Gravity Falls - A new Summer...

By Koouta

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After 3 years since the troubles of the weirdmagedon, Dipper and Mabel return to the City of Gravity Falls, t... More

First words from the author
Chapter 1 - Until next summer
Chapter 2 - Back at the Falls
Chapter 4 - Under strings
Chapter 5 - Do not mess up with love.
Chapter 6 - Challenge Accepted

Chapter 3 - A new beginning

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By Koouta


I've made this draw since a long time ago. There's a scene in this chapter that is based on it.


The Mystery twins were back in town.

As they opened the door to the old Shack, the big tide of emotions washed them with the nostalgia they were waiting for.

-Dipper, Mabel? Oh my god guys, look how you both are. You're so tall and Big!- Said Melody, from behind the cash register. She came to the twins, and with a huge smile, she hugged them.

-Oh Melody girl, we are happy to be back! You don't know how much!- Mabel squealed the words, as she let go of her bags and hugged Melody back.

-How are you doing Melody? Are you taking care of Soos?- Dipper joked, Making Melody laugh.

-Yes, and by the way, he is just in the office. Let's go and tell him you guys are back, I'm sure he is really eager to see you! – Melody started to Drag them through the shack to the Stan's Old office.

-Wait, and our bags?- Dipper said with a sheepish smirk, picking up one of his and Mabel's bag.

-We can't let them in the middle of the store.- He continued.

-Don't worry! We're not even opened yet. Today we are closed to some stuff we need to prepare- Melody waved to them to come closer.

They followed her through the store until the office. It was not like they didn't know where it was, but still, they followed her automatically.

In the little while they had to look around the store, they noticed that some stuff have changed, most of them were products. Dipper felt that some parts of the shack were much more organized. Mabel otherwise, felt that the shack even had a better smell; "Probably Melody thing!" she thought.

As they entered the Office, they saw Soos reading some papers upon the table. Probably a letter since it seemed to be handwritten.

Soos had his full attention to it, but since he heard the door opening...

-Dipper, Mabel?- He opened his eyes wide, and tears started flow down his face.

Soos ran towards both twins, and with all his strength, he hugged them, making Mabel Laugh, since he got her by her waist; Dipper in the other hand, was red, turning to purple; Soos got him by the neck.

-Soos...I cant breath!- Dipper whispered as he tried to get out alive of Soos grip.

-Oh guys! I missed you both so much! How are you? How have you been? Did you have a good trip? I don't know what to ask anymore!- Soos Moved them around in the air as he hold them.

Once he put them down, Dipper took the longest breath of his life; Mabel only adjusted her sweater.

Melody helped Soos to clean his tears and all them, now together, started to talk, all about the last three years.

After some hours of talk, close to the end of the afternoon, Dipper and Mabel remembered they still have things to catch up on, not to mention their unpacking.

-Hey Soos, Kids, im going to order Pizza, what do you guys want?- Melody asked, yelling from the kitchen.

-But Melody, we still need to prepare the things for Mr. Stan and Mr.Stan returns!- Soos replied. He raised an eyebrow once he noticed how confused he sounded.

-They are getting here today?- Dipper asked with enthusiasm.

-Oh, I forgot to tell you! They are getting home this night, and we are preparing a reception for them!- Soos replied, showing a poster he himself made with "Welcome back Stan's!" on it.

Dipper laughed a little; Mabel squealed once she saw the poster.

Dipper then stood up from the table; he patted Mabel's Shoulder to call her attention.

-Well Mabel, we need to help Soos and Melody with this, still, I know you just texted Candy telling you were coming and you haven't told her yet that you've arrived.- Dipper implied. He waved his hand as someone who's explaining something important.

-So, I have an idea!- Now he raised his voice, with a grin on his face.

-And what is it Dippingsauce?- Mabel Raised an eyebrow, smirking as she looked at Dipper eyes.

-Why don't you...- Dipper was interrupted.

-Call her to help?- Mabel asked, grinning. She had both her hands turned into fist close to her face, as someone about to explode of cheerfulness.

-...Hang out until tonight with her?- Dipper finished, raising an eyebrow.

Mabel expression changed. From cheerfulness to doubt.

-What?...- She stood up too.

-I know that you're actually pretty eager to catch up this lost time with her. I can handle this with Soos and Melody!- Dipper held Mabel with a hand in her Shoulder.

