A Blader's Spirit (Beyblade x...

By FanGirls-4-ever

17.1K 200 55

Raven is a very strong blader who contains a piece of the star fragment in her bey, Infernal Hydra. She's a l... More

The Star Fragment
Legendary Bladers?
Creepy Cat Dude
Tag Team Tournament

Tartarean Hydra

1.5K 19 3
By FanGirls-4-ever

Raven's POV

I couldn't believe this was the Ryuga I had met when I came to this island a week ago. He seems a lot more insane. When I met him not to long ago, he seemed chill and cool. But now hes like a freakin psychopath that has a lot mental issues. I watched in horror as Ryuga defeated Kyoya.

As the clouds of dust slowly faded away, we all saw Kyoya on the floor, his bey laying still and smoking at his feet. I gasped as I ran over to Kyoya with Benkei by my side.

"Kyoya!" Benkei yelled as we ran over to try and help him, only to find him unconscious. KYOYA?! Speak to me Kyoya!" Benkei yelled at him. I was really mad at Ryuga right now. I looked right at Ryuga only to see him looking back at me. I stare in his golden eyes for a few moments. He must have seen something in my eyes because he looked away. As Gingka and Yuki tried to persuade Ryuga to join us, I was watching Kyoya. I moved his green hair from his eyes as I looked at his facial features.

At the moment his eyes were closed, but I remember them being a beautiful shade of blue, he also had tan skin and twin scares that were under his eyes. I wonder what the story is behind those. I look up to see Gingka and Ryuga pointing there launchers at each other.

"Ready to rock, Gingka?"

"Let's go, Ryuga!"

"LET IT RIP!" When they beys collided, they created huge gusts of wind. Benkei and I ran with Kyoya to get behind some rocks that covered us from getting hurt. Gingka soon started to glow blue and yelled for pegasus to attack with full power. This battle was not going to end well. When I got to the island, before I found the isolated village, I hiked up the volcano.

I found Ryuga training his bey. I didn't know who he was at the time. I ended up battling him because he said I looked like I could put up a challenge. We were both very surprised to find our beys not spinning. Ryuga said he would find and verse me again in the future. WHen I had met Ryuga, the star fragment hadn't fallen yet. But in a matter of days, he had unlocked and mastered his bey.

"Watch out Gingka!" I heard Madoka say over the clash of the beys. Yuki starts telling Gingka about how Ryuga is not the only one in this battle that can change modes. I was startled when Kyoya suddenly wakes up.

"He hasn't enter a defensive stance yet? He's forcing Ginga to keep attacking. L-Drago can absorb Pegasus's power by using the rubber," Kyoya states as he sits up from his place on the ground between Benkei and I. I looked away from Kyoya and give L-Drago a close look. Kyoya's right. L-Drago is slowly stealing Pegasus's power.

Before we all knew it, Ginga was in the same condition of Kyoya was. Gingka was on the ground with Pegasus unmoving in front of him. Ryuga gives me glance one more time, before he starts to walk away. Kyoya let out a growl. Apparently I wasn't the only one to notice Ryuga looking at me. Yuki challenges Ryuga to bey battle.

-Time Skip-

Yuki was a legendary blader just as I thought he was. I knew he had the potential to be one. Gingka stands up and starts to say how Yuki is a legendary blader. Yuki tries really hard to defeat Ryuga, I saw it in his eyes as he fought, but he sadly ended up losing. I smiled as everyone talked to Yuki.

Ryuga started to talk after catching his bey. "Now I see, it looks like that story of yours isn't a lie at all,"

"Join us Ryuga!" Gingka tells him.

"Don't be ridiculous, a new star fragment, the black sun too. Very cool, so inorder for me to rise to great hight myself, I will take control of it all with my own hands," Ryuga turns to walk away and starts laughing like a maniac. But he stops after three steps and looks over his shoulder, right at me.

"And Raven, the next time I see you, I would like to figure out who's stronger," I stand up from where I was sitting.

"You got yourself a deal, Ryuga," All he does in return is nod his head and gives a small 'hmp'. Then he resumes back to walking away and laughing. Everyone looks at me and I sigh to myself. I got a bit of explaining to do.

-Time Skip-

The morning after we tried to persuade Ryuga, we were training in the forest. Well, more like Kyoya taking his anger out on trees. After Kyoya knocked down a huge tree with his bey, he started to yell.

"Stinks, stinks, this stinks!!!"

"Kyoya's not in the best mood," Benkei says as we watched Kyoya.

