Butterfly Tattoo [Nate Ruess]

By M_Tomlinson98

898 15 2

My name is Kennedy Fain. I am a young lady from Kentucky. My parents died in a house fire while they were in... More

Butterfly Tattoo (Nate Ruess FanFiction)
[1] New Neighbors
[3] Piano Lessons
[4] Park
[5] Adoption?
[6] Adoption Office
[7] Dylan
[8] Fights
[9] Finding Out
[10] Reunited

[2] Best Date Ever

99 1 0
By M_Tomlinson98

Kennedy's POV ~

It's been about a week since Nate has came up here to meet me. Just about everyday of the week, he has came to check up on me. I don't know why he is so worried about me being robbed, I have lived here by myself for six years.

What do we do on the nights he is here?

The first night, we played board games. The second night, we watched his favorite movie, Idenity Theft.

Third night, we played hide and seek. (He thought it was such a good idea, since my house is really big.)

On the other nights, he came up with several different movies and junk food.

It makes me wonder, does he live by himself, or does he have no great relationship with anyone?

I don't really have any friends, either, but that's my fault. I basically shut out the whole world because of the tragic incident.

As I lay here on my couch thinking of the past great nights I have had with Nate, I hear a surprising knock at my door.

I walk up to the door, and see a flower shop man.

"Hello, are you Kennedy Fain?"

I kindly nod my head with a smile, and then handed a boquet of roses, with a note on top.

I then nod at my head at the man, kind of trying to tell him thank you, and he tells me "Have a good day!" as i shut the door and lock it back.

I walk into the kitchen, and place the boquet on the island top, and pick up the note.

On the outside of it, was a red sparkly heart and my initals in the middle of it.

I open it, and read the sweet words.

"Roses are red, violets are blue;

I would love to go on an offical date with you.

Take this time to dress up, because I promise you the time will come fast enough,

I cannot wait till tonight, just the two of us.


I smile really big as I place the note down beside the flowers, and then dash up the stairs to get ready.


Nate's POV~

I decided to dress up a little tonight for our date, not TOO classy, but not shaggy looking either.

It's a quarter till eight, so I began to walk up to Kennedy's gate.

I press the button, and await for Kennedy to let me in.

Her little quiet giggle come on over the intercom.

I laugh back to her, and ask if I can come in.

She hummed mhm, and slowly but surely, the gates opened.

I make my way up to her house on her long driveway. I still do not get why she has such a long driveway, but I suppose it's for a good purpose.

As I get closer to the house, I see her standing in the door frame like usual, smiling back at me, except, she looked quite different than usual.

Perfect red hair in curls, straight down.

A black one sleeve dress, that hugs her waist beautifully.

I finally reach her front porch, and I stop directly in front of her.

"You...you look really beautiful, Kennedy."

She smiled down at her feet, and then looked back up at me.

I adjust my standing pose. "So, are you ready to go?"

She nods her head, then turns around to pick her purse up, and then to lock the door.

I watch her as she fully shuts the door, then slightly tugs on the handle to make sure it's locked.

I hold my hand out for her to place her hand in mine, and started to walk down the driveway.

We get to the gate, and she goes over to the intercom box, and presses a couple of buttons, then watches the gate lock back into it's normal position.


After walking a few blocks downtown, we finally get to a dance club that is also an italian resteraunt.

Kennedy scans the front of the building up and down, then looks to me.

"Is this alright with you?"

She nods her head nonchanlantly, and follows me, still with our fingers entwined, into the resteraunt.

"I have a reservation, Ruess."

We sit in a booth, across from each other.

I study the expressions on Kennedy's face, as if she's not happy to be here.

I do not get it? I asked her if she was alright with it, and she told me yes, and she acted happy at the time.

She has her hands placed onto the table, looking around nervously.

I soothingly grab her hands trying to assure her she's safe.

"Kennedy, are you alright?"

She nods her head slowly, but I could see the hurt in her eyes.

Before I know it, she gets up from the booth and jogs out of the resteraunt.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone and ran out after her.

Once I hit the door, I stopped on the sidewalk and looked all directions, and began to call her name.

I heard a whimper coming from the right, and then come to my surprise, I seen her on the sidewalk, in a protective stance, crying hard.

I walk over to her, and lean down to her level.

"What's wrong, Kennedy?"

She shook her head. This is the hard thing about liking someone who chooses to not speak.

I stand back on my feet, and grabbed ahold of her hands, to help her up.

I pulled out the comb in my back pocket, and began to comb her hair.

