Under the Influence

By Louisa5853

72.3K 2.3K 1.5K

Cassie Rosario is a confident, career driven 27 year-old with major commitment issues. After meeting Eminem h... More

The End.
The Night Cassie And Em Met...(Imagine 1)
The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)
The Jealous Girlfriend...(Imagine 3)
The Announcement...(Imagine 4, Part 1 (?))
The Decision...(Imagine 4, Part 2)
The Surprise...(Imagine 5)
The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)


1.6K 56 104
By Louisa5853

March 17th 2000.
Detroit, Michigan.

*Chapter Inspired By: Beyoncé - No Angel (not sure if this works 100% but I love this song anyway!)*

At some point of getting through the large pile of papers I'd been assigned, I must've fallen asleep because I felt myself being carried from my desk in strong yet comforting arms. "What time is it?" I murmured, peering up at a tired Marshall who was in nothing but boxers.

"Two in the morning". I nodded and rested my head against his chest, already drifting asleep again as we ascended the steps. I sunk into the soft mattress and immediately curled into it, hugging the sheets to myself. Squinting to see Marshall moving around in the dark, only then did I realise I was in the main bedroom, not the guest room.


"Just knock it off" he sighed in exasperation. "We aren't doing that sleeping separately bullshit anymore. We either sleep in the same bed or not at all".

I looked blankly at him, but nodded once in acknowledgment. I had been slowly trying to work my way up to it again, but obviously his plan was to push me right over the edge. "Are the doors locked?"


"Are you sure? Did you double check?" I asked worriedly.

Marshall sighed again and slid into bed, turning off the lamp. "Triple checked. You're not worried are you?"

"No" I fibbed. He wrapped an arm loosely around me, giving me the option to cuddle into him or not. "Marshall!" I squealed and coiled back from him. "Your feet are freezing".

He grinned and placed a hand on my back "As cold as my hands?" I shivered and laughed as I tried to get away from him but he locked me in his grip, torturing me with his coldness. As the laughter died down he pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked down at me adoringly, making my insides turn to mush. "I missed that".

"Missed what?" I fiddled with the dog tags around his neck, tracing my finger along the embossing.

"Your obnoxious ass laugh".

"Oh shut up, like your laugh is any better" I bit my lip trying to stifle another giggle from escaping. 

"Don't bite your lip" he rasped. Marshall's eyes burned into mine intensely, lust flooding them.


He pressed down onto me and I felt exactly why. I gasped lightly at his rough touch. "All I've been thinking about for a month is fucking you".

"Has it really been a month?" I gulped, letting my eyes flutter shut. I waited, not making any further advances on him but not moving away either. "That's the longest I've ever gone without sex".

"Me too. And trust me there is only so much jacking off you can do before it gets boring".

"You pig" I laughed, falling out of my trance and pushing him off me so he rolled onto his side. "I hope it's all been to me" I teased.

He twisted his finger round and round one of my curls. "You're the only person I'll ever jack off to".

"How romantic".

"Seriously though, name the time and place and I'll be ready to bend you over when ever you want". His voice dropped to a low rasp again making my whole body buzz with energy.

"How about now?"

"Forreal?" He sat up.

"No not forreal" I chuckled as his face dropped.

"Yo don't tease me, I'm fucking desperate right now".

"I'm sorry" I tugged on his hand and ran my finger along his knuckles. "What about I give you a little something to hold you over?"

He looked at me dubiously but I could still see the excitement bouncing in his eyes. "You're not serious".

"No I'm not".

Marshall groaned loudly. "Man, maybe I shoulda let you sleep in the other bed" he joked, pulling me into his side.

My fingers ran along his arm, tracing his tattoo from memory. It felt so good to have Marshall next to me again. Maybe I would actually sleep well for once. "I'm so tired" I mumbled, feeling sleep suddenly wash over me.

"Yeah me too, I'm tired as fuck". He readjusted the pillow and moved us into a more comfortable position. "Night Cass" he kissed my temple.

"Night Marsh".


I sat at the kitchen counter slowing chewing my cereal. My mind was blank. Numb. It seemed that if I wasn't talking to someone or waist deep in work, not a lot was going on up there. I put it down to my new anxiety medication; Marshall put it down to something else. He insisted that I went to see a therapist but I refused. There was no way I could reveal my past to a stranger like that. And it wasn't  just because I was being emotionally closed off.

Recently there has been this strange overwhelming pit in my stomach. You know that feeling when you're about to drop on a roller coaster? It was like that, except it was just never came. I felt crazy even thinking about it, let alone telling someone. But I couldn't shake that gut feeling. I jumped violently as arms hugged me from behind and a chin rested on my shoulder. "Jesus Christ Marshall" I gasped.

