Sentiments & Reason ✓ (Dogs...

By CatMint5

62.1K 4.4K 3.1K

"Dad's gone," my cousin's voice was barely above a whisper. "You must come home for the Evaluations," she utt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Rhys and Riley Valentine Bonus
Sentiments & Reason - Important Announcement
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
S&R is over but... (GIVEAWAY and What's Next for the Series)

Chapter 10

1.5K 103 130
By CatMint5

Sorry this chapter is late and thank you for the get well messages! I hope you'll enjoy Kennedy's POV and don't forget to check out the interview with him. You'll find the link to it in the first comment, as an External link to this chapter and on my Wattpad profile, in the About section.

Mud sprayed up from the ground each time my feet pounded onto it. My hot breath came out as a silver mist before me only to be dispersed a moment later when my body speared through it. My sneakers were soaked, but I kept moving. A wolf ran past me to my right, followed by another on my left.

Damon and Serenity.

I sped up after the two werewolves, the muscles in my arms and legs straining to catch up with their animal forms. Even as the fastest kid around, I could only keep up with them in my human form because the pair wasn't running to their fullest. If I were to shift now, they wouldn't stand a chance. I'd be at the front with them following several feet behind me.

I jumped over a fallen log covered with moss and rime and crouched as I landed with one hand against the cold ground to steady myself. I sprang right up, but I'd already lost a precious second and the siblings had put even more distance between us.

Apparently, they'd decided not to slow down for my sake after all.

I bolted after them, the frosty early morning air almost choking me with its coolness. I could now see the edge of the woods. Peter - the third triplet was waiting for his brother and sister, along with his mate Linda and their friends Ivan and Belle. A little further from them stood a stiff figure that I recognized as Horace Owens.

While Peter, Linda, Belle and Ivan were watching the wolves, Horace was watching me.

A stick cracked under my right foot; a sharp stone dug into the sole of the sneaker that was covering the left.

I did not stop.

Summoning all the strength I had left in me, I ignored the protests of my muscles and burning lungs and dashed as fast as I could. I arrived at the edge of the woods only a few seconds after Serenity and Damon had.

"No May and Jared?" I asked, trying to pretend that the mad race had not left me with trembling legs.

"Nope. My little sister and her mate decided to get lovey-dovey so they'll require some alone time," Belle said as she patted Serenity - still in her wolf form - on the head.

"You okay?" Peter asked me as he gave me the once over.

"Of course I'm okay." I waved at him, my heart pounding in my chest. My breathing had yet to achieve an even pace.

"You shouldn't strain yourself so much," Ivan insisted. "Especially when it's this cold. It's not good for your body."

"What? You call this straining myself?" I grinned at them to hide my discomfort. My muscles pulsed and my throat and even lungs hurt, but I was not going to let them know that. "I call this my warm up."

Ivan, Belle and Linda looked worried. Peter looked unconvinced. Damon and Serenity weren't buying it, that much I could tell without needing them to revert to their human forms.

"You should take better care of yourself now that you are an uncle." Belle nudged me with her elbow.

"Yeah," Linda agreed. "What if Everett and Lisa need you to babysit the little one? Can't do that if you get sick, can you?"

I snorted.

"It will take more than a little run to get me sick."

Although that had not been a little run. And right after the morning workout too.

Once again, the older teens seemed to doubt my assurance that I was fine so I flashed them one of my most charming smiles. It was easier now that my breathing pattern had regulated. My throat was still dry and painful though.

The two girls in human form shook their heads, but the corners of their lips turned up; the two boys in human form sighed and the two siblings in wolf form stretched and headed towards the houses.

"You coming?" Belle asked as she, Linda and their mates started after Serenity and Damon.

"I'll stick here for a bit longer. I'm too excited to go home."

And I'm curious as to why Horace is loitering about.

"See you later then." She waved then ran a few steps to catch up with her friends, lacing her fingers with Ivan when she reached him.

