Other Raeken ➼ Tate [1] ✓

By -adoringsam

123K 5.7K 3.1K

[POORLY WRITTEN, SO PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] ❞ Oh great, there's another one.❞ ❞I'm sorry, I can't h... More

Other Raeken
1 - Carter Raeken
2 - Worst Brother Award
3 - Other Raeken
4 - Trust
5 - Past
6 - Nightmares
7 - Reality
8 - Mistakes
9 - Approaching
10 - Breaking
11 - Heartbreak
12 - Only Human
14 - Goodbye
15 - Return
16 - Adventures
17 - New Moves
18 - The Beast
19 - Endings
Thank You

13 - Heart of Darkness

3.7K 218 180
By -adoringsam


"What do you mean no?" Liam asked Scott, his jaw clenching when the words left the alpha's mouth.

I watched the exchange with wide eyes, not knowing how to feel about the whole thing in general. I honestly felt bad for Liam, loosing someone you love can take a toll on someone as young as him. Hayden was more than someone to Liam and to me as well. I put her under my wing when I first found out she was a chimera, making me watch over her like a hawk.

"Liam, look at her," Scott said, "She's too weak, it will kill her."


"We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her," Scott cut me off, "We don't even know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life."

"It saved mine," Liam pointed out to him.

"You know that was different," I told him in a soft tone.

I remember when Liam told me how he became a werewolf. He said that he was hanging off the hospital's ledge when a wendigo named Sean tried to kill him in the process- making Scott McCall bite him in order to save the younger boy's life. That was way different than the situation that was happening now.

"Carter, you weren't even there," Liam snapped, throwing his hands up in the air before looking at Scott, "You promised Scott. You said you'd everything you could to save her."

Scott started to breath heavily, "Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her."

My eyebrows started to furrow in confusion when the boy started to gasp out of nowhere. He looked terrible and that made me step forward toward Scott in concern. Scott tried to get a few more words out before my brother threw him his inhaler, in attempt to get his breath back in the way it was beforehand.

"There's another way to save her," Scott wheezed out before using his inhaler.

Theo looked over at Hayden who was breathing heavily, "Guys, I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this."

I wanted to inwardly sigh because my brother wasn't helping in the end. Theo was destroying everyone's relationships and I didn't want to be apart of it anymore- but he would kill me in the end if I didn't help. Then an idea snapped in my head, what if Scott's mother could help us in the long run?

"Scott," I said, catching the alpha's attention, "Do you think your mom could help? I mean, I know she isn't an actual supernatural doctor, but maybe science could actually be helpful this time."

Scott's eyes lit up before he nodded, "Yeah, let me go call her now."

He walked out of the room, leaving Theo, Liam, Hayden, and I in the room alone. My eyes were pried on Liam who had a crestfallen expression on his face when he kept looking at his dying girlfriend. I felt a presence next to me and I knew that it was Theo, he grabbed my arm before dragging me into another room.

"Carter, I want you to stay in the house tonight while I do what I came to do," Theo ordered me.

"Are you going to hurt them?" My voice came out quiet, more than I wanted it to be.

Theo sighed, "I won't hurt Malia or Lydia, I promise."

Before I could respond, I heard approaching footsteps coming into the other room, making Theo and I snap our heads in the direction to see a woman figure in the room. We walked back into the operating room to see Melissa McCall standing over Hayden with some medical instruments in her hands.

"What's that?" I found myself saying when Theo and I walked into the room.

Melissa jumped at my sudden voice before turning to look in our direction, "Life saving medical equipment..hopefully."

I sighed when Melissa started to work on the dying girl. My heart felt broken at the sight of her, making it break even more at the facial expressions on Liam and Scott as well. It seemed that their pack only knew one thing, lost. They lost so many people in their lives and Hayden would soon join the list in the end.

"And you're hurting me," Melissa's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Liam, let go," I said sternly when I saw how tight his grip was on the woman's wrist.

"Remember, we're here to save a life, not kill each other," Theo included into my statement.

"Sorry," Liam muttered, backing away from Hayden and Melissa.

"It's the full moon. We can feel it even during the day," Scott commented, keeping a close eye on Liam to make sure he wouldn't loose control, "And it's a supermoon."

"What is that supposed to make you guys, like super strong? Super aggressive?" Melissa asked Theo and Scott.

