His Ghetto Flower

By IzzyRam

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Isabel has a hard time trusting anyone, especially guys. Seeing her mother go through relationship after rela... More

His Ghetto Flower
Night out
Richmond Avenue
Car Clubs
After Party
Safe Haven
Auto Shop
Butterfly Filled Heads
Girls' Day
Super Heroes
Mind Games
Not going down without a fight

Too Late...

57 4 3
By IzzyRam

"If any of you see me making out with a hot guy don't stop me." Vicky states as she's putting on lipstick. "Only stop me if he's ugly as fuck or I will be pissed."

"Yes, captain." Sylvia replied, not even really paying attention. Vicky has been giving us all rules for the night and we all stopped listening five rules ago.

"What if we know that guy has a girlfriend?" Carol questioned. 

Vicky took longer than I expected for her to answer. "Ok, you can stop me too."

"What if he is rumored to have an STD." I asked, obviously knowing the answer Vicky would give me.

"That too."

"What if we know he has many baby mamas." I asked, starting to have fun with this. She clearly said she didn't want to be bothered to a very minimal tonight, but come on, I won't let her throw all of her standards out the window just because it's her birthday. 

"Okay, okay that too." Vicky sighed. "Just go with your gut if you need to pull me away from someone and you have a good reason I won't be mad at you." I smirked in the mirror in her direction. She should have known better for thinking we were just going to let her do what she wanted no matter what day it was. 

We were all in my room getting ready for Vicky's party that was happening at Paco's place. Somehow she got him to agree and I think she used Carol as a bargaining chip. Vicky had been planning this for months and Paco only agreed two weeks ago. 

I looked in the mirror to do a last minute check on my hair, makeup and outfit. I wore a little more makeup than usual, but not over doing it. I left my hair down, but it was pin straight  and my outfit was nothing special. Black high waisted shorts that were maybe a tad bit shorter than usual with a black crop top and strappy sandals. I didn't want to wear heels because I was planning on dancing the night away and be on my feet throughout out the whole night. I just hoped Yuca like my look for the night.

"Damn girl I'd hit that for sure." Sylvia said while slapping my butt and stood next to me in the mirror. I bumped her shoulders with my own and smiled. 

While Sylvia and I were taking selfies in the mirror, I got a text from Yuca saying that they were waiting outside.

"Come on they're here." The excitement started to build up just knowing he was outside waiting for me. I could hardly contain myself from running into his arms. 

When we opened the door Paco, Raymond and surprisingly Diego who was suppose to be Vicky's date standing at the doorway all cleaned up and looking good but it didn't go unnoticed by me that someone was missing.

"Where's Yuca?" 

Raymond pointed with his thumb in the direction towards the car before walking past me to enter the house with the girls. 

I walked to the curb where the car would be parked when I saw him. He was leaning against his car door wearing his typical dark jeans, with a white tee, hair slick back and bandanna hanging out his pocket, and smelling a single red rose. Walking towards him, he was checking me out under his hooded eyes, making me suddenly blush and feeling nervous. 

"Hey baby." He called to me when I got closer when I stopped a foot away from him. 

"Hey". I smiled.

He took a step towards me, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He immediately engulfed me with kisses. My cheeks, my lips, my neck and making me giggle.

"Yuca, you're not even gonna tell me I look nice or anything?" I asked teasingly. "Some romantic you are."

"Really?" He looked me in my eyes. "I need to tell you in words instead of just eating you up because you look so good?"

"It's nice to hear sometimes." I said quietly while running my fingers through his hair.

"Baby." He looked at me up and down. "You look so fucking good. Let me see spin around."

"No, for what?" I asked laughing.

"Please?" He pouted at me "I can't give an honest opinion unless I see all of you."

I raised a brow, knowing damn well that he was now teasing me.

"I'll give you a present." He tried convincing me again.

Who was I kidding, he knows how to get what he wants from me.

I started to spin slowly and stopped when my back was towards him and looked over my shoulder. Not that he noticed because he wasn't looking at my face. When we were standing face to face again, he grabbed my arm and began kissing me like earlier.

"Yuca! What do you think?" Giggling louder and trying to push him off me. 

"I think Imma get blue balls tonight" He mumbles in the crook of  my neck.

"Oh God, can you please sleep with him and put him out of his misery." Diego said from behind us. "I'm tired of making his cold packs for his penis."

Shocked at what he said I couldn't help but laugh. My poor boyfriend,  how I make him suffer. 

"Shut up Diego." Yuca said smiling.

"Let's go." Vicky screamed, running down the sidewalk. "We want to be late, but I don't want to get there when the party is about to end, people." 

All three guys came in their own cars so the girls got in the car that belonged to their guy. Yuca opened the passenger door for me, but he stopped me before I got in and gave me the flower he was holding earlier.

