Amor Del Bueno (Love At First...

By groovyfanficss

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This is part 2 of Love At First Sight . In this story you will see the struggles that Marissa and Luis will g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 4

111 8 4
By groovyfanficss

Marissa's POV
Yesterday when gera left Oscar stayed over . Luis came back with the kids and we all went to sleep . Today we're having a bbq . Samuel and his mom and brother are coming over . Apparently he has a twin brother . I get along with his mom which is a good thing . I just finished getting ready and i'm about to go grocery shopping , i have Adriel with me he didn't go because he had a fever .


Adriel: mommy can i get candy at the store
Rissa: yes if you behave
Adriel: okay mommy are you leaving already?
Rissa: yes go get your shoes
Adriel: i have them right here

(she helps him put on his shoes and they leave)

Adriel: mommy can i tell you something?
Rissa: yes baby what is it?
Adriel: some girls have been saying mean things to sister
Rissa: to aubrey?
Adriel: yes its 3 girls ... they always tell her mean things
Rissa: what do they tell her ?
Adriel: that that she's ugly and other things then sister starts crying
Rissa: have you told the teacher ?
Adriel: no they don't let me
Rissa: they?
Adriel: sister and the girls
Rissa: since when has this been happening ?
Adriel: since a long time it wasn't last week but the other week
Rissa: why didn't you tell me before ?
Adriel: sister told me not to tell you
Rissa: what else do they do?
Adriel: they push her and throw things at her

(she parks and she texts luis)


👸🏻: babe i need you to stop by the twins school and talk to the teacher or the principal
🤴🏻💍: okay & why what happened ?
👸🏻: aubrey is being bullied , it has to stop before it gets any further .
🤴🏻💍: i'll make sure it stops. I'm on my way to the school right now . I'll text you when i'm out
👸🏻: okay

(they get out of the car and walk inside the store)

****: Marissa !!

Adriel: who was that ?
Rissa: i don't know , stay with me though

(they continue shopping and once they finish they go to their car and she puts the things away then they go eat)


Luis: hey babe
Marissa: hey
Luis: what are you guys doing ?
Marissa: were waiting for our food and you?
Luis: i just finished talking to the principal
Marissa: what did she say?
Luis: she said that she can't do anything about it because that's how kids play around and that she sees nothing wrong with it
Marissa: are you serious . I can't have my daughter go through that everyday . Is she with you?
Luis: i know and she won't , if we have to switch her then we will . And yes she is
Marissa: we'll talk about it when  i get home . Do you guys want anything to eat?
Luis: are you at the burger place?
Marissa: yes
Luis: i want a burger with fries *chuckles*
Marissa: okay what about aubrey ?
Luis: hold up ... she said chicken nuggets
Marissa: okay we should be there in like 30 minutes
Luis: okay  bye i love you
Marissa: bye i love you

(they get their food and eat them they go home)

Rissa: babe can you go get the things from the car
Luis: okay
Aubrey: hi mommy
Rissa: hi princess , daddy and i need to talk to you
Aubrey: am i in trouble ?
Rissa: no we just want to talk to you

Rissa: adriel baby go to your room please we have to talk to your sister
Adriel: can i use the tablet
Rissa: yes
Luis: so aubrey
Rissa: what's going on at school?
Aubrey: nothing
Luis: are you sure ?
Aubrey: yes
Rissa: you know if anything is going on you have to tell us so we could help you
Aubrey: well some girls have been telling me things
Rissa: like what ?
Aubrey: they tell me that i'm ugly and that i'm annoying *starts crying*
Luis: don't listen to them they don't know what their talking about
Rissa: come here *she hugs her* listen don't let those girls get in your head , you ARENT ugly and you ARENT annoying . Your beautiful and you know it , don't let no one tell you that your ugly or annoying ever again . Do they do anything else ?
Aubrey: yes one of them hit me and they push me and throw things at me
Rissa: does the teacher say anything ?
Aubrey: no she just sits there
Rissa: do you tell her anything?
Aubrey: no i can't
Rissa: why?
Aubrey: they don't let me they tell me that they will do other things to me
Rissa: where did this happen ?
Aubrey: when i wait for daddy they come and push me and when i get my lunch bag she throws stuff at me

(they finish talking to her and they start making the things for the bbq)

Luis: babe aren't you going for janet ?
Rissa: what time is it ?
Luis: it's 4 and wasn't she suppose to get out at 2:30?
Rissa: i forgot

(janet walks in)

Rissa: i'm so sorry i forgot i've been dealing with Aubrey
Janet: it's okay . What happened to her ?
Rissa: some girls have been bullying her and luis went to the school and they said they can't do anything about it
Janet: wtf why not that's not okay
Rissa: i know i have to go to the school tomorrow and see what happens and i have to go look over things from the boutique and i have other things to do i'm stressing out
Janet: relax , you need to take time for yourself

{update on characters ON TOP }

Janet: mom sam is coming
Rissa: okay
Janet: it's our 1 year anniversary

@iamjanetcoronel: happy 1 anniversary qt❤😌 i love you

-@ him 😌😂

-^ 😍😂

-he's a qt

-@jonatansanchez: ...