I crouched down and retied my shoe strings, giving the Horace a chance to make up his mind on whether he wanted to approach me or not now that we were alone.

I didn't have to wait long. His hurried footfalls were heavy on the mud-covered ground.

Without getting up, I tilted my head towards him and smiled at the odd combination of hesitation and determination that was present on his face.

"Anything you want from me?" I asked, tilting my head sideways. He gulped, brown eyes avoiding mine.

"Congratulations on the new addition to your family!" He blurted. "I hope he grows up healthy and strong."

I stood up and moved to the side so I'd be in his line of vision. Even then, I had to lean towards him in order for him to be looking at me.

"Thanks!" I grinned. It usually made people smile back. Horace just got more flustered.

"Yeah, well..." He gave me a one-sided shrug and looked away again. I moved sideways once more to meet his eyes. He studied his muddied shoes.

"Why did you stick around after the work out?" I asked.

"Damon and Serenity were having a race and I was wondering which one will win this time. Sometimes it's Damon, sometimes it's Serenity... I was curious."

"I see."

He cast a hesitant glance my way, then averted his gaze again. I stretched, my back cracking, as I waited for him to speak again. He was a loner so it was rare for him to approach the other kids, save from his uncle Jared, and he seemed to be especially careful to avoid me even though I often caught him staring at me. He would look away as soon as he realized I'd noticed him, of course.

"You were holding up your own back there." He nodded towards the woods. "Even in your human form."

"Of course. It's me after all." This time I stretched my neck and it cracked almost as ominously as my back.

I could sure use a nice massage right now. I should probably take a shower first though. Not that I have anyone to massage me, shower or not...

"Yeah, it's you." He paused again. "You are... You are very good, Kennedy," he finally looked at me. "Very fast and enduring. I admire that."

The tips of his ears turned red and I chuckled.

"Thanks. You are not bad yourself."

"I lack coordination." His face became serious, burdened. Memories of his father barking orders and admonishments during practice ran through my head. I was sure they were also going through Horace's.

"You are strong though," I insisted and for a split second it seemed like he was about to smile, but no such luck.
Had I ever seen Horace smile?

"Especially for a fifteen year old," I added.

"I'll be sixteen soon."

"You celebrating at the pub?"

"No." He shook his head, lips pursed tight. "At home with my mom and dad."

"But sixteen is a big deal; you are reaching the Age of Recognition," I slowly said.

I received another one-sided shrug in reply.

"Aren't you anxious to meet your mate?" I asked.

"If they are from our pack, I'll meet them anyway. I don't need to have a party at the pub or anything."

I sighed.

"It's because your father doesn't want you to celebrate with us, isn't it?"

"No, it's... It's not like that," he muttered.

"Then?" I reached out and lifted his face so we could look at each other. "What is it?"

"I..." He didn't lower his head, but he cast his eyes downwards.

"You can tell me; I won't say anything to the others," I reassured him.

"I know." He took a step back and my arm fell to my side. "You are very honest. I'm sure you won't tell."

"But you are still not going to share with me?" I asked quietly. Not that he had any reason to; Horace and I weren't friends.

"It's because..." He took in a deep breath. "It's because I'm scared dad won't approve of my mate when I recognize them."

"Oh." My eyebrows furrowed. "But as you said, you are going to meet them at some point. Delaying with a day or two wins you nothing."

"I suppose, but I'm still scared." He wrapped his arms around his torso. "I'm already disappointing him so much..."

"Horace, your dad is an ass and no matter what you are like, he'll always act like one." He stared at me wide-eyed. "It's not your fault. It doesn't even have anything to do with you. He is disappointed in himself so he takes it out on you."

I stopped to gauge his reaction. It didn't change. He kept silently staring at me.

"The fact that you didn't get angry and begin to defend him tells me that you've reached that conclusion as well."

"No, I just... You surprised me," he admitted. "How can you just say that?"

