Remembering Family

By SailorGirl9574

15K 170 209

*Spoilers* Her family was kidnapped, Amy was remembering her. Now what? *STORY LINE BELONGS TO ME* ALL CHARA... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part 3

Epilogue Part 2

859 10 4
By SailorGirl9574

Sophie and Tam's Wedding and the days leading up to it.

"SOPHIE! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED IN A WEEK!" Biana exclaimed, shaking my shoulders as I laughed.

"Yes, Bi. I am in fact getting married in a week." I said, shaking my head.

"You know what that means!" I groaned at the thought of having to shop for a dress. But Tam had to endure hours of looking for a suit with Keefe, Fitz and Dex. But still, Biana was way worse when it came to shopping. I'd be spending the whole day in Atlantis, whereas Tam would be spending maybe two or three hours. Oh, and we'd be 'avoiding' each other. Biana was insistent that Tam and I don't see each other for the week leading up to the wedding. I'd said that it was normally just the day before, but no,  it had to be the whole week. 

"Dress shopping!" She squealed, pulling me outside of Havenfield as I yelled a hasty goodbye to Grady and Edaline. 

"Bye! It's time for torture with Biana!" I called as she pulled me into a pathway of light. Getting to Atlantis was quite the process, with the leaping to some place in the middle of nowhere, and then jumping down a gigantic whirlpool. Linh was meeting us there, so Biana pulled me into the whirlpool as soon as our feet touched the ground. When we finally got into Atlantis, Linh met us with a squeal and an excited hug before tugging us into a shop named Forever Young. Inside, there was too many dresses to choose from. 

"One condition. The dress has to be mostly white." I declared, and Biana pouted. With that, the two girls rushed off, and I sighed, sitting down on a chair. 

Bored? Fitz transmitted.

Very. You know how shopping with Biana is. You sit around, and she does all the shopping. The only thing you do is try the stuff on. I replied.

Well Tam is complaining about Biana's policy about not seeing you for a week. 

Same here

So we figured.....why not help you guys sneak around today? You're inside of Forever Young, right? 


Come outside and walk to the left.  I did as he said, and saw Tam standing there. His face lit up when he saw me, and he pulled me into his arms, burying his face in my hair.

"Biana's policy is stupid." He mumbled. 

"No kidding." I said, and he smiled.

"I'll let you get back to your dress shopping now." He said, placing a quick kiss on my lips before walking away and around the corner. He rounded the corner just as Biana poked her head out of the store.

"You weren't talking to Tam, were you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. 

"No, I just wanted some fresh air." I lied. She pulled me inside and into a dressing room, where there were six dresses. 


"Nah, not you." Biana and Linh said at the same time. 

"Pretty, but too many ruffles." Linh said. I got changed into the third dress, as Linh disappeared to look for more. 

"No." Biana said simply. 

"Too.....simple." Biana decided. 

"Really? I like simple." I argued, but she shook her head. I groaned and changed into the next wedding dress.

"Pretty. The blue matches Tam's eyes." Biana admitted. "But not for you." She shook her head, and I groaned once more. 

"Nah." Biana said.

"I FOUND ONE!" Linh exclaimed, stuffing another dress into my arms. I sighed and got changed into that one, smiling at the sight. 

"Nice job Linh." Biana said, grinning. 

"Thanks." Linh said, grinning as well.

"WE FOUND IT!" Biana said triumphantly. I laughed, before getting changed into my regular clothes and paying for the dress. 

"SHOES!" She declared. I groaned, getting dragged into the shoe store. 


After delivering the hand written invitations to everyone, I collapsed on my bed.

Man, I'm exhausted. I transmitted to Fitz. 

Biana make you hand write all the invitations, I'm guessing. He replied.

AND hand deliver them! 

That sounds exhausting. 

Biana is going to have so much fun for her wedding. 

I doubt she'll make it as extravagant as yours. I mean, you are THE Sophie Foster. 

I bet it'll have lots of sparkles. 

Yeah, it'll probably have sparkles.

And Keefe is bound to put some pranks in there somewhere. 


And watch her make me and Linh do the water ball and electricity thing.

Is she making you do that for your wedding?

Thankfully no. She is making me ride Celestia down the aisle though. 


Joking. Celestia will take me and Tam back down the aisle though. You know she had to include the alicorn in there somewhere. 


Silveny might appear as well. It really depends on Silveny though. 

You're going to have quite the wedding, Soph. 

For goodness sakes, do all twelve councillors normally come? And the principal of the school? And teachers? 

No. Normally only one of them comes to perform the wedding. 

Oh fun.

Wait all twelve are coming?


Who's doing the ceremony?

Oralie. I asked her to. 

That's nice. 

Yeah. Sir Tiergan is coming! And Magnate Leto! 

I figured as much. 

You know who's also coming?


Sandor and Grizel! And Flora!

Oh wow. 

We started to debate which dinosaur was better, but I fell asleep in the middle of the debate. 


"SOPHIE! TODAY IS THE DAY!" Biana yelled in my ear. I groaned, burrowing further into my comforter. 

"Come on!" She whined. 

"We have plenty of time." I grumbled.

"WE HAVE THREE HOURS!" She screeched. I jumped out of bed at that, hurrying to put my dress on. After that, Biana pulled me to the bathroom to do my makeup, as Linh searched for jewelry. After Biana did my makeup, she did my hair. 

