That's My Little Alpha

By Lalabean

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Things have come circle for the Little Alpha’s and The Darkness will make itself known once again. Nikko Bal... More

That's My Little Alpha ( on hold)
1:The Seer
2:You got mail
Missing peices

5: The Mating Dance

2.5K 86 44
By Lalabean

Hey..... another post not my favorite chapter but it a filler and  will most likely be rewriten....I hope you enjoy..... will work on  editiing soon...Much love lalabean<3


(POV Nikko)

“Just Breath,” I chanted in my head as I walked around pool.  I gazed into the deep blue water hoping to loose myself in its beauty.  I was bursting  at the seams  with unanswered question and random thoughts, I felt so overwhelmed.  I just need a few moments for quiet to ease my nerves.

“Hey, Boo bear.  I been looking everywhere for you.  Are you ok?”  Zurie said as walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I leaned into her warm embraces and quietly said, “Yea.”

“Nikko, what is wrong?  I hear the tone of your voice, I know when something is on your mind. Not to mention your standing outside by yourself.” She gave me a little tug.

“I’m worried Zurie.  After everything that happened today, people collapsing like dead flies.  Two people are dead, my mom is in the hands of a Demon and my dad is in a coma.” I said with a dramatic loud sigh.

Her arms slide down my sides as one her hands laced with mine. She tugged me to a nearby lounge chair and she pushed me down on it, and then settled herself in my lap. “Let’s talk since you left before you heard everything.”

My head sagged slightly as I whispered softly, “Sorry … I just need to get out of there. I needed some air.”

“Hey, Stop before I zap you and give you boobs.” She teased.

A small grin tugged at corner of my mouth, “you’re such a brat. So what happened after I walked out?”

“Well, Gabe called home and to see what happened.  Well I guess when Loki teleported them to the pack house, his father panicked and went searching for them.  Things got so crazy here no one thought to call his people.  So his  father  sent out  a few search parties to check things out but after everyone went out on the search they received a tip. There was no one left to send out so he went to check out the lead, but he didn’t go alone his brother went with him. It was a trap, they were ambushed by  a bunch of rogues and killed.”

“How did they find out it was an ambush.” I asked.

“Talon, he saw it in a vision.” She said.

“So what is going to happen now?” I asked.

“Well, Gabe, Alexis, Adrian and Loki are going to get your dad.  Gabe is going to talk to his people and he will announce his claim officially. They will be back in a day or so because he has handle things with his clan first. He said it shouldn’t take more than two days, because he is going to leave his second in command behind. Gabe feels that things here are a priority because it’s affecting everyone.”

“Sounds like that is a wise choice considering how things are going. What are we going to do about the Demon and my mom?”  I asked.

“The Demon has agreed to help us, but there are some limitations.  He can’t hand over your mom because his bounded to the Ward.”

“What does that mean?”

“Have you ever heard of a blood contract,” Zurie asked.

“Yea, it’s a document forged by the fairies. It’s basically unbreakable and if one party does it basically death.” I said as my fingers caressed the curve of her hip.

“Yup… Your right.  It’s kind of the same thing but worse kind of  punishment.”

“Worse than death…..what could be worse than that.” I said.

“Imagine this…. You brake a dark bound, but the punishment doesn’t affect you but a loved one or someone you don’t want to see suffer. You….see where I’m going with this? You will feel every pain, ever hurt and every moment of suffering. You will never know rest because you relieve their fate  till the end of your life.”

“Damn…. That is fucked up….. your right it is worse but he is a Demon, they feel no love …everything are is dark?”

“Funny you say that I asked  Kane about that?  He told us he is only half Demon and Kane told us he doesn’t know his family.  So when the Ward presented him the offer, he took it.  He had nothing to lose, the only problem he also had nothing to offer to make the bound.  That is when the Ward brought in a Seer and she told him there was a women. That he hadn’t met her only that she would be of great importance to him. Kane took that chance so he believes if he breaks the bound it harm this women. He believes it’s a long lost family member but I think its Faith that the Seer was talking about. Either way he  is unwilling to risk it.”

“Well maybe there is a way we can sneak mom here without anyone knowing.”

“They are bound by blood, that means she  can sense if he  breaks the  vow.” Zurie explained.

“So where does that leave us.”

“Well, Kane said she is staying  at  his house. Your mom can’t leave the house without him and no one can get in so she is safe but he can take people into the house. So Zack has volunteered to go guard her just in case. The only down side is that we can’t communicate with them because of the spells.”

“Why doesn’t  he just take them off?”

“Well, because in a way it’s  protecting your mom.  As long as your mom is in that house no one can get to her or Faith.”

“Ok….. I get it but what about my dad he zapped him with some shit and put him in a coma.”

