By LovelyLoopyKari

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All her life Katrina knew she was a little different and all she wanted was to fit in. But it was harder to a... More

Catch A Falling Star
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY


8.3K 301 12
By LovelyLoopyKari

Chapter Thirteen


Kat's POV

The weirdness of the lunch hour had me zoned out for the rest of the day. Teegan was happily chatting my ear off at how cute it was that my brother's were protective of me and how surprised she was that Colin Reed had also came to my rescue.

I felt bad for Malia but my brothers were right. I wasn't safe, not while he was here and stalking me. I just wish I could explain it to her.

Walking outside it was a cool wind that I wasn't expecting. I tightened the grip on my bag that was over my shoulder while also trying to keep my hat on my head when a gust of wind whirled around me.

Seeing Via and Colin together by his car made me grind my teeth together. He was looking at the ground but his arm was loosely around her waist. She was laughing with her friends when one of them nudged her and she glared in my direction, snuggling closer to Colin.

"There you are, Ready?" Chris asked as he came out from the warm school.

Nodding I followed him to the car but froze when a long howl sounded from the woods. A howl of pain. Tommy was my instant thought, he always went running after school. I took off running for the nearby woods.

"Kat!" Chris called but I already sprinted into the woods. If Tommy was hurt I wasn't going to wait around.

Going away from my brother's pleading calls I hurried deeper into the trees as another pained howl rang out. I stopped up short when Tommy's black wolf was on the ground with a Dark brown one on top of him. Fear ran through my body as his face snapped to me and he growled gleefully. Hopping off my brother, Shane stalked towards me. Probably should have thought this through. Tommy groaned as he looked to me.

I held up my hands and backed away, I knew it wouldn't help but I was buying time for my brother to catch up.

A pure white wolf jumped from the brush behind me and knocked Shane back. His growl was intense and protective so I knew that he wouldn't hurt me. My eyes flickered to Tommy who was in pain as he tried to stand.

Chris's familiar wolf emerged from the trees moments later, Shane's eyes flickered quickly from the two in front of me and growled before darting away. Chris and the white wolf tearing after him. I ran to Tommy's side, "Shh.." I whispered as he groaned again. "It's okay Tommy."

I didn't know how to help him, but I knew that to heal faster he should stay in the form he was in at the time of injury, which meant I could do little to help him.

"Kat!" Hannah called as she broke through the brush, "Shit." She hissed when she saw Tommy laying on the ground in pain. "Hey, hey. Tommy, it's going to be okay." She soothed him running her hands over his fur, her hands turning red from the blood. I gasped and Tommy growled his eyes meeting mine in worry.

"He's going to be okay Kat, he's had worse hunting." Hannah tried to calmed me. It didn't really work.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, "I'm so sorry Tommy. If I wasn't.."

Both of them growled darkly, "Don't think that." Hannah hissed.

My eyes were filled with tears as I looked down at Tommy, I hated that this happened. I hated it even more that I was the reason. "I'm sorry." I told him again, my voice cracking.

"Kat?" His voice surprised me and I stood up instantly. He was wearing shorts that fit loosely around his hips with no shirt. My mind went completely blank as I looked at him, he was fit, insanely fit. Not all wolves looked like that, well at least my brothers didn't. His eyes were roaming over me in concern and then he came near me slowly.

"Are you okay?" Colin asked when he was about a foot in front of me. I nodded unable to speak and he let out a relieved breath.

Chris came out of the trees also with some shorts and his breathing was heavier. "He ran West until the territory line stopped, Colin's going to talk about extra patrols to his father so he won't be able to get in again."

Colin nodded in agreement, "Just don't take off into the woods next time."

Blushing I looked away from all of them. Tommy struggled to his paws and limped into the trees, Chris pulled an extra pair of shorts from under his arm and tossed it to where Tommy had just disappeared to.

"Ow." We heard Tommy hiss in pain as he came out from the trees. "What the hell?" He growled as his eyes met mine. "What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry." I mumbled weakly back at him.

He gave a sigh and then grabbed me by the arms so I was crushed against his chest. "It scared me when he advanced on you.." He shuddered and I twisted out of his grasp.

"Let's go home." Hannah suggested, coming up beside me.


My parents were in hysterics when we got home, they fussed over us for a solid hour before I could be left alone again. I read for a while before I decided to clean my room which wasn't even dirty but I needed to do something. I wanted to sleep, to escape reality but that wasn't an option, especially when Colin wasn't here.

I was sitting on my bed when the door to my room opened and Colin came in. I jumped off the bed and threw my arms around him. Feeling him hesitate before he wrapped me up in his arms tightly. Burying my face in his chest I felt him lean down to rest his head on mine.

