Field to archer, the VIP is secure. you're cleared to start the party, just save the last dance for Price and Dominguez." Field granted the permission to begin the final battle, prompting the archer to snipe the henchmen into the portal with his modified WA2000 sniper rifle. as Dominguez heard the shots and watched the rogue marines fall into the door to Hell, he was enraged. "you sure know how defy an invitation" Dominguez said before picking up his radio, "kill the girl!" he yelled through the radio, unaware that Kanami has already been rescued. Evan then interrupted him by throwing a hard punch to the side of his head, starting a fist fight. the British soldiers then started the timers on three minutes instead of six before they escape the carrier, leaving only Price and Dominguez. Evan kept throwing punches at Dominguez who apparently keeps defending wrong positions of his body as he endlessly takes hard hits, not even expecting Evan to finish him off in his shadow form which is exactly what the scouser did. upon the moment when Dominguez can no longer endure his persistent attacks, he crawled on the runway away from the portal before Evan grabs him. the scouser would then hold him up, stuff a highly explosive grenade into his mouth and lined him up to the edge of the portal. "welcome home, arsehole" Evan said to Dominguez before pulling the pin and dropping him into the portal then took out the candles to close the portal permanently, leaving the grenade in the cult leader's mouth to explode just moments after the door to hell was shut forever. victory was finally upon him but only after he escaped the carrier moments before the C4 in the engine room trigger a cataclysmic event, destroying the USS Brooklyn entirely. once it was all over, Evan met up with Field and shook hands. "fantastic finale you have managed to pull off, Lieutenant Price" Field congratulated him on the demise of Filli Gehnnae, at least moments before Kanami suddenly ran to him and embraced him. "Evan-kun!" she called out to the scouser before hugging him in relief, "Kanamin..." Evan replied as he embraced her in return. "as i guessed it, your girlfriend here really is the VIP" Field said to him. "oi! Field!" Evan yelled in response, denying that he loves her. "okay okay i won't tell a soul, we'll just take it to the grave" Field chuckled as local authorities approach the sinking ship. whatever happened on Tokyo Harbor that day eventually came on the news.

"the US Department of Defense has just announced that the new generals in the Pentagon will now be issuing warrants of arrest on US troops who have been in suspicion of committing an act of treason, the British embassy in Tokyo have denied involvement in today's events in Tokyo Harbor despite sending the dog tags of the deceased who have tried to stop a mutiny in the USS Brooklyn, neither the British and Japanese has made a response to the DOD's situation regarding a possible cult formed by the late General John Thorman as a full investigation is yet to be ordered. in other news, panic in the Los Angeles ghetto is said to have now died down just days after mistaking an imported sports car from London for an extra-terrestrial spacecraft"

2000 hours - Kanami's flat

following the destruction of the USS Brooklyn, Evan and Kanami finally arrived at the idol's flat just as the clock was about to strike 2100. "ah, what a crazy operation..." Evan sighs of relief as he sat on the sofa, "at least i know where you've been going whenever disappear..." Kanami said in response, she actually knew what Evan usually does whenever the Royal Navy needs him. "you said you were gonna be at your dad's for his birthday but it turns out that was last month...just what is wrong with you?" Kanami became upset, this caused Evan to let out a sigh before he leaned forward and began to explain. "Kanamin...the thing is...i had to take a friend's place...he got knocked into a coma so i had to fly to Europe and tracked him down, it had to take forever but at least i took him out in a hurry...and not to mention that...i had to fix a lot of things..." Evan slowly elaborated the entire operation that MI6 had to alter after Jack's failure to escape. "so what about that part when you were gonna tell me something...what is it that you want to tell me?" Kanami is suddenly interrogative, this is officially Evan's time to shine. the scouser looked at her but suddenly had an illusion of Miyuki in Kanami's position, "it's okay to say it now...still, i'll always be with you" Miyuki's voice said to him. "right..." Evan mumbled, "Kanami...when i first saw you on my first day in Takura Productions, my heart began to go mental...and at the time, i never wanted to fall in love anymore time passed, i've always thought that you're teaching me to love once more...and so here's my confession to you...i love you, Kanami least more than anyone, i love you..." there it is, Evan confessed his love. "Evan-kun..." the idol said with a blush, "even i wanted to confess the same thing for you...i couldn't stop thinking of you, i couldn't stop dreaming about you, i couldn't stay calm whenever you touch me, i just can't stop going on about you..." even Kanami confessed, it was quite a stroke of luck for Evan. "so...does that mean you'll accept me? as a--" Evan was interrupted before he could finish. "yes! i love you, Evan Price!" she positively answered in a squealing tone. "...thank you..." the scouser mumbled with a smile on his face. " what...?" the idol asked, calming down ."well...possibilities are countless...and now that we're in something deeper than a friendship...i think we have all the time in the world..." Evan answered. "is that so...?" she asked again. "that's right, Kanamin...we have all the time in the world...just as long as we have nothing in the way..." Evan answered as he held the idol's chin, pulling her in for a first kiss. "Evan-kun..." she whispered before their lips touched, and so they finally had their first kiss. with Jack finally flying back to London to debrief with Harrison and Field, Evan surely had a way to wrap up a mission, having his first proper kiss with Kanami, what follows on that evening remains unknown to at least anyone.

The End

Jack Parsons and Evan Price will return.

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