Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

By hugmeharryx

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Louisa is the new girl in town, very shy and closed up due to her last relasionship. The school bad boy Harry... More

Oh Harry You Bad Boy (Harry Styles)
This Boy
my history partner....
dont get involved with me
I wont hurt you
only love
first date
Dont Look
hold me
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

61 0 0
By hugmeharryx

Harry's Pov

2 weeks that's how long it has been since I've spoken to Louisa, we have no made any contact at all. Nether of us trying to. I can't believe someone text me a picture of her tits. Once I went into the bathroom and trashed the place when I came out she had gone with my phone open on notes saying. 'I didn't do it, Lou. Xx'

Today we have history and I sit next to her it's the first time we've had it since. I'm already there sitting down I really don't know how I'm going to act around her. Suddenly I see her walk in with Lia and Perrie, she seems closed off and sad. She doesn't make an effort for school now and fakes smiles, I can tell I know her.

My eyes shoot straight up to her, as do hers to mine. I don't smile or glare I just look at her. Louisa then relieves me from staring at her as she leans into Perrie and whispers to her, Perrie nods smiles and walks over and sits next to me and Louisa walks slowly over to Perrie's original seat.

"You're an idiot Harry" Perrie blunts out.

"Fuck off" I say

"No really, I can't believe you think that was her, she came to me after crying she walked all the way from your flat to mine and Zayns"

"Fucking good for her" I say, shit did she really walk all that way.

"Urgh, and do you know what she did, she showed me her boobs and she proved to me it wasn't her. The same number sent her the picture as we'll so she was able to compare okay" Perrie says.

"Does she know who sent it?" I take a sudden interest.

"No but Louisa has a freckle on her left boob, the picture didn't"

Oh my God.

"What the fuck!" I say.

"Yeah Harry what the fuck, I think you've lost her Harry, to be honest I think she's lost herself"

"What is that even suppose to mean? She has not lost herself"

I know she has lost her self just the way she has been carrying herself recently, so closed up and distant. Perrie was right I had lost her. Why would I make an effort now? I miss her but I might as well move on. Fuck it. 

"How would you fucking know Harry you haven't spoken to her for 2weeks! Me and Lia are have her on spead dial, why? Incase she breaks down crying and needs us to lift her up again..again" Perrie was right. "Literally she has not been out since that day apart from school, we are lucky we have got her going tonight!" Perrie whispers loudly enough for Louisa to lift her head from her books and glance over at us. She quickly looks down when she relises I can see her. 

"What's tonight?" I ask, I dont think we are going out tonight. I dont know though.

"Lia's 18 tomorrow, we are having a party tonight at hers" Perrie sighs as if I should know.

"Oh right, I think I heard about the Zayn told me, wasn't really listening" I groan.

"Thats your problem" Perrie frowns.

"What now?" I mumble frankly I like Perrie she is my favourite one of the lads girls but she is really starting to get at me now, slowly pushing my buttons.

"You dont listen" 

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"You even tried to hear Lou explain herself, do you really think she would do something like that, she was smitten over you Harry" Perrie sighs, again. 

"Whatever" I blurt. I'm sick of her.

"Fuck you Harry" Perrie whispers. 


I miss Harry. That picture was not me. I promise. 

Currently Perrie and Lia were dragging me through are shopping centre for some last minute shopping. It was Lia's 18th party tonight I couldnt not go, I dont want to but she was the only person.. apart from Harry who bothered with me when I started. She was a great friend and it would be shit of me not to go. We were in River Island trying on more clothes for her party. As I was pulling on some flower printed shorts Gemma walks across the changing rooms collecting some clothes that have been lying around. I quickly run into the cubicle as I really could not face running into her I dont know how I would act towards her. 

I feel so lonely without Harry, I havent sleeped since. I keep waking up in tears and sweating from having the dreams about Justin. They stopped when I was with Harry, I feel like ive let myself go in a sense. I 100% dont make an efffort with school anymore, I cant. I cant think. I miss him so much. The little texts, the arguing over pointless and stupid things. I miss them.