He was warm and safe. His intoxicating smell was burning my nose with delight and I felt a knot in my stomach.

"You okay?" He whispered in the silence.

Nodding I loosened my grip on him and blushed at what I'd done. I didn't like touching people, my own family included but here I was throwing my arms around Colin as if my life depended on it.

"Sorry." I told him shaking my head.

"Don't be." He smirked, "I'm here however you need me." He paused his eyes downcasting sadly before he looked at me again, "You're mom and siblings went out for patrol, so I'm watching you until they get back."

Sighing I narrowed my eyes on the ground, "Will you distract me? My books aren't working right now."

Colin laughed, "Sure, homework?" He pulled his backpack from the ground where he must have dropped it when I ambushed him, "Or something fun?"

Homework would have been an obvious choice for me but as I was looking for a distraction, why not have fun?

"Fun." I told him absolutely.

His smile widened and he gestured for me to follow him. He led me downstairs to the basement where my brother's and friends played video games. "Video games?" I questioned as I gave him an unconvinced look.

"Come on." He laughed patting the cushion next to him. I sighed and took the seat which is where he shoved a controller into my hands, "Don't worry if you're not any good. I won't laugh."

I narrowed my eyes on the screen and set up my hands to play. I'd show him.

"You.." Colin trailed off after the game had ended and I had to smile brightly at him, it felt normal. "" He said in disbelief. "You beat everyone."

Laughing I shoved him as another game started, "I don't want an advantage, so play."

We were still playing when people came down the stairs but I couldn't take my eyes off the game to see who it was. "Ha Ha." I trilled happily when I beat him again, "Guess who just won every game we played. I did." I laughed poking him in the side.

He was smirking as he shook his head, "Yeah, yeah I know."

We both jumped when a cough was heard at the foot of the stairs, Tommy, Chris and the rest of their friends were watching us, well more like staring. Tommy and Chris had looks of disbelief on their faces as they looked at me.

I dropped the controller and stood up, my bright and excited eyes dimming as I remember that I was being hunted. That Tommy had been hurt less than Four hours ago by the same guy that tried to kill me, that I wasn't the same person I was before.

"Um, thanks Colin." I gave him a small smile before I was pushing my way through the sea of guys and running up the stairs. I was almost to my room when I heard Colin behind me.

"Wait." He laughed, "You were amazing back there. Where did you learn to do that?"

With Colin it was easy to forget and that was what I'd wanted, it's what I've always wanted. "I used to be a huge gamer. With Tommy and Chris as brothers, there wasn't much else to do."

Colin smiled, "I want a rematch sometime, obviously give me a few days to prepare though."

Snorting I shook my head as I walked into my room and sat on my bed while he followed. "You think a few days will help?"

"Naw, but I can dream." He laughed picking up his backpack. "Homework?"

Nodding I grabbed my own books and settled myself up against the headboard. I left room for him to sit beside me but he just climbed on to the bed to sit across from me instead. Trying not to take offense to this I busied myself with my work.

"Do you know how to do this?" His voice broke our silence after only five minutes.

Narrowing my eyes I gave him an 'are you serious' look and he laughed handing me the paper in my outstretched hand. After explaining it I gave it back to him and watched him as he tried to do some.

His brown hair was in his eyes as he tilted it from side to side as he concentrated on the problem, his pencil tapped against his book while he scratched his head with a sigh. His jaw was clenched and his brown eyes were steady on the page so I knew he was focused.

Suddenly he looked up and met my gaze, I blushed and looked down. "Kitty." He laughed, "I can't concentrate if you just stare at me."

"I was just checking to see if you had any idea what you were doing." I shrugged my face still red.

"Right." He smirked, nudging his foot with mine. His phone beeped from his pocket and his sighed as he took it out. "Shit." He hissed, nearly jumping off the bed as he hastily packed his books into his bag.

"I've gotta go." He paused as he looked at me, his eyes holding some kind of meaning that I couldn't comprehend. "I'll pick you up for school tomorrow, your brothers have to run patrol with Spencer and some others."

"Okay." I nodded my pencil moving across the paper as I tried not to meet his eyes.

"Kat." He spoke and I froze as I looked to him again, he smiled, "Sleep tonight, okay?"

Shrugging I spoke softly, "I'll try."

He smirked, "See you later Kitty Kat." And he was gone.

I couldn't sleep. I refused to even try, knowing that if I did that the dreams would come back. It was nearly school time when I got up to get dressed so I didn't have time for breakfast. I was rushing down the stairs when I heard the sound of footsteps on the porch. Confused I opened the door and wasn't all that surprised to see Colin with his hand raised to knock.