Zurie smiled, “Your dad will wake up in a day or two.  Kane just stunned him. You know what is strange he is a Demon but is reluctant to harm a surface walker.  Strange huh….”

“Well, maybe because he is only half Demon. So….. When will Kane come back?” I said.

“Oh…He is just dropping off Zack and he will be back in the morning. Your brother and sister already left with Gabe and Lokie, they  have already left to the Tempest Coven. So it just a small group of us left, when they return with the other Vampires we go over things. So all we can do is wait, and be on alert.”

“Yea,” I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers.  “Zurie, thank you for being my rock, I have never felt so helpless.”

“Don’t say that, you need to give yourself more credit babe. I’m the mental one always acting like a wild child  and you are the rock. Plus your I think your right about the Elemental thing but I’m sure we will know more once we get the book from the elder city.” I said.

“Let’s not  talk about that right now. We need to talk about us.”

“What about us?” She paused for a minute and grinned at brightly as said in her best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. “Tonight…..WE ARE  GOING TO DO THE SEX…..” She laughed, “And I will be yours.”

I chuckled at her, “ be serious.  Poppy told me something, you might want to know.  I think you will get pregnant from us mating  tonight.”

“Ummm….. Yea I know.” She said.

“This  doesn’t bother you…. We are pretty young and we aren’t married yet.” I said.

“Your sister has a kid and we are the same age, so it won’t be so bad.  I have money, not that I need it but I do have some if we need it and I think one day you might want to marry me.”

“Well, of course I will marry you and I can support us I have plenty of money. So you’re ok with this possibility.” I asked.

“Ummm….Yea, Pixie are different. Did you know the average Pixie has at least 20  off springs.” She said in amazement.

“Well it’s a good thing you’re not a pixie.” I said.

She giggled, “ Yea good thing I’m only half… That means we will only have 10 kids.”

“Silly, you forget you’re not a Pixie but an Avatar. Zurie why se you not surprised when I told you I might get you pregnant.”

“Oh…. that… well the first thing is birth control and condoms don’t work on people from the Enchanted Realm because of the way we have sex. It’s hard to explain, but I will try it’s almost like our souls are intertwining and if my womb is ready for your seed my light will call out to you. Then while doing the mating dance it will be implanted in my womb.”

“The mating dance,” I asked.

“Yes, our soul will leave our bodies briefly and they  hoover above our bodies.”

“I still don’t get it,” I said.

She jumped off my lap and tugged me to my feet, “enough talking we just need to do it.”  She said as dragged me to the house.

“Do what,” I said.

“We are going to DO THE SEX …you dork.” She  said in a huff.

I planted  my feet and pulled her to a stop, “ wait Zurie. Just one second.”

I called out in mind link, “Jake me a Zurie are going to take care of something you can reach me on my cell if you need me if you can’t get me in link.

“Alright bro…. happy mating.” Jake said.

“Asshole,” I said in link.

“What is the hold up,” Zurie  asked  as she glared at me.

I picked her up in my arms and kissed her gently on the lips. “I want this to be right baby. Why don’t we go to your secret place?”

She smiled at me brightly as the lights engulfed us and took yes to her magical place. It was even lovelier in the dark there was a dozen of twinkling little stars in the sky and the water had magical glow like there where a dozen of light hidden under water.

“Zurie, it’s a little dark in here. I want to see you?” I said in a husky voice. I felt her move in my arms and suddenly there where dozens of candles floating in the air  casting down soft candle light on us. “Perfect,”  I said as I carried her to the bed. I placed her  in the center of it as I kissed the top of her nose. She laid back and watched with those big lovely  blue eyes of hers. 

I slowly unlaced her high tops and tossed them over my shoulder. I lifted one of her legs and placed a tiny kiss on her ankle as I peeled off her stocking. Then  repeated the same thing on the other leg. I brushed my lips lightly against her soft creamy thighs and I worked my way up her tiny body. Zurie held still as she watched me unbuckle her pleated skirt as I slide down her curvy body.

“Baby….your so fucking perfect,” I said as looked down at her  tight little muscled body.  “Take off your shirt,” I said as I watched her hungrily. Zurie sat up slowly peeled off her shirt and tossed to the ground. “Damn, you look sexy in just your underwear and bra.  I think baby blue is my new favorite color.” I said as I finger the lace of her tiny blue G-string.  “I hope these aren’t your favorite, if they are I will by you new ones.” I said and  ripped the flimsy G-string and then gently snapped her bra off leaving her completely bare.  I leaned over her naked body  and took her mouth into a heated  kiss.  “yumm,” I said as sucked on her lower lips.

“ Boo Bear, you have way to many clothes on.” She said in-between kisses.

