Loss of Innocence (A Zach Her...

By _saraxoxo7

31.1K 793 312

"you're so bad for me." i whispered as the boy with the dark eyes came dangerously close to my face. he star... More

Meeting Zach
Getting Nowhere
The Encounter
The Second Attempt
The Day After
authors note
The Party
The Drive

The New Neighbor

5.8K 93 40
By _saraxoxo7


The 9th period bell rang, signaling that school was over.

"Don't forget everyone, those essays are due next Friday! A week from today!" Mr. Johnson, my AP English Literature teacher, said as we all got up from our seats.

I put my binder and pencils in my brown tote bag, then I picked it up, slinging it over my shoulder.

I walked out of the classroom and down the dirty granite stairs to the first floor, where my locker was.

I dialed my combination and opened it, getting all of the books I needed to bring home this weekend and putting them in my bag.

"Carly!" A familiar voice said my name. I turned and saw my best friend, Hannah, coming towards me.

"Hey, Han." I said, shutting my locker and turning towards her.

"Ugh, Ms. Peters is such a bore! I hate having calculus last period!" She complained as we started to walk.

I laughed.

"I totally get that. Johnson for AP English Language sucks. I already have an essay to do!"

Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Well of course you do, you're in like, all the AP classes. That's what happens when you're smart." She said.

"Whatever." I said with a slight smile on my face, pushing open the glass double doors that led to the senior parking lot.

Hannah and I were seniors at Roseville Prep, a private school located in a small town about 10 minutes from Philadelphia.

Despite us being best friends, we were actually quite different. She was the social, fun, outgoing girl who went to parties and events and got drunk and smoked and hooked up with different guys and had a good time. She didn't study for tests, she did homework the period before it was due, and talked back to teachers. I was the complete opposite.

I spent all of my time studying. I had very good grades, I maintained my high average because all I did was study and do homework. I was in tons of extracurricular activities, like 4 after school clubs, 3 honor societies, and played varsity lacrosse. I was every teacher's favorite (I'm really not trying to brag, it's the truth), and I was what people would call "the innocent one". I didn't party, or drink, or smoke, or curse, or get involved with boys. I haven't even kissed someone before. Embarrassing, I know. But that's what happens when you devote your life to work.

My family played a big part in my life, to say the least. My parents came from wealthy backgrounds. My father was a famous lawyer who took part in many well known court cases, and my mother was a wedding dress designer who worked with Vera Wang. My older sister, Rebecca, was in her second year at Princeton, where she was studying to be a neurosurgeon. My parents weren't always home, but when they were, they were on always on top of me. They both had very high expectations of me, and I tried my absolute hardest to keep those expectations.

I found my car, a silver BMW, and unlocked it. My parents said if I kept my grades up, I could get a car for my 17th birthday, so that's what happened. Hannah doesn't have a car yet, so I drove her to and from school, and the rare occasions where we went out to eat.

"So." Hannah said, getting into the passenger side and buckling her seatbelt.

"So?" I copied her as I started my car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"There's a party tonight."

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Yup. It's at some kid who just moved here's place. I think his name is Zach."

I glanced over at her as we stopped at a red light.

"He just moved here?"

Hannah nodded.

"How is he already having a party?"

"He's throwing a 'welcome to the neighborhood party'". She said, using air quotes.

"How did you hear about this?" I asked.

"Brooke told me, and Arielle told her." Hannah answered.

I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"You don't even know this guy."

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is going." said Hannah.

"I'm not." I replied softly.

Hannah sighed.

"I know you're not, which is why I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come with me tonight."

"Han, you know I can't." I said.

Hannah groaned.

"Come on, Carly! Your parents probably won't be home, so why can't you just sneak out?" She asked.

I flicked on my blinker as I made a right turn into Hannah's block.

"I don't wanna disobey them like that." I answered, kind of sounding stupid.

Hannah groaned again.

"They wouldn't even know!"

I didn't answer.

"Just stay for an hour! If you want to leave, then we'll leave." said Hannah.

I pulled into Hannah's driveway and put the car in park. She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned towards me.

"Please, Carls. I miss hanging out with you." She pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip.

I sighed, feeling bad. But I just couldn't.

"I can't, Hannah. Parties aren't my thing." I answered.

She rolled her eyes and opened the car door, getting out. She leaned down to look at me through the open door.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come? Let loose for once? Have some fun?"

I shook my head.


She nodded.

"Fine. Text me if you change your mind."

"I will." I said, attempting a smile.

She waggled her fingers as a goodbye and shut the door, heading into her 2 story brick house.

I watched her go inside, and then I put the car in drive, pulling out and driving away down the street.

