Aphmau All Series Oneshots! B...

By WalkingFreak3

10.2K 176 149

(Book 2 is better but u can still read dis) More

Request Please!!
Request 1:Aarmau
Request 2:AaronxSenovia
Request 3:LiochantxLeona
Request 3:TravisxSenovia
Request 4:Garmau
Request 5:Dancole
Request 6:Laurmau
Request 7:Travlyn(pt1)
Travlyn (pt2)
Part title
Part title
Very important.Please Read.
Request 8:LaurencexReader
Request 9:GarrothxReader(Tear Jerker)
Going on a Trip(A/N)
Request 10:Zanmau
OC Contest!!
Request 11:Mystreet sing off!
Request 12:TravisxReader
What should i do for 1k?
OC Contest Winner!
Request 14:Zanexreader
On Hold+New Book
Request 16:GarrothxPregnant!Reader
Request 17:AlissaxLaurence (Part one!)
Request 18:TravisxRo'Meave!Reader
OMG 3K!!!!
Request 19:Prince!TravisxHard to get!Reader
Please help me.(pls read)
The End
Geuss whos back?
Book 2!

Request 13:GenexAli(OC)

143 2 0
By WalkingFreak3


"YAAAWWWNNNN!!"I yawn out sitting down in my first period.
Was it a good idea to stay up till 3:00am watching YouTube?
No,but it sure was fun.
All I wore to school today was:

(Imagine the R is a P for Pheonix Drop)

"Hey Ali!"I hear Wesley say,sitting beside me.
"Go.Away!"I yell,rolling my eyes at him.
"Come on!!You know you love me!"He says outing an arm around me.
I smile at him,and then twist his arm around causing him to fall out of the seat.
I smile and lean back in my seat.
He growls and moves to a different seat.
The bell rings and everyone walks in and takes a seat.
Let's just get to 7th period.

-Time skip to the end of the day,or 7th period-

"GGGAAHHHHH!!!"Katelyn screamed and punched Travis.
"OOOWWWW KATELYN!!"Travis screamed falling to the ground.
"I can't believe you beat me again Aphmau!"She screamed stomping the ground.
Aphmau did an evil laugh running away.
"You ok Trav?"I ask not moving my eyes from my phone.
"I guess.."He says getting up and walking away.
"Hahahah!!Look at that Elmo girl over there!"Ivy shouted pointing at me.
I roll my eyes and get up,heading to the back of the bleachers.
I peak around the corner and no one is there.
I sit down and scroll through Instagram.Seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I sigh and look up to see Gene,and his posey.
"Oh,hey Gene."I say waving.
"Zenix,and Sasha."I wave back at them.
Gene sits down next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Genes got a girlfriend!Genes got a girlfriend!"Zenix laughs like a maniac and then trots away.
Sasha follows.
"So,Ali.Ive been needing to talk to you."He says leaning his head back,closing his eyes.
"About....?"I tail off.
"Obviously,I'm graduating soon..And I'll be...Leaving..."He says,staying in the same position.
I frown leaning back like he is.
"Yeah...I'll miss you a lot..."
"Idon'twanttoleaveyoubecauseiloveyou!!"He shouts,what in Irene did he just say?
"Slower,please."I say looking at him.
He takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.
"I don't want to leave,because I love you Ali."He says,my eyes widen and I look down feeling heat rise to my face.
"It's fine...I didn't think you would feel the sa-"I cut him off by gently pressing my lips to his.
He puts his hand on my hips,and I put my hand on his clothes chest.
We separate for air,and stair at each other.
"I love you Ali."
"I love you to Gene."


Thanks for reading!Hope you liked it , leblurryfacedcrybaby !!Sorry it's so short...

See ya!!

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