A Cinderella Story: Once upon...

By thewildgirls

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Just another cinderella story! Check it out and Enjoy Xx :P More

A Cinderella Story: Once upon a show
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

123 4 1
By thewildgirls


          I had to walk to school, since my step sisters wouldn’t drive me. I wouldn’t want them to drive me anyways, even though my feet are aching.

          They have a bright pink car and their own parking space since their mom “sponsors” the school. In return, the school pampers them. They get everything, yet they complain. I can’t wait till they have to work or will they always be pampered?

          Unlike them, I have to work for everything. The money for a recording contract, food, a place to stay….

          Once I got to school, I couldn’t take one more step. If I took one more step, I felt like I was literally going to fall down and not able to get up, this was what it was like every day.

          I ran to my locker and opened the smooth, blue metal. I shoved in my backpack and grabbed my books. Right before I was about to close it, something caught my eye. It was the picture of my dad and I. We were in his studio and I was playing the guitar. The smooth wood was right between my hands as I strummed on the strings. I was exactly 4, I know this because it was my birthday. The next day, I woke up, I was going to show my dad the song I had wrote for him, but I found him on the bed not responding to me. He had a heart attack.

          As I stared at the photo, a tear slipped from my eye and slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away before anyone saw it. My hands carefully paced the photo in the right spot and gently closed the locker.

          My legs lead me to my first period class, but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn’t get my mind off New York and how that witch is making is making me miss everything, prom, graduation, could she get any wickeder?

          I took my seat in language arts. My chair scraped across the floor and made an eerie noise throughout the classroom.

          “Today, we will be discussing what you read last night” Mr. Elsvorth says, “Savanah, can you tell me what was so significant about what you read last night.”

          “Crap.” Savannah mumbled, “Umm… Jared found out what Sofia did and he explained what happened to his girlfriend. Then, she forgave him and they lived happily ever after.”

          “Good! This one of the few fairy tales we’ll be reading, but I thought it would be good since it relates to you guys.” Mr. Elsvorth says

          Wow. As I started taking notes on the vocab we needed to learn. I kept on thinking that in real life, fairytales aren’t real. So why do we need to read them or why do little kids watch movies about them?

          I got snapped out of my trance when the teacher dismissed us.

                                                                          ✝ ✝ ✝

       I stepped into cafeteria and get in line for lunch. As I go down, a lady smacks a stack of potatoes on my tray, along with chicken tenders and carrots. I picked up a milk from the bin of ice, a shiver going through my body.

          My feet made their way to my usual spot, where Clea was sitting.

          “Clea, I have something to ask you.” I say as I take my seat and start eating.

          She looks at me, signaling me to continue.

          “Lucinda is making me go to New York for this game show I can’t even participate in. I told her I had things I had to do with you, so she said you can come along. So, do you wanna come? Please? Because I’m begging you, it will be terrible without you!” I begged. My pleading eyes probably making her feel guilty if she doesn’t agree.

          “Of course!” she says. “You know I couldn’t leave you with the wicked witch of the east.”

          “It’s west.” I laughed. I knew I could count on her.

 What did you guys think?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

K so lets say once this gets 350 I'll update!!

Also, go follow my instagram account @thewildgirlsx and when ever I update and such youll get notice along with an edit I did. Thanks guys! 

-annalese XOXO

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