Our Little Mistake [muke mpre...

By Applezzz21

251K 8.7K 1.4K

Luke wasn't much of a party person, he would much rather stay home and watch movies on Netflix. Michael was a... More


Bonus Chapter.

10.4K 324 50
By Applezzz21

Shoutout to @lolidcanymore for really wanting a epilogue/bonus chapter 😁❤


40 weeks

I was exactly forty weeks and to be honest, I was so over being pregnant. My back constantly hurt, my feet were swollen, the baby was constantly kicking my stomach, I cried over everything, I was just over it and wanted this baby out.

After a few months of thinking, and a lot of talking with Ashton, I did decide to keep the baby. It wouldn't have been fair of me to do that, when Ashton really did want to be a father.

Me and Ashton have tried to have a relationship, but in more ways than just one, we were two different people and it just wasn't going to work. We had a lot of good times, but the bad times outweighed the good times, and we just decided to co-parent and only talk if it was completely necessary. We don't hate each other, but we also don't like each other either, we're just as neutral as we can be for the sake of our child.

Right now, I was at home, about to take a warm shower. I've been having these extreme cramps all day and just what to take a warm shower to relax my body. As I was about to step in the shower, all I feel is this rush of water coming out of me. I looked down at the floor and saw a huge puddle of water. I didn't have time to question it, because all of the sudden, the cramps that I was once having became a lot stronger.

"Ohh shît!" I shouted, knowing exactly what was going on.

My phone was the whole way in my bedroom, which was down the hall from the bathroom. Now I'm really starting to regret choosing the bedroom thats furthest away from the bathroom. The pain was so strong, I don't know if I could get up or not.

So here I was, crawling on the floor, trying to get to my phone. I had to take two minute breaks in between, but I eventually reached my room and grabbed my phone. When I went to dial Ashton's number, I saw the picture of the battery pop up, meaning my fucking phone was dead.

"Ugggh!" I said, before throwing my phone across the room. I crawled down my hallway for a half hour, only to see that my phone was dead.

I literally started crying, I don't know what to do. My home phone was the whole way downstairs, which meant I would have to crawl down the stairs, crawl down the small hallway, and then crawl across the kitchen floor to get the home phone from on top of the counter. By the time I got to the phone, the baby would already be here. So I just stayed in my room and just hope that this baby wouldn't come anytime soon.

I prayed my parents would be home soon, I don't want to have this baby on my bedroom floor. I took deep breaths and rubbed my belly, wanting someone, anyone, to come home.

Suddenly, I heard the front door downstairs opening and closing.


Ashton? What's he doing here? Ugh, who cares? God sent someone, even though I can't stand this person.

"Ashton, hurry, come up here!" I shouted from where I was.

I heard him run upstairs and down the hall, appearing in the doorway.

"Why are you on the floor?" Ashton asked.

I glared at him. "You're serious, right?" I asked him. "I'm going into fucking labor, Ashton! Why else would I be on the floor, holding my stomach, and crying?!"

"Alright, Jesus, calm down." He said, sitting in front of me. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No no, I think the baby is coming out now." I said, balling up my fist, feeling every ounce of pain. "Check down there."

"Check where?"

"Where else would the baby come out of, Ashton?! My ass! My fucking asshole!" I shouted, already tired of him being an idiot.

"Stop yelling at me!"

"Stop being a fucking idiot!"

He rolled his eyes and got closer to me.

"Lay down, so I can check."

I laid down carefully, opening my legs a little, so he could check. He was silent for a few seconds, just staring down at where the baby would come out.

"Ashton, what do you see?"

He slowly looked back at me and bit his lip. "I think we need to call an ambulance."

"What?! Why?!"

"The head is coming out."

I laid back and started to cry, this is what I feared the most.

"Everything will be just fine, just trust me." Ashton said. "I'm calling them right now." He added, pulling out his phone and dialing 911.

I laid there, fighting the urge to push, until I was told I could.

Ashton was talking to the operator, getting simple directions on what to do. Suddenly, Ashton scoops me up and carries me in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I was told to put you bathtub." He said. "They said that almost all of the ambulances trucks are unavailable and might not making it here on time."

"So you're saying-"

"Yep...I'm gonna have to deliver this baby." He told me.

I groaned, covering my face. This cannot be happening right now, this has to be some kind of fucking dream.

Ashton continued to talk to the 911 operator, while I cried in pain.

"Why did this baby have to have a big ass head?! I can feel him ripping me!" I cried in pain.

Ashton started to fill the bath with water, his cellphone between his ear and shoulder.

"We have to fill the bathtub up, they said it should ease the pain just a little bit." Ashton explained. I honestly wasn't even listening, I was just waiting for the signal to start pushing.

Once the bath water was filled up enough, I gripped the side of the bathtub and started pushing, I'm not waiting any fucking longer.

"Calum, what are you doing?!"