I sat up so I could undress, but Zurie beat me to it. “Bang,” she said as my gaze me hers. She was holding up her finger like a gun and  grinned at me wickedly.  “Baby that never gets old,” she said as she pulled me down on top of her as attacked my lips with hers.

Her lips  are so sweet and soft I couldn’t stop tasting them, an  excited groan left my mouth. I needed more and I wanted more but we had to slow down for a second.  “Zurie,” I mumbled and continued to ravage my mouth.  “ Zurie, I need to tell you something? Stop for one second.”

She pulled back as she stared at me with an intense desire. “what…….please baby…tell me …I want you already.”

“Zurie, I’m a virgin.” I said as my cheeks burned bright with embarrassment.

“I know and its ok… I’m a virgin too.” She said.  “ But I don’t want to be one anymore, so take me already big boy forget the foreplay  I’m ready.”

Her words hit me hard, it was like she unleashed the beast within. I kissed her hard on the mouth as my  hand roamed  up and down her body as it settled between her  legs.  My curious finger teased and played with her soft warm core until she started grinding against my big hand.  She moaned loudly and her body started to shimmer, Zurie’s light was starting to surface.

“Touch it baby…. Please touch it.”Zurie moaned.

Instead of using my hand,  I brushed  the tip on my nose against her light. She purred loudly as her light glowed brighter, I brushed my  lips against the light  as I flicked the tip of my tongue against it.

“OH,…. FUCK,” Zurie said as she arched her back off the bed. Her light burned brighter into a deep purple, “Nikko…it time I need you inside of me it starting.”

I wasn’t sure what to except but she didn’t have to asked me twice I want her just as much as she wanted me . I moved my body  back over  hers and took my  stiff member as I gently  guided myself inside her. “Oh…. god you’re so small, this is going to hurt baby.” I pulled back just a bit and then pushed my full length inside of her.

“hsssss,” was the only sound she made as I stilled. “No …. Don’t stop I’m fine it a little sting , just keep going I need all of you …. I need it now.”

I kissed that tip of her nose as I slowly thrusted inside of her, it felt so good and so complete.  I could feel her  body humming  and I noticed her pulsating  light was spreading. The light traveled from her flushed flushed skin to mine, her light was wrapping around the both of our bodies.  The more I thrusted inside her the brighter the light burned and a new sensation started to build.

“It’s time …..don’t be scared just watch..,” Zurie said in a husky voice.  She wrapped her legs around my waste and tossed her arms around my neck as she gave me one last deep  kiss. A brilliant light burst from chest into mine our spirits were knocked out our bodies. I looked down and I could see myself looking down loving at her as gentle  smile  tug at her lush lips.  I looked away from our bodies and back at  Zurie spirit light.  It was burning bright purple but her form was a translucent light. As we hovered over our bodies as we slowly started to spin.

Zurie’s voice entered my mind, “ just do as I do….this what we call the dance.” She spun us around faster and the she let go so that  we were only holding hands.  Zurie reached out for my other hand so we were face to face, and then slowly she pulled me towards her till our lights where touching but she didn’t stop there.  Once our lights collided she step inside my light, Zurie slid herself slowly up and down my translucent body. It was the most erotic thing I ever felt, it was as for one moment we were one. I could feel what she was feeling, I felt so complete….so loved but just as quick as I felt it… the feeling disappeared. “Now… your turn….you do that to me.”

I wasn’t sure what to do but somehow I could feel my wolf was guiding me.  Tell me to touch her and hold her just like she had, only this time went I entered her tiny body I could feel her feeling me. Dozens of light stared to float around us as we continued the dance. Then in the corner of my eye a single light broke away from the group and zipped through me into Zurie.

Zurie grinned at me sweetly as we slowly started to descend into our physical forms.  As I entered my body I could feel myself entering her as the intense pleasure  was bubbling with in me. 

“Nikko, we must mark her now,” my wolf called out.  I lowered my lips to the curved of her neck as gently licked and kissed the soft spot.  “Mine,” I said in a husky whisper as I sunk my teeth slowly into her neck causing Zurie to moan loudly and her body shuddered in release.  I thrusted into her lush body one more time and found my own release, and then collapsed next to her in bed.

I panted slightly, “well that was different. Will always be like that Zurie.”

She turned her head and smiled, “The mating dance ..what we did only  happens during mating bonding and umm when our womb is ready…’s like a pixie’s version of being in heat.”

“Oh… so you will go into heat soon?”  I asked.

She giggled, “ I have a feeling I won’t but we go into heat every full moon but it only last 24hrs.”

“So…you will go into heat in like 2 weeks….right.” I said as pulled onto my chest.