"Ready?" He smiled brightly and I shook my head.

"Just a minute." I told him and ran into the kitchen where my dad was drinking his coffee and reading his paper, "I'm heading to school." I told him.

My dad glanced up but then did a double take, "Okay, kiddo- Kat?"

"Yeah dad?" I asked my voice lacing with confusion.

He stared at me for a long moment before shaking his head, "Have a nice day."

I made my way out to the foyer where Colin was patiently waiting, his hands in his pockets. "Ready now?" He asked as I walked past him to make my way outside. I nodded and he grinned following behind me.

"So," he started when we both were in the car and buckled, "I picked up breakfast." He handed me a donut and I drooled.

Taking the donut I muttered a quick "Thank you." before I was eating it. He laughed brightly and my face was red again in embarrassment. We arrived at the school in silence, not uncomfortable or awkward, it was nice. Everything with him was so innocent and careful.

Getting out of the car I walked to the school not expecting Colin to follow, but he did. "Did you like the donut?"

Smiling I nodded, "Yeah, it was pretty amazing."

"Good. I thought you might like it." He was smiling as we walked to class. My face was still red whether from the embarrassment of before or that fact that I could feel multiple eyes on us as we walked together down the hall.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Colin said as he followed me to my seat in the back of the class. He unzipped his bag and pulled out a long envelope. I looked at the return address and my eyes widened.

"NYU?" I asked as I dropped my bag and took the envelope, looking at it I saw his name on the front. "Did you apply?" I asked in confusion.

He shrugged, "Um, yeah. I know I can't go but you made me want to see if I could get in." His face flushed as he looked down, his eyes colliding with mine. "You inspire me Kitty. You make me want to be better. To try something new."

Butterflies flutter in my stomach and I could feel the new wave of heat flushing my cheeks. "Did you get in?" I whispered my eyes on the paper.

"I don't know." His voice was just as quiet, "I uh-I wanted to open it with you."

Handing him back the letter I gave him a small smile, "Open it."

"Now?" He asked surprise coating his words as he took the empty classroom. "How about after school, your house?"

"Sure." I shrugged as students started to file in. Making plans with Colin was something I never even dreamed of doing but now that we've made them, I found myself excited for them. Even if we were only finding out whether or not he got into NYU.

The day was going slow and I found myself watching the seconds tick by on the clock. The last hour was excruciating and I tapped my foot in time with the second hand as it ticked by.

Teegan looked up, "Someone is impatient today." She laughed.

Shrugging I pulled my book closer and tried to read, "I'm just ready to go home."

"Of course you are!" She exclaimed which earned us a glare from the table next to us in the library, "Sorry." She muttered sheepishly before turning back to me, "I also hate school but I didn't know that you did."

"I don't." I told her with a sigh, "Just want to go home."

She laughed again, "Finally something normal about you!"

My face heated up and I know that it was a stupid reaction but felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I always knew that I wasn't normal but having someone other than my family to say it was weird, making me self conscious.

"Shoot, I didn't mean that in a bad way." Teegan rushed, "Honestly I don't think I'd be able to stand you if you were normal. What I mean is, I like how you are." She sighed deeply and with the shake of her head the bell sounded overhead.

"It's fine Tee I understand what you meant." I told her with a half smile as I packed away my things quickly. I just wanted to see him.

I froze when I zipped up my bag. I'm not excited to see him, I can't be. This is getting out of hand. But he makes me feel normal or at least what I was like I was before. He brought out the me in me.

"Kat?" Teegan asked her voice giving away her concern. "You okay?"

Nodding I stood up and threw my backpack over my shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow." I waved and she nodded in agreement going left while I went right.

I was at my locker when I saw him. His Brown hair was an unruly mess on his head and my eyes met his from across the hall. He held them and I nearly laughed when he ran into a group of people. Averting my eyes I closed my locker and jumped when Spencer was leaning against it.

"Hey there, busy?" He asked amusement in his eyes.

"Um, what?" I asked as I walked around him, trying my best to ignore him now that he was now following me.

"I asked if you were busy, Malia really needs to see you." He whispered urgently.

Giving him a sigh and throwing one last look at Colin, who was watching us as Via glared at him, I gave in. "Fine, but only because I want to see how she is."

He smiled with relief, "Come on." He threw his arm over my shoulder and I shuddered in disgust. I shrugged off his hand causing him to give me a sideway glance while placing his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, I forgot that you don't like to be touched."

Nodding silently I got into the passenger's side of his car. 

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