"Sorry baby, did you not hear me talking to you?" He asked confused, his face showing concern. "You shouldn't be scared of me in your own home".

I shook my head and pushed away my food. "I'm not, I was just thinking".

He nodded once, unconvinced, and walked around to the kitchen. "The guys are gonna come around for game day today if that's all good. We were gonna go to Kuniva's but Jasmine said we couldn't 'cause of the kids or something".

"Yeah that's all good. Do you wanna- Marshall can you not do that please? It's gross" I cringed as he drank directly from the juice carton.

"We swap spit everyday and this bothers you?" he laughed as he took a swig anyway. "Women are fucking weird".

"Aye!" I scolded, walking around to put my dishes in the sink and smack him lightly on the chest. "Be careful how you talk about this 'woman', cause this 'woman' is holding a lot of power at the moment over your little problem".

"It ain't little" he feigned offence, and grabbed at his crotch mockingly.

I laughed and squinted my eyes at him. "Oh yeah, I guess if I squint really hard I can see it from here".

He stuck his tongue in his cheek and tutted, trying not to laugh. "Yo, can you pass me the paper?" I threw it over to him and continued to tidy up, considering the guys would surely be over any minute. "You gotta be fucking kidding me..." Marshall muttered angrily.


"Why is this bitch front page news?" he threw the newspaper onto the counter to reveal a picture of his tired looking Mother. She was purposely posed to look forlorn and had the words 'Debbie Desperate To Help Her Son' plastered above her. "What the fuck do I need help with? She's the one who needs help! She's the fucking addict".

"What does it say?"

He skimmed over it and scoffed; "Debbie revealed that she has tried to contact her son, Marshall, twelve times in the past month in an attempt to help him in what she believes is a "dangerous and destructive lifestyle". Marshall has rejected all attempts of reconciliation with his mother, even going as far as to escort her off his property".

"That's not true is it?" I asked cautiously, staring at the picture of Debbie- I'd never seen her before. All I knew about her was the brief information I'd received from Marshall and Proof.

"No it's not fucking true! Last time I saw her or heard from her was when you were in the DR and she yelled at me in my fucking driveway. She's a lying fucking bitch! How is her suing me for $10 million helping me, huh?" he paced around the kitchen angrily.

"What is happening with the court case?"

"Nothing at the moment 'cause she can't afford any lawyers which is fucking ironic. All of this," he stabbed the paper with his finger, "is for attention! And its fucking working, is there seriously no other news to put on the front page?"

"Yeah that's bullshit" I sympathized. "Have you tried to- actually, never mind".

"Tried to what?"

"Don't get mad, but maybe if you tried to talk to her again and sort out the court case face to face it would help your relationship?"

"Are you serious right now? You don't think I've tried before? I'm 28 fucking years old and you don't think I've done everything I can to fix it? She's a fucking nightmare and I don't need her in my or my kid's lives" he raised his voice.

"Don't shout at me" I warned. "I'm trying to help".

"You won't ever understand what it's like to have her as a mother".

"Maybe I won't, but it doesn't mean that I can't see a relationship that isn't completely destroyed yet and can still be salvaged".

"I don't want it to be salvaged. Can't you see that?" I opened my mouth to reply but the door bell rung. Marshall sighed and wiped his face down trying to erase his annoyance. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. What's done is done". I nodded and threw the paper into the bin. "Imma go get the door".

I quickly walked upstairs, avoiding the guys to go get changed out of my pajamas, and to buy myself some time. I hadn't been a good friend to them recently, and I didn't think today was going to go down well. Pulling on a simple pink jersey and jeans, I fluffed at my hair in the mirror nervously. I could hear the boys laughing around down stairs and catching up.

"Knock-Knock" a small voice announced.

I turned around to see a shy looking Zoey standing there, her hands behind her back. "Zoey? I didn't know you were coming...".

"I decided to last minute". An awkward silence washed over us, making me shuffle on my feet, thinking of something to say.


"I'm so sorry Cassie" she gushed, rushing over to me.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that ignored all your texts and calls. I feel guilty".

"Because I should've come and visited you, it wasn't good enough of me to just flick you a couple of texts asking how you were. I didn't make enough of an effort".

"Well I didn't make any..." I plopped down on the bed sighing deeply.

"You had a reason not to. I had no idea how badly you were going through it until Marshall told me the other day". She sadly confessed, comfortingly holding onto my forearm.

"I still feel bad for ignoring you".

"Well don't. I understand".

