Kingdom Flaws

By egapgs

1.1M 19.5K 3.3K

Nemesis always wanted to be a Knight where she would be a hero one day. Yet, because she's a girl she got stu... More

Kingdom Flaws
Kingdom Flaws (2)
Kingdom Flaws (3)
Kingdom Flaws (4)
Kingdom Flaws (5)
Kingdom Flaws (6)
Kingdom Flaws (8)
Kingdom Flaws (9)
Kingdom Flaws (10)
Kingdom Flaws (11)
Kingdom Flaws (12)
Kingdom Flaws (13)
Kingdom Flaws (14)
Kingdom Flaws (15)
Kingdom Flaws (16)
Kingdom Flaws (17)

Kingdom Flaws (7)

65.9K 1.1K 101
By egapgs

The Prince stared me down with an impeccable glare. My insides right away started melting and not because of that cliche romantic feeling.

He was the predator.

I was the prey.

Simple math and more frankly natural selection at this point.

I blinked several times tripping on my footing, even though I was standing still, and cleared my voice. I was more than intimidated. I was terrified. The fact I harassed the prince... With my foot makes me want to swallow myself in whole.

"What are you doing just standing there muro?" Autumn glared with a rude tone.

"Ah-coming," I stuttered walking forward with the food platter. It was only appetizers. Expensive ones for all I knew. I held my stomach with a flat hand while gracefully placed the platter in the middle of the table.

"Ahem," Autumn cleared her voice in a haughty way. She raised her eyebrows and glanced down at her plate.

I smiled hesitating with a swift glance and placed a decent amount of cheese and exotics fruits on Autumns and the princes. He wasn't looking at me anymore which I was grateful for rather staring eye to eye with Autumn.

She was grinning the whole time with her hands under her chin as she forcefully fluttered her eyelashes. He frowned a little, but he quickly shadowed it with a rapid expression I found both questionable and suspicious.

"I hope that you did well in the first competition of the princess games," the prince smiled. "I was very amused with the information that you single handily killed the boriff."

"Well," Autumn swiped away some hair on her shoulder with a pretty hand. "I'm very courageous."

"I see," the prince stared at his plate suddenly looking bored. He circled a piece of grape with his finger. I had to stand there until he personally dismissed me. My legs and back aching already from a nervous twitch standing in the same spot.

"You're very beautiful as well," the prince stretched his mouth in what was supposed to be a smile. "As well as the other princesses.." He muttered.

"Oh you're too modest," Autumn giggled pretending not to hear the other compliments. "I'm little bit more then that," she sighed winking.

The prince didn't look that amused with the under rated conceited joke. He stretched his mouth once again that seemed like a smile, but I've seen too many fake smiles to know one. I myself a master at one.

"You're dismissed," Autumn flung her hand towards my way.

I didn't budge.

"You heard me," she acknowledged me now with a tasteless glare. "You're dismissed," Autumn hissed.

"I only dismiss around here," the prince spoke in monotone. Autumn blushed crimson at this flinching backwards.

"I apologize," Autumn smoothed down her dress and the sides of her up do hair style. "I'm a princess used to ordering that's all," she grinned. "I would be a lovely queen.." Autumn murmured to herself, but loudly enough for the prince and myself to hear.

I rolled my eyes not even helping it at this point. The girl was more desperate then she claimed not to be.

"You have something to say?" The prince snapped.

I blinked thinking he was speaking to someone else, but then his expression was glued with hot lava onto me. My throat suddenly tightened with his crown coming into view and how bad I was in a position not to get kicked out of this kingdom.

I never kissed anyones butt before, however when push comes to shove.

"No my... Lord," I choked out the words. "I stand no offense."

"Offense you delivered already," he sharply replied. The intention halfway met with my realization of him still very aware of my foot meeting his face. 

I bit my lips hard together.

"I apologize," I bowed down deeply. My forehead hovering above the table.

"Muro girls these days... Wearing such skimpy clothing," Autumn huffed under her breath. "Where did modesty and beauty by covering the skin go? You might as well sell your body if your wearing something"

"I agree," the prince huffed a chuckle.

I stood up abruptly with my hands in front of me. The fact I didn't have a choice to wear this provocative maid clothing didn't make a difference to them. It made me realize in many ways how much of a nothing I was in real life.

I was grateful for Julis now. A brat more days than others, but she was a friend. It made me cringe with anger when Autumn disrespected me not because of my personality or gender rather my skin color.

It's been centuries since the declaration of Independence and equality for muros, yet this girl doesn't understand that.

I clenched my fists wanting to hold my mouth so bad, yet it quivered. I turned to leave and took a step forward.

"You weren't dismissed muro," the prince spoke.

"I know," I snapped back a reply.

"Not only do you disrespect me once nevertheless twice? Who do you think you are!"

