Fatal Attraction (The Not So...

By WickedVixen

1.6K 16 3

Helena Callahan has been through forbidden lines and made it back alive. You would think that learning how to... More

Fatal Attraction (The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan - ONE SHOT)

1.6K 16 3
By WickedVixen

Authors Note: I have come to fall in love with Emmiie's story 'The Not So Secret Life Of Helena Callahan' and I decided to give this contest a try. I tried, so I hope you enjoy my attempt to capture the depth of Emmiie's characters and providing a twist of my own.


Chapter 1:

ANNABELLE'S EYES LOCKED WITH MINE, my emotion of hatred never waning. At this moment in time I was now finally witnessing Annabelle in the flesh. Those pupils staring at me, the look in her eyes simply reflects my own emotion and that answer defines death.

Naturally my own black pupils did dilate. It isn't fear that has struck me cold where I am standing but the blunt fact that she lives and breaths. The very depth of her existence hypnotizes me. Making my vampire blood run into hatred through my veins over the discovery of her being in my presence...

I, myself loathing the way her red dress flows like the descending of a chaotic waterfall. I more so envying the fact of her very features that God bestowed upon her face. Faces of a masterpiece: The mischievous twinkles in her doll face irises, the typical long lashes and a match of a red cupid mouth but overall she had the heart like a demon spawn.

Despite the innocent breeze catching stray's of raven colored hair about her face. How Annabelle's glowing black mane would only whip about her frame. Even that I had green envy for. I wanted to know how or even the reason why she was alive before me.

It is true, however simple and sweet she may appear before my very eyes. I was simmering with pure envy and no other person than Annabelle could make me feels this petty human emotion. How she could make me feel envious of not being her. Not obtaining what she could only get and in comparison, I could only grasp it as if threads of fine hair through my fingertips.

To feel that I was lacking those maturing curves, I even am comparing my dress and the material that so forth touches Annabelle's bare skin. The exposed skin where Darien used to touch and brush his cold vampire lips on.

My Darien, my Maker who would kiss skin to skin, heat to heat, and lust to lust. Only Darien Valentine, the one and only could break ladies hearts to pieces. Because in the game called 'love' he therefore uses his tricks on you.

You the lady love, to be played by the player. In the end he winning points to make woman moan his name and like Annabelle and likewise myself, we couldn't help but want more. Just the way he touched at the right places where it felt like magic. It even made me moan in ecstasy but the magic, the chemistry is where you felt alive than anything else.

Soon after my thoughts, Annabelle finally spoke, "My, my, my.'' Annabelle fiddled with my pearl necklace, "isn't this pleasant surprise for you. Now isn't it Hel-ena,'' her voice was a texture of haughtiness and bliss heated sex.

Putting an impression as she spoke my name with disdain that I Helena was an insect in need of a squash from the stake of her devil red Prada boots, 'Well, it's a good thing the feeling is mutual' I thought. 'I would be sure to have her ass be handed to her.'

"I must admit, it's nice to come face to face with the sluttish vamp who has seduced her ways into my Darien,'' emphasizing 'my' as if this cold blooded vampire was without a doubt the rightful owner.

I could sense my muscles tense. My own incisors ready to break free from my gums at the fantasy of Annabelle reaching her red nail polish nails towards him and persuading Darien to take her in his life once again. Playing mind games like I would likely do. To purse her lips in forgiveness and play cat and mouse games on the past.

How they were made for each other. How they were destined to be him and her together forever like on the white gold diamond ring he proposed. Yet more than anything as if tainted poison in a wound, how Darien would still and forever love her.

The tactic to fool Darien Valentine to forget the girl he had now. To ''give me the root and boot'' like Deacon proposed what happened between Darien and I all those years ago but this time the root and boot would be permanent. Dismissing who he was in a relationship with in the present but instead to fall back head over heels over the lying skank that was 'supposedly' supposed to be dead in the unforgiving ground.

To have him forget me, to fall out of love of, Helena Callahan...

Well, that cold bloodthirsty bitch would soon realize that that property was foreclosed by me, my signature under the contract now...On the dotted line.

