Not A Normal Fieldtrip (Volde...

By ThatOnePezz

20.4K 654 422

•Sequel to Voldemorts Grandson, Percy Jackson• Wizards at Camp Half Blood? That sounds like a bad idea. To be... More

Kill Me


2.2K 75 31
By ThatOnePezz

Blaise POV-
"Yes, we have a big problem here. But nothing we cant handle." One of the twin people said, the ones that where sizing up Harry and Draco and knocking them down a few pegs.

Chatter began in the huge group of demigods, and it seemed they all agreed with the twin.

Don't get me wrong, Draco's my...friend.

F it, I hate him.

He's just so annoying! Like, shut up Draco your life isn't terrible. Stop complaining.

"Listen up everyone," Percy demanded, taking me out of my thoughts, "We don't want this. Theres no denying that. But who says we cant have a little fun?" Percy said, smirking at the end.

Well heck.

This isn't going to end well.

"For once, I agree." Someone said from the crowed. Scanning the crowed for her voice, I saw a girl with a bandana, muscle tee, spandex shorts, badly died green hair (but it looks like her original hair color is brown), and a smirk on her lips.

"Guys?" A little latino boy said with his arms and legs died different colors said with wonder.

What happened to them all? They look like they fell into a dumpster, then cleaned up but forgot to clean everything.

Judging by the smirk on Percy and the twins face, they had something to do with it.

"The Eidolons are back, Clarisse just agreed with Percy." The latino one said, shaking his head.

I guess Clarisse and Percy have some history. But then again, everyone here does.

Also, whats an Eidolon?

"Ha, ha, very funny Valdez." Clarisse said, rolling her brown eyes.

"Back to the point," Thalia said, turning toward us. "Don't cause trouble, and you'll be fine."

There was so much hatred in her voice I almost turned back and walked away.

What are we supposed to do? We were forced here!

Guess we'll just make the most of it.

Maybe it will be better then the judging halls of Hogwarts. Im sorry for what my parents did, but its a little ridicules.

"Training begins tomorrow," Percy said to us and his group, "Be prepared."

Hermione raised her hand like a student in a classroom, and Percy nodded to her.

"What exactly are we preparing for?"

Percy chuckled, then turned on his heels and walked away.

Annabeth looked as if she wanted to follow him, but had to stay with her group.

Then she decided she didn't care and said, "Malcom, take them to the cabin," right before heading off after Percy.

Okay then.

I have a feeling that even if I did know what it was we were preparing for, I wouldn't be able to.

"This way," Thalia commanded, looking at Ron, Pansy, and I and headed for the biggest cabin in the middle.

"This is Zeus's cabin."

"Wow," I mumbled.

It was magnificent. Probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

When we walked into the cabin, I only saw two beds looking occupied. It was perfectly made, and had pictures organized on the wall. The bed next to it was also made, but it looked like it wasn't used often.

"Thats Jason's bed," She said, pointing to the first one, "And thats mine." This time pointing to the second.

We chose our beds, mine across from Jason's, Pansy's one down from mine, and Ron's far away from everyone.

We got our stuff situated, and then as soon as Thalia saw that she said, "No, your not resting. Im taking you to Chiron to have to tour.

Pansy groaned in protest, and Ron had an angry expression on his face.

I however, was excited, this camp was cool.

Ya, ya, I know. I suck at updating.

Im not going to promise to get better, because we all know that's probably not going to happen.

You can thank Queen_of_Fandomland and ehowell3sis for getting me to update, they did a great job of it XD

I have an updating plan for the summer, and while some people wont like it, I think it might work. Im going to try to spend a week on each story and write every day. It probably wont end up working out that way, but who knows.

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