Coffee Eyes {Narry Fanfiction}

By fadingheart

272 6 2

Harry Styles. A cigarette-smoking, sex-having druggie, covering that with a preppy, straight-A mask. Niall Ho... More

Coffee Eyes {Narry Fanfiction}

Chapter One: Intro

43 4 0
By fadingheart

It had been a long day at school, and I just wanted it to be over. I straightened the sleeves of my smooth, black cardigan, and sat up from my slouched position. The hard, molded blue chair was uncomfortable under my bum, but I sat on it, impatiently waiting for class to be over.

"Now, class," instructed Mr. Harrison, "I'm going to call you by name, in which you will hand me your book report, and file out of the classroom." He always let us out early, being a fairly lazy teacher, only in his late twenties.

He started with the A's, going in alphabetical order by last name. Finally, he reached to the S's.

"Harry Styles!" he said, as I stood up, collected my things, and walked to the front of the classroom. I handed him my report, flashing him a slight smile.

I was known as a bright student, all A's, behaving like a star pupil. Always dressed for the best, always looking my finest. It was an interesting factoid, seeing as though I was a fairly mischievous child, always upsetting my teachers and misbehaving. But, once I got into high school, I was perfect.

Once I got to my locker, the bell rang, dismissing the rest of the school, and signalling the end of all of the classes. I took all of my necessary notebooks and textbooks, packed up my backpack, and made my way to the parking lot. Stepping into my Prius, I slammed the door, started the car, and drove away.

I pulled into the driveway, and got out of the car. Opening the door, I tossed my keys into the bowl, and made my way into the basement. I opened my door and the smell of incense and candles tickled my nose.

I then sat down at my desk, and began working on my homework.


After dinner, it was around ten o'clock when I changed from my pajamas to a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a rustled Ramones tee, an olive beanie, and some black vans. I slipped my lip and eyebrow rings in, slipped my pack of cigarettes into my back pocket, and walked out of my room.

Once out of my room, I met with Hayley, my twin sister, in the hallway, and we snuck out of the house together. Seeing as though we lived on a farm of sorts, we were at least twenty minutes away from the nearest town. We went through the forest next to our house, and made our way to the run-down house that had been abandoned before I was even born.

"Ay, Hayley and Harry are here!" yelled Chris. Sitting on a torn-up couch was Chris, a 21 year old with pale skin and brown scruffy hair, Kayla, a 18 year old with pink and blond hair and a large smile, and Tristen, a 17 a Korean boy with sweepy, caramel hair.

This is where I felt the most comfortable. Not with the football team, or doing my homework. No. I was most comfortable taking hits from a bong with a bunch of high-school dropouts.

"So, where's Amber?" I asked, slumping onto the couch and smirking. Amber was the oldest member of our group, and by far the hottest. Being 17 and an obnoxious know-it-all at school, I wasn't exactly wanted by many girls. However, Amber, well, she and I frequently had sex. Loud, crazy, and out of control. Rough, that was how she liked it.

"Oh, didn't ya hear?" said Chris, a mischievous smirk pulling at his lips. I immediately felt fear flow through my body, and I felt myself jolt forwards.

"She's just sick," answered Kayla, smacking Chris, "Stop being such a fuckin prick." I fell back into the couch, glaring at Chris. Ugh, he was so fucking annoying sometimes, I swear. And always to ME. I mean, I broke up with him two years ago! The fucker's gotta let it go sometime.

Pulling a cigarette out, I handed one to Hayley. Lighting it, I let the smoke envelope me. It'd been less than 24 hours since I'd smoked a fag, yet it felt like forever. I just sat there, tuning out my friends' talking, and smoked, sitting in the absolute silence of my own mind.

Putting out the cigarette butt, I pulled out my phone. 1:02. Hayley and I both had school tomorrow, so I took a deep breath, and stood up. Hayley stood with me, and we all said our goodbyes before Hayley and I snuck through the darkness, and into the bright lights of our little, country home.


Taking a rough, deep shower to cleanse myself of that cigarette smoke smell, I readied myself for the day, putting on grey pants, a black v-neck, and a grey cardigan. I slipped on grey Keds, grabbed my back-pack and headed out of the house.

I parked into the school parking lot, and got out of the car. Stepping onto the school grounds, I felt myself grow even more tired. It was exhausting, pretending to be this pretty, perfect boy. But, it wasn't exactly like I had a choice.

Sitting in my assigned seat for first period, I waited for Miss Charles, my economics teacher. She finally walked in, about half an hour after class was supposed to start. Although that wasn't unusual, what she had with her was strange.

Walking sulkily behind her was a blond boy, his skin pale and very well reflected against the dark colors he was wearing. A white v-neck with a black leather-jacket, black skinny jeans and black Keds. Damn, was this boy hot.

Clearing her throat, Miss Charles began to speak. "Hello, class, this is our new classmate, Niall Horan. Uh, Niall you can go sit next to Marissa there," she said, pointing to the blonde girl behind me. I smirked to myself, thinking about the kind of guy Niall was. A player, a girl chaser. Too bad Marissa was a lesbian.

Rolling her eyes, Marissa moved her books to the other side of her desk. But what surprised us all, is that Niall didn't seem to make any moves on Marissa. No sexy side smirk, no wink, no body language of the sort. Now, understanding that Marissa is a lesbian, she was extremely attractive, which is why it was such a surprise.

The only thing that made sense was that he was gay, but seeing him? It didn't make sense. Shaking those thoughts to the side, I opened my text book, and listened to Miss Charles drone on.

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