"Thanks Zoe. I missed hanging with you" I hugged her tightly, feeling an incredible amount of weight falling off my shoulders. "But what about Proof? I didn't talk to him either... or any of the guys for that matter".

"They're fine" she reassured me.

"Zoey..." I persisted.

"Okay so some are a little annoyed- but it doesn't matter because it's not about how they feel at the moment, it's about you. Plus I'm here for you regardless" she smiled genuinely.


"Well, Deshaun".

"Shouldn't you be on Deshaun's side? He's your boyfriend".

She held up her hand to stop me. "Was. Was my boyfriend. You've missed a lot girl".

"What the hell happened?" I asked in shock.

"Well, I told him that if he wanted any of me, he couldn't have any of the other girls and he didn't like that. I was sick of being there for sex when he decides he wants it; he treats me like a groupie".

"What a dick! Want me to talk to him?"

"Nope. I know he'll come back soon enough. He can't live without all of this" she shimmied her body, making both of us laugh lightly. "Now come on, let's go down there, the game will be starting any minute". She stood and extended her arm to me which I happily accepted, glad to have her on my team again.


"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" The guys all yelled at the T.V screen simultaneously. The Detroit Pistons were getting absolutely smashed by the Boston Celtics, and tensions were extremely high. However Zoey and I couldn't care less and were constantly asking annoying questions to rile the guys up even further.

"So, we're cheering for the guys in green right?" I asked stupidly.

All the guys groaned loudly but were too engrossed to see me and Zoey burst into silent laughing fits. "No we're cheering for the guys in White!" Swifty exclaimed. "White".

Zoey cheekily looked at me. "Okay last question, I promise, why do they bounce the ball on the court? Wouldn't it be faster to just hold it and run with it?"

Slowly they all turned their heads to the couch we were sitting on. "Okay now I know you're joking" Bizarre said, as more of a way to convince himself.

"Ya'll are so easy to wind up" I laughed as they directed their attention back to the T.V, Denaun jokingly pulling the finger at me, which I returned, still laughing. The only person that was mad at me still was Proof, and it was so obvious. When I initially came down the stairs the first thing that happened was I received a hug from everyone, except Proof who went to "get a drink". As half time was finally announced everyone got up to go get pizza we'd ordered but I managed to corner Proof before he could get past me ."Can we talk?"

Proof clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Nah, I'm good actually".

"What the hell is your problem?" I snapped, screwing up my face.

"My problem?"

"Yes! Your problem! I've tried all morning to talk to you and you've just ignored me. All the other guys are fine!"

"You! You're my fucking problem!" his eyes shot daggers at me, taking me aback.


"Cause you muck everyone around all the time! Especially Em. You play him and he doesn't even realise which is fucking sad. You have no idea how fucking distraught he was over all your drama this past month, and you don't even care! You're too fucking self absorbed".

"Excuse me? You don't even know half  the shit that's happened recently. Who the fuck are you to call me self absorbed?!" I yelled, feeling the type of anger I hadn't felt in a looong time. The raise of my voice alerted the house and I heard the kitchen fall quiet before the sound of fast footsteps, followed by many more.

"Come on Cassie, everyone knows the truth about you two. Em even told me on the night you met".

"Told you what?"

"Oh he didn't tell you?" Proof scoffed and looked at me with disgust. "You weren't ever meant to be his girlfriend, you were just some girl at a club that he fucked and should've forgotten about. He's been trying to get rid of you for months. Why do you think you went to the DR?"

I saw red.

Before I knew it and could stop the fury from taking over me, I lunged at him, clumsily pushing him onto the floor. I screeched profanities as I was pulled off by strong arms. I struggled and clawed at my restraints with sharp nails to get at least one hit on his smug face, knocking that stupid smile right off. "Dawg, what the fuck is going on!" Marshall yelled as he burst into the room, immediately pushing Proof further away from me whilst he tried to stand up.

"You're girlfriend is a fucking psycho that's what!" Proof bellowed directly back in Marshall's face, shoving him too. As soon as those words left his mouth, all hell broke loose. Everyone could see the switch in Marshall instantly flick and suddenly there were not enough people in the room to restrain the three of us. Marshall swung his arm back to sock Proof in the jaw but Proof was too quick and gave Marshall a blow to the stomach, knocking the wind from him. Recovering quickly, Marshall threw a punch in Proof's left eye, only to receive one right back. Vases and coffee tables were being smashed left, right and center from the chaos. Denaun held me back as best as he could as I tried to help Marshall get on his feet. Meanwhile, Bizarre somehow managed to separate the two and pushed Marshall onto the couch, blocking him from Proof who had to have both Swifty and Kuniva restraining him.