"I believe it to be true, so I said it." I shrugged and unlike him, I engaged both shoulders in the motion.

"I wish I could do that. Just say what's on my mind." He looked towards the trees, his fingers drumming at his side. He then turned back towards me. "I really admire that about you. I always have. You deserve to be the next Alpha."

I laughed.

"The next Alpha? Where did that come from?"

"My dad." Horace chewed on his bottom lip before he continued. "He says you are my biggest competition."

"He does?" I shook my head.

Me? The next Alpha? How ridiculous was that!

"What about Ivan? Or Peter? They'd both make good Alphas for when Keri steps down," I said.

"They'll probably branch out along with their mates, and Damon, and Serenity. A few others will join them. One of them will probably end up as an Alpha, but not of our pack."

"And your father doesn't think I would go with them?"

"He says you wouldn't leave your parents and brothers." He bit his lip again, but this time I had a feeling it was to hush himself and not out of nerves.

"Horace, what else does your father say?"

I received no verbal reply, just a shake of the head as his teeth bit even harder into his lip. I wouldn't have been surprised if they drew blood.

"I know he doesn't like us - the feeling is mutual - so out with it, Horace!"

"He says... He says we wouldn't be so lucky as to get rid of you," he uttered so quietly that I barely heard him.

I laughed and he gazed at me surprised.

"Well, I'm not easy to get rid of," I answered his puzzled look.

"He meant it as you branching out to another pack, not... You know..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I patted him on the back. "Even your dad wouldn't go as far as assassinating a pack member."

"You are not angry?" His eyes narrowed without any hint of malice in them, just curiosity.

"I don't like your father. I don't care what he thinks of me."

"Oh." He suddenly became aware of my hand still on his back and stepped aside, clearing his throat.

"Is that why you avoid me? Because I'm your biggest competition?" I asked.

"Dad wouldn't approve of you even if you weren't competition. You are just too... Free-spirited. And blunt. And loud. You are very loud, Kennedy."

"And you are very quiet, Horace. Maybe we should hang out and balance each other out, no?" I suggested, only half-joking. I wasn't his friend, but it wasn't because I disliked him. It was his choice to stay away from us. Or maybe it was his dad putting pressure on him. Either way, it wasn't because I'd insulted him, pushed him away or avoided him.

"You might even start standing up to your father, if you spend some time with me," I said in a teasing voice and with an equally teasing grin.

Something like a tiny smile appeared on his face.

"I think that's exactly why he doesn't want me to spend time with you. That and the competition thing."

"And I think it's high time for you to rebel, no?" I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and felt him stiffen. "You are almost sixteen after all, and you've taken enough shit from him even though you are a good and hardworking person."

The tips of his ears went red again.

"I can't really grasp all the details of the situation you are in," I went on, "but if you are unhappy, do something about it. You can't stay miserable all your life."

"I wouldn't go as far as call myself miserable..." He was just saying when we heard someone approach and turned our heads around.

Horace's face went white and he hurriedly stepped out of my friendly embrace. I on the other hand, looked Jasper straight in the eyes and grinned at him.

"Your son was just congratulating me on the newest addition to our family. Wasn't that sweet of him?" I asked in an almost amicable voice.

"Very." Jasper gave me a flat grin as he crooked a finger towards Horace. His son moved to his side so fast, it was almost as if he'd teleported.

"You must be so proud to finally have a pureblood nephew," his father continued. "Let's hope he doesn't turn out to be like that no-good half-breed half-brother of his... Such a shame that boy brings to your family!" He let out a dramatic sigh; Horace had lowered his head and kept his eyes to the ground. "But what could we expect after Everett was dumb enough to get seduced by that..."

My hands turned into fists and I prepared to throw myself at him when a voice cut him off:

"I've never been a fan of Anastasiya, but you can hardly blame Everett for falling for her lies." Keri's voice was colder then the early February air. "She is quite skilled with them and Everett was so young and inexperienced when they met."

