What a Girl Wants | ✔

Od Jesseybaby

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Nicole, a.k.a skinny legs or virgin pants, was never really into Lucas Anderson. The guy who scored with ever... Více

Chapter One - How it all began...
Chapter Two - Ringtone man!
Chapter Three - Tonight we gonna be...
Chapter Four - There she goes...
Chapter Five - On the court and now you're playing...
Chapter Six - Defeat and giving in...
Chapter Seven - You lost me??!!?
Chapter Eight - You got me...
Chapter Nine - Getting closer...
Chapter Ten - Driving you crazy, it's my little game
Chapter Eleven - Teasing game, make you break and give in
Chapter Twelve - Split second of realisation...
Chapter Thirteen - Just shut up and kiss me!
Chapter Fourteen - Virgin pants
Chapter Fifteen - Cocky but lovable
Chapter Sixteen - The forest, the car and at school, does it matter where?
Chapter Seventeen - Finally told someone
Chapter Eighteen - Why do I confess these things?
Chapter Nineteen - Someone's happy...
Chapter Twenty - Deep thoughts.
Chapter Twenty One - Show me how much you missed me....
Chapter Twenty Two - Birthday sex
Chapter Twenty Three - She's in the draw....
Chapter Twenty Four - The Science block
Chapter Twenty Five - I knew it wasn't wise to fall for him...
Chapter Twenty Seven - Wish you were here...
Chapter Twenty Eight - You got it bad
Chapter Twenty Nine - Two is better than one...
Chapter Thirty - Could a girl ask for anything more?
Epilogue - Mine for good, and our extra trouble!
Secret Chapter
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Six - Cheesecake is a girl's heart life saver

112K 1.2K 258
Od Jesseybaby

Chapter twenty six – cheesecake is a girl's heart life saver

The second the car stopped I was gone. I ran into the house as fast as I could. When I stopped to open the door I felt something cool around my neck. My hand flew up to it and my heart tore even more.

I gritted my teeth and yanked it off even though it hurt my neck a little. I looked at it once more before throwing it off the veranda into the garden. I whimpered remembering I was wearing the stupid earrings that matched...his...eyes.

I ran to my room and pulled them out in a daze, I placed them back in the box and I jumped onto my bed. I hugged my pillow staring at the box.


'go away mum' I cried and she knocked on my door again.

'I want to know what happened'

'he lied to me mum'


'Lucas fucking Anderson' I yelled and I shoved my earphones into my ears blasting the music loud so I could hear anything, not even the soft whimpers of my breaking heart and my own tears rolling down my face.

I was lost. I wished, with everything in me, that today was a dream. That my mind was playing a sick horrible joke on me. Lucas wouldn't do this to me...would he? Could he bring himself to do this?

Somewhere in my mind a voice said that he should have followed me, tried to explain. But he didn't. He just froze letting me run away. I didn't want him to follow me.

Another voice said I did. That same voice was the part that was madly in love with him. Of course that voice wasn't going to be reasonable. It was being protective and it didn't care if my heart got torn into a million pieces.

Another voice told me I was stupid for ever doing anything about it. That I should have just left things the way they were. How did we even start? I couldn't remember. I couldn't draw to mind what had begun this.

Here I was, letting the one thing I thought I'd never find, drag me down. Whether I liked to admit it or not but Lucas, Lucas Anderson finally had ever part of my heart...

And he destroyed it.

I should have known better.

Lucas's POV

I called her name again and again. Why couldn't I move? I should be running after her but I was stuck on the spot. The room was deathly silent and no one bothered to speak up. Not even Carl.

Watching her turn away from me and run, like I was the worst thing that had ever happened to her, it tore me in more ways than one. Was it safe to say that when she ran away from me, she took my heart with her?

And to be honest I didn't want it back. I wanted her to have I it forever but my chances of that had just gone from extremely possible to not even if I was the last guy on the planet.

