In Love With the Enemies

By catsRULEdogsDROOL

75.7K 1.7K 300

The only life under thinking, confused Maroon remembers, is her life with Viva. Maroon's life takes a dramat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Twelve

3.2K 89 11
By catsRULEdogsDROOL

“Viva,” Maroon breathed, her heart pounding. “What are you doing here?”

“I missed you.” Viva whispered, placing an hand onto her forehead and brushing her black hair behind her ear. He ran the tip of his nose against her jaw before inhaling her scent. She shivered. 

“I see you don’t though.” Viva whispered, his hand sliding around her waist and pulling her to him. She was terrified. With all the gained knowledge from Caleb, she couldn’t imagine what Viva would do now. Especially that he saw her throw out the one things that truly still connected her to him.

His teeth started to brush against her neck, rising goosebumps and making her shiver again.

When Maroon felt his teeth start to poke at her skin, she quickly spoke up, hoping to stop him.

“Did you kill Olivia Wilder?” 

Viva stopped. His teeth hovered over her neck before he pulled away, sighing. He looked into her scared green eyes with his black ones, showing that he hadn’t fed in a while.

“No.” Viva plainly answered. He was lying, she could tell.

“You’re lying.” Maroon replied harshly, scowling at him. “Caleb told me everything. About how you tricked her into loving you until you got bored of her and killed her. How you are doing the same to me. You never loved me! You were using me! You bastard! You took me from my family! My sister! She’s dead because of you Viva! I hate you!” Maroon screaming, pounding her fists against his chest as he didn’t seem fazed by it, but the look in his eyes showed otherwise. 

Maroon stopped her hands and started to back away. A low growl threatened in his voice as he advanced towards her. She backed away, hitting the dresser and knocking the lamp over.

“What is going on in here?” Duke suddenly spoke, entering the room, face stern and angry as he suddenly spotted Viva. But before Duke could do anything, Viva sped over and bit into his neck, sucking him dry.

Maroon watched in horror, her eyes large with fright as she watched her once love, kill someone before her eyes. She was shaking with fear and tears threatened her eyes as she watched Viva carelessly release Duke and let him crumble to the floor, lifeless.

Maroon let out a squeak as her eyes stared at Duke as he laid motionless on the ground. She moved a hand to her mouth, terrified. Her eyes went up to meet Viva’s now red ones, as he stalked towards her, blood staining his lips and chin. 

She backed away, screaming, “Stay away, Viva! I’m warning you. If you touch me–”

“Do what? Call on Caleb? He isn’t even here, Maroon. No one is here. But me.” Viva haunted, smirking as he started to walk towards her, his eyes piercing into hers. Tears fell from her eyes as she watched him walk towards her.

This is what Caleb was talking about. How Viva tricked you into loving him then finally killing you. It was my turn. I was going to die. If only I had listened to Caleb. 

“Maroon.” Viva whispered, finally reaching her and grabbing her forearms to stop her from backing away from him. The sight of him was horrifying Maroon. She was going to die.

She drooped her head and started to sob, “Please don’t kill me Viva. I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” Maroon begged, falling to her knees. She crying, begging for her life while Viva stood in front of her, not moving. She didn’t want to die. Maybe before she had considered it, but finally understanding her connection with Caleb, she didn’t want to ever lose him. 

Viva grabbed Maroon’s arms and lifted her roughly up and pushed her against the wall. It didn’t hurt though as Viva seemed to place a hand behind her head to cushion the blow. He then grabbed the sides of her face and forced her to look into his red eyes.

“I would, never, hurt you Maroon. Ever! I love you and you love me too.” Maroon shook her head, but Viva tightened his grip, not enough to hurt her, but to disable her head from moving. “I know you do. Caleb has just tricked you, making you trust him and believe him. He is evil, he just wants you to think I am the evil one. I’m not. I know you know that Maroon. You are smart.” Viva said, pressing his cold lips to hers. She didn’t kiss him back, but didn’t fight him either, as his lips moved against her solid ones.

Tears tickled down her face and she whimpered in Viva’s hold. “Please, don’t.” She said as his lips finally pulled away from hers. Viva stared into her eyes and moved to her neck like she predicted he would.

“Viva. Please.” But it was to late. She could already feel the familiar pain as his teeth punctured her neck, cutting deep into her tender skin and drinking her. 

She cried out a bit, weakening in his arms. His grip tightened as he pulled her closer, biting harder, causing her to cry out again. 

She felt her eyes slowly closing but couldn’t help but feel deja vu as his teeth finally pulled from her neck and he licked his lips and fangs. Viva kissed her ripped flesh and picked her up, carrying her bridal style in his arms. 

“I love you Maroon. You will always be mine.” Viva whispered into her ear before she felt her eye lids get heavier and heavier until they finally closed and the world disappeared. 

Just thought I'd add this, just for you Akarui. :) Hope you enjoyed it! 

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Thanks again!

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