-I'll unpack my stuff, and I'll take your own to our room too. Later you unpack your stuff!
So, what do you say?- Dipper smiled warmly.

Mabel stood there for a while. She was thinking if she should do it, because after all, they just arrived and well, Dipper didn't have anyone to actually to hang out until now. She did have Candy's and Grenda's number so when she got a cell phone they could talk. Dipper only had Wendy, but he forgot to actually take any contact of her. With this, Mabel was afraid of leaving him behind, at least for now.

-Are you sure Dip? I mean, I can wait until tomorrow; I just need to send Candy a tex...- Dipper grip on Mabel's shoulder turned tighter.

-Don't worry Mabel! I got it!- Dipper reassured.

Mabel sighed, but she trusted he would be cool. She hugged him, and ran towards her bags.

-At least let me take this to the attic first!- She grinned.

Dipper sighed too, just before he smiled and walked towards to take his bags to the attic.
Soos Just kept looking at them, with nostalgia in the eyes. Melody who was going to order pizza, gave up and put the phone back in its place. She raised an Eyebrow and put her hand on her hips.

-These two are really crazy aren't them?- Mellody came close to Soos, and Hugged him.

-Yea, but arent we all?- Soos replied; He started to laugh.

-After some minutes-

Mabel and Dipper finished unpacking. Mabel took her cell phone and called Candy, while Dipper was still organizing some of his stuff.
In one of his bags, there was a red cover notebook. There was not title on it, and it seemed that the notebook was already fairly used. Part of its cover was kneaded, and most of its pages were yellowish. Dipper took the notebook, and a pen, that was attached to the back cover of it. He started to flow through the pages, and with a smile, he closed the book and placed it upon his bed. Mabel kept speaking with candy as she rolled in her bed, and some times, as usual, she squealed, making Dipper hold his laughs to not interrupt the call.

-Okay Candy! At the geasy's in 20 minutes! I'm so excited to talk to you! It's a shame Grenda is not in the city though.- Mabel said, turning from happy to sad, very fast.

-Okay then! See you soon!- She finished the call and stood up from the bed.

-This place didn't changed at all!- Mabel spoke loudly after she looked around. Her eyes rolled over the attic, letting her nostalgia flow in her mind.

-Not at all, its much more cleaner if you give attention.- Said Dipper, Smiling with a hand on his waist, looking around the ground as some gloss shines glowed all over the place.

-AAAWOSOME...- Mabel continued with a huge grin

–Mellody sure put a lot of effort in here, we should thank her later.- Dipper implied Before he sat in his bed.

-So, are you going now?- Dipper asked, with a smile on his face, holding his notebook. Mabel looked at it, with a certain cheer in the eyes.

-You brought your book? That's so good Dipper! I thought you gave up on writing..Since mom said it was a waste of time and all.- Mabel sat down close to Dipper, and embraced him with one arm.

-You know, I really thought about it, but I avoided trashing it. I kind of forgot about it since that time, but when I was taking my stuff to the travel, I found it and thought, "why not?".-Dipper explained, with an animated tone, gesturing with his hands. Mabel smile turned into a grin.

-I think that, maybe I can get some ideas here, during the summer. After all we always attract weird stuff, right?- Dipper laughed. Mabel suddenly hugged him tightly, making her twin raise an eyebrow.

-Mabel?- He asked, with a "what are you doing?" tone in his voice.

-I'm just happy that you didn't gave up in your dream!- Mabel explained.

-Well, I once dreamed to have a ghost hunt program. Being a writer was more like a plan!- Dipper laughed alongside Mabel. They then stopped, and kept looking around the attic, watching as their memories created images of their past selves, fooling around the room.

-But still, it's a good new for me!- Mabel stood up, and tapped her sweater like someone cleaning the dust from her clothes.

-How do I look!?- Mabel asked cheerfully.

-Beautiful, and you know that, but aren't you going to meet Candy? Why does this matters any way?- Dipper replied ironically, as he stood up too.

-Who knows! Maybe I find a cute boy to fool around! Its summer, and in summer there is summer romances!- Mabel turned around like a ballerina. Dipper raised and eyebrow.

-You still have your 12 yo crazy love urges? Oh my god Mabel, I thought you'd grow!- He started to Laugh, Making Mabel roll her eyes.

-Blah blah blah, said Dipper, the most mature guy in the world, that don't still have the past crush on a certain redhead!- Mabel grinned mischievously and pointed to the lumberjack hat in Dipper's head.