Darien was now mine, if she didn't see it...she soon will be. Even if she was seeing red by her very own blood, he, Darien, was mine. This little convicting she-vamp wouldn't beat me in my own game.

"You are a Jack of trades aren't you,'' I replied mockingly. "You acting so prim and proper in that glove compartment you call an outfit,'' Annabelle's glare focused on me with her red eyes. "You have the Gaul to accuse me of being the sluttish vamp, when it was you who was trying to seduce Noah's boxers off."

Her eyelids lowered to slits.

"What was your master plan really? Did you really think, Annabelle that you were going to leash Noah? Then to cajole Darien into the idea to follow you as if a submissive mutt once again and to have those two loving you unconditionally despite you, your character being the deceitful vamp that you are,'' I smirked. "It is really a shame, really awful they do not worship you. Too bad your tactful plan didn't work. Especially when Noah, he next in line had rejected you right in the spot.''

I saw her instinctive predatory instincts say 'kill' within her maroon red eyes. Yes, I had already knew I had struck a nerve because that's what I intended. For me to keep reminding her that she was indeed unwelcomed and all alone. And no guilt deprived me of enjoying her misery. I was rather swimming in Annabelle's fury like the high of drinking blood from a virgin victim, wanting one brim of red liquid after the other.

"I see now,'' Annabelle chuckled under her breath. "My Darien has charmed his way into your heart."

I moved my eyes back to focus on her again. "And you,'' Annabelle pointed a red accusing finger at me, "Think you can stand a chance with him. You truly amuse me, truly you do. To think you can bring up my faults and use you vamp little mind to turn the other cheek that Darien won't come around. You have to understand,'' she cocked an eyebrow, "Darien always comes around, around to me at least.''

I felt my nails grow, trying to restrain myself from attacking as my claws extended, "You are a means to an end,'' she continued. "Who would want to fall with a cheap heeled person like you, my Darien deserves so much more."

"And you think you are that person.''

"I know I am that person,'' she spoke cockily.

I picked up a pot innocently sitting on top of the shelf beside me, using it as a weapon of rage as I threw it airborne at her with her being the target. It was not just the reasons of Annabelle taunting me by throwing the history of herself and dear Darien's love life in my face. Yet it was more the mere fact that she could dare try to ruin the relationship between Darien and I and especially in my home turf. In my apartment and thereby to try to twist the doubts in my head of me simply cease to existing in Darien's eyes.

I crunched my molars together as I witnessed her inhuman speed help dodge the pot and it shatter behind her. Latching my teeth, "What do you think Noah is going to think of you? More importantly, what do you presume Darien is going to think of you? Is he going to think that you are a lying, conniving S.O.B. because of you making him believe you were dead after all these years. If you think so, then you thought correctly. I certainly agree with him without a doubt that you are all those things," I walked around slowly. Keeping my eye on her, concentrating on her movements as she stared right back at me, "Here you have the audacity to come into my home making demands, you coming into my territory.''

"This is not your house,'' she hissed.

"You're wrong, it is now,'' I said wickedly.

I saw the amusement fade from her face. Annabelle advancing towards me, suddenly I heard an animal growl break through her teeth. Perhaps it was the anticipation to intentionally hurt me. Therefore to cause me injury and unbelievable pain but while taking in her blood shot eyes falling upon me, I being her objective I knew at this moment that this was the fight to the end.

The fight to prove who would be able to have Darien, the both of us without any hesitation launched at each other to dispatch one another as like the animal kingdom with prey and predator. As she approached with a sideways kick I realized this was the final showdown as I immediately blocked her with full force away from my vulnerable areas to incapacitate me.

Yet, I am coming face to face with her ghost of a smile, to come face to face to see hatred burning in her pupils and furthermore it proving it by the way her fangs intruded from her mouth. The way her claws extended, just that triggered an emotion of loathing in me to have known Darien had kissed those lips. The same lips that kissed mine, she mouthing to me now, "Give up. He is mine,'' she said angrily.

