Foodies Love //N.H.//

By ughzee

150 41 203

How their love for food changed into the love for each other. More

what are you doing with this blondie?
I Want to know that Blondie's name

Morning Alarm.

35 13 30
By ughzee


I hateeee monday morning.

Wait I hate every morning.
No biggie.

"Ellie baby wake up" My Mum Yelled from downstairs as if my alarm wasn't enough to piss me off.

"Yas mumma" I yelled back and sit myself up just like those old grandmas. I really feel old at the age of 18. Wait now? Now I used to feel old since i was 12. Since i got to know school is imp and waking up early too.

I hate it. I waited in my bed for a miracle to happen and turn this day time into night time again so i could sleep and not to push my body to wake up. Ugh god can't skip a whole day for me.

Its okay god. I can understand you. Lemme get out of my bed now. Ugh. It's a struggle yeah. I hate it. I can repeat the same line I hate it for more than thousand time a day.

Basically my favorite line.

Finally I put my one leg out of Blankie and pushed my body towards the end of bed. Oh this struggle. Finally stood up yay. Ellie Won One Match. GOAL.

I walked up to closet just like old granny and took out my clothes. I really wanted to grab my new sweatpants and jumper but hey i can't wear em in uni. That sucks. I had to choose black jean shorts and White Tee.

Got ready in less than 3 minutes. If i pick up speed in my work, i can turn the whole globe in a minute upside down. I know I'm so smart. But i can't turn the globe so it was poor joke. Hey at least you laughed. I won again. GOAL.

Headed to downstairs and grabbed my coffee mug running into kitchen. Hugged my mum from the back wishing her morning. Sometimes i be so sweet. Hey I'm always sweet with hint of Sass And Sarcasm. I'm amazing i know.

"Morning Mamma" I wished her happily.

"Morning baby. You're getting late for your uni today." She turned back while making pancakes.

"Is this the first time I'm getting late?" I asked with all excitement i had. It was truth though. I'm always late. ALWAYS.

"Want to have some pancakes before you leave?" She offered me? Wait she should have ordered me. Cause I can never say NO to food. I eat everything. Even human's brains. Just kidding. I'm not cannibal.

I grabbed some pancakes and headed to my car waving goodbyes to her. I reached to the uni late as always.

So Ms. Greene. Get ready for all those speeches you're gonna get. "You're again late Ms. Greene. Why don't you see the time table? We don't give you time table to stick on your desk. Ms. Greene you should learn some manners. How are you looking at me like that. Oh god you won't understand anything. Come inside and have your seat. Jeez help this child." I imitated in his tone. I'm hearing these words since first day of Uni. I've got them memorized. I know I'm smart you don't need to remind me that.

Woah. I'm finally at the edge of class room. I could see Mr. Fitz glaring at me.

The lecture starts NOWWWW...

" You're again late Ms. Greene. Why don't you see the time table? We don't give you time table to stick on your desk. Ms. Greene you should learn some manners. How are you looking at me like that" He breathed. I told ya same lines. He always does that and never get bored of his regular speech. And i just look down saying nothing. Cause if i start blabbering they might kick my ass off of this school.

"Oh god you won't understand anything. Come inside and have your seat. Jeez help this child" he pointed at my seat and gladly walked over there.

I threw a high five in the direction of my best friend sitting in opposite of my seat. The last corner of class. She giggled. She was my BFF. With whom i do this craziness. Hey that's called sassy 'ness.

"Stop high five in this air. And open the page number 45." He adjusted his god knows how much old spectacles and shot me a look.

What do he think of himself? Am I scared of him? Naaaaahh. Its just I'm really good person who respects older ones. Or else i could have ripped his heart out of his chest i swear. It could have been my Favorite GOAL.


Yay. Finally indicating lunch break. The only time in Uni I enjoy. My Lunch Break. With My Only Love Food. Awwwwww..

I hopped onto Katie's seat landing on it like a successful pilot landing a huge double decker airplane. I have huge imagination I must say. Yes I'm always proud of myself for that.

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