And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Here's my ring

1.2K 48 29
By englishrose19

"Hellie..." Johnny's warm breath against her ear didn't seem to wake her up beside him. Nor did his fingertips that softly grazed over her arm as he held her close against him while she slept. She had been awake most of the night, maybe because she was in a strange bed or it was because of all the excitement the day before, but still it was only now that she was able to get comfortable and finally drift off. However it was now the morning, meaning they had to get up and on the road again to get back home. Knowing their luck they'd be stuck in the morning rush hour traffic round London if they didn't hurry.

"Baby?" Johnny whispered again squeezing her arm gently only to have her simply groan into his chest as he attempted to wake her up. "We have to get up and go honey" he spoke softly into her ear stroking her arm again, this time finally seeing her eyes flutter open. At first she scanned the room a little with a deep frown plastered over her face trying to adjust to their surroundings. Remembering now that they were still at the Motel Helena pushed herself up slowly from laying on Johnny's chest and looked at him tiredly.

"I'm sorry I had to wake you but we should probably get going" he watched her nod slowly and brush back her messy bed hair from her face with her hand before seeing her squint her eyes from the bright sun light steaming in from the open window "What's the time?" she yawned into her hand as Johnny checked the clock no the bedside table next to him.

"Almost 8:00"

Nodding at this Helena yawned again into her hand and smiled when she looked at the gold band that was sitting beautifully around her finger. She couldn't believe how happy she was that they were now husband and wife, she couldn't believe just how much of a smile she wore on her face when she glanced at the ring around her finger.

Johnny smirked as he watched her admiring the ring from the corner of his eye. Stepping out of the bed in yesterdays clothes he put on his shoes that sat beside the edge of the bed and buckled his belt around his jeans. "Do you want to get breakfast here or pick up something while heading back?" his question drew her eyes from the ring to his face as he got himself ready.

"We can stop at a supermarket on the way home, need to pick up some food shopping away" she replied blinking her tired eyes slightly as they still pricked a little from the harsh sun light that bled into the room. "Johnny"


"I'm so happy" she gleamed at him causing him to chuckle at her as he did up a couple of his shirt buttons.

Leaning over the bed Johnny pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. "I'm glad" he smirked breaking away and staring into her warm brown eyes before feeling her cup his face in her hands while he balanced his body weight on his two fists as he leant over to her. "I mean it Depp, you've giving me my life back" there was a grateful tone to her voice that simply made him smile sweetly at her. True they had gone through some really difficult times together but now it seemed things were getting back on track, not only that but their relationship was growing each and everyday. 

"I thought you didn't like being soppy" he smirked making her chuckle slightly.

Looking into her loving eyes Johnny found himself stealing another kiss from his beautiful wife before kissing the palms of her hands that rested either side of his cheeks. "You're beautiful Carter" this simply made her raise her eyebrow at him "Depp now"

"You're going to take my name?" he sounded rather hopeful like that wasn't the idea in the first place.

Laughing at him she rolled her eyes and removed her hands from his face back into her lap "Of course I am, people may still call me Bonham Cater but I'll be Mrs Depp now were married" sealing that with another kiss Johnny smiled against her perfect lips as they kissed him so tenderly and full of love.

Gasping suddenly Helena broke away quickly and jumped out of the bed as soon as a load of flashing cameras began taking pictures of them through the window.

"Shit!" Johnny cursed angrily now that the paparazzi had found them.

"How did they find us!" she cried out as he was quick to jump up and shut the blinds so they couldn't take anymore photographs of the pair of them.

These photos were sure to make headlines. He could see it now 'Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter at it again behind closed doors of a motel'. No one knew that they were back together only close friends and what not and they both wanted it to remain that way until things were sorted out, until they were comfortable about being open with their relationship again. Being so exposed was not easy, confirming their relationship let alone their secret married would mean that they would be followed around and disturbed each and everyday. It was a nightmare and right now they just wanted to keep it to themselves to live a life as a married couple without having the world knowing.

"Jesus christ!" he growled running his hands through his hair as he processed all this.

Helena gulped nervously and began to get dressed suddenly realising she was just wearing her slip from under her clothes from yesterday. If they did manage to get a decent photo she wouldn't be surprised to see her almost naked self on front of the Daily mail. She felt like crying of both anger and embarrassment. Some days she wished she didn't have this life. Wished that she could go on doing the job she loved without the fame and fortune. She hated all this that came with being famous. It was ruining her and she realised that none of this would help her either. The fact they had been caught yet again kissing in some random motel must have looked rather odd and was sure to make headlines again for all the wrong reasons. Maybe if they knew that they were married it wouldn't look so bad on them for 'sneaking around' together.

Johnny looked at his wife and watched as her face looked slightly panicked and unnerved that the camera men were just standing outside there window. He knew that they probably got the shot they were hoping for and knew far to well that these men would not hesitate to send these private photographs to the press. Even now they could hear there voice's calling from outside. 

"We need to leave now" he said as calmly as he could as he walked passed her and into Nell and Billy's room where they were now just starting to wake up after hearing the men knocking and calling from the window.

"wakey wakey you two, we need to leave as soon as possible" Johnny said entering their small room as the pair of them rubbed their eyes with their hands.

"Morning darlings" Helena also came in just behind Johnny kissing the pair of them as they got out of the bed thankfully they were dressed in yesterdays clothes and were ready to just get up and leave. "Mummy what's going on?" Nell asked still hearing the men yelling through the glass and seeing that both her and Johnny were hurrying them out of bed. "Is it those men again with the flashy lights?" she asked her worried expression pulling at both Johnny and Helena's heartstrings as she seemed scared by them.