"This is for you."

"Thanks. It's beautiful."

"Just like you."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes playfully. "A flower will always be prettier."

"Not if you're a flower too." He winked.

"Now I'm your flower too?"

"Yeah, my little ghetto flower."

"Sounds more like me." I laughed.

Paco's place was packed when we got there. That was the reason why Vicky wanted to have her party here. Paco knew how to throw a party. Everyone was dancing, eating, drinking, and playing beer Pong. While no one was allowed upstairs the whole first floor and backyard was jammed with people and we were having the time of our lives.

I danced with the girl's under Yuca's watchful eyes, which was my way of seducing him. I could tell by the way he was looking at me that it was working. He hadn't been able to kiss me like he did by his car tonight and I knew he was soon to pull me away from the crowd. I just wanted to see how long he could last before actually doing that. 

It didn't take long before he picked me up, took me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter while I wrapped my legs around his waist. The kitchen was empty because all food and beverages were outside by the barbeque pit. I tangled my hands in his hair and kissed him on the neck and hearing him moan gave me more courage and turned me on. He put his hand inside my shirt, touching my back and started rubbing circles. Suddenly he pulled my face away from his, out of breath like I was and he rested his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.

"You drive me fucking crazy." He said out of breath.

"Good." I said then I grabbed him again, wanting to continue the make out session but he pulled my face away again.

"We need to stop."

"But why?" I pouted. 

He stepped a little bit back and looked down to his pants. "They're starting to turn blue." He replied in a husky voice."

Realizing what he meant I started to freak out. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I forgot." I said rushed. I covered my face with my hands horrified.

 How could I keep doing this to him and not give him any?

"It's ok. Just give me a minute." He kissed my hands that were still covering my face.

"I'm sorry I keep making you wait. It's just..." I started to say, but Yuca stopped me.

"Isabel, it's ok." He laughed and grabbed my hands to move them from my face. "I don't mind."

"Doesn't it hurt though?"

"Yeah." He scoffed. "Like a bitch."

"I'm sorry." Feeling horrible that I make him go through this.

"Will you stop I said it's okay." He chuckled.

"But I keep doing this to you, because I can't make up my mind."

"Luckily for you I ain't no bitch and I can handle it." He said sounding proud of himself.

"But you shouldn't have to."

"I know I don't have to but I want to." He said softly. "So just stop worrying about it."

It was right then and there that I knew how much of a coward I truly was. Here was the guy that has been patient with me, didn't force me to ever do anything, has done nothing but try to be there for me and love me as I am, and I couldn't even build up the courage to tell him how I felt. He was going through all of this with me and he didn't even know if I loved him or not.

"Isabel, I'll wait until you're ready."

"But why?" 

Come on, girl! You know why!

"Because I love you." He kissed me.

That was the second time he had told me that he loved me and I'm sure he kissed me so I wouldn't have to feel like I needed to say it back. There was no denying that he had my fucking heart and Diego's words ran through my head.

Put him out of his misery.

I pulled back from kissing him and whispered in his ear. "I love you too."

His face shocked and he didn't say anything for a second. "What?" Yuca asked. 

"I love you." 

He smiled at me with his eyes shining and kissed me again so tenderly. He held my face in his hands and kissed me with no lust, not sexual. It didn't feel like a kiss with need or want.  The way he kissed me it felt like he was handling me with care, delicate and it was soft. It felt like love.

"I thought you would never say that to me." He said and my heart broke for him. 

"Did you really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I thought we would grow old together and people would feel sorry for me because you didn't love me and you would abuse me." He said with a hint of a smile.

"Then why would we be growing old together if you thought I didn't love you."

"Because I would love you enough for the both of us." He whispered, looking at our hands while entwined.

"But I'm pretty sure you've had my heart from the beginning. I just didn't know it."

"And you have mine." He kissed both of my hands and smiled at me.

"What the fuck are you guys doing? Paco said coming into the kitchen holding multiple bags in his hands. "You know I eat on those counters. Nasty."

"Shut up we weren't doing anything." I said laughing.

"Better not, because I will have you sanitize this whole house." I rolled my eyes at Paco because he made it seem like he caught us naked or something.

"There you two are. Come on, let's play beer Pong." Vicky grabs my hand, push Yuca and pulls me down the counter.

"Isabel and Yuca against Diego and I." She says while pulling us outside. She was already slurring her words.

"Yuca don't want none of this. He know's I'm the people's champ." Diego slurred looking at us standing by the beer Pong table.

"Calm down Rock." Yuca patted Diego's back. "I can take you with my eyes closed."

The guys started setting up the cups on the table when I turned to Vicky.

"I have to pee."