She smiled again, “I have a feeling I won’t.”

I spanked her bare bottom, “are you trying to confuse me …you just said you would on the full moon.”

“Didn’t  you see the light enter our bodies, that was ours. We made that light together, that was us preparing my body for your umm…..seed.” she said with a blushed.

“You mean once I spilled myself inside of you, it finished the process.” I asked

“No.. it was already formed.  Just think of it like a flower ok… We planted it but it might not take, but when you release yourself inside me it was like super compose or miracle grow. So it made the vessel that much more stronger, so it increase the chance of us reproducing.” She said.

“So that is why  protection doesn’t work because of that join of the lights.”

“Yup, by the way I love my mark on you,” she said as kissed my neck.

“What mark?” I asked and lifted my head up as my eyes scanned my naked body.

“Here let me show you,” she produce a hand mirror out of thin air and held up for me.

I looked at the mirror and noticed tattoo type mark on the side of my neck.  It was an infinity symbol inside of one of the loops was her name and on the other was mine.  Then in above it in lovely cursive writing was the words The Protectors. My eyes looked down at her mark and I noticed the same mark on her but small and it was  right next to where I marked her.  My eyes started to tear up… “How did I miss that mark when I claimed her?,” I thought to myself

“That is because I got it when you claimed me it finished the mating process.” Zurie said in my head.

“Shit…I forgot you can read my thoughts now.” I said with a chuckle.

“Funny you say that…I could always hear others thought but I could never hear yours till now.” She said as stroked my chest.

Her tender touches where turning me on and all I could think about was tossing her back onto the bed.  I kissed that succulent mouth hers and grinned, “oh…..and what I’m I thinking now…”

She laughed and pushed me down in the bed as straddled my body, “I’m thinking hell yea… but this time I’m driving.”

We spent the rest of the night loving and exploring each other bodies. It was everything I had always dreamed of, and more. After everything I witnessed with my sister and stories about my mother’s own mating experience I was certain I would follow in their footsteps.  As I held  Zurie throughout the night I held tightly as thanked the Moon Goddess for blessing me with such a gift.

(POV- Cynthia/The Ward) Somewhere in Demark…

“I have the ashes,” I said as looked over at the Seer.

“Good, child  now you must resurrect them,” she said.

“But how, I’m not strong enough yet. I haven’t found my mate, so that I make the full change.” I said in frustration.

“I can’t not see him, but I see another. A woman with strawberry blonde hair………she is a wolf and  is in-love with you mate. Oh…..her destined mate treats her badly and her bond is growing stronger with your mate. Seek the out her mate……he will lead you to yours.” She said

“So where will I find this  mate of hers,” I asked,

The old woman cackled, “ at the young Alpha’s party.”

“Oh…. and how do you think I will manage that without being spotted,” I said.

“Oh… this time we will not use magic it will be too risky but we will change your appearance.” She said mysteriously.”

“Well, let’s get started the party is in a day away,” I said.

(Parker POV)

“Dad, are you in there.” I called out as I tapped on the office door.

“Yea, I’m in here son….come in. I thought you left this morning to Dark Luna?” he said as he leaned back in his big wing chair.

I walked inside and tossed myself into an empty chair, “Dad I did go but I came back because I need to talk to you. I messed up dad….. I messed up bad and I’m going to lose her and I don’t know what to do.” I said as dropped my head into my hands.

I heard my dad get up from his chair and  come around the desk as squatted next to me. He reached out and touched my leg, “ it’s ok son. Just tell me everything and we will figure it out.”

I looked up at him with watery eyes, “ I found my mate Dad.”

“That is great son. Who is she….oh wait……. Tell me you didn’t reject her.” He said in firm voice.

I shook my head, “ No Dad…. I did something worse.  I treated her badly, so badly that she found someone else Dad but I swear dad I didn’t know she was my mate. All I knew was that I liked her  a lot  but she was older so I never thought she would want someone like me Dad.  So I started making fun of her and teasing her to make myself feel better but all I did was hurt her.  Today we were fighting once  again and she told me that if her boyfriend ask her to marry him. That she would. That she didn’t deserve to have a mate like me.” I said in a broke voice.

“Son, do you want her,” he asked.

“Yes, but she loves another and after everything I have done I think she hates me.” I said.

“Then you have to make things right with her.  Beg for her forgiveness and show her every day that you want to make things right and no matter what she does or says. Just be there for her.”

“Do you honestly think that will work?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I can tell you to lose a mate is the worst thing in the world and I speak from experience.” He said  as stood up and  leaned up against the desk.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“It’s a story I’m not proud of but I was hoping my children had enough sense not to repeat my errors. You see your mom was not my first mate.  Your Aunt Katya was my mate and I rejected her.”

