Falling for Riddle

By sparkleshine123

163K 3.9K 1.1K

Tom Morvolo Riddle. The most mysterious boy in school. The "evil" one. The handsome one that no one could hav... More

Falling for Riddle
Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: Tom's P.O.V
Chapter 16: The Ball
Chapter 17: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 :) ;)

Chapter 3: Hogwarts!

12.2K 224 172
By sparkleshine123

We arrived at Hogwarts after what seemed about an eternity of silient train travel, because everyone was shocked or if not shocked outraged at what I have done.

I don't see what the big deal was. I just saved a person's life by standing in front of a spell...that was about to be casted by 'The Tom Riddle' as they say.


I step off the train, after Angel.

We start walking to an entrance of a forest which led to Hogwarts.

The air is so fresh and wonderful. It's night time already and the stars are shining bright.

"Wow..." I whisper under my breath. I was too distracted and fell behind from the others. Oh well, I'll catch up.

I keep my head up looking at the sky and the surroundings, they're so beautiful!

"April! April! Watch out!" I hear Joci's and Alex's voice at the same time.

I turn my head towards the direction their voices came from, I open my mouth and say, "What?!"


Ouch! What was that?!

I stop rubbing my forhead, it felt like I hit a rock! I see the black figure in front of me startled and I see it's a person.

Wow. Who the heck holds themselves so stiff?!

I look up and see the figure turn around slowly.


It's Riddle.

Oh-my-god. Okay,I should consider myself on his kill list now. After what the others told me about him...'a ruthless killer'.

He looks very disturbed and a bit of hmm...whats the word? Oh yeah, angry, the last thing I'd want to make him today. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten what happened on the train.

I quickly glance at Joci and Alex, they both have their hands covering their mouths, as the stare at me with a wide-eyed expression.

"I...I..I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, the sights here are gorgeous! I didn't mean to hit you." I say as I gulped.

"Hit me!? How dare someone as tiny and powerless as you try to get close to me, and try to talk to me! Don't ever come near me again! Watch where you're going next time!" He says harshly.

I thought for a second on what the best respond would be. .

Hit you?! I said I was distracted, I didn't mean to hit you, honest! And 'powerless' was powerless the one that stopped you from hurting that boy on the train?! Huh?!

But I better not say that, cause then he might just kill me on the spot, and I have no defences! I'll show him after I gather up some good spells.

So I decide not to say anything and just walk away with his glare and his friends' glares.

Tom had just met his match, next time I'll be prepared.

I walk over to Joci and Alex, where now Angel, and Amber were there too, and who knew where Zach was.

"Are you alright!?" They ask in unison.

"I'm fine, nothing happened, just...just next time I'll be the one with the last laugh. Thats all." I respond like nothing was ever wrong.

"I don't think thats a brilliant idea..." said Alex.

As we walked over to the carriage that would take us to Hogwarts, Alex gave me a long lecture on how dangerous Tom was.

"Tom doesn't scare me. The worst would be death, right? No big deal." I say as I yawn. I'm so tired right now, I want to just jump in my bed, pull up the covers and close my eyes into deep sleep. Ahh... but that won't happen till in a couple of hours...

"Tom is the person you can count on to do the most unexpected things mate." Angel remarks.

"Yeah, I heard he's done some awful things. " Adds Joci.

I just nod in understanding, but try to concentrate on not dozing off.

Our carriage starts moving. I get thrown forward from my seat.

"Woah!" I say.

I look at the horse pulling the carriage. They looked terrifying. Yikes!

"Umm...guys, I don't want to startle you guys or anything but whats that thing pulling the carriage?"

"Haha! April! Stop messing with us! They're creatures you can't see! You know that! The only way you could have seen them is if you've seen death!" Alex says.

"Oh. Uhh, yeah, haha! I was just messing around." I say laughing sheepishly. But I wasn't joking. I could see the horses... I've seen death. But how come I don't remember?

Everyone laughs but Amber, who is sitting next to me, and is cuddled up in her seat.

We finally reach Hogwarts!

It's the choosing ceremony!

I wonder where I'll be put in! I hope I'm in Gryffindor though.

We go one by one,

"Anna Shring."


"Matthew Esthler."


And finally it's my turn.

"April Melloark."

For the first time in my life, I'm scared.

What if I'm in Slytherin?!

They place the sorting hat on my head.

"Hmm...got a thinker here! Not to mention a bit of a trouble maker I see..." Says the hat.

I bite my lip.

"I see you're a brave one aren't you?"

Please not in Slytherin...

"Oh all right, Gryffindor!!" the hat says.

I smile brightly and look around and find Angel, Joci, Amber, and Alex, clapping for me. I start making my way to them.

