A Rogue's Revenge (Reworking...

By JillyBean30

34.9K 872 102

Princess Clementine flees the life she loves after the Duke Cornelius demands her hand in matrimony. In the f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Author's Note

A Rogue's Revenge

18.5K 90 22
By JillyBean30

This is a princess and rogue prompt from Nikki...@Lana_sky <3
It is the story of the fair haired Princess Clementine and the ruggedly handsome rogue Finn Buchannon. This is NOT a conventional love story per say.....who knows maybe they will one day want to bask in a Happily Ever After.
There may be HIGHLY awkward sexual situations afoot. If you are under 18 you shouldn't be looking at this stuff anyways. It will stunt your growth, true story. ;oP

P.S. I know the word Rogue appears in the title of this story, but I assure you, there are no werewolves in this story. I repeat NO WEREWOLVES in this story. If you are looking for a little beastly "you know", then keep on looking as there is none here. Move along now before disappointment sets in too deep. ;p

That being said:
Read at your own risk. Maybe at bedtime, as it could quite possibly put you to sleep.

You have been warned.
*This is an attempt to broaden my horizons or something like that. ;) ...*hides under rock for all eternity*)

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