Instinctively, I shoved those useless feelings aside that in which was clouding my judgment. If I allow it to cloud my judgment, even temporarily then it would give her the benefit to kill me. This was do-or-die situation.

As the adrenaline pumped through my body system, I dismissed that my personal objects in our way were breaking around us like for example the mirror. My mirror crashing into shards when I pushed Annabelle against it, then I quickly sidestepping as she resourcefully took one of the glass shards from the floor and tried to swipe at me.

My heartbeat was thudding in my chest. Keeping me in note that I was still alive and with great might to take her off guard I punched Annabelle in the face. I heard a crack of broken bone as I saw her head fly back. I was inwardly thankful for the self-defense and fighting practice lessons Noah taught me. If it was not for him, I would already be a victim to Annabelle's attacks but just as quickly she recovered.

Wiping the blood from underneath her nose, she seethed, "What a waste of blood,'' and again went after me while her blood dripped from her nose. The color resembling her clothes, even more in those depths of her eyes as we continued to engage in combat. I repeating over and over again that 'Darien is mine-Darien is mine-Darien is all mine' to keep me in the fighting mode.

To remind me as to whom I was fighting for.

Deliberately intercepting at one another as we tried to attach our own fangs to each other's vulnerable flesh, unfortunately Annabelle maneuver ended me with a claw mark on my face. Blood seeping from the wound in which barely grazed near my eye. The clothes I wore shredded from the impact and Annabelle's clothes reflecting the same. It had been a dress filled with finesse of drapes and silk but now it was shredded in disarray.

Just like how I wanted her to be afterwards.

Fortunately, I jumped off the floor to briefly gain airborne at the palms of my feet against my opponent, Annabelle. With a tip of my boot I lashed towards the weakest location where I could get easy access to and kicked immediately towards her shoulder blade. The impact from my hit combined with my vampire strength at that exact spot leaves the aftermath of her shoulder muscles to suddenly to dislocate and pops with brutal pain. As my body recoils, I give an uppercut kick to her stomach but just as soon as that had transpired in a matter of seconds. Something distracts me. I quickly turn in the direction of the sound...

I see a lock open.

While the door was pushed aside, I recognized the mane of hair so blond it was almost white and by the side view of his face he has chiseled features as if etched by an artist. Seeing his white column of a neck, seeing familiar eyes that were deep and black I already felt an ease setting within me as I recognized that vampire being no other than Noah. Heading inside like the prince that he was, Noah undoubtedly being the next in line to be king and naturally achieving mortals or immortals attention.

Nevertheless, before I could say a word in his direction and before Noah could draw his attention towards me. I saw shock cross his handsome features and knew instantly he saw Annabelle as he whispered her name in surprise.

However, Annabelle was not paying any heed of being found out by Noah but launched on me instead with a head lock. I tried heedlessly to break free by using my body weight to hit her repeatedly to knock her hold on me. Yet as we fought, throughout our tussle we both leaned back and skidded backwards on the sliding glass door. Soon afterwards the following sound effects of the force of collision left disastrous glass shards to shatter in disarray at our feet.

Directly before me, I saw Noah rushing forward but with a determined look pass over his face. Heading straight for me, yet through my eyes, the way things were playing out and transpiring it felt like slow motion. How all of a sudden Annabelle and I landed on the patio. We still fighting with blows and punches but surprisingly by sure unluckiness we collapsed harshly over the railing only to be descending over midair.

My feet managing off the safety of the ground while suddenly the knowledge hit me like a kick in the gut. Once again my vampire instincts took over with a sense of urgency and the sense of survival attacking inwardly within me as I knew what was about to happen.

We were about to fall.

Annabelle was intentionally sending the both of us over the railing. Now, watching the scene before me I wished I would faint or rather black out. Just anything to not see me witnessing my own downfall to plummet to the ground and the aftermath of severe trauma to my body...perhaps leading to my death, to my peril. I looked back to Noah, my emotion of ease replaced with screaming terror and a shout spoke in my mind, 'Would Noah, would he be able to save me in time?!'

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