“You rejected her but why she is so great,” I asked in astonishment.

“It was a dark time for me I let others lead me into what they wanted.  I let people beat her and verbal abuse her, and then to make matters worse I rejected her only because I wasn’t man enough to listen to my wolf.  In the end I found out I was never meant to be with her but I was punished for my part in her suffering.  Every day I remember what I did to her, while I watched her be happy with your Uncle. It was a hard pill to swallow but I did and I made things right with the both of them.  Once things were right I was giving a second chance and found your mother at their wedding. So you see son, there is a chance you might not get her back but you can make  things right.”

 “I see what you’re saying Dad. I will fix things even if it means losing her but for what is worth Dad I’m glad you found mom.” I said.

“Me too…..don’t get me wrong you Aunt is pretty awesome but I love your mom with everything I have. Plus to be honest I have no regrets when it comes to my family only that I treated Katya and my brother badly.” My dad said with a sad grin.

“So I guess we are all heading to Dark Luna together tomorrow.”  I said.

“Yea, looks like it but I have this strange feeling something is  up over there.  I called your Uncle over at The Warrior and no one  is answering over there.  I called over to Dark Luna and all I get is a service.” He said.

“Did you try the cell phones?”

“I called  Cassi and your Aunts, but still no answers.”

“Let me try Nikko, I’m sure there is a lot going on with the party and all.”  I dialed his number but it went into voice mail so I texted him.

Parker: Hey man why isn’t anyone answering there phone’s we are worried…call me.

“ I left  a text no one is answering. I do have Lynn’s number I could call her.” I said quietly.

“Yea try it ……” my dad said.

My hand shook as I found her number and  called it,  the phone rang and rang.

“What do you want PARKER…I don’t have time for you bullshit right now.” She said.

“No…..don’t be mad baby… My dad and I are worried. No one is answering there phones and her can get a hold of my Aunt or Uncle over at the warrior. Is everything ok.” I asked.

She sighed loudly, “No everything isn’t ok there is a lot going on right now and it’s too much to explain over the phone. We will explain everything once  everyone gets here.”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” I asked.

“No, Parker there isn’t….I will talk to you tomorrow.” She said

“Wait before you hang up I wanted to say I’m sorry for everything please give me a chance to make it right.” I pleaded.

“I..dont know Parker. You have  hurt me for years and I finally have  someone who cares for me I don’t know if I want to give that up…..I will have to think about it.”

“That is all  I ask Lynn,” I said as she hung up the phone.

“Is everything alright?” my dad asked.

“I don’t know dad she didn’t say much only that they would tell us tomorrow but I get the feeling its bad. It might be best of just you and I went.” I said.

“I think your right. Let me go speak with your mother.” He said as left the room.

(POV Nikko) Dark Luna

“Oh…shit I’m going to puke,” I thought as I bolted up right in bed.  I tossed the covers off me and  jumped out of the bed  as I ran over to the other end of the island and puked my guts out.   I had no idea how long I kneeled there in the grass throwing up yesterday’s lunch but a small hand  rubbed against my bare back and soothed the upset stomach.

“Are you ok babe?”  Zurie said as she swatted next to me.

“ I don’t know I feel kind of sick but hungry at the same time.  Strange ….huh.” I said as careful stood up.  I wobbled on unsteady feet and held on to Zurie for support.

“Hey….you really are sick let’s get you back to the pack house.” She said as waved a hand and dressed us.  She wrapped her arms around me and said, “Hold on babe” Zurie teleported us into my bed room. “Lay down ok, you need to get some rest.” She said as kissed my forehead.

“Zurie I hate to ask but I’m so hungry.  I would kill for  a chocolate cupcake with sour patch kids on them….or better yet some jelly bean and blue berry pancakes with tons of butter and syrup.” My stomach rumbled loudly as she looked at me strangely.

“Umm…..ok I will see what I can do but you sure you don’t want some chicken noodle soup or something?” she said as stood by the door.

“Nope…if you can’t find any of that just bring me candy…..and a few soda and some bread.”

“Bread….” She said.

“Yea,  I will just make myself a sandwich.” I said.

“Ummm….okay,” she said. “ I will brb back.

( Zurie POV)

I knocked on the door of the alpha suite and waited.  The door slowly opened as a little hand came into view as a Lilly head popped out from behind the door. 

“Momma, Light……purtttty….light lady is here..” she said opened the door further.

I scooped her up into my arms and walked inside.  “Cassi, it’s me Zurie are you in here?”  I said as I walked cautiously inside.

“Yea, I’m in the kitchen,” she called out.