-heheh...didn't you had to meet Candy?- Dipper rolled his eyes and started to head out the room.

-Yea, I almost forgot!- Mabel speeded up, leaving Dipper behind.

-oh- She stopped.

-Thanks Dipp!- She returned and gave him a kiss in his cheek, making him blush! Dipper returned the hug.

-Now go Mabel, we have a great Summer to deal with!- Dipper said Warmly, making Mabel relax in his embrance.

-Yea dork!- She gently replied.

Mabel let got of Dipper, and turned to go down the stairs.

Dipper kept observing her. His mind made him saw her 3 years ago self, walking down the stairs the same goofy way she did now. He relaxed, looked around the attic once again. With his hands in his pockets, he took a deep Breath.

-this way is much, let's go to work!- Dipper took his pace; walked down the stairs, and started to ask Soos what he needed to do. They still had another welcome to do that night.

-At the Greasy Dinner-

- ...And that was how I got my job at that show!- William was explaining something. Tambry seemed very interested in it, after all, it was related to what she was studying.

Wendy and Mark simply were watching William tell his stories, and Tambry get "im so interested in it..." face. Wendy could read it so easily, she was totally on him. Mark otherwise was trying to hold his laugh, because it was just too funny for him.

-You know what is fun? Is that, I was the one that actually got you this job. My friend was at the organization and I told him you could photograph everything- Mark spoke with a certain irony in his voice. William Rolled his eyes.

-Just a matter of details!- the older brother waved Mark's implication.

-Details huh? You lied you naughty.- Tambry Kept flirting. Wendy and Mark felt it a little bit disgusting in a awkward way.

-Why they keep acting like this?- Mark asked, turning to look Wendy in the eyes.

-I don't know dude. I'm oblivious as you in this.- Wendy joked and laughed. Mark remembered Dipper in a lot of stuff, but still, he had something unique in his persona that differed him.

-You know, flirting and mathematics are like the same for me. I can't understand them.- Mark stood up, probably to ask another thing to drink or eat.

-Hey, Wendy, want something? My brothers paying anyway...- Mark asked. As he got close to the balcony, he turned to look if William reacted to his words. He seemed just oblivious as...well, oblivious.

-Man, I'll go with you. This just keeps getting weirder.- Wendy stood up and followed Mark.

-Hey Mark, you said you guys are from San Diego right? How is there? I've Never got out of Oregon before and I've heard San Diego is a cool place, as other places in California.- Wendy asked, Leaning in the balcony, and calling Lazy Susan attention with a hand.

-Its not so special being pretty honest. I mean, I live there, so maybe I got used to it and nothing seem to be different for me...Well, but there is something special that happens once a year back in the city, the Comic Con. Do you know what it is?- He asked Wendy taking his phone from his pocket.

-Not really. What is it?- Wendy seemed interested, but maybe because it was the only thing they could do. Her friend was having her own interest after all.

-It's the greatest geek and pop culture event on the country! There is a lot of stuff of comic books, series, cartoons. There is cosplayers too!- Mark started to show some pictures in his Gallery, for much of Wendy's amusement.

-Wow man, that's so cool! I'd hope I could get to an event like this. Here is just boring you know?- Wendy smirked; Huffed her hair and leaned her back at the balcony.

-What series do you catch up on?- Wendy asked as she took a sip from another milkshake.

-Well... "Clash of thrones", "Buddies", "How I married your mom"...a lot of things, but I'm more into cartoons and Animes...Guess I'm weird- Mark replied. He held his Drink in "True story" way, asking Wendy a "cheers" with his glass in hand.

-Not weird man, you just have taste. By the way, I've watched just two seasons of "Buddies". The tv here In gravity falls is pretty much horrible, but since our mayor is a very nice guy, he is planning on bringing more things to the city station."- Wendy rolled her eyes, and punched Mark in the arm, making him slip an little "ouch".

-Wow, what does actually pass here in the tv then?- Mark asked.

-Well, have you ever watched "Nearly almost but quite dead"?- Wendy asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow.

-Yea...and this is like one of the worst movies ever made.- Mark seemed in doubt. "why she even mentioned this movie?" he thought.

-Every Saturday night, this movie is on the tv!- Wendy said with a ironical enthusiasm in her voice.

-Man...that's really awful.- Mark started to laugh as Wendy did.