"I'm pushing! I can't wait any longer, this baby is coming today, whether it likes it or not."

He sighed and started taking his shirt and jeans off.

"Now what are you doing?" I asked.

"I have to get in with you, so I can help you out."

I didn't feel like arguing, so I let him get in with me. Once he was in there with me, he put his hands in the water, feeling around for the baby's head. "I have to gently pull while you push, so on the count of three, you have to push."

"Yeah yeah yeah, just do the countdown." I said, not wanting to talk anymore.


That's when I started to push as hard as I could. I screamed at the time of my lungs, feeling like I was being ripped apart.

"You're doing good, Calum." Ashton said.

I gripped the side of the bathtub and continued pushing, my ass feeling like it was on fire.

"His shoulders are out, try to do one last push." He said.

I took one deep breath and pushed as hard and long as I could.

And then, all of a sudden, the pain stopped and all I saw was Ashton pulling a baby out from under the water, then instantly put the baby on my chest.

The baby started to cry loudly, knowing that he was okay.

I held the baby close to me, suddenly starting to cry.

"And to think I was gonna put you up for adoption." I said to the baby, tears running down my face. "You're too perfect to just give away." I added.

I looked up to see Ashton, staring down at our baby, with this look of love on his face.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked.

I lift the baby up enough to check. I smiled and looked at him.

"It's a boy." I said softly. "A healthy little boy." I added.

Ashton smiled and got a little closer. "Can I hold him?"

I slowly sat up, reaching out for him to take him. I laid back again, looking at Ashton holding our baby like he was the most precious thing he's ever held in his arms.

"He already looks like you." Ashton said, playing with the baby's tiny hands.

"Well, I mean, my genes are kinda strong." I chuckled.

He chuckled as well, but kept his eyes on the baby.

"So what do you wanna name him?" Ashton asked.

Before he could answer that, he held someone knocking at the door downstairs, and then opening the door.

"Hello, it's the EMTs."

"Up here!" I shouted, causing the baby to cry from me being loud.

I could hear the EMT crew coming upstairs, and then coming into the bathroom. I started to get light-headed and dizzy, and before I knew it, I passed out.


Next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital room, almost like the one Luke had a few weeks ago, but a bit smaller. I looked around and saw that the TV was on. I had an oxygen mask on my face, I could feel it as I inhaled some of it.

I looked around some more and soon saw Ashton, in the corner of the room, holding our baby. He looked up and we locked eyes for a moment, until he spoke.

"You passed out from blood loss, had to get a blood transfusion and everything." He said. "You're gonna be okay, and the little one is okay too." He added, turning a little to show the babies face.

I looked at the baby and smiled a little. "He has a lot of hair." I said. "How much did he weight?"

"6lbs on the dot."

I smiled a little, soon holding out my arms to hold him, which Ashton carefully put him in my arms. I looked down at him and couldn't help but cry all over again.

"I still can't believe I wanted to put him up for adoption." I cried. "He's so perfect and precious." I added.

"He sure is." Ashton said, pulling the chair up a little.

"Did you name him yet?" I asked him.

"I have a name in mind, but I wanted to hear the names you had instead." He answered.

I looked down at the baby and rub my thumb over his cheek.

"I wanna hear what you have first." I said.

"I was thinking Harrison." He said, after being quiet for a few seconds.

I smiled. "That sounds unique." I said, playing with his little hands.

"Harrison Amiri Irwin." I said softly. "That will be his name." I said, kissing the baby's head.

Ashton smiled and nodded. "I like it."

I nodded and looked down at Harrison, finally realizing that being a teen parent won't be as bad as I thought it would be.

Sure, having to wake up in the middle of the night and changing a million diapers a day sounds exhausting, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Harrison will probably never experience his two dads being together, but he'll always know that both of us will always love him and give him the world.

The only thing I'll thank Ashton for, is giving me such a beautiful baby. Other than that, he can still go fuck himself. I do appreciate him helping me deliver our son, it'll be another good time added into our book of memories. If it wasn't for him coming over when he did, I don't know if I would've been able to deliver Harrison on my own.

My life is gonna be a handful for the next eighteen years, but I'll always have Ashton to help me out when I need it. Ashton isn't a bad guy at all, he's just not a guy that I would marry and have more kids with. Even if that was the case, I'm just fine with have one child. I honestly do not ever want to give birth again, I'm fine with doing it one time and crossing it off my bucket list.

I'm ready for whatever is ahead of me in the world of parenthood, I just gotta take it one step at a time and make the best of it in the best way I can.


Here you go, Calum's labor and delivery. Sorry it wasn't as long and detailed as Luke's, but I'm kinda ready to let this book end. I hope you liked it and aren't too mad at how rushed it was.

This is now officially the end of Our Little Mistake, I really hope you guys loved this story as much as I loved writing it for all of you.


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