I walked through house and headed to where she was at. Cassi stood at the stove making breakfast and from the smell of it …it was fantastic.  She turned around and greeted me with a warm smile, “ Hey what brings  you to  my  den of craziness. I thought you two love birds would still be sleeping.”

I could feel myself blush,” well I thought so too Cassi but this morning Nikko woke up  sick.  He is in the room right now resting but he asked me to bring him something to eat. That is why I’m here.”

“Mky…. So what can I help with,” she said as dished up a few plates of food.

“Well he asked me for something strange and although I have eaten a lot of things in this Realm some food is still new to me.” I said.

“Oh… I understand. Just tell me what it is and I whip it up for him.” She said.

“Umm….. ok.  He wants a chocolate cup cake with sour patch kids on it….. I have no clue what a sour patch kid is…he said that or jelly bean and blue berry pancake with tons of syrup and butter.  He said if we don’t have that just to bring him bread to make him a sandwich along with… candy and a few cokes . Now I know what candy is but I don’t know what a sour patch kid is, or a jelly bean is.”

Cassi had a grimace on her face, “are you sure that is what he wanted.”

I nodded, “Yup.”

“Well, I can get you the cupcakes but it will take me an hour to whip it up so why don’t we keep it simple and make him a few sandwiches.  I have a candy drawer over there next to refrigerator it’s the one on the top. Help yourself and the soda is in the frig.” She said as pulled out things to make a sandwich.”

Lilly squirmed in my arms as I open the drawer, she said loudly “CANDIES.”

“No..Candies for you pumpkin,” said a deep voice. I turned around and saw Cassi’s husband standing there in his jeans with a towel slung around his shoulders as he dried his hair. “Here let me take her she will go bonkers until you give her candy,” he said as walked over and took her into his arms. Ionuts then walked over to Cassi and kissed her cheek as he watched her make the sandwiches.  “I thought we were having bacon and eggs.” He said.

“We are …these are for Nikko and Zurie,” she said. 

I looked through the packages of candy and pulled out some chocolates, sour floss , jelly beans and sour patch kids. I opened one of the packets of sour patch kids and popped on in my mouth.

“Oh…shit,” I said as the tart sour flavored exploded in my mouth.

I heard Ionuts laughing at me “are you alright over there.”

“Yea…but that little candy taste like pure sugar.” I said as chewed the fruity sour flavored candy.

“She must of have found the sour patch kids.” Cassi said and got out a tray for the plates of food she prepared of us.

“He wanted this on a chocolate cupcake…. Gross….” I mumbled as set the pile of candy on the tray.

“Who wants that on a cupcake.” Ionuts asked.

“Nikko,” Cassi and I said together.

Ionuts laughed and said, “What did you do knock him up last night.”

I froze and I felt there eyes bore into me, “Cassi… do you have a pregnancy test.”

“No, but I can send one up to your room. Is everything ok?” she asked.

“Ummm…yes and no….I’m just trying to remember something.  I think I need to go to the Enchanted Realm to check something out.” I said.

“Anything..I can help with Zurie,” Ionuts asked.

“I need to go to the hall of records and look up the history of the Avatars” I said.

“I can go with you if you want?” Ionuts offered.

“It’s ok I will just get the book and come back but I need your help to read it.  I will need a translation spell because its written in  the language of the dead. I will head out to the Realm once I get this food to Nikko.”  I said.

“Please Zurie, let  Ionuts go with you. We still don’t know what happened to Dorian and you could be in danger.” Cassi said.

“Alright, we leave in an hour.” I said. “Thank for the food guys and your help.” I said as I picked up the big tray to leave.

“Wait you forgot your drinks.” Cassi said as placed  a few cans of coke on the tray.

I smiled “thanks guys” and walked back  to Nikko’s suite.

I entered the room and  soft snoring filled the room,  I walked around the bed and place the tray on the desk near the bed.  “Baby, I got the food,” I said as brushed a thick lock of hair from his head.

His eyes fluttered open as his hands shot out as he pulled me down on top of him.  He planted a  warm firm kiss against my lips and whispered, “Did you bring the food.”

“Yes, now sit up and I place the tray on your lap. “ I said as got up to get the tray.  “Your sister said she would make you the cupcakes but it will take an hour.”  I said as placed the tray on his lap.  I went around the bed and sat next to him as pulled a plate of food into my own lap.  I took a big bite of my ham sandwich as I watched Nikko pull apart his.  He pulled off the lettuce and tomatoes, and then replaced the items with a hand full of jelly beans and sour patch kids. Nikko took a big bite of the sandwich and moaned in delight.

“This is the best sandwich ever but I think it need more jelly beans.” Nikko said as he added another handful to the sandwich and took another big bite, “You want some baby it sooooooooo…..good.” I could feel my stomach churning at the thought of taking a bite. “Come on just one bite…..please for me,” he said as held the sandwich out to me.  I looked at the sandwich cautiously and then back at Nikko. He was frowning down at me I sighed and forced myself to take a bite.