I find my seat next to my friends and quietly wait till we're dismissed.

In this time, I feel like I'm being watched. I look around to search for a pair of eyes looking at me, no one. Just then I see two dark brown, handsome eyes looking at my direction, all the way from the Slytherin table.

I mentally gasp.

He's spying on me. Great. Exactly what I wanted, good job April, a round of hands for you, for making an enemy who is probably 100x more powerful than you, and might secretly be planning to kill you, and all ON YOUR FIRST DAY.

He's still staring.

It was near the end, the last few kids were getting sorted when I decided that, I give up ignoring his stare.

I turn and stare right back at him. His dark hair slicked to one side of his head, a skinny boy, yet tall, and pretty strong and powerful, I bet girls are falling for him.

I keep on staring back, untill he realizes that I'm staring too.

His stiff, hardened face loosesns and he smiles.

This isn't good.

It wasn't a regular friendly smile. It was more of a mischievious one.

Everything went by in slow- motion for a second.

I turned my head to see if Alex saw Tom too, but he was distracted by clapping for the next kid, everyone stood up to clap, I couldn't see him anymore!

I don't know why, but the fact that I lost track of him made me feel insecure.

The clapping stopped and Dumbeldore wanted to make some announcements. Everyone settled down finally, and I looked over where Tom used to be.

His spot was empty. He was gone. Disappeared.

Now I really felt insecure.

I gasped and placed my hand on my chest as if trying to catch my breath.

That caught Joci's and Amber's attention.

"Are you okay?" Amber asks. Seems like the only thing people ask me today, is that if i'm alright.

"Yeah, yeah, totally fine." I gasp for air, and smile afterwards. Joci seemes convinced, but Amber not so much.

We go to our dormitories as soon as Professor Dumbeldore finishes his speech. He's the new headmaster.

The Gryffindor dormitory was very roomy and comfortable. I liked it.

Joci, Amber, Angel and me go and find a medium sized room for four.

We find our things and begin sorting our clothing and things.

After we're done, we get ready for bed.

After that, I dive into my bed, it was pretty soft, and it didn't take nearly a minute for me to fall asleep.


"April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear someone scream.

"AAHH!!!" I scream as I jump awake.

Amber jumps on my bed and says, "Wake up, wake up wake up!!"

"Whyyy?" I groan. Is it going to be like this everytime she wakes me up?! Cause I might need to change dormitories in that case...

"Because todays the day we get our schedules and go to class, and it's so so fun!"

I get out of bed slowly and get ready. Sleepily I wash my face, which finally wakes me up.

I look at the clock and see that it's only 5:30 a.m.

"Amber..." I say in a low voice.

"Yes?" She says in her usual perky voice.

"It's not even six yet." I mutter.

"It's okay! We can go exploring!" She says.

"We can do that?" I ask curiosly.

"Oh yeah! I asked profesor Dumbeldore, and he says that he wants me to show you around! Oh and he said to make sure to show you the old potions classroom exactly at 6:15," She says.

" Why did he order you to show me the old potions classroom AT EXACTLY 6:15?" I ask.

"Who knows! Who cares come on!" She says as she pulls my arm and leads us out of the girls' gryffindor dormitory, and out into the moving stair cases.

We go through the hallways and around the school.

It's almost 6, when we see our schedules floating in front of us.

"Cool!" We both say at once, as we grab them out of the air.

Professor Dumbeldore must know we're here then, ok good.

"Ah, and look it's 6:15, and there is the old potions classroom." Amber says.

We step closer, and she puts her hand on the door to push it forward.

The door creaked open, there was a wall right next to the door, the wall extended to the other side of the room, except for a little bit which was used as I'm guessing a door way. We slowly walked in, and we heard voices coming through the wall.

I turn to Amber and hold her hand before she steps any closer to the little area which lead to the other half of this old potions room, I whispere to her, "No. Lets stay here." As I place my finger on my nose a a sign to show her we need to stay quiet.

We leaned to the wall seperating the room and we started to eavesdrop.

Was this the reason Dumbeldore wanted us here? To eavesdrop for him?

"I said just tell me the password and I'll let you go!" A sharp low voice says.

"No!! I'd rather die, Riddle, I'd rather die!!" A boy's voice booms.

I gasp all of a sudden. This is Tom Riddle. What is he up to? I grab Amber's arm and gesture toward the door to lead us out, but she shakes my hand off and signals me to shush, and goes back to listening.

"As you wish, you MUDBLOOD! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY THEY LET YOU IN ON THESE THINGS, WHEN THEY CAN HAVE A PURE BLOOD INSTEAD!" Right after Tom says that with lots of venom in his voice, I hear a flash of lightening and the other boy's sharp scream.