Theo sighed, "Both."

I walked over, throwing my arm around his shoulders in attempt to make him feel better, "She will be fine Liam. Please remain strong for not only yourself but for Hayden as well."

Eventually, I removed my arm and walked to the main lobby of the animal clinic to see Scott and my brother sitting on the chairs. I sent a small smile towards Scott before sitting in the seat on his right and my brother was on his left.

"You know we're going to need help with him," Theo said, glancing over at the teen wolf.

"He'll be alright," Scott muttered.

"He's 16 and in love," Theo pressed on.

"First love, you remember what that's like?" I asked Scott.

Scott nodded, "Yeah, trust me, I remember."

"All those emotions mixed with the Supermoon, tonight isn't going to be good," I sighed, placing my head in my hands.

After a few more minutes, I excused myself to go home to get some rest before tonight, knowing that it would be one eventful night. I got into Theo's car after promising my brother that I would pick him up when he needed me to, and it would be soon. When I got home, I went into my room and quickly took my shoes off before falling asleep.


My eyes opened softly, not realizing that I fell asleep in the first place. I pushed the covers back and I went to grab my phone from my pocket, only realizing that it was gone. My face paled when I realized I left it in the school's library after talking to Malia this morning.

"Shit," I muttered to myself when I walked downstairs after putting my shoes on.

The drive to the school didn't take long but then I remembered what was supposed to happen tonight. I knew that my brother was going to try and take Scott McCall's true alpha status tonight and it made me wonder if it worked in the end. When I got to the library I heard growls and shouts being heard from inside.

"Liam!" I shouted in horror when I opened the doors to the library.

I saw Liam on top of Scott, digging his claws into the true alpha's after he kept on swiping at the poor boy's bare skin. Without thinking, I ran towards Liam, shouting his name loudly, not realizing that would be the worst mistake of my life. When I tried to pull him off, Liam turned around and sunk his claws into my shirt that pierced my skin from the outside.

"You bitch," I gasped out when I felt myself get lightheaded from the boy's claws inside of me.

The next thing I knew I was on the floor, bleeding out while I heard a familiar voice calling the beta's name. I tried to raise my head but to no avail I couldn't. I shook my head at Mason when he tried to help me, knowing that my fate was coming to quickly.

"She's gone Liam," Mason cried, "Hayden died a few minutes ago."

That made Liam look at me briefly with a horrified look before he took off in the other direction without saying another word.

"Scott," I weakly called out to the true alpha, "I'm s-sorry."

"Y-You don't need to be sorry," Scott gasped out while he tried to get closer to me, "You will be okay."

"S-Scott, I won't," I cried out when another pain hit me in the core, "It sucks that I didn't get a chance to ask Malia to be my girlfriend or take her on our first date. But I guess that's the price of love. B-But Scott, I'm sorry again."

"Y-You don't have to be sorry-"

"I do," I said, closing my eyes tightly as the pain became unbearable, "I'm sorry for what my brother had done to you. I'm sorry that my brother manipulated his way into your life and tore it apart."

Scott tried to speak but I cut him off, "I know my life is coming to an end, and it's okay. But please promise me one thing. Tell Malia that I love her and that I'm sorry that I can't be here to say it in person."

Tears were streaming down my face, knowing my life was coming to an end. I glanced at Mason, giving him a weak smile before looking at Scott for one more time. "If I could go back in time and prevent this from happening I would Scott. Please don't be hard on yourself about my death. I knew what I was doing in the end, I wanted to save your life."

"But please promise me one thing."

"What is it?" Scott asked, his voice cracking.

"Please forgive me. I never wanted this to happen to your and your pack, I really didn't."

Scott had tears running down his face before he said three words that made a weak smile appear on my face before I took my final breath.

"I forgive you."

"T-thank you."

"Carter!" A familiar voice was heard before I closed my eyes for a final time.

And that's when I fell into an immense darkness.


Before you guys freak out, this is not the end of the book, there is a part two. I know you guys are probably shock, and I'm sorry. I had this ending planned for awhile and I can't wait for your reaction. This chapter won't be dedication to anyone, but to everyone who supported this part of the book.

Question: Who is shocked about Carter dying? Did anyone seem it coming? What do you think will happen next? Are you mad at Liam more than Theo or what? Comment your thoughts.

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