I chew it once and was hit with a  blast of sweetness and ham. It was so sweet I wanted to vomit but Nikko was watching me closely  I forced a tight smile and  swallowed the nasty concoction.  I quickly  picked up the soda to mask the nasty flavor, “Yummy” I said.

“I know right..” he said as he happily munched on his sandwich.

I pushed my plate away  and got out of bed, “ I going to take a shower.”

“Wait for me…” he said and shoved the rest of sandwich of his mouth and chugged his soda down. I watch him  jump out of bed and follow behind me.   I thought it’s kind of funny how the roles are flipped now I’m the serious on and he is one acting all wacky now. Just then he smacked me on the butt and skipped passed me as he unfastened his jeans. Yup, things have definitely taken a turn for the strange.

I grinned as took off my own clothes and joined in the shower. A girl could get used to all this attention I thought as Nikko slowly soaped my body.  He moved his hand in slow torturous strokes, until my body ached for him.  “Enough,” I growled as I stood up on my tippy toes and slammed my mouth against his. That was all the encouragement he need, as picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he entered me.  Nikko pressed me against the shower wall and held me firmly against it as slid in and out of me.  We were so consumed with desire that I could  feel myself getting  closer to my release. Nikko  must have  felt it do  because he went faster and deeper. He let out a loud grunt and I felt him spill himself inside me as I found my own release.

He leaned his forehead against mine as he grinned at me, “ from now on we shower together sweets.”

I laughed as kissed him, “well see…hurry up lets finished shower so we can get dressed before you sister shows up with your cupcakes.”

“Oh…. yea I forgot she was coming.” He said as he lowered me to my feet and picked up the shampoo to wash his hair.  I  reached  for the soap and started to slowly wash him.  He swatted my hand, “Hey stop that or we leave here for another hour,” he said.

“What about your cupcakes,” I said as I slowly soaped  his grown member.

“Damn the cupcakes woman, if  you keep doing that……..Back……away you little minx.” He said as shouldered passed me to rinse off.   As he turned his back on me  I laughed and squeezed his bottom. 

“Last one to the bed, get hand cuffed tonight.” I said as  jumped out the shower and picked up a towel.

“Fuck…..Zurie…………….that not fair….shit I got soap in my eyes,” he said as washed his face under the stream of water. I stood there like an idiot watching the water spill down his hard muscular tan body.

He wiped the last of the soap out of his lovely green eyes and smiled wickedly at me as he stepped out of the shower.  Nikko leaned down and kissed me sweetly on the lips. When he pulled back  I felt  towel being pulled off my naked body as he smiled at me.  “You lose.” He said as ran out into the bed room.

“Crap,” I’m losing my touch.” I thought as grabbed another towel and I walked into the bed room. Nikko was already sliding on a pair of jean and  wearing Dark grey v-neck shirt when I entered.

“Do you need something to wear sweets,” He asked.

“Naw, I can summon my clothes and personal items anytime I want.” I thought of the outfit I wanted to wear and summoned it.  I was dressed in a pair of  black skinny jeans, baby blue vans and a matching t-shirt that Dork on it.  I summoned my  makeup bag and so I could put on some eyeliner and gloss. “Boo Bear….can I leave my makeup bag here.”

“Yea…you can bring you stuff here, because I want you with me from now on.” He said as walked over to me and wrapped his arm around me.

I lowered my head as tears burned in my eyes.

“Are you ok babe,” he asked.

I sniffled, “Yes I’m just emotional…. I just never had a family or a friend and now I have you.”

“Aww… baby, you just don’t have me but my family is now yours.  Just wait till my mom and dad meet you they are going to love you. Trust me when I said you will never be alone again.” He said.

“I know Boo bear, it just a lot to take in when I have been alone all my life.” I said quietly.

“ I understand by the way why do you call me boo bear,” Nikko asked.

“Ummmm….don’t get mad ok,” I said as he looked at me curiously.   I closed my eyes and thought of the object I wanted.  A tattered brown bear that was dressed as a ghost rested in my hand.

“Hey…..That’s my bear Casper. Where did you find him at he has been missing for years.” He said took the bear from my hands.

“He wasn’t missing.  I stole him from you. I came to visit you with Poppy once, you were around 10 years old. We watched you that whole day and you carried him around everywhere you seemed like you loved him so much.  Some started kids were teasing you later that day about carrying your bear around that you got mad and dumped him in the woods.  So when you weren’t looking I took him, I thought since you had a lot of friends that I could keep him so  he could be mine. So when I was assigned to you….you became my real life boo bear. That is what I called him it was much cooler that Casper.” I said as I wiped a stray tear away.