Wendy kept talking with Mark as Willima kept flirting with Tambry. They kept having their crazy talks until the clock hit 06:00 pm or something close. William and Mark were preparing to leave the Dinner because they still needed to find their uncle's house, and Yet, Wendy and Tambry had their own stuff to do.

Already outside of the dinner, William was still giving his number Tambry. Mark was already bored as hell and Wendy was just hanging until Tambry had finished with her "business".

-Oh man...its just a cell phone number...-Mark sighed and turned around to avoid looking at the "flirting with lasers" as he thought. Once he turned, he lost his breath, and turned wide eyes open, since he saw...

-And then, Dipper like stood up and punched his face! I don't even believe it Candy.- Mabel was coming close to the dinner, alongside Candy.

Wendy felt a nip in her ear, just she heard a familiar Voice? She turned around fast to see if she was right.

-MABEL?- Wendy yelled, and grinned.

-Oh.OHHHH, WENDY IS THAT YOU????- Mabel Yelled too, she started to run after Wendy, leaving Candy staggered back.

They hugged each other and looked up and down, seeing how much they've changed in these years.

-Girl! You're my height now! When did you get so tall?- Wendy spoke out loudly, catching up the attention of Tambry and William. Mark was just out of words; Red cheeks as rubys.

-I don't have idea too, I just grew!- Mabel Kept yelling.

-Oh my! Im just so happy to see you Wendy! I just like overreacted once I saw Candy and now im squealing again!- Mabel Turned to look at Candy who simply nodded to her.

-Dude, it has been so much time! Let's get a bite, we need to talk! I want everything of what happened with you guys!- Wendy was very happy, but she was interrupted by Tambry.

-Oh, its Mabel!- Tambry appeared from behind, with a simple smirk in her face.

-Oh man, I almost forgot! Remember Tambry, right Mabel? And this is William, and Mark, they are new in the town!- Wendy presented them for each other.

-Yes I remember her! How are you and Robbie Doing? Oh, and Nice to meet you! My name is Mabel Pines, this is my friend Candy Shiu!- Mabel moved her eyebrows up and down with a grin in her face in the first part. After it, she simply kept smiling.

-Never mind that idiot, we broke up.- Tambry rolled her eyes, annoyed to remember about Robbie.

-Oh- Mabel seemed very surprised. In a awkward way.

-Hey!- William waved hello.

-I LIKED YOUR SWEATER!- Mark Yelled and ended up with a nervous grin. His cheeks were burning red. An awkward Silence stood between the teens. Mabel smiled nervously and looked to Candy, who raised and eyebrow.

-Oh my...- William started to Laugh, as Tamrby did, leaning to William.

-I think you now understand a little bit about what we talked about the entire day- Wendy Joked as she saw Mark's state. She knew what was happening with the boy. "Dude, he is just like Dipper when he first tried to speak to me" Wendy thought...

Wendy's expression turned from amused to someone who just remembered something very important.

-HEY, Mabel, If you're here, then Dipper is...- Wendy was interrupted.

-He's in the Shack! Later I'll go back to help him with our Grunkles welcome!- Mabel said cheerfully.

-Ill go meet him! Make a surprise!- Wendy grinned widely as she started to run. Leaving William and Tambry surprised, Mabel with a mouth-drop Smile, Candy confused, and Mark, well, he was still the same way as before.

-Well, I need to go to the bathroom- William spoke, clapping his hands to break the suddenly silence of Wendy's leaving. He looked to Tambry with a "You will wait for me, right?" look, which she simply replied with her eyes too.

From the other side of the road, there was a figure coming, looking at his cell phone, with a serious expression, whining about something. His eyes were surrounded by black eyeliners, and emo hairstyle was his cut, and he was wearing a black tank top, with a broken heart print in red.

-Where is she now?...i hope that damn moron didn't lied to me- Robbie was walking down the street, with his always ready "I want to die" expression in his face. However, once he saw Tambry, his expression changed to a mischievous smile. "im going to find her now!" he thought.

-So Tambry! How are you doing?- Mabel asked .

-I think im fine, more and less to be honest- Tamrby rolled her eyes smirking.

-Seriously? You just seemed very pleased just a few seconds ago.- Candy pushed her glasses back in place with a finger.

-Oh..well, Wendy just ran off to nowhere and left me here.- Tambry seemed to be embarrassed...due something else.