I did feel bad that I didn't do the things Hannah did, but I wasn't that person, and I know my parents wouldn't want me to be that person either.

After about another 5 minutes or so, I turned the corner into my neighborhood, a more wealthy community with larger houses and bigger yards in a cul de sac.

I pulled into the garage of my house, a modern building with wood paneling and gray brick, big windows and a hilly driveway and lawn.

I got out of my car and locked it, hearing that short beep of the horn. Before I went inside, I walked down to the driveway and stopped at the mailbox at the end of the drive, getting out the mail so my parents didn't have to do it when they got home, which would probably be later tonight.

I had applied to some colleges in the beginning of the year as well and I was waiting to hear back from them, so maybe they would be in too.

I opened the mailbox and got out the few letters that came for my dad and one letter for my mom. I rifled through the papers, checking for any with my name on it, but there was one.

I started to walk back up the driveway, scanning the houses near mine. The house directly next to me, which was a little bigger, had a moving van in its driveway, and the For Sale sign that's been up for a year was taken down.

I guess this was the family that just moved in that Hannah was talking about.

I stopped for a minute and watched as furniture was being moved into the front door, then I turned and went into my house.

For a house so large, it was barely filled with people and it was usually quiet. With my sister being away at college and my parents always working, there was never anyone really home, making my house lively.

I took my boots off, hung up my down jacket, and took off my blazer, leaving me in my pleated gray skirt, white button down dress shirt, and cream colored knee high socks. At Roseville Prep, we were required to wear uniforms, and it really was horrible. I wish I could wear my own clothes, but I know we couldn't.

I walked out of the foyer and into the big, all granite and marble kitchen.

I went into the fridge and got out an apple and a water bottle, then I walked up the spiraled staircase and carried my tote bag into my room.

I sat down at my desk, setting my apple and water down and taking out my AP Calculus homework. My phone buzzed from the bottom of my bag, so I took it out and looked at my messages.

Working late tonight. Dad took the leftovers in the fridge, so order takeout. Love you, Mom.

I sighed as I sent a quick Okay, love you too message back to her.

I wished that my parents would be home more, but I did like being alone too.

I flew through my calc homework, then I brought my laptop over to my bed so I could work on my English essay.

Another typical Friday night.


Two hours and a few cartons of Chinese food later, I finished my essay.

I sighed, pleased with how it turned out, and closed my laptop.

I debated on starting my AP Physics homework, but then I decided that I had done enough for one night. I reached for my TV remote on my nightstand and turned on the flat screen that was across my room.

I didn't watch TV often due to how busy I was, so I flicked through the channels, trying to find something that seemed remotely interesting.

I found a documentary on the History Channel about World War 1 and my ears perked up with interest, beginning to watch.

I awoke a few hours later with the narrator's voice from the TV droning on. I sat up, looking around my bedroom.

I looked out the big window across from my bed, and noticed that it was just around dusk.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand.


I slept for 3 and a half hours? I guess I did have a really a long week.

I sat up and stretched, then I got off of my bed, heading towards my walk in closet. I slipped on my pink silk and black lace pajama set, then I went into my private bathroom, took off my light makeup, washed my face, and threw my dark brown hair into a loose bun.

I walked back into my room and went over to my window. As I began to shut my red curtains, I saw bright headlights of a car zooming into the circular driveway of the house next door.

I watched as multiple cars sped down the road and turned into the driveway, and I heard car horns, screeching brakes, and people shouting.

I rolled my eyes and closed the curtains. The neighbors next door were already throwing a party, and they haven't even been moved in for a whole day yet.

I crawled into my queen bed and shut off the lamp, hoping to get some decent sleep, despite the party that was just beginning.


The loud sound of thumping bass music and shouts woke me up later that night.

I opened my eyes to complete blackness, so I fumbled around to find the lamp. I turned it on, and got out of bed.

I went over to my window, squinted in the newfound brightness, and pulled away the curtain.

The house next door was bursting with light. Different colored strobe lights were flashing outside and inside the house, giving me blurred vision. People were dancing on the lawn, and going from inside to outside. Shouts and music were all I could hear.

I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. The bright red letters read 3:20am.

"Are you serious?" I groaned to myself.

Who in their right mind throws a party at almost 3:30 in the morning?

I closed the curtains in annoyance, and got back into my bed.

I would have to have a talk with this Zach kid, if I ever met him. And the chances of that happening were slim, considering I was extremely shy around new people and avoided them the best I could.

I shut off my lamp and closed my eyes.


hey guys! this is my first zach herron fanfic and i know he isn't as well known as other people, but I have a lot of ideas for this story and i know you all will love it! so if you like my other works, then PLEASE check this out and remember to vote and comment, i love your feedback! thank you guys and happy reading:)

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