She began to smile just a little, and then looked down at her feet, as her cheeks turned pink.

I placed her chin in my hand, to get her to look me in the eyes.

"Would you like to go eat somewhere else?"

I smile to her, to assure her everything will be okay.

She smiled at me, nodding her head slightly.

We begin to hold hands once more, and started walking the other direction of the resteraunt.


Kennedy's POV ~

While we sit and eat at Olive Garden, I keep feeling embarassed as the moment that happened an hour ago keeps rewinding and playing back and forth in my head.

I couldn't imagine how Nate felt, embarassed? Ashamed?

Nate finishes his plate, as do I, and we sit in the booth and sip on our drinks.

Nate bundles his hands together, entwining his fingers, and gives me a steady look.

"Are you ready to talk about this?"

I look down and stay silent for a minute, then look back up to him, nodding my head slightly.

I pull out my phone and turn on the talking app, awaiting for his next choice of words.

"Why was you acting so afraid, did you see someone you didn't like at the resteraunt?"

"No, the resteraunt just brings up terrible memories."

"Oh. Would you care to tell me?"

"My parents use to own the resteraunt. I haven't been there since the weekend before the accident. It reminded me of how I was there with them, eating and having a good time."

Nate shows a guilty frown on his face.

"I'm sorry, if I would have known that, I would have not considered going there."

I giggled, which made him give me a confused look.

"I am not mad at you. I know you didn't know. It wasn't your fault, more like mine. But I wasn't ready to tell you about my family tragedy."

"But I suppose now is a better time than ever, since it was brought up on the table."

'My parents were sent to Manchester for a business reason. The house they were living in at the time, apparently caught on fire while they were asleep, and burned them both to death. I am an only child, so the house is now in my name. This is why I live alone. Sometimes I hate it, but other times I am thankful."

He smiles at me, and nods his head in understandment.

"Would you like to head back home now?"

I giggle and nod at him, and we get out of the booth, and hold hands walking out the door.


As we finally reach my house, he walks over to my couch and just flops down.

I slip off my heels behind my door beside the coat hanger, and walk over to flop down on top of him.

He groans, and I laugh, which tickles him because of how my body touches his back, pounding up and down.

"You know what we should do?" His voice was a bit muzzled, because his head was stuffed into my side pillow.

I giggled, and hummed hmm?

"We should watch a scary movie."

.....Scary movie?

I don't know about him, but I do not handle scary movies very well. They cause me to have bad dreams.

But I don't want to be a party pooper, so I nodded to him in agreement, and turned on the tv.

Giving him the remote, he scross down the tv guide to look for one.

"Ah! Found one!" He clicked onto the movie, and it began to play.


After 2 hours and thirty-four minutes of absoloute terror, I am still hiding my head in Nate's chest, trying to hide myself from the terror.

"It's okay Kennedy, the movie is over."

I look up to him, and smile at his assuringness.

We both look over to the clock on the wall, and see that it is a quarter after midnight.

He looks down at me, and smiles.

"It's getting very late, I better leave you alone for a while and go home to catch up on some sleep."

What? No! I did not want him to leave me so late, after watching that scary movie. Considering I live in a huge house and when I am here by myself, it is pretty scary.

I tugged on his shirt, giving him that pleading look.

"What, do you want me to stay?"

I nod my head fastly, hoping he would accept the offer.

He smiles down at me, and presses his forehead against mine.

"Alright, I will stay tonight. Just to make sure no gooblins or ghosts come to bother you."

I smile back at him, and rub my nose against his.


Nate is staying in the guest bedroom, and I am in the master bedroom, all by myself, in a huge bed.

I keep looking over to my halfway opened closest, just waiting for something scary to appear.

Because of the wind, my door creaked more openly, and right then, I jumped out of the bed and ran for my life, to Nate.

His bedroom door was closed, and I opened it without knocking.

He was woken by the door swinging back far and hitting the back wall.

I jump on top of him and immediately started holding on to him, body shaking in fear.

"Did something scare you, honey?" He asked in his sleepy voice.

I nodded my head, not daring to look up from being so scared.

He scooted over in his bed, leaving me room to lay down beside him.

He wrapped his arms around me carlessly, and I kept my eyes locked on his.

He tried to give me an assuring smile, to make me feel like everything was okay.

It was dead silent, he started to lean in closer to me.

I did not move a muscle, but when his breath was touching my lips, he stopped and just looked at me, awaiting for me to make my move.

I nodded my head, and he slowly placed his lips on mine.

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