Do You Think I Can Stop?

By QuarterHorseQueen

536 4 17


Do You Think I Can Stop?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17. (Final)

Chapter Three

31 0 0
By QuarterHorseQueen

Emonalee stared at the floor, wondering if he was actually going to help her through the voices. Louis was riding away from her house on his motorcycle, thinking the same thing, was she really going to help him through the voices. Emonalee sat on her spot on the floor, cleaned the blood off her razor and then she put it back in the drawer it was in previously. She heard the vibration of her phone on the dresser. She got up slowly and saw that an unfamiliar number was calling her.


'Hey, did you miss me?' The stranger said slowly.

'What are you talking about? Who is this?'

'Take a wild guess.'

'Umm, Lou?'

'There you go love.'

'How did you,' She looked at her phone, suddenly recognising the number he gave her a while ago but she never bothered to save.

'You gave it to me. We used to talk all the time, remember?'


'Well we did. Anyways, I was just calling to make sure that you didn't forget our little deal.'

'It was twenty minutes ago. Of course I didn't forget.'

'Good. Hey, quick question for you.'


'Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow?' He, who was currently leaned up against his motorbike at a small gas station, asked her while he took a drag off his cigarette.

'I, umm, Are you sure? Tomorrow?' She sat on her bed and glanced at the clock on her bedside table.

'Yeah, tomorrow, at, say, 6:30?'

'Umm, yeah, that would work. A-are you going to pick me up or?'

'Yeah,' He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped it under his boot. 'I'll be there at 6.'

'Umm, okay, I'll be ready.'

'Good. Bye love.' He said before hanging up, he slid his phone back into his pocket and opened the pack of smokes he just bought, he counted 19 and tossed the pack into the garbage bin.

"Nasty ass cancer sticks." He said to himself as he prepared to drive home.

Emonalee was thinking too hard. She had already picked out what she was going to wear on her little date. She just hoped that he was actually going to show up. She looked up at the ceiling and said six words that were so accurate, it was scary.

"Louis, you are such a dick."

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