"Thanks for stating the obvious man. Appreciate it," I tell Benkei while giving him a few sarcastic, slow claps.

"I don't blame him. Fang Leone did lose after all," Kenta tells us. I give a nod as I keep my eyes trained on Kyoya. Fang Leone smashed a rock then came back to Kyoya's hands on command. As soon as he catches it, he puts it right back on the launcher and gets ready to launch again. Gingka grabs Kyoya's wrist before he can launch again.

"Hnn?" Kyoya looks over at Gingka, giving him a questioning but angry look.

"Stop it Kyoya, what's the point in letting your anger take over? It's just wasting energy." Kyoya then takes Gingka's coat in his hands and forces him upwards.

"Back off! What's with you anyway? You should be freaking out. Ryuga kicked your bey's but too. Remember?" Kyoya tells him while shaking him once or twice.

"I'm not happy okay! I hate losing. It does stink, but Ryuga taught me something in defeat. Galaxy Pegasus evolved into Cosmic Pegasus. And then I was called a legendary blader. Hearing that, I think I got a bit full of myself and got confident. Even now I haven't mastered Pegasus yet," Kyoya then lets go of Gingka and sighs.

"So, Kyoya, what is a legendary blader? A blader that has a power of the star fragment in it. Don't you think a legendary blader is something more? A blader that can completely control his or her bey? You saw it too, right? He did it! Ryuga. He has learned to completely control L-Drago Destructor. He must have done a lot of special training to make it his own. Compared to that, what have we done so far? We were both so happy our beys evolved, we just battled without thinking about it further. The truth is that we couldn't have beaten him. We never had a chance," Gingka looks down at his bey that's lying in his palm.

"Now that I learned that, I will learn how to control you my friend. Pegasus, I will evolve too and become a blader worthy of your friendship," I smile to myself think of what Ginga had said. He's right.

"Okay Gingka, come with me then. I planning to leave my battle with you for last, but I guess I won't be able to. Special training, that's what i'm talking about, so get ready because i'm gonna smash you to pieces!" Kyoya turns around and looks at me.

"And Raven, you said you were gonna be ready to battle me anywhere and any place, so how about right now!" I gave a Kyoya a smirk.

"Oh, i'm always ready, so you better watch your back, now come on, let go!" I tell them as I start to run off.

-Time Skip-

We've been practicing for about an hour now and Kyoya, Gingka, and I are all still at it. I smashed Pegasus into the ground as I called an attack. Then I soon commanded Hydra to attack Kyoya. When our beys collided, it created a huge explosion.

"Wow Raven! You really do know how to put up a fight!" Gingka soon calls out a special move.

"Special move! Cosmic Tornado!"

"Special move! King Lion Crushing Fang!"

I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a special move that could defeat both of those. So I made one up right on the spot.

"Special move! Toxic Hurricane!"

My bey seemed to collect all kinds of things. Dirt, rocks, etc. But as soon as our beys collided, all I could see was bright light. As the light and dust cleared away, I looked at Infernal Hydra. She had almost completely transformed! I smirked as I felt the power run through my veins.

"Go Tartarean Hydra! Attack!" Everyone gasped as they saw the new Hydra. Madoka started to pull out her laptop and explain everything about my bey. My bey seemed to transform a lot more differently than the boys.

"Raven! This is one of the most complicated bey's i've ever seen! Your Spin Track has changed completely! This one has claws that are able to pop out and affect the other person rotation. Your Fusion Wheel also has these 2 small blades that are able to slow the other person rotation down and really damage the other person's fusion wheel. Your bey also has more modes than 1! The fusion wheel is able to slide into 3 different positions! One of them is for taking away others energy, like Ryuga's, the other one is for changing your bey into a better attack type. I don't even know what the third one is for! This seem entirely different compared to when Kyoya's and Ginga's bey changed!" Madoka yells to me as our beys collide.

"Raven! You're a legendary blader!" Yuki confirms.

-Time Skip-

We were all eating dinner at Sala's house with her father. "Thank you very much for making all this food for us, sir," I tell him before I start eating.

"You're very welcome, Raven," he tells me. Benkei seems to go right to the ham. I look at him, giving a look the basically screams, 'EWWW'. I'm sat in between Kenta and Kyoya. Even though Kyoya's in between Benkei and I, i cover my head slightly, just so if some of the ham flies at me it doesn't hit me in the head. Yuki starts telling us about how we should start going to all the tournaments around the world.

"So, you're the newest legendary blader, hmm?" I look over at Kyoya.