'right so drama filled there-' Carl started acting like nothing had just happened. I turned to face him, my jaw clenched tight and my anger boiling to my limits. He was the cause of this. Him.

He was the reason she was still in the draw. He was the reason she found out. He was the reason I just lost the thing that meant the most to me. And boy was he going to pay.

'what the fuck Carl?' Kyle spoke up stepping in front of Carl.


'they know now...we can't do this now. We should have never started this'

'but we did anyway-'

'it wasn't your right. Everyone in this room knows the rules yes?'

'of course'

'so why were there so many extra votes and better yet, why was Nicole put back in when a deal was finished?'

'it wasn't'

'are you seriously that blind?' Patrick stated rolling his eyes. I was still stuck on the spot death staring Carl as he moved, unobvious to me watching him.


'everyone knows that they've already slept together'

'yeah...after the bet ended'

'actually no, it was several days before' Kyle argued and I was thankful they were fighting too. No one else in the room was doing anything, just processing it all.

'what proof was there? Yeah so what if Lucas said they did but there was no initial proof'

'Carl' I spoke and everyone turned to look at me.

'what?' he rolled his eyes, not noticing I'd already moved towards him.

'fuck you!' I pulled my arm back, clenching my fist and let loose.

My hand flew forward giving Carl a right hook. He yelled out and went scrambling to the floor. I shook my hand from the slight pain but everyone looked at me shocked, even Kyle.

'that was for fucking up my life...this is for bring Nicole down too' I kicked him right in the balls.

He screamed clutching them and I rolled my eyes. Before anyone could do anything I was out of there. Kyle ran after me but I shook my head heading straight to the car park. I found Martha waiting impatiently against Kyle's car.

'Martha!' I called out and she turned to look at me.


'have you seen Nicole?' I said trying to catch my breath as I came to a stop in front of her.

'what? No, she's wi-'

'no she isn't'

'Lucas, breath. Tell me what happened'

'she found out something she wasn't supposed to-'

'you didn't cheat did you? God, I will kill you' she threatened advancing on me; I backed up shaking my head and holding my hands up.

'no I didn't, I swear'

'then what happened?'

'like I said she found out something she wasn't supposed to. Look long story short she jumped to conclusions and she took off'

'why? Lucas, that doesn't explain it'

'she found out about the draw'

'the draw?'

'this stupid thing where all the guys bid on girls they think a certain guy will sleep with'


'just forget about that part for now'

'what else happened?'

'she thinks I don't want her'

'well...do you?'

'of course I friggin do. I have for the last year and a half'

'she probably went home'


'yeah you know, the place we sleep every night'

'I know what it is' I rolled my eyes and she sighed.

'yeah but she probably won't be there for long'

'why not? Where will she go?'

'she'll convince her parents to let her go to her grandma's'


'it's what Nicole does. Look a few years ago her and I...we had a disagreement. We took things to the extreme and well I was going to apologise only to find out she went to her grandmas. Her mum says it's her little way of getting over things. Something about her grandma being what she needed'

'she can't go to her grandma's'

'oh but she will'

'when will she go?'

'probably tonight'

'tonight?!' I shrieked praying it wasn't true. She couldn't leave.

I needed to talk to her, sort this out. Clearly she was mistaken and I needed to prove I loved her. I really did, any blind person could see it.

'I'm sorry Lucas, okay I don't know what to say right now. I don't think you should go after her-'

'why not? Martha I love Nicole'

'you what?'

'there I said it. Martha, I love Nicole' I declared to the world but I looked back at Martha to see her staring at me shocked.

'oh this changes a lot'

'you think?' I said like it was obvious and she rolled her eyes.

'I'm sorry'

'just...just forget it' I grumbled walking away. I jumped into my car and revved the engine. I drove home as fast as I could. How could I deal with just letting her go?

Maybe Martha was right. If Nicole went to her grandma's for a while she'll come back with a clear mind. I'll prove to her what she means to me and beg her to take me back.