Heavy breathing was the only audible sound now as we all tried to regain our composure. No one dare spoke, instead everyone's eyes darted around suspiciously, waiting for the next attack. Zoey stood meekly in the doorway, seemingly trying to stop herself from bursting into tears. I ripped my arm free from Denaun in an attempt to get a scratch on Proof but didn't get far as he got me back instantly and mumbled a "I don't think so".

Marshall made everyone in the room jump as he suddenly bellowed, "IF YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WITH CASSIE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" No one moved, unsure of who he was talking to. His face was completely flushed, and his eye already began to show the signs of swelling. "I SAID ALL OF YOU GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I FUCKING MURDER PROOF". He was dead serious now, not even worried about who it was that 'had a problem' with me. Slowly and carefully Kuniva and Swifty pulled a livid Proof out of the house, the rest following suit as they heard the car drive off, now safe to let Marshall and I go, knowing we couldn't attack him anymore.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked in bewilderment, falling onto the couch in the now empty house.

"I don't know" Marshall stressed, pulling at his hair. "I just heard him speaking to you disrespectfully and then he called you a psycho and I fucking lost it".

We sat in silence for a while, trying to calm ourselves. Our tempers really got the better of us this time. I knew we were generally feisty people, but damn. "Marshall, your eye" I worried, realising he had actually taken a few hits.

He touched it and cringed. "It's fine".

"No it's not. Let me ice it". I pulled his hand, forcing him into the kitchen, where I pushed him onto a stool. I grabbed the ice pack, quickly wrapped it and stuck it on his eye before he could complain.

"Fuck. That's cold" he hissed.

"Yeah that's 'cause it's ice dumbass".

Marshall glared at me, before his eyes softened. "You didn't get hurt did you?" His hands gently caressed my thighs as he sized me up for any damage.

"Nah. I can hold my own. Black belt remember?" Marshall chuckled, his chest rumbling underneath my arm that was holding the ice pack. "I didn't expect hear  all of that pent up anger. Especially not from him".

"He can get real nasty when he's mad. We've only fought like that once or twice all these years, but it's usually over some shit he's said. He really digs the knife in when he wants".

"I was just asking him why he was being so rude to me all morning and then he said I was his problem, and that did not sit well with me. And when he said I was only a one night stand to you...I couldn't stop myself".

"He said that?" I nodded sadly and readjusted the ice pack, to avoid his stare. "That's not true Cass. I never saw you like that".

"I know you didn't" I smiled, holding the un-damaged side of his face. "It just hurt hearing it from him. I feel awful for causing all of this".

"Don't, he'll be over it by tomorrow. Proof doesn't play around with friendships like that".

"Good" I nodded once and removed the ice pack. "He didn't break any skin so that's good".

"Hurts like a bitch though" he prodded at area around his eye. I laughed lightly to myself as I stood back from him, settling the ice pack down. "What's so funny?" Marshall asked, a goofy smile crawling onto his face.

"I know this is a bad time but...seeing you defend me like that, no questions asked...was kinda hot".

The goofy smile immediately fell off his face and was replaced with a look of pure lust, his eyes becoming dark and clouded. How he could still look hot with a bung eye was beyond me, but he had never looked more attractive to me than he did right then in that kitchen. He abruptly stood, making the stool scrape loudly against the tiled floor. "It was?" he asked, stalking me like a predator does to their prey, until my back hit the fridge. I nodded innocently and placed my hands in between us, resting them on him. "Just say the time and the place" Marshall mumbled, desperately waiting for my permission.

"Now". On cue Marshall smashed his lips against mine as we pushed our bodies together as close as possible, feeling every inch of each other. I panted loudly as he trailed open mouthed kisses down my neck, before he bit down harshly on my collarbone making my breath halt in my throat. My hands roamed his back, tugging the fabric of his white shirt. In under a minute we were both completely free of clothes, taking in each others bodies that we'd missed being connected to. "Marshall" I whimpered.

"Yes baby?" he replied as he tightly squeezed my hips, still kissing my neck.

"I thought you promised to bend me over".

A hint of thrill dashed across his eyes and he slowly pushed me over to the kitchen counter. "What happened to waiting?"

"Fuck waiting. You're not complaining are you?" I confidently replied, draping my arms around his neck.

"Nah" he smirked before dipping down and passionately kissing me on the lips, slipping his tongue in for good measure. Marshall's kisses always made me absolutely weak at the knees. The way he took charge drove me wild with lust. The first kiss we ever shared was the best I'd ever had, and that's when I knew sex with him would always be amazing.