- 👀^

-damn 😍

-he looks older than you ...


(skip comments)


Marissa: hello ?
Jonatan: so when did you plan on telling me that MY daughter has a boyfriend ?
Marissa: it's not my business to tell you . i'm sorry that she doesn't talk to you?
Jonatan: they've been dating for a year and you guys never brought it up
Marissa: like i said it's not my business to tell you . it's up to HER if she WANTS to tell you or not.
Jonatan: she can't tell me anything because you never let her come with me
Marissa: we've been over this , i won't force her to go if she doesn't want to .
Jonatan: how old is her boyfriend ?
Marissa: about that , again i won't say anything because it's not my business to tell you his information .
Jonatan: when can i meet up with her ?
Marissa: whenever
Jonatan: what about next week on her birthday?
Marissa: yeah that's good because her birthday isn't next week *chuckles* so you want to be involved in YOUR daughters life but you don't even know when her birthday is ?
Jonatan: you should be getting something soon *he hangs up*

Luis: who was it?
Rissa: jonatan
Luis: what did he want ?
Rissa: he just called to ask about samuel and if he could hang out with janet on her birthday next week *chuckles*
Luis: her birthday is tomorrow though
Rissa: i know and he said that i should be getting something soon

(they finish talking and start making food, soon Samuel's mom arrives)

Mariana: hello *they hug*
Rissa: hello
Mariana: i brought drinks and chips
Rissa: you shouldn't have but thank you for bringing stuff
Mariana: it's the least i could do

Mariana: so this is Grayson , Samuel's brother
Rissa: nice to meet you anthony *they shake hands*
Mariana: so samuel told me that janet's birthday is tomorrow
Rissa: yes , were going out to eat i told janet to tell samuel so you could all come
Mariana: he didnt tell me anything , we'd love to join you . Is there anything i should bring ?
Oscar: oh i didn't know you had company ...
Mariana: is he your son ?
Oscar: no i'm her brother Oscar Ortiz nice to meet you
Mariana: I'm mariana Samuels mom

(they start eating and they talk for a bit and they leave)

-Next day

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@marissacoroneloficial: i can't believe that your 15 now 💔 my little baby is growing too fast 😩 you are becoming a beautiful smart young lady! I'm so proud of you! I love you so much i hope you like the cake we made for you! we made it at 3am 😂 we love you Janet , never forget that @iamjanetcoronel #Janets15bday


-she's barely 15?! 👀

-hbd ❤❤


-@gerardoortizoficial: happy birthday Janet!🎉 @iamjanetcoronel



-@kevinortizoficial: happy 15th ! better invite me to your party 🎉😂 @iamjanetcoronel



-@oscarortizoficial: happy birthday girllll 🎉 go get drunk on apple juice ! and get high on that school work ! 😂 no but seriously have fun ! not too much fun though ... i love you lil girllll @iamjanetcoronel

-@iamjanetcoronel: thank you uncles @gerardoortizoficial @kevinortizoficial

-@iamjanetcoronel: haha thanks ! i love youuuuuuuuuuuu UncO 😂 @oscarortizoficial

(skip rest)

Rissa: so what do you want to do today ?
Janet: nothing really i'm not that excited for this birthday
Rissa: why ? ur 15
Janet: it's just another year
Rissa: i don't want you to grow anymore it makes me sad *tears up*
Janet: mom don't cry *chuckles*
Rissa: it's because when i was pregnant with you they said i wouldn't be able to raise you , and that i was a bad mom , i was a bad mom because i left you *cries* i felt like you needed a better mom and i wasn't the right person to be called a mom , when i got you back i was still young and i didn't know what i was doing . Just looking back at you and i see how much you've grown makes it a bitter sweet moment . When they had taken you from us i was a total mess , i had lost my daughter and this time it wasn't like oh i'll get her back whenever i want , it wasn't like that . I really did miss you so so much ... I really want you to know how much you mean to me , your my first daughter i never want you to feel left out or think that i make more time for the twins because i try so hard to give all of you the same time . I'm so sorry if i'm not a good mom , if i ever fail at something i promise i'll make it up to you .... i love you *crying*
Janet: that's in the past , don't think about it anymore . Your a great mom i could never ask for anyone better. I love you more *crying* (they hug)