"Yes sweetie, they just want their photographs that's all nothing to be afraid off but we'll escape out the back if we can" with this she kissed her daughters plumb cheek and carried her out of the room.

Now after about 5 minutes of gathering all their things together they were now ready to head out of the Motel room. As soon as they began to check out at the reception Helena could see what Nell described as the 'scary flashing lights' head round to the front entrance.



"Can we talk to you both please?" they began yelling making her turn to her nervous children who stared up at her with such worry in their tiny faces. They weren't used to all this, not as much as their mother was anyway. They knew that every time they would leave the house in London that they would be followed by these flashing cameras but normally those camera men would keep a fair distance and leave them alone. However this type of paparazzi were more vocal and it was clear they were scaring her children a little. Nell was practically wrapped round her leg hiding from the flashes of light as they continued to take photos of them in the lobby.

Johnny was busy paying for their cheap room to notice, yet he knew to well that they were out there, out waiting for them. "Is there a way we could sneak out the back?" he asked the receptionist, she was the same lady from last night and Johnny wouldn't have been surprised if she was the one that led them here. Any publicity regarding two film stars staying over at her place of work was sure to bring more customers in.

Biting her lip as she looked at the photographers waiting patiently outside she shook her head. "I'm sorry but there is no back entrance...only our fire exist but I'm sure they will be out there too" she could see him clench his jaw in frustration and the minute he turned to Helena she could tell that they seemed a little worried about leading both Billy and Nell outside. Looking from Johnny's apologetic eyes to Nell's nervous ones Helena braved a smile and pulled her up into her arms so she could wrap her legs round her waist. Johnny simply took Billy's hand and gave him a reassuring smile as he seemed a little anxious.

"Thanks for the room" he said to the receptionist sounding a little bitter towards the unhelpful woman as he headed towards the door.

"It was lovely to meet you both have a safe trip" she waved them off as they headed out the door and like expected there was a rush of cameras flashing about in their faces. "Johnny!" they yelled. Helena was quick to place some sunglasses over her eyes as Nell buried her face into her mothers neck timidly.

"Please give us room" Johnny said calmly moving his hand out as he walked towards the car with Billy staying very close to his side as the men took his photo.

"Family trip out? what's they story with you guys?"

"Yeah are you back together?"

"When's Dark shadows out?"

The random questions being flung their way as they headed towards the car seemed to just fly over their heads. With this happening on a daily basis now they were used to just ignoring the camera men and getting on with their lives. "you're kids are so cute Helena" one man said placing his hand on Nell's shoulder causing her to squeal in fright as his heavy hand landed on her shoulder. "Hey!" Helena snapped hitting his hand of her while Nell cried into her shoulder as if scared he may try touch her again.

Johnny gave the man a death glare. There was so much warning behind his eyes that the man simply cowed away and apologised quietly. "don't touch my children" Helena warned as she walked towards Johnny while trying to hush Nell softly as she cried into her neck.

"you two are a great couple"

"How is your baby doing?"

"Rose isn't that her name?"

The questions were still coming at them thick and fast but thankfully they had now reached Johnny's Mercedes and were now helping the children into the car.

"Are you two getting back together?"

"Are you both.." before they continue with their annoying questions Helena lifted her head quickly from the back seat from where she had been strapping Nell in with her safety belt, only to huff annoyingly and show the irritating photographers her hand which shocked Johnny slightly as she showed them all her wedding ring. His head hit the roof of his car as he jolted quickly to see Helena showing them her wedding band.

"Were married, ok? I love this man and he has been nothing but a rock to me and my family over the years, now I can only imagine you have enough bloody photographs there in your cameras so would you please just leave us be" she sounded calm yet Johnny could hear the irritation of all this in her voice. Right now Johnny was in a slight state of shock, she had just told them they were married allowed them to snap away at her hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She was crazy, he didn't think she was ready to tell the world of this yet and suddenly with in the blink of an eye or well a flash of camera everyone knew.

Now that that they all seemed to be in a slight state of shock Helena let out a quick sigh and composed herself "Thank you" she said simply before shooting Johnny a look to get in the car as she herself slammed the door behind her as she got in.

Watching as the paparazzi seemed to slowly disappeared off he got into the car still speechless from what had just happened. She could see he was a little lost for words and that only made her smile slightly in his direction. "That will give them something to talk about" she smirked.

Looking at her face he couldn't believe just how much this didn't seem to bother her. He would have thought she would be worried about what they might write next about her and this was going to be headline news very soon. "You don't care?"

Shaking her head she smiled at him and then at Billy and Nell who sat silently in the back. "The only people I would care about Judging me is you three, other then that I don't care what the world have to say behind my back" looking at her now Johnny couldn't help but cup her jaw and kiss her softly. He couldn't be more proud to call her his wife then right now at this exact moment. Breaking away they smiled at one another before looking at both Billy and Nell who also shared a happy smile at their mum. She really was made of tougher stuff that was for sure.

"Come on, lets get home"

A/N: Please forgive me for making this short! I've been really busy and so haven't had the time i've wanted to write, but with saying this i really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's all a bit well....'soppy' at the moment, haha but there is lots of drama to come, believe me! thank so much for all your lovely comments do keep them coming! & Thanks for reading!<3

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