-Well, there is no need to worry then! I was going for a walk anyways. Why don't we go around and already show the city to Mark and William! Is that your name right?- Mabel looked to Candy who seemed pleased with the idea.

-Well, I have nothing better to do now.- Tambry shrugged.

-Maybe it can be cool.- Tambry took her cell phone and started using it for whatever reasons.

-IM Fine with the idea!- Mark Coughed and laughed at Mabel's "that's weird" smile she gave him.

-Tambry!- Robbie shouted, crossing the street.

-Oh god help me...- Tambry cried out.

Mark got back to his senses, and he noticed Tamrby was not feeling well.

-What do you want Robbie?- Tambry had an annoyed tone in her voice.

Robbie came close to her and to do it, he pushed Mark with a certain aggressiveness.

-Hey, watch out man, no need to push!- Mark raised his voice.

-Yea yea, whatever pipsqueak. Look Tambry, I know you know, so just tell me, Where is Wendy? I need to solve some stuff with her- Robbie cornered Tamrby with a arm.-

-You Moron. I talked with her recently she told me you've been stalking in her. We just had broke up and you are trying to hook up with my best friend?- Tambry was really annoyed, ready to storm out.

- Said the girl who actually dated me for the last two years and some months, knowing that I dated Wendy once. C'mon, just tell me already will you?- Robbie rolled his eyes, and cam close to her, trying to intimidate.

Tambry pushed Him back, and clenched her fists. She pressed her finger against his breast, and with wide eyes full of rage, she took a breath, and started...

-And that's what I regret most in my life, and that's a mistake me and Wendy are not going to commit again! Just a complete nonsense would date a egocentric idiot as you!- Tambry raised her voice once again. Robbie was incredulous of her response.

-Oh so that's how it will be?- Robbie leaned even closer looking her in the eye.

-WOWOWOWOW...That really nice, you know? Open your heart and everything, but I think we should calm down a little! Wendy just needed to go somewhere and she left okay? - Mabel interrupted the rage eruption of Robbie and Tambry. Having difficult to disguise her awkward fear Smirk.

Robbie looked at Mabel, turned to look at Tambry once again and then looked back at Mabel wide eyes open...Scared?

-What....Are you doing here?- He didn't seemed happy Mabel was there. He let go of Tambry and turned his attention to her.

-Now, that's a good question! Me and Dipper are back in town! Isn't that Great?- Mabel exclaimed. She thought that would make Robbie of all people happy, after all, wasn't she the couple that made him feel happy? Well...

-Yea yea, look how much I care about it...- Robbie expression was honest as his words.

Mabel kept smiling awkwardly.

Robbie kept looking at her with dead eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed with annoyance.

-You know where she is, right?- He started to walk over him. Mark looked worriedly at it.

Mabel seemed afraid of him, her smile faded, and she glared at Tambry who started to walk towards him, probably to hold him off.

-Look Mabel, you helped me once with relationship problems remember? Im having some others and I want to solve them with Wendy.- Robbie smiled mischievously.

He held Mabel by her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

-So...where did she go Mabel?...TELL ME!- As Robbie screamed, Mark walked over him.

-Chill out Dude! Whats got into you? She don't know okay?- Mark got between Robbie and Mabel. Angrily, he pushed him.

-Oh, so we got a new pipsqueak that acts like a hero! Get out of my way! O have more important Business to solve!- Robbie raised his hand, clenched into fists.

Mark opened his eyes wide, and scared he backed up. He didn't know how to react at such thing. Trembling, he raised his arms in a weak try of defending himself.

-Woah friend. Can I look at your knuckle? I see you use fingerless gloves man.- William suddenly appeared from behind, holding Robbie hand.

"Wow...I wasn't waiting for that!" Tambry thought. Once she Saw William one again, she looked like very amused to see that he was taller than Robbie was.

Robbie was in shock once he looked in William's eyes.

-You see seem to have a pretty old style, and if you want to get a girl attention you should be more careful with how you dress yourself and how you actually treat people, You know, like my brother!- William had an ironical voice tone. He slowly started to pull Robbie's Fist back, making him groan.

-Look, dude, you DON'T KNOW WHO YOURE MESSING WITH! OUCH!- Robbie tried to raise his voice...epic fail.

Tambry was smiling, enjoying the whole situation. Mark was surprised but happy to see William helping him, but still, being saved was not the best option...when trying to impress someone. Mabel was relieved she was not in danger anymore, and holding Candy's hand, she backed off and seemed to want to say to them to stop.

