One With Earth [Avengers]

By Kyamyi

4.3K 142 1

Einn með jörð- book 1 Long before Thor and Loki and even Odin, there were ten realms of Yggdrasil. I do not... More

Run Away
The Avengers
First Sight
Old Sketches
Supervising Officer
Ten Bucks
Reindeer Games
He's Adopted
Uh, Guys?
My Queen
Devilish Deals
Mighty Heroes
Tough Decisions
Clenching Victory
Suppressing Fire
Anxious Ascension
*Bonus* Thor's Monologue
*BONUS* Nat and Clint Go For Coffee
*bonus* Loki's Letter

Final Frontier

97 4 0
By Kyamyi


I sit in the quinjet, across from Thor and Loki and I feel bad for the trickster god. His restraints look uncomfortable and he looked miserable. Maybe it was an act for his brother, his aura told me that he was actually very calm. Thor's beefy arms were crossed over his chest and he looked out of the windshield. I only glanced at the blonde brother before going back to Loki. My eyes took him in from his feet to his head and as I was going back down our eyes met. The green pierced me and I looked away as quickly as possible. I still felt his eyes locked on me, I didn't want to return his stare but I didn't want to seem like a coward. I slowly let my eyes turn to look into his again.

His eyes started twitching then. His eyebrows raised methodically. I mind immediately picked it up and recognised it as a language. I felt like chuckling but didn't want to freak out Thor. I wondered if Loki just made up this eye language.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me with the small subtle movements of his eyes.

"Spectacularly." I replied sarcastically. "Did you just make this up?" I asked my burning question.

I imagine he would be donning a sly half smile had his mouth not been covered. "Over the night." He confessed.

"Five minutes until landing." One of the pilots announced to us.

I bit my lip in anticipation. Five minutes until I'm off this jet and on my way to Asgard. Five minutes until I face my friends and tell them the news, five minutes until I'm away from this planet, five minutes until I'm free. I was ecstatic, all my worries have gone and there was nothing left besides happiness. Earth would move on and thrive without me, and I can do the same without Earth. I looked at Loki.

"Excited?" He asked.

I grinned. "Very." I replied and we started landing. I was nearly bouncing in my seat.

We unboarded the jet, Loki in the middle of us, Thor and I had a hold on each of his arms. We escorted him to the rest of the Avengers. Everyone's eyes were on me. I smiled politely at each of them, because weather they were staring because my colors, or because of the backpack I was carrying I didn't care.

Steve came up to me as Thor went over to the scientists to grab the Tesseract. He smiled down at me and I returned it. I felt Loki lean away from us even though I still had the death lock on his arm. "So, Izzy, I was thinking... Maybe you'd like to come live with me after this?" He tried, I knit my eyebrows together.

"Sorry, Steve. I'm... I'm going to live on Asgard." I let it out quickly, like ripping off a Band-Aid.

He took a step back. He shook his head. He narrowed his eyes. The only two words he could get past his lips were "What?" And "Why?" He was a baby-faced sputtering mess. I let go of Loki's arm to embrace my first love.

"I have to Steve, I just have to." I confessed.

He hugged me back, stroking my hair. "We just got reunited." He spoke quietly.

"And this won't be the last time, I'll come visit whenever I can." I assured him.

"You're leaving with them?" I didn't notice Natasha make her way over to us.

I pulled out of the hug with Steve to give one to Nat. "Yeah," I told her simply.

"Good." She said and I pulled away to look into her eyes, they were sad but she was smiling. "It's where you belong, Anna."

I grinned at my mentor, my SO. "Thank you for understanding."

She smiled and rubbed my arm before walking back over to Clint who I saluted, he nodded and smiled at me. Thor came back over, the cube in a clear tube. He held out one end with a handle to us. Loki took it reluctantly.

Time seemed to freeze and everything was silent as I took a last look around at my friends, my home. My heart beat steadily in my chest as I lifted my hand and placed it on the handle next to Loki's. Our fingers brushed the others and I found my head turning to face him. My eyes locked with his just as Thor turned his handle then we were surrounded by light. We were racing through space and I felt free. I broke my gaze with the emerald eyed man to look around at all the lights passing us, all the stars, the planets, the space.

We touched down too soon for me. I was without speech. I was in awe.

"Anna, are you alright?" Thor asked me and I looked to him, confused. Of course I was alright, I was perfect. Nothing at all could be wrong. "You're crying." He pointed out, worriedly.

I touched my face and sure enough tears wet my cheeks. I wiped them away laughing. "I'm crying because I'm happy."

I noticed there was another person in the place we arrived in. I turned to look at him. He had beautiful, smooth dark skin. He wore mostly gold which matched his eyes... Which matched mine. Nobody on earth would ever have the same eyes as me yet the first person I meet on Asgard shares this trait with me. I grinned at him.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Isabelliana." He spoke carefully, and his gold eyes never focused on anything.

"Anna, meet Heimdall, the all-seeing and hearing guard of the bifrost." Thor introduced.

"It's nice to meet you too." I told him. It was the truth.

"The All-Father requests your presence, Thor. And you alone." He informs him and I raise an eyebrow. I look to Loki who seemed to be simmering, beneath all of that I knew he was glad to be here. I was glad to be here.

"I will show you to a place where you can rest and then I will go speak to my father." The blonde tells me.


I sit in my new room and I finally let it sink in. I was away from my weakness and I even felt stronger. I have transcended, I have evolved. I am not the same person I was back on Earth. I am better and I will keep getting better. I am not afraid of what the future holds, the future should be a afraid of me. By being away from Earth I can be stronger to protect it. If a force comes along that they can't handle I will be at the front line fighting for them. Medjordian. Einn med jord. One with Earth. The best way to protect them is to be away from them. The best way to love them is from a distance. I am half Medjordian, my people's purpose pushes me to care for humans. I am half Human, my mother fell in love with one and died because her love was too strong. I will not let that happen; I will protect them, but I will not fall in love with one.

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