Lieutenant Parsons: Chūsei No...

By RoyalFranz

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Warning: this story may or may not contain stupid insults or maybe strong language when The Dominican Republi... More

Chapter 1 - Spacewar!
Chapter 2 - A Certain Someone
Chapter 3 - K.O
Chapter 4 - Once Upon A Time in the EU
Chapter 5 - La Petite Venise
Chapter 6 - The Race to Frankfurt
Chapter 7 - Swiss Cheese
Chapter 8 - A Price To Pay
Chapter 10 - Sinking Ship

Chapter 9 - The USS Brooklyn

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By RoyalFranz

2000 hours - Tokyo, Japan

at Kanami Mashita's flat in Tokyo, two men knocked on the front door and asked if anyone's there, Kanami then opened to see them before she was suddenly grabbed and abducted from the flat. little would the two men know, Kanami's glasses were fitted with a Ministry of Defense-issued panic bug which Evan may have planted on the left frame, this would give the local police an active message, this isn't The Bill but this really was an active message to the Japanese counterpart of the Metropolitan Police Service. upon the moment the girl was stuffed into the boot of a civillian Vauxhall Vectra B sedan, the two men suddenly spotted two policemen witnessing the crime from inside their area car. the two men then shot them in their faces with silenced USP .45 handguns before entering the Vectra and driving off as they set course for Tokyo Harbor where the USS Brooklyn has anchored to.

2030 hours - RAF Okinawa, Japan

after arriving in a Titan troop carrier, Evan's smartphone suddenly rang, notifying him of an incoming transmission from MI6. "Harrison?" Evan asked after answering the call. "Evan, we just got a message from the USS Brooklyn, the subject says that i need to pass it to you" Harrison answered before forwarding the message to Evan's phone, it had a picture of Kanami tied up and locked in a brig.

"To: 192.1337.750.69
From: USS Brooklyn
Subject: Pass to Mr. Price

Mr. Evan Price

i understand that Ms. Kizukinosuke is no longer present anywhere on this earth and so i must send this to you, i know that this girl is now important to you, we have seen you with her more than once and if you want her to live, come to the USS Brooklyn ALONE. no RAF, no Royal Navy, no SAS. no stupid shit. you come alone or it's a shit ending for the lot of you."

the message ended there, Evan was already pissed. "bastard!" he said as he grasped his phone, pocketing it before walking up to Field. "gov, got a minute?" he asked. "literally because i gotta call the White House" Field answered. "well that's gonna have to wait 'cause i think i'm on to something" Evan said before gathering soldiers around a tent for briefing.

" judging from the dossier that somehow got under my jacket, Dominguez's men is said to have killed off the last of the occupants of the USS Brooklyn, especially the admiral. with that done, no one can call for a mutiny or even help from other US Navy vessels. now that carrier is just parked at Tokyo harbor and the Americans are already concerned of it, meaning that the ambassador should be suspicious of it. unfortunately, Harrison at MI6 just passed a message to me saying that they've locked up a VIP in a brig somewhere and they want me to go there alone. they will kill that VIP if they see any of us so our plan is to try and distract Dominguez while some of you try to steal his men's uniforms and try to fill the engine room with highly explosive C4 while i deal with the boss and when the time is right, a sniper should start the party and the bombs are expected to go off in six minutes. now in case of hostile demons, an Exorcist drone should be hidden in the sky until air strike support is requested. we get this right, we save the VIP. right, wheels up at 1200 so we should definitely ready up"

after the briefing, Field returned to what he needed to do as the British soldiers prepare for a covert operation on the USS Brooklyn.

the next day, 1500 hours - USS Brooklyn, Tokyo Harbor

on the following afternoon, Evan walked to the docks where the rogue US Marines take him into the carrier as the British soldiers sneak in. the marines then took Evan to the brig where he finds Kanami locked up in a cell moments before Dominguez comes up to greet them, "good afternoon, Lieutenant Price" he said to the scouser. "Mr. Dominguez" Evan greeted him in return in a gentleman-like manner, very unusual considering that Evan usually has a chav-like behavior. "i believe there is something i may show you" Dominguez said before ordering the rogue marines to take Evan up to the aircraft deck where the scouser can see a large pentagram painted on the runway, surrounded by candles. meanwhile with Field and the soldiers, the commanding officer quickly knocks out a rogue marine guarding the docks as the rest followed, stealing their uniforms and gear. "okay...Sneaker team will plant the bombs at the engine compartment, archer will get into position and start the party upon the order and cripplers will clear the security rooms monitering every corner of the interior, let's go." Field gave the green light to Sneaker team and Crippler team as the archer takes position. back at the aircraft deck, Dominguez began explaining plan to summon the demons. "when i was born in the Dominican Republic, my parents expected so much from me, they took me to church every day after school and would sometimes lock me out while they rebel against their own god. they were hypocrites, lieutenant...just like the very rest of the human race that has rotten to the core...and that is why i'm going to bring you all into hell...literally." Dominguez explained the origins of his cult, yet unaware of the British soldiers moving in to sabotage the ritual. Sneaker team entered the engine room to find a horrific sight, a pile of deceased marines decaying. "shit...Field, i think we just found their trash bin..." one of the members of Sneaker team said through the radio. "what do you see, Sneaker?" Field asked. "over a dozen of dead marines, sir...they must have tried to stop the mutiny" Sneaker team answered.

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