
By simplyinspired

327 17 35

Life is indeed a mystery for Maya Smith. After a wonderful summer in New York she returns home. Having only o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

56 5 7
By simplyinspired

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Jared's POV:

I was unpacking my stuff when my dad knocked on the door. "Come in," I said.

"Hey buddy you settled in?" he asked poking his head through the door. I arrived in Houston an hour ago. Since my so called mom decided she needed time to herself, she had given Ted -my father-  a call.

I don't really get why those two people ever really got together in the first place. They had me by accident and tried to make us a family. Didn't happen, split when I was 1.  I stayed with my mother in Arizona while my father moved to Houston. Dad and I wasn't close and me and my mom barely got along, yep sweet family I got here. "Almost sir," I said walking to the walk in closet. My father sure had made a name for himself. He was one of the best attorneys in Houston, and his house sure proved it. A two story house, with a pool in the back, not too fancy. I haven't seen the whole house yet but it looked nice.

"Jared," he said coming in. He looked completely drained and sad. Since the day he left never once did he show his face again. While growing up, when I would ask about where my dad was my mom would simply say, "Forget about him Jared he's not in your life anymore". And I did just that, soon after thoughts of my dad didn't come to mind.

Turning to face him, "Yes sir?" I asked. He sat down on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath, staring hard at the carpet.

"Son I know.." he trailed off. He looked up his eyes searching mine. "Jared I'm sorry about everything. Sorry I didn't even try to be in your life son. But wh-."

"Dad you don't have to explain. Its ok. I said cutting him off. 

I really wish me and my father had a normal relationship, heck I wish it wasn't so awkward just being in the same room together. We're practically strangers, strangers who will now be living under the same roof. 

He kept his head down still staring at the carpet, like if it would give him answers. Not knowing what to say I got back to my task at hand, putting away my clothes. When I looked over my shoulder he was gone.

When I woke up the next morning the house was silent. The clock on my nightstand read 12:03 AM. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. Ted said that today we would register me at the high school here. Brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower, I got dressed and headed downstairs. 

No sign of my father anywhere, I grabbed some cereal and ate in silence. My time to myself was interrupted when the alarm system went off, stating someone was home. He walked in the kitchen too busy with his phone and bumped into the wall.

"Shit," he hissed  holding on to the plastic bags in his arms. I cleared my throat and he looked up. "Jared, morning son. Sleep well?," he asked setting the bags on the island. He took the stool from across me and put his phone down grinning. Ok what's up with happy over there.

"Yeah, I slept fine," I replied finishing off my cereal. His eyes went down to my bowl of lucky charms, and he frowned. "What?" I asked kind of confuse. Was I suppose to return his grin?

"You already had breakfast," he said taking some Denny's out. So he went out to get breakfast, trying to be a "good father".Yeah Ok, doing one nice thing won't get you father of the year Ted.

Ducking my head down, I said "Yeah, but thanks for bringing me some." 

He was silent for a moment before speaking disappointment in his voice, "No problem I'll just put it away and we'll head out to the school." I got up and placed my bowl in the sink. 

The school was this massive three story building and with  two smaller buildings on the side. After registering we went groceries shopping. Ted showed me around a little and tried so very hard to make conversation. I felt sorry for him.

I don't hate my father, but see where I'm coming from. The man walked out on us, walked out on me and never showed his face again. I didn't have the normal childhood most kids got. Never got a chance to throw a football around with my father. My mom had boyfriends but they weren't interested in her, only what was in her pants. If they only wanted sex, why would they even bother to get to know her son?.

I never got the full story on what caused him to leave but honestly It wouldn't matter. How, no why would you leave your one year old son and never try getting in contact with him for 18 years!

 The car next to us was blasting some loud music and snapped me out of my thoughts. My father started glaring at the car, thankfully the green light came on and we sped down the road.

When we got home I went upstairs. Only in Houston for two days now and I haven't call my best friend yet. I took out my phone and dialed the only number I know by heart. After two rings Ryan loud voice came booming threw the phone.

"So you haven't forgotten about me. Now I can sleep at night with out worrying that you found someone else. But if you did, oh I'd just lose it J," he said pretending to sound hurt.

"Yeah because you would just die without me," I replied sarcastically, shaking my head. Ryan was a clown main reason why he was my best friend. 

"So how's Houston?" he asked.

"Fine," I replied taking off my shoes. I could hear my father downstairs banging pots around. 

"That's it, just fine?," he asked dryly. He was searching for something, something I really didn't feel like talking about.

"Yep fine fine fine. How's the guys and everybody over there?," I asked changing the topic. He sighed but answer me anyways, taking me out the spotlight.

"Same as always. Oh yeah, yesterday Ty took Naomi out on a date. And I'm still having to hear about it." he groaned.

"Wait Ty Miller and Naomi Washington went out, together on a date?!"

Impossible, just when I leave my friend wish finally came true. Naomi had turned Ty down so many times I can't wait to see how he got her to say yes. 

"Yeah, that kid never gives up," Ryan said. I can hear the smile in his voice. "So how he do it?" I asked him imagining all he went through just to get her to say yes. Kid goes after what he wants and sure as hell doesn't take no for an answer.

After I hung up the phone I saw that it was 10:12, frowning at my growling stomach I headed downstairs to see what Ted was doing. The place smelled amazing, already causing my mouth to water. Didn't know daddy-o was a whiz in the kitchen.