He chuckled,” you know I was so upset that I throw him away that I went back looking for him but I never found him. I’m glad you took care of him for me.” Nikko said as set the bear on dresser.

“Knock Knock …. We come bearing cupcakes,”  Cassi said she and Ionuts walked into the room.  “We knocked on the front door no one answered but the door was open so we came inside.”

“Yumm…..Cupcakes I’m starving.”  Nikko said as he swiped a cupcake off the plate and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. “Freaking amazing sissy but it could use a few more sour patch kids on it.” We all stared at Nikko as  he  wolfed down two more.

“That looks so gross man,” Ionuts said.

“Naw…’s good man ….want some.” He said as stuffed another bite in his mouth.

“No……You almost ready Zurie,” Ionuts asked.

“Ready for what,” Nikko mumbled with a mouth full of food.

“I need to go to the Enchanted Realm, so I can get the book about  history of the Avatars. Ionuts said he would go with me just in case there is trouble.” I said.

“I will go to,” he said.

“You can’t ….only magical beings  can enter the Enchanted Realm.” I said

“You’re not going…’s dangerous and I won’t lose you Zurie.” He said pulling me into a tight hug.

“Baby, listen to me I need that book…..I need answers plus Ionuts will be with me. I promise I come back as fast as I can.” I pleaded.

“Listen bro, I won’t let anything happen to her.  Trust me I will protect her with my life.” Ionuts said.

He kisses me fiercely and said, “You come back to me baby.”

“Promise,” I said.

“Don’t forget guys there is no cell phones and we can’t speak in link but we can communicate magically. We don’t know what to expect but we will be as quick as possible. Just remember in a hour in the realm  can  a day or two here.” Ionuts said.

“Just be safe babe,” Cassi said as she kissed her husband.

Nikko leaned down and kissed me “Be safe” he whispered.

“You ready Zurie so I can summon a portal,” Ionuts  said.

I chuckled, “Naw let me do it.”  I used my finger and drew an outline of a door with my light.  I made a little door handle on it and looked over my shoulder at Ionuts. “You ready?” I turned the knob and opened the door a bright light spilled from inside.  “You first, don’t worry it’s not like a portal.” I said.  He turned back and smiled at Cassi before he stepped inside.  “Be back in a jiffy,” I said as followed Ionuts into the door.

“Holy crap that was cool. I like much better than a portal it was like walking through a wall of warm water and bam…….. you’re on the other side. Why didn’t they teach me that…….or is that a pixie thing.”  Ionuts  said.

I laughed, “No only I can do that.”

“Where are we?” I said.

“In my house, it’s near the grotto.” I said.

“So where do we need to go?” Ionuts asked.

“We have to go to other side of the town.” I said.

“Well we should get moving,” he said.

We headed out the front door but Ionuts open the door I held him back. “Stop…..we are in danger,” I said as I pulled him back into the house.

“What the matter …what is going on?” he asked.

“Did you not notice the sky.” I pulled him to the window and pointed to the sky, “You see that….it’s black…..pixie colors are never black unless they are in danger.”

“What should  do?” he asked.

“I’m going to see what is going on, watch the door and keep guard as I  use my powers.” I sat down on the  couch and closed my eyes. I let my released my light from my body as it flowed out of the house and out towards the city. The once active city  was now a  ghost town. There was no signs of anything living, I let me spirit fly  high into the sky.  The  pixie’s quivered  in fear they could feel my light as I neared them.

“Hide…’re not safe…the city isn’t  safe.”  A pixie whispered to me.

I project my voice to them mentally, “What is going on?”

“Princess, they opened the door to our cavern.  A group of dark witches broke the spell on the entrance but that isn’t the worst of it. There are things roaming down there they were feeding on people brains. The  others got away but we stayed behind to warn others.  Princess when the opened the door they release the Djinns…..You must go.”

“Thank you little ones I will close the door  to the Realm but you must leave now.” I said.

“Yes, Princess…” the pixie  said.

I let my light spirit float away and return to my body.  I let out a loud sigh…..

“Are you alright Zuire,” Ionuts said.

“Yea, I’m good  but we are in trouble.   Witches  opened the door  to the Realm Cavern and released the Djinns. To top things off there is some things guarding  the city and  its eating the brains of their victims.” I said.

“Whatttttt….so are you telling me there are zombies down here.” Ionuts said.

“I wish… at least they would be dumb and slow. I have a feeling it something much worse than a zombie but it can’t be … just can’t  be them.”

“Who do you think it is,” Ionuts asked.

“I think it’s the Kitsunes,” I said.

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