But I couldn't wait that long. I prayed that the man upstairs gave me the strength.

Nicole's POV

It was almost ten thirty pm. I'd just convinced mum to send me to grandmas. I was thankful. I didn't need to be going back to school and for some reason this time she was all for it. I remember the last time I went to grandma's because of something that happened to me. Sure I saw her all the time but I rarely ever did with school on.

The last time had been when I had this big fight with Martha. I couldn't even remember why we were fighting but after spending some time with my grandma and cousins, I soon came to realise that Martha was a true friend to me. My grandma always told me,

'a friend helps you up when you slip in the rain...but  a best friend takes the umbrella skipping ahead of you'

It was a stupid metaphor but it made sense. It was just assumed that your best friend knows everything about you. Besides while we'd been fighting Martha had become friends with June and in no time we were all a best friend trio.

'sweetie, it's nearly eleven. Your flight leaves at midnight' mum calls through my door. I was thankful that there was a late flight. Sure it was at midnight but I didn't care. It's not like I'd be able to sleep anyway. I grabbed my duffle bag full of my clothes and I turned. Just as I was about to open the door I looked at the earring box. I sighed picking it up and opened my door.

'are you okay?' mum asked zipping up her jumper and fixing her glasses.

'I can't have these' I said handing her the box. She gasped shaking her head.

'honey they were a gift'

'I can't'

'sweetie, I can't take these back. This was your birthday gift, keep them'

'no mum I can't. They're too much like him'

'oh' she said tightening her hold on the box. I bit my lip harshly stopping myself from crying.

She hastily followed me and put the earring box on the table and she grabbed her car keys. I took a deep breath walking out the front door. I threw my bag into the car and jumped into the front seat.  Mum drove quickly to the airport but then again there was hardly anyone on the roads.

We fast approached the airport. Mum walked me in carrying my bag for me. I held myself tightly in my knitted jumper. It smelled like grandma. The clothes I were wearing, loose jeans, a white tank top and the jumper, were the only things I could find that didn't smell like him. It was like he was everywhere.

Mum grabbed my ticket for me and walked me to security. They let her in with me even though she never asked. I was thankful because I had a feeling I was going to cry any minute now. She walked me to the gate my flight was at, and I noticed not many people sitting around waiting for that same flight.

I took a seat closest to the ramp leading down to the airport road with mum to my left and my bag near my feet.

'are you sure about this Nicole?' mum asked taking my hand from my stomach. I nodded.

'I'm sure. I just need...time'

'you can have all the time in the world sweetie. Having a broken heart isn't the easiest of things, trust me I know'

'I know mum'

'I'll call the school and let them know. I'm sure Martha knows where you're going and June will find out. What do you want me to do if...Lucas shows up?'

'don't say his name' I mumbled blinking back my tears.

'okay I won't. But what do you want me to do?'

'tell him to go away'

'I can't do-'

'yes you can mum, for me?'

'okay, for you'

'thank you mum' I mumbled resting my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.

'I can have the earrings changed, if you want?' she whispered in my ear, kissing my hair soothingly. I nodded letting a few tears escape onto her shoulders.

'any colour in particular?' she asked when I pulled away. I hugged myself again.

'anything but green'

'okay' she said understanding perfectly.

'excuse me, you would be Nicole Right would you?' a lady asked in front of me. I looked up at the flight attendant and smiled weakly. Mum stood up to greet her.

'yes that's my daughter' she started and the lady nodded.

'ah yes, my names Bethany and I'm going to be with you for your flight'

'oh it's a pleasure to meet you Bethany' mum said smiling and they shook hands.

'I'm aware that you are old enough to fly by yourself but I was just over there and I thought I could help you out tonight on your flight'

'you would?' mum asked surprised. I was eighteen and I could fly by myself, I was the legal age. Btu I guess the lady had a point, I probably looked like a mess and would most definitely need the company or just someone to help me out.