"Hey," I said walking in the kitchen.

"Hey buddy dinner will be ready in a few. Just sit back and relax." he said busy stirring something in the pot.

Dinner was great, well the food was. Trying to keep a conversation with my father, was kind of difficult. But he was satisfied at my effort for trying. I don't want it to be like this, things shouldn't be like this. But they are.

Maya's POV:

Friday came faster than I would like. But the weekend was here and It was my welcome back party. 

While I was at Shays house on Tuesday, she had one of her many ideas. There should be a party Friday, at her house, for me. She claimed she missed me too much and everyone else would love to know I'm back. Hard to argue with her when she has her mind set, I said sure why not.

Now, I'm laying down in my comfy bed not wanting to leave. Yesterday was tiring, I went to my mother restaurant to help out a little. After that Shay came over saying we had to get party supplies, so we spent most of the day out. 


I groaned and reached over for my phone on the nightstand. The caller ID said Shay, I decided to just answer it. "Hello Shay, can't you let me rest today?," I asked already getting out of bed.

"You're awake good. Ok so Mel's not coming tonight," she said dismissing my question.

"Why not?" I asked. Mel was the final piece to our trio. Me and her have been friends for 4 years now, not as long as me and Shay but she was still my Melly.

"She said her parents want them to go out to dinner tonight. Why are they so damn annoying!?," she yelled in frustration. I sighed, Shay hated when things didn't go her way.

"Shay its okay, you know how are parents are."

Mel's parents are not snobby or uptight, they just don't want their little girl to become distant. Melanie Pearson was the rebel child in our trio. She stays in trouble, so I can see where they were coming from.

"Yeah, but we all just got back and school is on Monday Maya. Why can't they just let her have this one night?," she whined.

"Shayla, stop whining," I said rubbing my temples of the upcoming migraine. I told her everything wouldn't always go as she wished, and we would see Mel on Monday. It's not a big deal. After hanging up, I went to take a nice hot shower.

When I got downstairs I saw a note on the counter, picking it up and biting into my pear. "Maya sweetie, I had to go down to the restaurant and I don't know when I'll be back. Your brother went down to Dallas for something. There's pork chops in the fridge. Love you  -Mom". Okay house to myself for awhile cool.

I went upstairs to get Blue and my phone started ringing. I saw it was Taylor and beamed. We haven't spoken since I left New York.

"Hey Tay," I sang.

She laughed and replied "Hey baby girl what's up?" Taylor was 26 years old and she didn't act her age at all. While I was there she acted more like a kid than me. I loved that about her, she's carefree. 

 "You know, same old same old," I said, sitting at edge of my bed.

"And what exactly is same old same old?" she asked.

"About to feed my new and improved dog and eat pork chops." she laughed and I couldn't help grin. She was so easy to talk to. It didn't even feel like we just meet over the summer, felt like I've always known her.

 "So who did you harass to get you a dog?" she asked me, her tone sounding playful.

"No one, Richard just surprised me when I came home," I said smiling. 

Taylor and I talked for at least two hours before she told me she has to get ready for work and we'll talk later.

I still had a couple hours before the party and I needed to kill time. So the one person who I knew would be willing to do absolutely anything with me, was who I called. "Hey Devin, I'm bored can you come over? Pleasee," I pleaded.

Devin was my only guy best friend, most of the guys I hang out with were.. either continuously flirting with me or just plain morons. Devin was the only normal one, uh well he was the only one not interested in me and we can just goof off together.

At the moment, I'm not interested in anyone. Which is good cause I don't want a boyfriend. My senior year is going to be my last year and I want to enjoy it. Adding a boyfriend to that  is asking for trouble.

"So the lovely lily pad floated back home but forgot her frog," he said.

"Uh Devin, what the hell are you rambling on about frogs and lily pads for?" I asked.

"I'm saying that you came back home and you didn't even call me Maya!. How could you?" he asked pretending to be hurt. 

"Aww Dev, I'm sorry I was not thinking about my frog. Lily pad is so so so sorry. Now can you please come over. I'M BORED!" I said pouting, but already knew he come over anyways.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be over In 15. But don't you have a party to go to soon?" he asked. 

"Yeah its at 8. Aren't you coming?," I said.

"I am, just thought you'd be at Shayla's house right now." he said, I could hear the front door being shut. Always could count on Devin.

"Nope, she said I should just show up in something sexy, she'll do all the work."

Devin came a few minutes later and we just hung out. Later on we ate my pork chops and he told me about his boring summer in Philly. By the time he left It was 8:12. I had 25 minutes to get ready, plenty of time. I hopped in the shower and got dressed.

I had on my navy blue sleeveless button down oxford shirt. My white high waisted shorts and my black keds. I added some studs earrings and was ready to go. 

I arrived at the party at 9:33 and the place was almost packed. Seems like Shay invited the whole freaking county. Stopping to talk to some people on my way in, I made a beeline for her.

"Oh gorgeous, I wanted sexy but this is perfect," she said pulling me towards the kitchen.

"Shayla, why is the whole county here?." I hissed.

"Because everybody missed you. Common please enjoy yourself, you can yell at me tomorrow please," she said pouting.

"Okay fine, but your parent-."

"Said It was ok for me to throw this party," she said cutting me off. "Now lets shut up and have fun."

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