"AAHHRGH!!" I hear the boy scream even more. I bet Riddle's torturing him right now! Oh that little beast!

"Scream all you want, mudblood, no one can hear you, and I'll keep you prisoner, for as long as I need to." Tom remarks.

"Then I-I hope you ha-have a lo-lot of time!" The boy speaks, losing his breath, "C-Cause you'll nev-never, get anything o-out of m-me."

"Well, we'll wait and see." I hear Tom say cooly, as I hear another boom of lightening and more of the boy's screams.

"I'll see YOU tonight then?" Tom says with a smile of evil, "Just one little word... one little password...you'll be free of misery." He says and right after he scoffs and finishes, "You belong in your own world, get out of mine."

I hear foot steps toward this way, and so does Amber.

She grabs hold of my arm and leads me out quickly, once out of the room, we start sprinting as far as we could from that place.

We finally stopped. I was panting hard and so was Amber.

I place my hand on my chest to catch my breath. That was about the most weirdest thing ever.

Once I caught my breath again, I look up at Amber.

"Amber... what do we do?" I ask.

"I'm not quite sure, but I have and idea. But first things first."

She clears her throat and gestures for me to take a seat on a stone bench.

I walk over gently, push my hair back and look at her.

"So. I know you could see the creatures...the ones pulling the carriages."

"What horses?" I scoff

"Cut the act, it's obvious you're lying, and I'd know because I see them too...they used to scare me to death."

I cut in, "Why can we see them?"

"I was getting to that! Let me finish! So as I was saying, you can only see them, if you've seen death."

Death. I've never seen death! I've been living a completely norm. life!

"But-' I begin.

"I know, something must have happened, you might have lost your memory or something, I'm not sure, I've been trying to do some research on you, but I've got nothing."

"Woah! Woah! You've been...what?" I ask.

She ignores my confusion and carries on with her speech.

"Then I saw last night. I saw him too. I- I don't know if I'm imagining this, but I think Tom Riddle might have plans for you. He's not forgiving, so about that incident on the train... Oh April! I think he'd want to kill or torture you like he was doing so to that poor poor boy this morning!" She bursts into tears.

"It's alright," I try calming her. I stand up and hug her.

"It's alright. We haven't seen him yet, no sign of anything," except for last night a voice in the back of my head says.

"Now listen Amber, Tom Riddle, can kill me if he wants, but what's more important is that boy...he wanted something from him... something Riddle probably shouldn't have...that pass word... we have to stop them tonight, I won't be able to sleep knowing someones being tortured, us I think that's why dumbeldore wanted us there... To know what was coming and prevent it."

Amber nods, wipes off her tears and says, "Okay, but April, you have to stop putting your life on the line like it's worth nothing at all. Now I'm sure if Riddle gets his hands on you...he'll kill you for sure."

I nod slowly. Then we head off for classes, because the day has begun.


I started walking to my final class, which was right before dinner, and then Amber and I would have to go save some lives., and all on my second day. Ugh. So much stress.

I walk down the corridor to charms and potions, with professor Hughes.

I'm walking at a steady pace, but suddenly, I trip over my own feet and stumble to the ground.

Angel, and Joci help me gather my things again and I stand up laughing a bit. I felt like someone was watching me though...smiling.

Then I saw it. In the corner of my eye, I could see Tom Riddle in the corner, surrounded by his 'followers' as they call them, watching me, I saw him smile for a second, but quickly his face hardened into a straight face, and no expression. But he had his index finger and thumb on his chin, in a pose that you would think he was thinking.

Angel and Joci walk off to their class. I had all my classes with either Joci, Alex, Angel, or Amber, but I guess this last period, I'll be by myself. Plus whats the worst?

I make my way into the classroom. I see the professor assigning seats.

He assigns me a desk in the middle. All the desks were two per table, so I would have a table partner.

I hope they're nice!

Oh-oh. For one second my heart skips a beat.

Tom Riddle walks in the classroom.

I hear the professor saying, "Oh Tom! Why don't you take the seat next lovely Miss April!" I swear I'll have this scene repeated in my next nightmare.

Tom starts walking toward my desk.

Oh dear. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I close my eyes and hold my breath as he sits down.

I release the air from my lungs and finally breathe.

"Oh." He begins, "It's you."

I felt insulted. But I bit my lip and refused to make answer.

"Today Class, we'll be introducing ourselves to each other! Turn to your partner, and talk about yourselves, and that will be all. I don't want to be teaching a bunch of frozen stick figures tomorrow, now do I? Now thats all for directions, begin!"

The class begins to chatter.

"This is stupid." I blurt out.