Jasper turned towards her and Horace dared to glance at me while his father was distracted. The boy looked absolutely shamefaced and I loosed my fists and nodded at him in an attempt to convey that I wasn't angry with him. He gave the tiniest nod in return and went back to staring at the ground.

"I'd like to speak with you in private, cousin." Keri's tone was not any warmer than before.

"Yeah, I think I can stop by your house later..." Jasper began, but was interrupted again.

"Now." Her inflection held a hint of a growl and I smirked.

Now that was Alpha behaviour!

Keri didn't wait for a reply and turned, leading the way to her house. Jasper hesitated for only a moment before he followed, dragging Horace with him. I jogged to catch up with them, briefly squeezing the boy's hand as I passed him and winked when he stared back at me with the same wide-eyed expression as when I'd declared his dad an ass.

"Don't dawdle, Horace," his father pulled on his son's arm.

"Actually, I wish to speak with you alone." Keri announced without turning towards us. "In the mean time, Horace can do as he like. And, Kennedy, your mom wants you at home; that's what I came here to tell you."

Jasper halted, not letting go of his son. I also paused to observe whatever was about to take place.

The man's jaw was clenched as he glared at his cousin's back and it looked as if he was about to speak, when Keri noticed we weren't moving and stopped as well before gracefully swirling around to face us.

"Don't dawdle, Jasper," Keri said evenly and I snickered. The three of them commenced walking, but I ran towards my house and as I passed my Alpha, I noticed a smug smile gracing her lips.

I've wanted to write this chapter for some time now, although I wasn't sure what I'd put in it! I just knew I wanted a Kennedy and Horace chapter; what did you think of it?

Please give it a VOTE if you enjoyed it!

How do you think the relationship between the two boys would develop?

Do you think the they can become friends? Maybe Kennedy will make Horace more confident?

Or do you think they'll end up as enemies, fighting over who would become the next Alpha of the Silver Bullets?

Can you even imagine Kennedy as the Alpha?

Do you think he would branch out with the older kids and form a new pack?

Speaking of the other kids, I've mentioned them before, but you might've forgotten who is who so in alphabetic order:

• Belle Harvey - Age: 20 | Older sister of May | Mated and engaged to Ivan Kurt

• Damon - Age: 19 (second eldest of the triplets) | Brother of Peter and Serenity | Hasn't recognized his mate yet

• Horace Owens - Age: 15 (soon to be 16) | Son of Jasper | Nephew of Jared and Kelly | Hasn't reached the Age of Recognition yet

• Ivan Kurt - Age: 19 | Son of Conrad (the owner of the Silver Bullets pub) | Mated and engaged to Belle Harvey

• Jared Owens - Age: 18 (there's a big difference in age between him and his brother because of the time when no one in the Silver Bullets could have children; this is why he is closer in age to his nephew) | Brother of Jasper and Kelly, and the youngest of the three; Horace's uncle | He is May Harvey's mate, but they haven't gone through the ceremony yet

• Linda - Age: 17 | Peter's mate; haven't gone through the ceremony yet

• Mabel "May" Harvey - Age: 18 | Belle's younger sister | Jared's mate; haven't gone through the ceremony yet

• Peter - Age: 19 (eldest of the triplets) | Brother of Damon and Serenity | Mate of Linda; haven't gone through the ceremony yet

• Serenity - Age: 19 (youngest of the triplets) | Sister of Peter and Damon | Hasn't recognized her mate yet

These were their ages when I created the characters in WATA. Since it's February in S&R and WATA takes place over the previous summer, some of the characters could be a year older by now, depending on when their birthdays are. Due to them being minor characters (at least for now), I haven't decided on when their birthday dates.

When I'm done with the Silver Bullets and Alec, would you be interested in a book or books with these teens branching out and forming their own pack?

PS: Any guesses how the Keri/Jasper showdown is going to go?

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