I place a grey top of my head to tuck into the flower shorts I tie my hair up as I do. I notice my love bite that Harry left me it is slowly fading. I wish it would just disapper it is such a reminder and I hate it so much. I grab the deniem shirt and stick it on over it and ta da. Im done and ready for this party. I walk out and get quite the reactions from the girls.

"Jesus you look fucking hot Lou" Perrie gasps, I wince at her calling me Lou. Harry was the first person to call me that. 

"Thanks" I smile weakly at her. They both enter the changing rooms to try on their clothes as I go to the till to pay I dont notice who is standing behind the till until I lift my head up from my phone.


"Hey" She said awkwardly as she scanned the shorts.

"Hi" I replied.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Coping" I answered honestly 

"Its stupid" Gemma came out with.


"Harry, he is stupid. He told me what happened with you guys. I believe you didn't send that boy a picture" She opened up.

"If only Harry relised" I sighed.

"Anyway we should meet up my mum really likes you!" She smiled.

"That would be weird for Harry wouldn't it?" I mumbled.

"Fuck Harry he messed up and Ive told him that" Gemma said.

" I guess" I said

"Right that will be £55.65 please" She smiled, going back to why she was really here.

I handed her the money and said goodbye, walked out and seen Perrie and Lia sitting there smiling. 

I felt like they were faking the way they acted with me because they know I'm down. Whatever.


We jumped into Zayns car after we got ready at Perrie flat. All the girls looked stunning and Zayn looked very handsome wearing a black t shirt and some black skinnes. After 10 minutes of Harry free small talk we arrived at the Party. Lia had not gone back to Perries with us as she had to get the beers in for the party. 

As we got out of the car something hit me. 

"Zayn is Harry going to be here?" I completally forgot about that, of course he was going to be there. All the boys were.

"Erm, probably. All the boys will I think" He said looking at me with sorry eyes.

"Oh" Is all I could say. I really wanted to go home now.

"Hey it's ok just stay with me you will be fine, he wont try anything!" Perrie butted in. Shooting her boyfriend evils.  

"Ok" I smiled. Now I was nervous to even go in. 

I walked into the party to see lots of people from my school there, they were all hooking up. In the kitchen I could see drinking games. Before I could see anything thing else Lia came running up to me Perrie and Zayn. Hugging us in a big group hug, it was very cute even Zayn was happy to oblige to the bear hug. 

"So glad you could make it! Zayn the boys are not here yet but Niall text me saying 10 minutes, okay?" She smiled at Zayn.

"Cool, looks like ill have to chill with you losers for a bit" Zayn winked at Perrie.

"Heyyyy" Perrie responded kissing him on the cheek leaving a mark. It was cute.

"Louisa, are you ok with Harry comming?" Lia whispered in my ear as we went to get some drinks.

"Yeah, I guess, Its just a haven't properly seen him since you know" I replied. 

The more everyone asked me if I was ok with Harry comming the less ok it made me feel. I didnt mind him comming as long as I didnt see him the whole night. Not because I dont like him I do but it would pain me to have too. 

As we got our drinks I felt someone tickle my back and Zayn laughed. I turned around to see Niall. I laughed and swatted him away,

"Louisa! My babycakes I've missed you!" He said as he brought me in for a hug. I held him tightly. I hadn't been hugged like this since Harry it was great but still didnt compare.

He then let me go and walked over to Lia, he hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. It looked really romantic and meaningful. I dont think it was just me who thought something was going on. Perrie and Zayn nudged me and pointed there heads over towards the two. Then Niall kissed her, I knew it! We gasped and Lia opened her eyes and gave us the finger. 

Im surprised the boys were talking to me, maybe Harry hadn't told me, or they didnt believe him. I hope they didn't all think I was a slut if Harry had told them.

I was interupted by a voice that I didn't really regonise.