I moaned into the kiss as he snuck his hand between us and easily moved two fingers in and out of me, not even needing to prepare me. Oh, I wanted him so bad. More than ever before. Meanwhile his other hand squeezed my breast roughly, making me pull away from the kiss and suck in a harsh breath from the overwhelming mix of pleasure and pain.

My fingers scraped deeply along his back, surely raising skin. "Fuck Cass, you always rough me up in sex, what's with that?" he panted through a tense jaw, telling me he enjoyed it regardless.

I ignored him, too wrapped up in my own pleasure and instead moved against his hand, desperate to create more friction- but it wasn't anywhere near what I needed. I needed him. And he needed me badly too, judging by the way he twitched with excitement as my moans floated through the now steamy kitchen. We'd christened nearly everywhere in the house, the kitchen being the main one yet to conquer.

"Marshall. Please just- just take me" I mewled, unable to string together a sentence. Before I could beg again he maneuvered my body around and grabbed my hands, leaning over to extend them to the other edge of the counter. I gasped as my breasts came in contact with the cold surface. Marshall pushed me down further noticing my initial reaction and then excruciatingly slowly, ran his member along my opening, making me fidget impatiently. One of his hands positioned it's self on my lower back, holding me still.

"Tell me how bad you want it Cassie".

"So so bad Marshall. Please don't tease me anymore. I need you now". I let my head flop to the side, barely able to support it any longer.

Without warning he slammed into me and we both cursed loudly at the feel. He stilled and even though my eyes were closed I could see his face perfectly; smug as a motherfucker. "You want it slow and deep?" he taunted, still wanting me to beg for him.

"N-No. Fast please Marshall. I c-can't wait anymore".

"There we go" he praised as he got what he was seeking, before taking me exactly how I wanted.  My hands desperately clawed at the marble counter under Marshall's weight as he showed me zero mercy. I threw myself back onto him, meeting his rough movements, making him groan a 'holy shit' under his breath. Not happy with me trying to override his dominance, he gave my ass a relatively light yet sharp slap. Hard enough that the skin immediately stung and flushed red with his hand print.

"Again" I begged.

He chuckled darkly and smacked me repeatedly, enjoying this new found pleasure as much as me. "I forgot just how kinky you were".

His hands moved to grip my hips, improving his accuracy and I whimpered as he found my g-spot which he slammed onto directly, over and over again until my body physically couldn't take any more. "I'm gonna..." I trailed off, squeezing my eyes tightly shut in an attempt to delay my peak.

"Cum. Cum for me baby, don't hold it back". Not needing anymore convincing, my body spasmed underneath him, trembling as I finally reached what I'd been craving.

I craved Marshall.

I craved the feel of him against me, showing how much he loved me or how much he hated me in that moment. And right now? I couldn't feel more loved. Everything but the currents of pleasure travelling through my veins were blacked out as Marshall easily found his release also.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." he cursed, slowly riding out his high as well as mine together. I stayed slumped on the counter as he pulled out and stood back into his boxers. "You 'aight?" he grinned at me as I sleepily watched him with my body still on full display. I merely nodded and rose slowly, stretching my aching muscles.

"Never better".

"That was insane, you know that aye?"

"What was?" I chucked my bra and undies back on, not bothering with the rest.

"Going from throwing punches to hooking up just like that".

"Well when have we ever done things normally?" I cuddled into his chest as he affectionately smoothed out my hair. I loved how quickly we were able to switch up the dynamic in our relationship, from rough and passionate to sweet and caring in the matter of seconds. "Wanna go catch the rest of the game?"

"Nah we ain't gonna win. Besides, I had better ideas about what we could do". I squealed loudly as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a rag doll, running us up the stairs.

Even though it felt like everything and everyone were constantly trying to break us down, Marshall and I remained strong and I finally believed we were in the right track.

Or so I naively thought- not having any inkling that my world would be crashing down soon enough. 

23 votes for an update!

Author's Note: There you go! This chapter is a little different than the original one I wrote and didn't save smh.... but I hope you like it anyway! Cassie and Marshall are both feisty mofos aren't they? Lmaooo. Hope you're enjoying the current plot and expect shit to start going down next chapter. I know ya'll been waiting!

Question: What's your favourite Em album? For me if I had  to choose I give; MMLP 9.5/10 and MMLP2 9.4/10. That's how close they are for me but MMLP just wins! TES is a very close third too though lol it's so hard to pick! I'd love to hear yours!

Also look at this photo I found!!!! What's going on??? Lmaooo I love it
- Louisa xxx

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