Jaegan One-Shots

By saturadynight

15.1K 516 136

•••• UNDER REVISION •••• I wrote this when I was 12 I'm so sorry More

Cake? (Oneshot)
Duet? (oneshot)
Duet. (oneshot)
Purpose (oneshot)
Kid In Love (unfinished oneshot)
Kid In Love (joke oneshot)
Party At A Rich Dudes House (semi sexual oneshot)
I'm sorry (oneshot)
babyboy... (part one)
it was just silent (sad oneshot)
Texts (short oneshot)
babyboy... (part two)
How could you? (Oneshot teaser)
Texts (im pissed // oneshot)
Are you okay? (Oneshot)
How Could You? (oneshot)
How Could You? (part two)
Sick (oneshot)
Fear (oneshot)
Secret Love
Its been awhile

Ouch (oneshot)

574 29 5
By saturadynight

Oh and babyboy is out so go read it ;) 😂😂.

Quick disclaimer : this sucks but I promised an update. This starts off with them on a vacation with both families. Quick explanation : when you hit your head you can get disoriented so Justin didn't know what was happening, but Raegan did so he knew what to do.
The condo was chaotic, to say the least, as everyone was running into each other while trying to get ready. Justin, being the shortest, accidentally ran into the door while trying to get into the bathroom. The force of the hit caused him to stumble backwards and fall onto his back. He sat up slowly, rubbing his forehead, before whispering an ouch. He pushed himself towards the wall so he could lean against it while his vision refocused.

Raegan, who was in the bathroom, heard someone hit the door. He quickly put his shirt on before opening the door. He looked down and saw Justin sitting against the wall while trying not to cry. He quickly sat down next to Justin and pulled him into his lap.
Justin, wrapping his legs around Raegan's waist, buried his head into Raegan's shoulder as the tears fell. Snaking his hand under Justin's shirt, he rubbed the smaller ones back while rocking him back and forth.

Justin, calming down slightly, gripped Raegan tighter, "What happened?".
Moving so they were sitting more comfortably, Raegan kissed the top of his head before telling him, "I think you hit your head babyboy, where does it hurt?". Justin, who was returning back to the world slowly, recalled what happened before he hit his head, "I remember everyone rushing around and then it just went black." Nodding his head, Raegan gently stood up with Justin still wrapped around him. Whimpering from pain, Raegan quickly soothed the younger boy, before starting to walk into the kitchen where everyone else was.

The chattering and quick moving stopped when they saw Justin and Raegan. Raegan sat down on a chair, before quietly informing the rest of the family what happened. Mr. Blake, worried for his son, grabbed the keys to the car. Deciding it was unnecessary for everyone in the family to go to the hospital, the only people who went were ; Mr. Blake, Raegan, Justin, and Mr. Beast.

--------- time skip -------
They had got back to the condo around an hour ago. Justin had a small concussion and bruising, but nothing life threatening. After clearing him to go back to the condo and sleep, they gave him pain meds that would help. The minute they walked through the door, the rest of the family started asking questions, which caused Justin to whine from all the noise. Raegan, hearing his boyfriend in pain, quickly shushed the rest of the family before glaring at them. Realizing their mistake, they stopped talking and waited for someone to fill them in.

Mr. Blake looked towards Raegan, expecting him to explain, until he saw the younger couple. Justin's hand gripping Raegan's shirt tightly, as Raegan rubbed his back while kissing away the tears. Everyone faintly heard Raegan whispering soothing words to the smaller boy. Clearing his throat, Mr. Blake quietly explained what the doctor said. After he was done explaining, the rest of the family and him, looked back towards Justin.
Justin, unaware of everyone looking at him, pulled Raegan closer to him.
Raegan, vaguely aware that people were watching, continued to rub the smaller boys back, until Justin fell asleep.

Holding up a finger, he signaled that he'd be right back, before walking towards him and Justin's room. He put Justin on the bed and gave him a pillow to cuddle with before walking back out to the living room. He ran a hand through his hair before flopping onto the couch. The rest of the family joined him and sat around the living room, not really talking as they waited for Justin to wake up again. Raegan pulled his sweatshirt over his face trying to fight back the tears. Sniffling loudly, he sat up quickly and ran to the bathroom.

Both of the dads quickly jumped up to go make sure he was okay. Raegan slid against the wall as he tried not to make a noise. Without knocking, Mr. Blake and Mr. Beast opened the door and sat down on either side of Raegan. The wrapped their arms around him as he cried. Mr. Blake, knowing it would probably help, told him "Raegan, what you did for my son today was brave. You knew exactly what to do and didn't freak out. You've acted strong the entire day but we could all see you were worried. We are incredibly proud of you....and today showed our family something. You genuinely care for Justin, so, you have my blessing. Before you try and play stupid, I know you want to marry him. I'm giving you my blessing." Raegan looked shocked before whispering a quite "thank you."

Justin, who heard everything, made himself known by crawling towards Raegan. Knowing his boyfriend needed his help, Justin's tiny hand grasped Raegan's larger one before tugging gently. "come on cutie, let's go lay down." Raegan stood up shakily before walking back to the bedroom with Justin. The boys dads looked towards each other, they looked shocked by how deeply each of their kids cared for each other. They got up from the floor, chuckling softly, and coming to a mutual agreement. Both of their kids would be married to each other, and no one could break that.

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