Date Night

By initialfindings

34.1K 997 202

Its date night for our favorite Morgenstern (unless you like Sebastian or Valentine more, which I doubt you d... More

TMI SPIN: A Morgenstern and Herondale Date
Date Prep
A Not So Romantic Pre Dinner
A Walk in the Park...yeah, right
Really?! I Told You, WE ARE OUT OF COMMISION!!!!!!!!!
Jace Herondale/Lightwood/Wayland...(whatever) to the rescue
Drowning in Ichor
Just read this for the sake of reading

A Not So Major Failure Date

2.6K 93 34
By initialfindings

I'm thrilled ENORMOUSLY (see the capital letters? ;p) about all the comments, reads and votes I'm getting though I wish you guys wouldn't be so negative. Anyways, I still LOVE all of you and truly appreciate it.

I'm reaching the end of this book already so if you guys have any ideas or request for a TMI SPIN short story for me to write, message me on Twitter or Wattpad and I'll see what I can do. ILYASM thanks and enjoy this chap. @_@

PS: I love random emoticons. (Random!)


(Clary's POV)

Clary had watched with a sickening horror as the demon practically tackled Jace and both had fallen into the pond water, still fighting.

She tried to get up but her ankle felt painful. Twisted, maybe.

Taking a deep breath, Clary dragged herself to the edge of the pond, prepared to jump in if necessary.

A line of water sprites had gathered on the edge, half looking at Clary warily while the other half staring into the water.

The water was way too muddy to see properly. She only relied on the ripples of the water that appeared non stop, telling her that Jace was fighting. Alive.

Her hopes were dashed to smithereens when she saw dark liquid mixing with the pond's murkier water. Blood.

Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.

Please not let it be Jace's, Clary thought in horror.

The ripples had stopped, the water returning still, stagnant and calm again.

"No! Jace?!" Clary screamed, about to jump in.

The water sprites hissed and screeched angrily at her, not allowing her to enter.

"Get out of the way before I step on you!" Clary growled.

Great, Clary thought. Now I sound just like Jace. Threatening poor fae.

One of the sprites rolled its eyes and pointed one pastel blue finger to the murky water.

A second later, the ripples returned and a hand - human, thank the Angel - broke through the surface and grabbed onto the edge.

Half a second later, Jace's wet head popped out. He gasped for air as he hauled himself up, water running in rivulets down his face and clothes.

"Jace!" Clary breathed in relief and helped him out.

His hand was freezing cold and wet but she didn't mind.

He was alive. He was with her. He was alive. Not the demon....right?

Clary pushed that thought away from her mind and threw her arms around Jace, hugging him tightly.

"Do that again and I'll make Magnus put glitter in your hair and sparkles on your clothes." she gasped, hugging him tighter. She felt water seep to the front of her dress but she didn't mind. All that mattered was that it was Jace

He returned the hug, a vibration of a laugh running through him and into Clary, warm and familiar.

She could feel Jace's heart pounding against her and she smiled.

Nobody's heart beat like Jace's and no one's ever could.

"Oh, no." he said, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

Clary laughed and looked back at him, her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Her eyes caught sight of the red blossom blooming on the side of his shirt which was in shreds.

"Your ribs," Clary gasped in horror, looking at it.

Jace looked down at it and sucked in a deep breath as if seeing it for the first time. Maybe he was.

"That damn demon must have got me. THAT must have been what was hurt. I taught it was my ego and my manly manliness, getting a Shax tackling me." Jace said, looking at the cut, annoyed.

"Do you need an iratze on it?" Clary asked, scooting closer. The action hurt her ankle but she had bigger problems now.

But Jace noticed her wince and his forehead creased. "Are you hurt? Where?" Jace asked, his voice full of worry and love.

Clary utterly burst into tears and she threw herself onto his shoulder. It must be 'that special time' of the month for her. She was so emotional.


"Please never do that again." she sobbed before pulling away. Now she felt silly. Shadowhunters didn't cry.

"Yes...yes. Now, where are you hurt?" Jace said hastily.

"Just my ankle. Let me do you first." Clary said and immediately regretted her choice of words.

Jace grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Sure. You can start. I'm ready."

Clary thwacked him lightly in the shoulder. "Regrettable choice of words. You know that's not what I mean, Jace."

"Now I'm just disappointed." Jace muttered before winking at her.

Clary rolled her eyes. "Lift up your shirt."

"Can you handle my magnificence?" he joked, rolling his shirt up.

"I can handle your shirtlessness, your Majesty. Let me see that."

There was a shallow but long cut on Jace's side. She had to keep her eyes focused on the wound instead of his golden skin and his perfectly carved, muscles...

She took his stele from him and gently pressed the blunt tip to his side.

With a careful arm, she slowly drew an iratze on the side and watched in amazement as the torn skin knitted back together.