(she gets ready and goes to the twins school)

Lady: hello who are you looking for today?
Rissa: i came to talk to the principal ...
Lady: okay well she is currently in a meeting she should be done in 10 minutes you could wait if you want to
Rissa: okay
Lady: come with me you could wait over here

(she walks into a office)

****: see that's Marissa she's with luis *whispers*
****: omg yes that is her *whispers*
****: go ask her
****: no i'm shy
****: just go
****: no i'm nervous
****: fine i'll go ask her

****: hi can i get your autograph ?
Rissa: yes of course *she signs her paper*
****: can you sign mine too please?
Rissa: yes *she signs another paper*
Teacher: girls go back to class *they leave* sorry about that
Rissa: it's okay

Principal: hello , come with me

{in the office}

Principal: hello Ms?
Rissa: Coronel
Principal: right , hello Ms Coronel what can i help you with today ?
Rissa: so yesterday my husband came because we found out that my daughter is being bullied , but you guys had said that it was just a game ?
Principal: yesterday ? name of your husband and daughter?
Rissa: Luis Coronel & Aubrey Coronel
Principal: oh yes , we did have a conversation with him . & yes we did tell him that . That's how kids play ... it's just a game
Rissa: it's not just a game though , when my daughter gets home with bruises that's when it stops being a game . When she's getting called names and getting things thrown at her , that's not a game anymore . Especially when it's more than 1 girl , she's outnumbered . What is my daughter suppose to do if she's getting threats ? I send my daughter to school so she could be safe and so she could learn but that hasn't been happening.
Principal: I know ur upset but i will need you to calm down . We can't do anything about it since ur daughter isn't here . If you could bring her and she could tell us who it is then we will do something about it
Rissa: she is here . she's in her class
Principal: okay i'll call her teacher
-5 min later
Principal: hello sit next to ur mom

Principal: so can you tell us who the girls are ?
Aubrey: Emma , Nicole and Adilene .
Principal: lopez , ortega and rosas?
Aubrey: yes
Principal: aren't Emma and Nicole in 5th grade ?
Aubrey: yes

(they talk call all the girls and they try to solve the problem then they leave)

@iamjanetcoronel: thankful for these 15 years of life thankful to have amazing parents & siblings i'm thankful for everything a special thank you to everyone for wishing me a happy birthday i love you (last weeks photoshoot 💅🏼📸) @marissacoroneloficial @luiscoronelmusic

-why would u post a pic of ur dress lol

-@iamjanetcoronel:^ it's not my actual dress 😅

-@sammueldolann: hbd❤🎉 i love you my queen 👸🏻💍❤

-aw ^

-@iamjanetcoronel: thank u qt love u more 😚❤ @sammueldolann

-@graysondolan: happy birthday !🎉🎂

-@iamleahcoronel: thank u :) @graysondolan

(skip rest)

Janet: mom?
Rissa: yes ?
Janet: has he called?
Rissa: no
Janet: has he texted ?
Rissa: no , do get sad about it it's his loss .

(they get ready go out to eat and get home)


@iamjanetcoronel: thank you for wishing me a happy birthday , i thought it would've changed over the years but i guess not ... i had high hopes , i didn't believe anyone ... but what sucks more is that after all i still care , but it's slowly fading away ... i won't be the only one putting in effort to have a relationship with you . if your wondering why i never go with you look back at your actions , once you do and you realize that what your doing is wrong , call me and we'll see if it's too late to make our father daughter relationship work . Read

@iamjanetcoronel: and about saturday , yes i will be having a 15 BUT i don't want you to be involved whatsoever ... no father daughter dance no nothing . Read

@jonatansanchez: sorry i was busy all day and i barely got my phone ... trust me this could work out if your mom doesn't keep on butting in ...

@jonatansanchez: who will dance with you? Read

@iamjanetcoronel: that's another thing . YOU KEEP ON BRINGING HER INTO THIS WHEN SHE HAS NO SAY IN IT WHATSOEVER ! she doesn't even know that i'm text you right now . & the only father/father figure i've had throughout my whole life ... Read

A/N: hope you guys like this chapter ! sorry for any mistakes ! don't forget to vote !!

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