"Yup, that seems to be it," I tell him a I take a bite of the really good chicken. Soon night falls and it's time to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Gingka, Yuki, Kyoya!" I yell to them as I notice that Madoka is snoring away on the couch, and Kenta and Benkei are outside.

"Night Raven!"


"Goodnight Raven," I lay down on one of the beds as sleep starts to take over my body.


As soon as the sun rose, Gingka, Kyoya, Yuki, and I were all training.

"Hydra! Tail Whip!" I yell as Hydra flug rocks at the other beys. Kyoya growled and tried to dodge the rocks. So was Gingka, but Yuki seemed to be having a harder time.

"Ahh!" Yuki said as he got hit by a rock. His bey was still spinning by trying to recover from the hit.





As all four by collided, there was a huge explosion. The gust of wind forced my to put my hands in front of my face. Gingka, Kyoya, and I all went to charge at each other.

"Hey don't forget about me! I'm not just here for the scenery." Yuki tells us.

"You're asking for it Yuki!" Gingka tells him.

"No kidding!" Kyoya and I say at the same time. Yuki is startled as we go to attack him.

"Take it easy guys!" Yuki yells just before our beys all smash together. Then there was a HUGE explosion with dust flying everywhere. All of a sudden, the volcano started to erupt. I fell on the floor as the volcano caused the ground to shake for a few moments. Gingka offered me a hand as I was about to get up. I smiled and thanked him before grabbing his hand. He yanked me up from the floor. As we stared at the volcano the was shooting lava, I was also dusting the dust and dirt from my figure. Madoka was talking about how we disturbed the volcano from its peace.

Apparently a disturbance that big caused the volcano to erupt. There were pieces of lava and burning rock fly everywhere. A huge piece flew our way. If Kyoya and Gingka didn't grab me and run, I would have probably died and burned. Poor Benkei almost got crushed. There were screams and yells coming from somewhere inside the forest.

"That must be the village!" Madoka informed us.

"Come on let's go!" Gingka yelled and ran towards where the village is.

"Hey wait up!" I yelled at him and ran. I had Kyoya on my heels the whole time. Gingka launched his bey into the air to save a girl from getting crushed. The whole village seemed to be trying to get to the beach. We all started launching our beys and destroying the rocks that were coming our way at a fast pace.

"Infernal Hydra! Come on, I know you can do it!" I yelled at Hydra as she destroyed boulders in the air left and right. Kyoya's bey, Leone, seemed to be doing the same thing. Lava started to pour down from the volcano and started pour this way. Right towards the village. A man that seemed like he was in charge of the village told us that we should get out of here.

"Come on, we can't run away!"

"That's right, we have to see this to the very end," Kyoya said.

"You got that right," I said agreeing with Kyoya.

"You're staying?"

"SALA!" I looked around for the voice that was calling the young girl's name. I finally found the source when I looked to my left. It was Sala's father, he was running into the forest, probably looking for her. I thought Sala was with him? Wait a minute...

"WHERE'S KENTA!?" I screamed as I looked around frantically. No one was listening to me as I kept looking around.

"Well what should we do?" I heard Gingka ask.

"We need to change the course of the lava to make it change directions," Madoka responded.

"That's not possible!" Benkei shouted.

"Weather it'd possible or not, we need to try it!" I yelled. Gingka ready his launcher.

"You ready Raven, Kyoya, Yuki?"

"I've never been more ready," I told him as I readied my launcher.

"LET IT RIP!" We all said at the same time as we ripped our bey launchers. We all combined our power as our beys let off light. Green, dark blue, light blue, and gold colors all mixed together and created a powerful force. As the beys hit the side of the volcano, it created a big dent or crater looking thing that changed the direction the lava was going in.

The lava was forced to go down the right side of the volcano as it poured out from the top. Kyoya seemed to be in a good mood and offered Yuki a high five. Yuki was confused at first, but was then happy as he gave Kyoya a high five. I hugged all three boys considering I was so happy we saved people. All the boys seemed to blush as I gave them hugs. After that, I brush myself off them pointed at them.

"I never did that," I told them with a small noticeable smile on my face. About an hour later, the boat came to take us away from this island. As the island got smaller and smaller, Kenta spoke up.

"I'm gonna leave," He told us.

"What?" I questioned him.

"If I say here, I will just be slowing you guys down," I gave him a sad look as I sat down next to Kyoya, who seemed to be staring at the ocean. I looked at him and gave him a smile as he glanced at me. He gave me a famous smirk then looked back at the water. We were on our way again and nothing was gonna stop us.

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