-Okay pal!..I..I'm sorry! I just want some info okay!- Robbie yelled with a trembling voice, seeming afraid.

-Now please! Im a guitarist, could you please release my hand?- Robbie fell face on the ground once he asked "please".

-That's much better!- William dusted his hands. He smirked and waved his eyebrows to Tambry.

Candy held her laugh and Mabel seemed a little bit worried.

-in the meantime-

Wendy was running down the streets of the city until she finally reached the road.

Not far from there, was located the mystery shack.

Wendy was in a rush; She felt a very strange feeling inside her chest burning up; Seeing Mabel was what started that fire.
The redhead didn't noticed, but she kept a grin in her face during her entire time.
Dipper turned into her best friend really fast, and 2 years ago, she was being honest when she said he was indeed important her. Life wasn't as it as it was before once he got out of town; He did make her feel something that other people didn't. Maybe it was adrenaline, or some sort of calm. She couldn't describe it, he was just to different from every other boy she met.

-That dork!...I can t way to see his Face!- Wendy Thought out loud. Her heart started to beat faster.

Wendy kept running. She just wanted to see him back.

-In the shack-

Dipper was placing some decorations in the walls of the kitchen. Right after it, he took two small "doll like" figures of Ford and Stan. He looked at it and laughed. Maybe that was going to be upon the table with that was full of food, and some sweets. It was not the biggest party ever, but still, it was a good welcoming. The Appetizers looked really good, and most of them where made by Mellody. Dipper felt his mouth full of water looking at them, but kicking his thoughts away, he walked to the living room, where Soos was.

-Hey Soos, I already took the creepy figures of both Grunkles. They are just where you told me to put them! Dipper said cheerfully, Pointing towards the kitchen with his thumb.

-Thank you Dude! I think that was the last thing we should do!- Soos stood up from the ground. He was fixing something from behind the tv. Guess his spirit of fixing things still lives in him.

-Cool!- Dipper started to walk away, just before he thought two times, and turned back with a doubt look to Soos.

-Hey Soos...mind if I took a walk in the woods?- Dipper asked, raising and eyebrow like someone who was waiting for a no.

-Of course Dipper! Why you're even asking? Youre like 15 now man.- Soos smirked.

-Ah.. I thought I you wanted help with anything else, but since its cool than I'm going!- Dipper laughed awkwardly and started to walk away towards the exit.

Mellody than appeared from the office, the door of their bedroom laughing.

-That boy still is the same as he was before, a little bit dork but polite.- Mellody placed a hand in her hips.

-Yea, guess it's his nature!...or his essence, you know this thing of soul and all.- Soos Agreed with her and sat down in the chair in front of the TV.

-Exactly...- Mellody laughed and came close to Soos, to sit down in the couch arm.

-Outside of the shack-

Dipper looked around the near forest. He placed the old Lumberjack hat Wendy gave him in his head. Taking a deep breath, Dipper started to walk around, seeing the same old pine trees, feeling the scent of pine cones and looking at the same old view that he'd miss for so much time.

-Yea, not everything changes.- Dipper said happy.

Dipper looked around with a dorky smirk in his face. While he passed through the pine trees, close to a brush, he saw three little gnomes taking s squirrel...for anything that they wished to do...

Dipper frowned at the awkward scene, thinking "what the heck?".

The gnomes only waved "you've seen nothing" and ran away.

Laughing at the very strange scene, Dipper continued to walk.

As long as he walked, everything around seemed more and more familiar, comfortable.

At a certain point, without noticing, Dipper slowly stopped to walk. Something caught his attention.

He was in a certain clearing, with a log fallen on the ground, with a huge amount green moss on it. Close to the clearing, there was a tree, with a very "metallic" appearance.

-What?... is this?...-Dipper wide opened his eyes surprised.

It was the old Tree of the bunker.

Dipper walked towards it, and with a certain care, he touched the "metallic wood". As he turned to look around to the fallen log, he felt a strange feeling in his chest.
Close to the log, Dipper stayed staring at it, remembering if that day 2 years ago.

-I'd wish I could talk with myself in this time and know what to say to myself. Probably it would help.- Dipper closed his eyes, remembering of how he felt back in that day.

-But you know what. I overcame it. So maybe it would not help, I guess.- Dipper scratched the back of his head as he smirked.