"Human," I turned around facing him with a glare. "Treat me like one and you shall be treated like one as well."

"It's my divine-"

"My butt is divine you see me wiping it every god damn time I go to the bathroom, but you don't see me boasting about it."

"A woman speaks like this!?" Autumn gasped.

"Oh shut up you desperate quaker."

A quaker meant you were obsessed with love making or want it so bad you would do anything for it. Autumn certainly knew this term, because of her reaction. The prince surprised me when his mouth twitched a smile. He composed himself quickly, but I could see his pupils swimming with amusement.

"You-you poverty brooding wicked muro!" Autumn stood up hissing. "You-" she stopped short remembering where she was and glanced towards the prince. He looked slightly shocked while  I took the distraction to make my escape.

I didn't take the time to hear what either of them had to say I just left. Angering pulsing through my wrists as I held my own. I laid my back against the door as I closed it behind me. I breathed heavily out of my nostrils and closed my eyes to compose the riveting anger.

I opened my eyes to find an unexpected face.

I plastered my back against the door with my eyes wide ready to scream. Two firm hands were placed on my mouth as Ritava grinned at me. I slapped his hands away and gasped for air.
"What are you doing here!" I screamed, but stopped and hissed under my breath.

I turned around to see we I was behind the door Autumn and the prince were. I bit my tongue and grabbed Ritava.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" He chimed bouncing up and down as I dragged him around a corner.

"I said what are you doing here?" I huffed.

"Why do you care?" He frowned. "I work here, you?"

"What do you mean-"

"Last time I heard you left the palace but you never returned. I came looking for you Nemy!"

"Weren't you going to be coordinated?" I blinked.

"I decided not to."

"Why?" I snapped getting angry at this fool. "You're the most powerful Bavafian Elf in the whole country! You were going to be famous Ritava why are you dressed in servant clothing anyway?"
"Are you deaf?" He chuckled his high pitched mock. "I went looking for you and my instincts were right!"

"Oh lord," I smacked my head.

"Wow," Ritava whistled. "You look nice by the way. I've never seen you this..."

"Don't say it," I waved a hand.

"Did you miss me?" He grinned showing one sharp tooth in the corner of his grin.

I stared at Ritava who didn't change a bit, but looked much more rougher and older then before. He was a muro like a myself with bark brown skin. A bavafian Elf were magical elves with pointy ears and two different eye colors. Ritava had one blue one yellow. He had a remarkable smirk with a white set of teeth that resembled a dragons.

Ritava wasn't short like most cliched Elf's. Most people argued Bavafian elf's weren't elves at all because they were especially tall. It's bad luck to pick on an elf, it's like going to hell picking on a bavafian elf.

People still talk smack about them, but they wouldn't dare in front of their face. Ritava was always a special elf though. I knew him since I was little and we've been very good friends. Sometimes (well most of the time) he can be annoying, but he's the only friend that stuck with me for a very long time.
The only one I really trust.

I left my home town, the last tome seeing him  surrounded by old officials from every kingdom trying to recruit him as a powerful protector. Elves are known for their charms and protection spells, but bavafian elves are known for being the most powerful.

Ritava being one of the most powerful he was always a rouge. One that also never went to school. His grandfather who was his only family member died teaching him everything he knew. Ula, his grandfather was known for his spells protecting the forbidden kingdom till this day. The spell still active.

That's the only reason every kingdom wants Ritava. The reason for him running away pissing me off because of his intolerance.

He had also attained that familiar natural red spiky hair he loved to style. Bavafian elf's loved their hair. Ritava in that club.

"Well," he questioned still not done with me. "Do you want to spill or do you want to force me to use magic. You know me and curiosity."

"You destroy the whole cat being killed from curiosity," I rolled my eyes exasperated.

"I'm immortal," he shrugged.

"Yeah right," I murmured. "C'mon it's not safe here."

"And that means?" Ritava chirped following me.

"Somewhere else," I sighed.

"Yay!" He jumped up and down following me. "Smart move Nemy."

"Shut up.." I murmured.

"I heart you too," Ritava grinned back.

(-The Prince's POV-)

I stood behind the corner watching the muro servant walk away with the red haired bavafian elf. It was odd. I thought bavafian elf's didn't like having friends. Their own skin colored included. To think that grinning fool was a follow up from the most well known bavafian elfs, Ula.


I flinched turning around to find the seventh kingdom princess eyeing me curiously.

"Can I call you by your first name, my prince?" Autumn shyly asked.

I hesitated for a second, but then nodded.

"Is she gone that horrible wretched servant?" She frowned.

"Yes," I breathed.

"You should have her removed," Autumn crossed her arms together. "Interrupting our beautiful dinner than making you chase after her-"

"No worries," I chuckled waving a hand. "Please," I extended out my hand. She took it swiftly without a second thought and smiled. "Let us go back," I held her arm beside mine.