"You ready?" She said, clasping her hands together in excitement. I simply grumbled about how she was more excited than I was. Biana and Linh got in their bridesmaids dresses, and did each others makeup. Soon, it was time to go to the venue. We light leaped there, and I waited impatiently. Biana kept me entertained as I waited for my turn to walk down the aisle. Biana left when it was her turn, and Grady turned to me. 

"My little girl is getting married." He whispered, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled and hugged him, before it was our turn.

I saw Tam waiting at the end, near the tree. He extended his shadow to me, smiling.

You look absolutely stunning, Soph. Tam said through his shadow. 

You look handsome, Tam. I replied. I finally reached him, and Grady put my hand in Tam's. With that, it began. Oralie smiled warmly at me, before continuing on.

"They will now say their vows." Oralie announced.

"When I was 12, Fitz found me in the lost cities. Since I've shared quite a few adventures with him. But this isn't about my relationship with my cognate. This is about Tam. Ever since I met him in Exillium, I knew that everything would be different. He was the first to reach out to me, through his shadow. When we became friends, I knew I had to trust him. And if trusting meant destroying Ravagog with him, or joining the Black Swan with him, then I would do it. It hurt me when he and Keefe didn't get along at first. I wanted them to get along. They were similar in ways that they didn't realize, not only because of their family. They both were mischievous, though Tam only showed that side of him later. Anyways, I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't entered my life. Who knows, maybe I would've ended up with Fitz." Tam chuckled, shaking his head. "But I'm glad that he entered my life, because I cannot imagine a life without him in it. I vow to play pranks with you, make people disappear within shadows with you, to love you through everything. I vow to support you through everything and to care for you when things go wrong. I vow to love you and only you. I love you, Tam." I said, smiling at him. He smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruewen, why must you have such a long name?" He started, teasing me. "I can't wait to make Sophie Foster-Ruewen Song your full name. Though, that is a long name as well. The day you arrived at Exillium, I wasn't really surprised. I had heard about what you did, and was expecting you to arrive earlier. I reached out to you, because you seemed interesting. When Keefe declared that he was already the president of the Foster Fan Club, I said I had no feelings for you in that way. That was a big lie. When we arrived at Alluveterre, and you started your cognate training with Fitz, I was jealous. And when you started to have those window slumber parties with Keefe, I was jealous. I knew you were only trying to help, but I couldn't help but be jealous. I didn't know what to do when you went to the Summit, and then everything went wrong. I thought I lost you. And when I saw Keefe......When I saw Keefe there I wanted to run over and demand to know where you were.  I didn't get the chance, since Biana went over there and pummeled Keefe. But then you disappeared again, and when you returned you were carrying a sobbing Sophie. I wish I was there before Fitz, but he had already ran over and took you away from Keefe with a glare. When Amy regained her memory, and Keefe finally submitted to a read, I was overwhelmed. Then, you understood that I needed to get better, and asked to council for a mentor for me. When you left the room, I started to show off my powers, wishing you were there. I ended up accidentally kissing Biana, but then went out of the room to immediately kiss you. I could only hope you felt the same way. And you did. You taught me to trust, and I'm so grateful for that. This vow is getting really long."  Everybody chuckled at that, and I giggled before grinning. "I vow to always protect you no matter what. I vow to love you for eternity, and I vow to support you in your job and life. I vow to care for you when things go wrong. I love you, Sophie." He finished.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Oralie declared, and Tam pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away, and Celestia trotted up next to us. I climbed up onto the Alicorn, and Tam climbed up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as Celestia took off and flew into the sky. 


"Please welcome Sophie and Tam Song!" Alden said loudly, as Celestia glided down onto the dancefloor of the reception venue. I slid off of the alicorn, Tam following my example. A human song played for our first dance, and I smiled. Tam placed one hand on my waist and took my hand, as I placed the other on his shoulder. We waltzed around the dancefloor, my dress shifting colors every few steps. Tam twirled me and then dipped me, before pulling me up and into a kiss for the end of the dance. Everybody joined us on the dancefloor, and I grinned up at Tam. After a few more dances, everybody sat down to eat. On my left was Tam, on on my right was Fitz.  Next to Fitz was Linh, and next to tam was Biana, who was sitting next to Keefe. Dex was next to Linh, with Marella next to him. Grady, Edaline, Alden and Dell were all at another table, chatting. The twelve councillors were at another table, and I spotted Tiergan eating with Magnate Leto. Next to Tiergan was Wylie, who I was surprised came to my wedding. The council still refused to let me heal Prentice's mind, but Wylie seemed to forgive me for being the reason behind Prentice's mind break in the first place. If he wasn't hiding my DNA, it never would've happened. I pushed the thought away, as Tam took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor again. 

"May I dance with my daughter?" Grady said, grinning. Tam nodded, letting me dance with Grady. 

"Oh, before you grab her for the rest of the night, I want to dance with my cognate!" Fitz said as the song ended. Tam laughed and nodded, and I danced with Fitz, having a mental conversation as we waltzed around the floor. 

I can't wait for Linh and I's wedding. Fitz admitted. 

Same here. You two are adorable together. I replied, smiling. 

Not as adorable as you and Tam. 

Whatever you say, Fitzroy. 

Really? Really?

Son of  a King? Fitting. I glanced at Alden, who was chatting with Councillor Emery about something.

My dad is not a king.  Fitz protested.

Might as well be considering he's the best emissary the Council has.  I said, rolling my eyes.

Even better than your Dad? 

Maybe they're tied. 

That's what I thought. He smirked, twirling me and dipping me as the song ended. I went back to Tam, dancing with him the rest of the night. 



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