"Me too." She slurs. "Boys, we will be back. Potty break." When they both nodded in acknowledgement we walked inside to the restroom closest to the back door. When the door opened there was three girls were in the restroom. One sitting in the tub doing Lord knows what, another with her face in the toilet throwing her guts up and the other holding her hair.

"Oh damn. That's nasty." Vicky scolds. "If you can't hold your liquor don't drink, Sandra."

Sandra mutters what I think was a "Fuck you." She kicks the door closed.

"Paco you might want to check this shit out." Vicky yells at the kitchen where she knows Paco is at. "Clean up on isle restroom." She giggles.

He ran to us and opened the door.

"Oh hell no." He pulls his shirt over his nose. "After she's done, get her the fuck out of here I don't want her throwing up anywhere else in the house."

He turns towards Vicky, who was smiling like a five year old kid who just snitched on their worst enemy to their favorite teacher. "And Imma need you to help me restock the coolers."

"What? Why me?" Vicky whined.

"Because Eisnstein, this is your party that you begged me to have here so therefor, hooked on phonics, you have to help." Paco grabs her by the arm and started to drag her back outside.

"But I have to pee!" Vicky screeched. "Tell Carol to help you." 

Paco sighed and stopped to look at Vicky. "Just help me with this and I won't ask you to help me anymore tonight."

"Ugh, fine." He pointed in the direction he wanted her to go and she stomped away.

"This is the last fucking time I swear." He turns towards me pointing a finger at me. "Remind me that okay?"

"Alright." I laughed. "Hey Paco, can I use your bathroom upstairs?"

"Yeah, just make sure you close the door to my room when you're done."


I went up and did my business. I made sure the light to the restroom was turned off and walked into Paco's dark bedroom. The only light that was in the room was from a small window, but it was covered by a real heavy curtain. You could tell Paco liked his room dark. I went to open the door to go into the hallway and down the stairs when hands grabbed me roughly and covered my mouth. I immediately panicked and started to squirm  because I know those hands weren't Yuca's. He would never grab me like this and no one else would ever do this to me. 

"I have a gun and I have some homeboys down in the party." He whispered into my ear. His lips so close that I could feel them on my skin. "If you fight me or make any fucking noise they will start shooting everyone in this house." He threatened. "You understand?"

I nodded my head, he kept one arm around me and had another behind my back. I felt something cold and hard, pushed into my back knowing that he wasn't lying about the gun.

He walked me downstairs, looking around at every corner. My heart was racing and I so badly wanted to scream, but I couldn't chance that he didn't have any friends at the party and risk  everyone I love getting killed. I wasn't paying attention to who was there at the party so I couldn't be certain that he wasn't lying. After he made sure no one was around, he walked me right out the front door.

We started walking through the wet grass and I thought of an idea and prayed that it would work and he wouldn't catch me. I reached into my back pocket, pretending to stumble and purposely dropped my phone in the lawn hoping he didn't feel me grab it or drop it. 

The whole time he walked me to a car across the street I did as I was told. I didn't scream, I didn't resist, or try to run away. He opened the door to the driver side and pushed me across the seat into the passenger seat. Tears started falling when he started the car. I felt like I couldn't breathe when I saw us drive past Paco's house. My heart fucking broke when I saw who was in the driver's seat, the one who took me. That's when I lost my shit.  

I could hear him scream at me to shut up. I see him grab at me trying to keep me from opening the door. I could feel my body trying to do everything I could to get away. I could hear myself scream Yuca's name. But it was like I wasn't truly there. My mind went numb even though my body was propelled into survival mode. 

"He has me." Was all I kept hearing in my head, but like it was someone else telling me. Then I felt the dread that I was probably never coming back. I was never going to see Yuca or my friends ever again.

Just when that realization hit me, something else hit me also. On the head, really hard and everything went black.


Author's Note:

Holy Guacamole! It's been so long since I posted and I'm soooo sorry :( 

but once again, things have been a little crazy in this thing we call life and there was really not much that I can do about that BUT the good news is, is that it's all over! Well, I mean not over over, but over to where I have more time to write and finally get this book completed kind of over and then I can pat myself on the back and reward myself for actually following thru on something!  

I am happy to say that there is only a few more chapters left, not really sure how many but maybe 5? or less?? Which makes me really happy but really sad at the same time. This would be the first time I have ever completed a book which has been on my bucket list for so long so a great big accomplishment for me!

SO to everyone who has taken the time to read this story and leave me comments just know you are so very much appreciated and I will never forget it! 

As of right now I can take reading request so if you have a story that you would like me to read just let me know and I will gladly get to it! 

Geez, I didn't realize how much I missed wattpad until now..... and now I can't shut up....but I know that I need to.....so I can get back to work.... and maybe read some of your stories....

ok im done lol 

So if you don't mind. Please vote and comment! and share too if you can and I will love you forever! 


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