- meanwhile, back at greasy dinner-

Robbie was asking for forgiveness of William and Mark, in the most humiliating form as possible, kneeled , looking at the ground.

-I ask Sorry for being a jerk!- Robbie Shouted, Making Tambry laugh.

William was not a bad person, but actually, he could be bad with anyone that tried to mess up with his brother. Mark in the other hand, when younger, felt glad that William did such thing, but nowadays he didn't . Mabel seemed very much bothered by such attitude, Robbie acted like a psychopath coming towards her, and everything he wished was to know where Wendy was. Was a good idea tell him about it.

-William, I think he already understood.- Mark spoke in a serious tone.

-Maybe. But he is very dense.- Tambry implied as she took her cell phone from her purse.

William waved with his hand like someone who's saying "you can go away now" and turned to look at Mark. He looked like worried about him.

-You know, you didn't need to make this.- Mark looked down at his foot, embarrassed.

-Yes I did!- William raised his voice as he tried to look in the eye of Mark.

William sighed, but he smiled once he understood that Mark just wanted to defend himself. He could relate himself with this situation, after all, he once passed through worse before.

-Look. I saw you had your guards up, but I acted in instinct okay?- William huffed Mark's hair.

-Fine...dork- Mark laughed asked for a fist bump.

-am I the dork here? I guess youre wrong little fella!- William replied the fist bump.

Robbie saw the scene and frowned. Mabel smiled at the scene, remembering that Dipper did the same for her once, although he did not get good off it.

-Hey, its Mabel right?- Mark sheepishly smiled as he came close to Mabel.

-Yea!.- Mabel gave him sheepish smile too.

-Sorry for making you see this. And sorry that I know, tried to defend you and get into a fight.- Embarrassed, he didn't knew what to say. His cheeks were burning red now.

Mabel grinned and was about to burst into laugh.

-What? You helped me! You don't even need to ask sorry!. And don't be embarrassed about your brother helping you. I have a Brother too...although he is not the older one...- At the end of the sentence, Mabel sounded annoyed.

-...he always help me when im trouble. That's how Old big Dipper is! I should present you guys each other! – Just when she finished, she wide opened her eyes with excitement.

-Why don't you and Tambry and William go with me to the shack? It's a touristic place anyway!- Mabel took Marks arm. He was in shock with such act.

-Sounds fun! We still need to see the city anyway.- William agreed, placing his hands on his pockets. He then turned to look to Tambry, and with his eyes he asked "what about you ?".

-Yea, lets go.- Tambry placed her phone back in her purse.

-Yea, then we are going to get everyone together at the shack. Maybe we can get Wendy in the way.- Mabel Spoke, just before to she thought "oh no...". Robbie, in shock, looked at Mabel, and Grinned.

-Thanks!- With a mischievous tone, Robbie spoke as he stood up and started to run his path to the old Mystery shack.

Mabel Stood just where she was, in shock. Turning to look to Candy, she only gave a "I messed up" smile. Mark and William exchanged looks; both didn't know how serious the situation did get. Mark shrugged and scratched his head, confused. Tambry just seemed as surprised as Candy was, both in a state of "this is a problem".

-So...lets go?- Mabel grinned awkwardly as she gestured with both her hands like someone who's running.

-Yea, totally.- all of them replied, murmuring other words such as "weird", "what?" and "ok...".

-Back at the Mystery Shack-.

Wendy was already in front at the Shack. She shot the door open, slamming it in the wall making a lot of noise, noise that interrupted Mellody and Soos right when both were...making out. Wendy kept there, completely in shock, she totally forgot she was there to ask about Dipper, who didn't seemed there right now.

-Sooo...I saw Mabel at the city and I was wondering if Dipper was Here!- Wendy spoke in a fake enthusiasm tone, with a very awkward grin in her face.

-Well, to come here with such energy...I guess youre eager to see him!- Mellody's voice trembled. But still, she seemed intrigued by what Wendy said.

-Eh..well, I sure do miss him. He's my friend after all, but, is he here?- Embarassed, Wendy place a lock of hair behind her left ear.

-Ah, he just got out for a walk!- Soos shouted, and awkwardly smiled, moving his eyes to look to Mellody and back at Wendy.

Wendy, who's still burning red for seeing such scene, slowly moved out of the shack, and closed the door. Looking at the nature around, Wendy took a deep breath, and blew out the last images she saw, except Mellody implying she was eager to see Dipper and Soos telling he was in the woods.