"Hello Love" I looked up see Liam. I'd never spoken to  him or Louis before because Harry and I had finished before I got a chance.

"Hey" I replied blanky looking over his shoulder to see if Harry was there.

" Harry told me you and him had spilt or whatever, I think he will come around" He smiled.

"I dont know if I want him too" I spilled out.

"What do you mean?" He asked frowning.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked

"No, not really Niall asked how you were one day and Harry said you'd finished but when Louis asked why he said it was private for you" He smiled. 

I was happy Harry wasn't blurting it out, shows he had some respect for me? Maybe. 

"Thank you, Liam" I said as he pulled me in for a hug. 

I heard someone cough awkwardly and then me and Liam let go. I turned around to be faced with, no one other than Harry. ( AN: Harry is wearing what he wore in the party scence for Midnight Memories)

Yes I know it was inivatable he was going to come but it was still a shock to see him, he looked rough, but still gorgeous. We made eye contact for about 3 seconds and I then broke it. 

"Im going to the loo, hi Louis" I said awkwardly as he nodded back at me.

I walked to what I assumed was the toilet I walked in too find some random people making out closed the door quickly. I then decided the place for me was the floor so I sunk down the wall and landed on the floor. 

 I really dont think I can face him. I haven't had any, I mean any contact with him for 2weeks. None at all. Like we are all in the same friendship group now considering im now friends with Perrie who is dating Zayn and Lia who is hooking up with Niall? Zayn and Niall are friends with Harry. I am going to have to talk to him. Eventually, but im just no ready right now. 

"Hello" Someone said to me, I turned around to be faced with the one person I was atempting to avoid, Harry. I didnt know how to be with him. Frankly I dont think I acctually wanted to talk to him.

"Hi?" I said rudely, I hope.

"How have you been?" He asked. Looking at me completely blankly, he had now sunken to my level of being on the floor.

"Shit, what do you think?" I stared at him. 

"Did you send him the picture?" He asked, looking at me straight in the eyes. I looked right back at him.

"Im not answering that, it really should be obvious. I would of told you if you had asked me sooner. ,Maybe not two fucking weeks Harry. Of course I fucking didn't" I whispered bitterly.

I really didn't want to speak to him, be near him or at all. I knew what I was going to do now.

Get as fucking drunk as I can.

Ellie Goulding - Goodness Gracious( Its a perfect song) 

I literally strutted away from Harry, I slid back up the wall and walked away, I felt his eyes burning threw me. I really didnt give a fuck. I was so sick of him, I missed him so much but literally despised him at the same time. I cant believe he thought I sent that.

I walked over too see Niall making some drinks, Ed must of arrived with him. They were both smiling.

"Hello Louisa, nice to finally meet you" He said and awkwardly waved at me.

"Hello Ed" I smiled. "Right Niall, I have a challenge for you?" I asked.

"Yes?" He smirked.

"I want you to get me abouslotely shit faced and make sure I dont get raped" I laughed.

"Here we go!" He shouted,

Ed then handed me and Niall three shots each.

"Right, whoever can down these the quickest wins and has to select a dare for the person who loses? Or a truth" Ed said, me and Niall nodded compling.

"1...2...3!" Niall shouted.

I quickly downed the shots and slammed them down, my eyes were squinted as the sour flavour took over. I looked at the two boys to see they were still going. Niall quickly slammed down the shots and then Ed. 

They all lost and I won, ha! I cant even handle my drink, up until now I guess. 

"Fuck you!" I screamed as they both finished.

"Alright, but I was just warming up!" Ed said frowning. 

"Whatever, go talk to that girl and try to get a kiss" I said smiling, The girl looked really sweet and suited Ed to be honest, I was match making more than anything if you ask me.

We watched Ed for a bit and he walked back without a kiss but her number.

This was going to be a good night.x 

Hope you enjoyed the update part 2 of the party next I guess? Tell me what you think obviously and follow my fan account on instagram @hugmeharryxx

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