"As you wish," she giggled hysterically.

I smiled slightly and walked back into the room as much as I didn't want to. I glanced back towards the corner the servant girl and that suspicious looking elf walked away too.

I forcefully swallowed my curiosity.

I'll let this slide for now, but if it ever happens again..

I shall intervene.


(-Nemesis's POV-)

I raised my eyebrows.

"Is that all?" Ritava frowned.

"Yes," I confessed.

"Well.." He murmured. "This.. I didn't expect."

"What did you expect?" I cracked a smile.

"You got married and was preg-"

"I get it!" I cut him off. "My family is worried.

"Worried?" Ritava widened his eyes. "That's the biggest understatement alive!"

"So I told you everything-"

"Before we talk about me, which is going to be my favourite part, where is your princess?"

I opened and closed my mouth.


"I don't know.." I muttered.

"This is amazing."

"Your sarcasm is not cherry on top."

"Screw a cherry! More like a deserved apple-"

"Kingdom, Ritiva!" I swore trying to sound annoyed, but grinned.

"Would you believe me if I said I saw this coming?" the smile on his face was wiped off all of a sudden.

"No," I crossed my arms together. "Elaborate?"

"I sincerely have no reason as to why I came here," Ritava sighed. "I just.."

"You just what?"

"It didn't seem right.. I didn't feel like I had a place in any kingdom when those officials came. I asked them to give me some times which turned into a couple of months... When I heard you quit yoru position in the third kingdom I expected you to come to help me out with a decision, but you never came. I right away became worried and soon left to go looking for you."

"Without telling anyone?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Who would care," He shrugged.

I then remembered because of Ritava's spontaneous abilities without years of training the other elf's despised his guts. Even as a child they knew what he was capable of and treated him like crap.
"I expected a greater reaction," I chuckled joking around.

"Oh trust me I'm reacting," Ritava sighed rubbing his neck. "I've been having chills go through my back for the past couple of days. Who knew I would end up in the forbidden kingdom of all places."

"How did you get in anyway?" I asked.

"Magicians don't tell their secrets," he winked placing an index finger on his lips.

"You're clothes," he nodded towards what he was wearing.

"I met this lady named Yerksa, very nice lady, and she gave me a job."

"Yerksa?" I stared dumbfounded.

"Yup," he nodded.

"Unbelievable," I shook my head.

"You know her?" Ritava pouted his lips.

"Do I know her.." I huffed a chuckle. "I do.."

I suddenly remembered I forgot to mention her part in saving my butt from not getting discovered. Something tells me the old lady is used to helping bums like myself. Ritava in that club as well.

"Nemesis.." Ritava chuckled. "This whole princess games thing I'm very... Very intrigued."

"I know you would be," I leaned beside the wall. "Do you have any insight."

"No," he shook his head. "The whole prophecy talk between those guards you told me about sure is suspicious."

"I know.." I muttered rubbing my chin. "I just don't get why the forbidden king would do this out of nowhere. It's like he's.."

"Preparing the princesses?" Ritava finished my sentence.

"But for what?" I blinked. "The country has been peaceful for almost a century now."

"That's what you think..."

"Huh?" I blinked.

"Nothing," Ritava shook his head.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here now? I can't be found out Ritava. I have to stick this out until I find a way to get out of here."

"I doubt you'll get out, but I do think I can help you dodge the changing back to your normal self."
"Isn't that going to be hard?"

"Very," he sighed. "But with your circumstance with heroes that could kill you with a bat of an eyelash for just lying..."

"I have nothing to lose," I breathed nervously.

"It'll take awhile though. Sneaking some ingredients from in and out of the palace it'll take a good two months-"

"Two months!?" I gasped.

"It could be worse," Ritava shrugged. "Plus I'm the only help you have, quill."

I huffed out of my nostrils. Quill meaning calm down like relax through slang terms.

"Okay," I nodded. "Okay," I repeated. "Two months?"

"Two months," he nodded.

"Thank you Ritava," I frowned. "I'm really grateful."

"Well as much as you got yourself in this," he smirked showing off his sharp tooth again. "For the first time in my life I've been caught in a situation."

"First time in your life," I laughed.

"There's a first for everything," he wrapped his arm around my neck. "So what's the plan my pretty guard?"

"Don't call me that," I pushed away his arm.

"What's the plan Nemy?"

"For now we don't know each other-"

"That's too hard for me," Ritava shook his head. "Next-"

"Fine let's just pretend that the first time we meet we have this instant connection."

"I love this role playing of acting," Ritava nodded. "Deal."

"What did you get hired as?"

"A personal maid for all seven princesses."

"What the kingdom!?" I blinked. "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I forgot," he shrugged.

"Okay," I sighed frustratedly. "We have to find a way to get you a new job."

"So mess up?" Ritava blinked.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Okay..." He nodded catching up to my plan. "When and where?"