Was Wendy really eager to see him? Deep inside she missed the boy. She even recognized that he was important to her after all. She said it in her own words. Maybe the whole situation she just got on it made her embarrassed and her thoughts got confused. Still, she wanted to see him, so she ran inside the woods, to find her old bud.

Wendy was used to take walks in the woods. She knew practically every tree in that forest, so everything seemed incredibly similar and nothing was special.

As she ran and passed through the the pinetrees, something started to see more familiar than normal. She knew she was getting close to the bunker where she fought that crazy copycat monster. Where she...

-Well, maybe time travel would only make more troubles in that story...after all that thing with Blendin, I prefer to not even add it into fiction.- Wendy thought was interrupted by a young male voice.

She turned around looking for the source of the voice, but she didn't found it. Maybe it was around her but not in the same height. Once she looked down to the ground, she saw a young man, in a red v-neck shirt, dark gray jeans and what seemed to be a lumberjack Trappers hat, lying in a log. Wendy cracked open a smile, and was clearly amazed to see it was Dipper. Even his voice being older, it still maintained its funny youngish tone. Wendy kept observing while he mumbled stuff about a story which it seemed he was writing.

-...Maybe dimensional portals to crazy alternate realities would be cool...nah...after the weirdmagedon portals would only remember me of the weirdness.- Dipper talked with himself once again, holding his notebook upon his face. Dipper was a little bit upset; he was not making any progress with his story after all, and of course, he didn't noted his old friend Wendy was just some meters far from him.

-Ahhhh can I make this story without making it a crazy version of my own history?- Dipper shouted and closed his notebook, resting his head in the edge of the log.

Dipper was with his eyes closed, trying to chill his mind from his ideas. He breathed the fresh air and the pinecones smell. Once he opened his eyes, he saw a tall, gorgeous redhead. She was on a Jean's Shorts, with a white tank top and over it, an open green flannel shirt.

Dipper thought he was daydreaming. Was it Wendy?

-Hey dork!- She greeted waving her hand, holding her laugh.

Dipper let out a yelp as he fell from the log, trying to get up. His hat fell in the sandy ground, which made him take it fast as a bullet, worried it might could get dirty.

He stood up, and placed the hat once again in his head. He kept looking at Wendy, like he didn't believed in his eyes.

-Wendy?...-He asked as he walked Closer.

-Yea. How are you doing Dip?- Wendy asked in her always cool way, both hands in her pockets.

-I...Im fine! How Are yo...- Dipper grinned happy, but before he was capable of asking, he was interrupted by a surprise Hug from Wendy.

-I missed you...-Wendy said warmly as she hugged him tightly. Blushed, Dipper only replied the hug.

Dipper felt a very great relief in his chest, a strange feeling that made him extremely happy inside. That special feeling though, was slightly fading away once he felt Wendy letting go of the hug. Now both of them were facing each other. Wendy glanced at Dipper, from up to down, analyzing his entire body, and without noticing, her cheeks started to glow a slight shade of pink.

-Wendy...youre...- Left of Words, Dipper let a dorky smile take over his face. His cheeks were red too.

-You've really grown up dude. You're bigger than me now.- Wendy punched Dipper's arm with cheer. She grinned and deep in her mind, she noticed that Dipper was not just taller than her, he did develop some muscles, a more defined chin, Wait, why she tought about that? Three years really did a lot of difference, so much that Wendy couldn't stop to wonder how much Dipper changed.

-Well, that's what three years do! In the other hand, you yourself didn't changed at all. You continue beaut...-Dipper slapped a hand before he said the word. Feeling more embarrassed, he sheepishly smirked, making Wendy laugh hard.

-Beau...? Im wating dude! I know that im gorgeous!- Wendy grinned, and waved her hair, spinning around, jokingly imitating a model or something like it.

-Well, if you know, why do I need to say you still beautiful?- Dipper shrugged, and as he laughed, he stuck out his tongue to her.

-Youre showing your tongue? How old are you? 9?- Wendy laughed even hard, and Dipper did the same.

They stood there for a while, laughing, and enjoying each other company.
Wendy was happy that she finally met her old buddy once again. It wasn't different for Dipper, he was very much happy that he finally met her again, that he was going to have a friend again. All of this, made Dipper happy to be back at Gravity Falls; to be aside his dearest friend once again.

After the meeting, they decided to go to a very special place for them, for a very special Rooftime.

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