Jace exhaled in relief ad the pain subsided. He immediately took his stele from Clary and skillfully drew an iratze lightly on her ankle.

The first touch of the iratze was a burning sensation, a a superheated needle tracing her skin. Then the pain subsided to a pleasing warmth which soon radiated to her whole body.

She looked down and saw that Jace had also drawn a warming rune on her ankle.

"Better?" he said.

She could already feel her ankle returning to normal.

"Much, thanks."

Jace got to his feet and gently pulled Clary to her feet with him.

"Walk back to the Institute with me. I'm sure Isabelle has some clothes to spare." Jace said hopefully.

"I don't know, Jace. It's way past my curfew and...fine. What the hell. Sure." Clary sighed. "But none of Isabelle's clothes." Clary said, thinking of when she first woke up in the Institute and Isabelle had leant her a top with a plunging neckline and pants with too long length.

When Clary looked to Jace, she could tell he was thinking of the same thing to. There was a smug smile on his face.

"Hey," Clary said. "No dirty thoughts around me."

Jace chuckled but said nothing.

When they arrived at the Institute, Isabelle was there to greet them.

He eyes widened at Jace's wet state and Clary's disheveled one.

She pursed her lips, looking at the couple with and eyebrow raised.

"Um...I take it the date went well?" she said.

Clary smiled, saying "Best date ever." as Jace said "Horribly."

Isabelle looked at the two of them and whisked them into the kitchen for something hot to drink - not made by Isabelle, thank goodness.

"So? What happened?" Isabelle asked, clutching her cup of hot tea.

Jace broke into a vague retelling of this evenings events while Clary would jump in and add some unnecessary details.

Sometimes, Isabelle would smile or her forehead would crease when they got to the parts like the bitchy faerie waitress whose name Clary found out to be Santiana and the demon attack.

"Just don't tell Alec about this. The man can't keep a secret." Jace sighed.

"Who can't keep a secret?" Just then, Alec walked in, wearing a crumpled and creased shirt he probably slept in and a pair of loose jeans. Clary thought how funny it seemed that Lightwoods seemed to always show up on the scene when mentioned, thinking about Isabelle in the training room this evening.

"You," Jace said, again disappointing Clary in his lack of skills to tell a lie. The last things she needed was for Alec to accidentally retell this incident to her mother.

"I can keep a secret! And - why are you wet?"

"I went dancing in the rain." Jace said so sarcastically Clary thought they could all drown in it.

"Why would you do that? You could've gotten the flu or a fever or - oh. You were joking. Okay. So what really happened?" Alec asked, as he sat down next to his sister, leaning forward.

Jace opened his mouth but Clary beat him to it. "A few stupid water sprites pulled Jace down into Central Park pond." she said casually.

"Central Park pond? Did you see any duckies, Jace?" Alec teased.

Jace scoffed. "I'm going to go change. Coming Clary?"

Clary followed after Jace, afraid that Isabelle or Alec would press her for further answers. She heard Isabelle and Alec chuckle behind them.

"So," Jace said, as they walked towards his room. "How did my ex, a bloody Shax demon attacking us and me nearly dying turn tonight into the 'best date ever'?"

"I have my reasons." Clary said.

"Enlighten me, Clary."

"Well, for one thing, you were with me and we were enjoying a dinner without Downworlder or Valentine interference and you brought me to see annoying and R-rated water sprites." she said, leaning against Jace's arm. "And, I got to spend time with you."

Jace chuckled, caressing her hair and dipping down to kiss her hair.

The moment they were in Jace's room, he shrugged off his ruined wet shirt and pulled over a dry, black shirt.

"Aren't you gonna take a bath?" Clary asked as she watched Jace free the entrapped strands of hair in his shirt.

"After I walk you back. I can tell that Jocelyn is probably fuming at home so before she turns volcano, I better get you back,"

"Fine. But one more thing before you send me back to my loving, over protective mother." Clary said, taking a few steps closer until she was pressed against his warm, broad chest.

"Hmm?" Jace said, running a hand through his damp golden hair.

"Kiss me,"

Jace smiled and wrapped an arm around Clary before his mouth gently descended on hers, kissing gently and lovingly.

Clary wrapped her arms around his neck and wished that this peacefulness that was free of evil Shadowhunters and Mortal Instruments kidnappings would stay forever.

But of course, nothing golden stays.


(Author's POV)

Of course, because Clary got home only at half past one, she was given the sucky ten o'clock curfew by Jocelyn that you see in CoFA and Jace was given a long rant about her daughter's safety and punctuality and blah blah blah.


There you have it, lovelies, the first book of my TMI SPIN. It's been great hearing from you guys and I truly enjoyed writing this. Send in ideas for TMI SPINS and I'll write them. All credit goes to the amazing Cassandra Clare.



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