'yes, not many are on this flight so it'll be easier to keep an eye on her'

'thank you so much'

'it's in my utmost pleasure'

After mum hugged me to death and I waved to her as I descended the ramp with a few people following behind me the flight attendant followed me silently. She was nice and she was gorgeous. She looked like the type of girl who would be fit for him, not me.

When I boarded the flight she offered me something to drink. I just asked for water and she disappeared returning with a small bottle and a plastic cup. After I took it she sat down next to me buckling her seat belt. I took a quick sip of water before doing that too.

When we were in the air I felt myself relax a little. She smiled at me and I smiled back weakly. It was warmish but I felt cold.

'you aren't too cold are you?' she asked as if reading my mind.

'no I'm fine'

'if there's anything I can get you...don't hesitate to ask me'

'I won't'

We sat silent for a while before I spoke up again. It had been driving me insane, just sitting here itching to talk to her. She smiled listening to me.

'have you ever been broken?' I asked shocked I'd just asked a stranger that.

'several times'


'yep, shocking I know. Everyone thinks I've got everything to keep a guy interested but honestly if that was true then why am I still heartbroken?'


'why? Are you?'

'you could say that'

'you're still in school right?'

'yep, last year'

'don't worry there's plenty more guys out there. Probably better than he is'

'but that's the thing. He's perfect. No one is ever going to match him' I said honestly and I felt the tears on the verge of spilling.

'what did he do?'

'he lied'

'about what? ...oh I'm sorry I shouldn't be asking this'

'no, it's okay. I need to tell someone'

'okay, well what his name? I know it's irrelevant but still...I'll warn other girls to stay away from me'

She added the last part in hopes to get me to laugh. I did, only a little though. It felt good to laugh.

'his name is...Lucas Anderson'

'Lucas?!' she shrieked looking at me shocked.

'oh god, you know him?'

'he's my sisters son'

'he's your nephew?'

'I didn't know he was dating anyone'

'no one did. We only just started on Sunday'

'then why are you so torn up?'

'because...well we've been friends for a while now and then...then he...'

'did he take your virginity?'

'he did'

'doesn't sound like something he'd do'

'I know. He used to tell me all the time'

'so what? You basically started liking him?'

'something along those lines'

'and did he...like you back?'

'that's what he told me' I sighed questioning whether he'd been telling me the truth then or not.

'well you know I received a call from him a few weeks ago, he was talking about this girl. Well I guess I know who the girl is now'


'it's you, silly' she laughed nervously and my brows knitted together.


'yeah and I don't mean to bring back horrible memories or something like that but he said he really did fall for you'

'no he didn't. He lied to me' I said completely emotionless as I looked back out the window.

'it hurts right?'

'like nothing I've ever felt'

'did you love him?'

'...with everything I had' I whimpered letting a few tears fall down.

'don't cry. Hey how about cheesecake? Vanilla?'


'cheesecake mends a broken heart. And ice-cream too. I'm guessing it's your first heart break right?'

'yeah' I said frowning again as she stood up excited.

'every girl does this. I'll be back in a sec'

I nodded watching her take off to the flight attendants head quarters on the plane and I waited all of five minutes.

She returned carrying two small ice-cream tubs and half a cheesecake. She placed them down disappearing again only to return with spoons, forks and a knife.

'so seeing as it's your first time, I'll let you cut the cheesecake' she said handing the knife to me and opened the cheesecake container for me.


'just cut it in half'

'alright' I said putting the knife smack bang in the middle. I smiled as she put one on a separate little plate I hadn't even noticed she'd brought over. She handed me a spoon and dug into her own. I looked at the cheesecake, it smelled nice. My hand shook with the spoon in it.

'come on, trust me cheesecake is a girl's heart life saver' Bethany encouraged and I smiled taking a spoonful in my mouth.

Truth be told, it did make me feel better. To have something so delicious slid down my throat and then the after taste. Unable to help myself I shovelled more into my mouth. Maybe food was a girl's heart life save. Ugh I hope I don't get fat!


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