Jarley One-shots

By _YesCaptain_

31.1K 728 273

This will be a series of pure Joker and Harley one shots. It will mostly be the Suicide Squad version, but if... More

Spaghetti n' Meatballs
Kitty Kat
Jack Napier
Jack Napier P.2
Last Words
Hold Me
A/N ~Important~
~I'm back!~
Nightmares and Cuddles and oh!
~The End~
Parents are Awkward (my comeback bitchez)


3.1K 84 62
By _YesCaptain_

In which the Joker forgets his anniversary with Harley.


Harley's POV

Finally, after a lot of waiting, the day has come. It is the anniversary of Mr. J and I! I had this marked on my calendar, and I made sure to remind Mr. J constantly. Like while we were eating, walking, in bed, out on our 'date nights'. So that way he will definitely not forget it, like most men do. Plus, he isn't like most men, so it should all be okay!

I stretched my arms, and then legs, then sat back down on the bed the Joker and I shared. It was a pretty big bed with purple sheets, and I must say very comfortable.

I woke up about ten minutes ago, with no one by my side, so I assumed that he was gone making me breakfast in bed or some cute stuff like that. So I decided to stay put where I was.

First, I tried to go back to sleep. I rolled around to each side, trying my best to sleep but it wouldn't work. The sun was peeking out through the covered windows, which made me want to go outside and feel the warmth on my skin. But not until Mr. J comes in through those doors with my breakfast. Oh wait... he must be struggling, that's why he is taking so long! I should give him more time.

I stayed there for a couple more minutes, until the door swung open and a happy looking Joker walked inside the room. Holding...nothing.

"G'morning, Puddin'!" I say excitingly, jumping off the bed. It was pretty cold in the room, so my bare legs and arms had goosebumps all over them. I should've probably wore something warmer to bed last night...not shorts and a tank top.

"Morning." He was rummaging through one of his shelves, until he pulled out a large paper roll where he put most of his schemes to kill the Bat on.

"What are ya doin'?" I asked, crossing my arms as I watched him intently. He was leaning down, which gave me a pretty good view of his backside. I smirked at the sight, but decided to ignore it at the moment.

He got up, then turned to me with one of his signature grins. "Since I don't have anything to do today, might as well meet up with the ol' Batsy." He walked away from me and out of the room, leaving me standing there with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Is he serious right now? He forgot it?

If this were one of those old cartoons, I would have steam coming out through my ears and a bright red face. Even though the steam isn't possible, a middle finger is.

But no. I'll give him another chance to try and remember.

I go over to my closet and grab my anniversary outfit, which was a red vintage pencil dress, with sleeves covering my shoulders and a loose bow on the front. Mr. J picked out this outfit, so I hope he will understand once he sees me.

When I put the dress on, I slipped on my black pumps and then decided to do some light makeup, and let my hair loose. Once I gave one last look in the full body mirror, I left the room and through the hallway, into Mr. J's office.

I knocked a couple times lightly, and then pushed the door open to find him sprawled on the floor, holding up a paper in front of his face.

"Mr. J?" He put down his paper and looked at me. His eyes scanned my body, from head to toe, then back to my blue eyes.

"Why are ya dress all fancy?" He seemed so utterly confused which would be very cute at times, but now I am just mad.

"Uh, hello?! What day is it today?" I say, putting my hands on my hips.

He raised his non existent eyebrow at me, then said "The 25th."

I stare at him for a couple seconds with a stern gaze, until he finally realizes everything. His eyes widen as he shoots up from the floor and onto his feet. He stands there staring at me, and smiles sheepishly. "I'm sorry, kitten. I can explain, though!"

I crossed my arms and stayed silent to let him go on. Sure I was mad, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to hear his explanation.

"Well ya see, I thought today was the 24th. So I was planning out the day for tomorrow, which apparently was today, and I got it all mixed up." He sincerely looked sad, which made me want to just smother him in kisses and just tell him it's okay, I forgive him.

"I'm still mad at you."

He pouts, then opens his arms. "Forgive me? I promise I'll make it up to ya. Very thoroughly."

I know I shouldn't have let him off the hook that easily, but I mean, he looked so sincere and cute! I giggled at his little statement, as he took another step towards me with still open arms.

I sigh loudly, then slowly walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and put the side of my face onto his chest. He also hugged me back tightly, making me feel safe and happy.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead, then said, "I didn't wrap your present, but it's sitting on the closet in our room. Just wait for a second, let me get it." He let go of me and ran out of the room, leaving me standing there.

I looked around, then picked up the paper that he threw onto the desk earlier, and then smiled at what the schedule had.

It said, "Anniversary", and a long list followed. There was the whole plan on that. He didn't lie. The first thing on the list was, "Make Harley breakfast in bed, and don't you screw up.", which made me giggle. So he will be making me breakfast in bed!

Once I heard him coming back, I quickly set the paper back on the desk and stood there, waiting for him to come in.

Once he did, I saw that he was holding a small bag. "This is for you." He handed it to me, and I grinned.

"Oh Puddin'! That's so sweet." I looked inside and saw I little black box. I took it out of the bag, and when I opened it a loud gasp left me. "It's beautiful! Thank you!" There was a pair of earrings in the box, with gems on each of them. One of the earrings had blue gems, while the other had pink.

I put it back in the back and hug him tightly, then gave him a few kisses on the cheek.

"Why don't you go put it on, then we can make breakfast together." I nodded eagerly, then walked out of the room with a smile.

While walking to the nearest mirror, I giggled, remembering the last thing on the list.

It said, "Make love until she can't breath or walk".

Yes please.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I thought it was pretty cute.

Please make sure to let me know what you think by giving me a comment, or clicking on the little star below. It would make me oh so happy!

See you in the next chapter,



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