I stopped to think where it would be an appropriate destination for this plan to work.

"Well?" Ritava raised his eyebrows.


The next morning the princesses decided, well I convinced them, to go to the rumored hot springs in the forbidden kingdom. I told them it was good for the skin and they all flocked there like nobodies business.

I went in the hot springs with my towel wrapped around tightly. I looked around frantically for Ritava. This being an outstanding chance for him to get him demoted to a lower position of work in the kingdom.

He had to do something that wasn't too extreme, but as a friend of Ritava's for many years... Premonition cropped onto my skin as warm and hot the springs was.

"This is nice.." Fefe murmured right beside me. She was floating in the hot water while flapping her legs up and down. The water going to the direction where Autumn and her crew were.

"Very nice indeed.." Fefe sighed.

"Very mature," Day snapped from the other end.

"Mind her," Utopie sighed.

"Please do," Fefe slapped her legs even harder against the water.

"Towel please!" Cor called out. A figure emerged from the mist and right away I knew who it was.

"Aaah!" Kenzie and Day shouted plunging into the water to hide their body.

"What the hell is a elf doing here!?" Autumn screamed covering her chest.

"How ho! I have come searching for my treasure chest! That type of chest I am unsure of..." Ritava put a hand on his forehead and looked around dramatically.

"Chest!?" Fefe shouted plunging herself into the water as well.

"You dare!?" Utopie growled a shout. "You dare stare at a fair maidens body?"
"Is this a trick question?" Ritava scratched his head. "You my lady are more board then lady like. A tree has more body then you."

I snapped my attention to Utopie whose teeth suddenly got larger and longer. She looked pissed and not pleased. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet I knew where this was coming from.

"Everyone get out!" Fefe started frantically running. I grabbed her wrist before she could run.

"What's her flaw!" I shouted.

"You'll soon find out!" Fefe tried to slap my arm away.

"Tell me," I hissed.

"I was friends with her for a reason," Fefe snapped. "As a child Utopie always believed in justice."
"Justice?" I sniffed. I glanced towards Utopie now whose eyes turned white. Glowing as well. Day, Kenzie and Autumn were running away screaming while the waters started to tremble as if an earthquake was about to occur.

"Let go!" Fefe screamed, but I held on.

"Chest!" Cor started to laugh now on the unstoppable train. "AHAHAHAHA-I-AHAHAHA-get-HAHAHAHA-it-AHAHAH!"

"Of course the loon is laughing-get her out!" Fefe raged a scream.

"What's her flaw?" I questioned breathless.

"Divine... Catastrophic-"

The room suddenly went heavy. I turned around to see Utopie grow horns out of her head that spiked up with vengance, veins popping on her forehead as her hair turned pitch black floating upwards. I gasped at the amount of power that exuded out of her as she huffed and puffed white smoke out of her nostrils. The floor shaking, the water sinisterly still as some droplets were in thin air.

I turned to Fefe who was just as paralyzed with aw. She finished her sentence.


"You dare!" Utopie shouted once again, but this time her voice was layered with hundreds of voices in a eerie masculine way. "You dare!" She repeated even louder.

I waved my hand at Ritava who mimicked my expression of pure shock. His hands were on his hips as his eyebrows creased into confusion and then into a glare.

Utopie whose eyes were white with her teeth now stretched into fangs, large and ready to attack with a kill. She was several feet in the air waiting for Ritava's answer.

He suddenly lifted his index finger and pointed at her bare chest which was open for everyone to see.

"You see that!" Ritava pointed at her bare chest.

"That's cheap. Feminine features like this should be illegal, you call that a chest? I want a refund!"
My jaw dropped in that moment.

"If you want to die..." Fefe's voice shook with fear. "Run," she whispered grabbing my arm. It was too late though. I couldn't leave Cor and Ritava basically dug every ones grave.

Utopie whose eyes were not white anymore, but slowly replaced it with lava red opened her mouth to exploit a growing ball of black electricity. She started to scream which fed the black electricity ball, her hair flailing everywhere as the momentum grew.

"Did I do a good job Nemy?" Ritava shouted between Utopie's raging scream. "I can't hear you!" He shouted.

I ran over to Cor quickly while throwing her over my back. I sprinted towards Fefe who was paralyzed with shock and not knowing what to do.

The minute Utopie let go of the sun sized black ball which came crashing down on us within the speed of light. I closed my eyes to only find Ritava in a blink of an eye in front of me.

He motioned his fingers into a quick motion, his eyes going crystal black as he counterattacked with three small yellow strikes of figments suddenly blasted towards the black ball.

The collision indescribable.

As everything and anything within the destruction was decimated.

Even as my eyes were closed. My skin started to burn as the white light scratched the surface of my eyelids.

It's wrath, however flinging me as if nothing, but a puff of air.

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