"This isn't the only thing thats stupid." He looks at me with the corners of his eyes.

I scoff and say, " Tell me about it." I roll my eyes.

"How dare you roll your eyes at me! You horrid creature!"

"Horrid? Maybe to you, but that kid's life isn't what you're trying to protect now is it?"

He looks taken a back from my question. Then he answers, "He deserved it. I wasn't going to kill him, and you should stop risking your life for others'. And what I do does NOT concern you."

"I wasn't risking my-" I start.

"Shut up. You digust me. You almost got yourelf hurt for a mudblood, those worthless creatures. Then you expect me to treat you with the same respect I would give a pure blood? No, I wouldn't, and I won't."

"Will you kill me?" I suddenly ask.

"You're not worth my time, you moron."

I say nothing in responce because I don't care what he calls me.

"Anyy wayy..." I stretch my endings to hope to clear out the last awkward conversation.

"Tell me about yourself?" I finish. I really didn't care but ugh I couldn't stand the awkward silience.

"What?" He asks with no expression, "I'm not telling you anything."

"Fine, I will-" I begin.


"Because I don't like the silience." I say for no reason. Why did I say that? It was true, yet I never thought I'd say it.

"You fear silience?" He asked calmly and cooly.

"Not fear... but dislike...anyway whats your point?" I respond.

"Nothing. Go on."

"Well, I'm April, nice to meet you." I say, forcing a smile, as I reach my hand out to shake hands with him.

He raises his eyebrows and says, "It's strange. Your'e strange."

I am taken aback from the remark, "Well thank you for clearing that up." I say.

"You are welcome." He says and then goes back to looking at the chalk board.

Does he always have to have the last laugh?

"You didn't shake my hand..." I mumbled.

"What?" He turned and faced me again.

"I said you didn't shake my hand. I was saying nice - to - meet -you, and you didn't shake my hand." I made a sad face.

"Does it matter?" He made a tired expression.

"Yes." I confirm boldly.

I can imagine what he's thinking, that why I'm making him do this. I honestly don't know either. Maybe because he'll kill me anyway, and I might as well give as much kindness as I can.

He brings out his hand slowly and delicatetly, then our hands meet, and we shake. His hands were awfully cold. My hands felt pretty cold after we shook.

"So um... do you think you belong in Slytherin?" I ask and quickly regret. How can I be so so stupid. What kind of a question was that!? I comb a side of my hair behind my ear.

He hesitated for a second and then started talking, "I'm evil, people think I'm an asshole, and they hate me, I'm pretty sure I belong."

For a quick second I felt sorry for him. What has happened to him that he seems so miserable, and evil?

"Oh, interesting. I- I um.. I don't feel like I belong in Gryffindor. I think there was a mistake. I-I wanted to be in Gryffindor, I still do, but, I don't think I can be like the rest." Why was I telling him such thoughts that have never before entered my mind.

"Oh? Ha." Was all I heard he say. My eyebrows cluntched together for a second, but then I let all the stress go, and continued to try to carry the conversation.

"You know," He cleared his throat, "I don't know why I'm even letting you talk to me, and I don't know why I'm even talking to such a blood traiter. But let me tell you something thats been on my mind for the last couple of days...you're different, you're very...familiar. I don't know where and why, but I feel like I know you. That's all. Oh. And don't try to be like your moronic friends too much, then I might lose interest to even speaking with you. Meet me tomorrow by the willow tree tomorrow morning exactly at 6:15. I have to show you something." He finishes.

Wow. "Wait, why exactly 6:15?" I ask quickly.

He rubs his temple as if I asked something that would give away many things away for him if he answered them, then he just says, "Just be there, and do me a favor, don't bring any of your idiotic friends with you either."

"Why should I do you a favor?" I ask again, knowing my questions irritated him, this was sort of fun, irritating the guy who irritates others...but only a fool would do that with Tom Riddle...oh wait.

"You.Alone.Willowtree. Tomorrow. EXACTLY. 6:15. Got it?!" Then he stands up to leave.

Such a temper jeez! "Okaay." I say exaggerating the 'a'. He stomps out the room because apperently class was dismissed a while ago, and we were the only ones that stayed over.

I giggle under my breath.

I, April, Gryffindor(ish) irritated The Tom Riddle. And I think he asked me out to a date tomorrow too. But then only a fool would mess the way I did with Tom, then why didn't he hurt me? And only an idiot would go outside school grounds without a friend, or teacher supervision, to do what?

Oh nothing, meet up with some dangerous wizard, that no one trusts, just because you think you can trust them.

Oh yup, thats me, right after I go spying on the same dangerous wizard around midnightish, as he tortures another wizard, for something he wants.

My life since I entered Hogwarts.

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