The Mistakes That Made Us (Be...

By NutellahQueen

1.3M 24.4K 4.2K

Katherine Kyles is a wolf. But not a happy one. Beaten, abused, made fun of, neglected and a horrible family... More

Must Read Before Commencing Novel
*Chapter 1- The Root of Pain*
*Chapter 2- Good Riddance*
*Chapter 3-Moving Forward*
*Chapter 4- Visitors*
*Chapter 5- We are not a Pack*
*Chapter 6- Total Recap*
*Chapter 7-When in Rome...*
*Chapter 8- Tension*
The 2nd day
Meeting the sisters
Our Parents are here
The devil's servant
We are leaving...For a Castle.
Drake's secret
Finally at the castle
Brock met is mate
The training
The surprises
The mate's and a song
The coranation
Relaxation...then devistation
Anger, confusion and faith
The attack and the letter
Dainala and Angel
The question
This asshole finally revealed himself
Delete or not?

*Chapter 9-Innocence*

3.7K 118 5
By NutellahQueen

A/N: The little angel below is Jasmine! Please don't read anymore up till this chapter! I may post more when I get the chance to, but please don't read! You will get confused since lots of stuff has been changed and important things are missing!


Jasmine's Pov.

Me, Jessie and Jamie ran down the stairs and out the doors. We walked for a bit until we saw the glass walls. You could see everything. People talking, playing, fighting, you name it! We walked to the end of the hall and turned right. The glass wall was huge! It said "Blood Thirst Playroom." We giggled and ran inside.

Sometimes our pack name is a bit scary. People might think that when we're thirsty, we drink blood! Like Vampires! But we don't!

Jessie and Jamie asked me if I was a vampire when they got here. I told them I wasn't and that I would protect them from any vampire or monster if they ever come. We've been Best Friends ever since!

I giggled as I carried Jessie on my back. He's really heavy! I threw him on the fluffy carpet when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Let's play Hide & Go Seek!" I shouted. Some of the pack kids heard me and joined in. We were, like, 6 in total.

"I'm it!" Jessie screamed.

We ran everywhere and hid. I giggled as I crouched under the table. Other kids wanted to play, so we let them. When Jessie found us all, we hugged him and congratulated him.

Since I was the last one to be spotted, it was my turn! I had to search for the big kids now! Oh boy. Once I took a good look at all the kids who were playing, I giggled.

Jajajaja! This is gonna be fun!

There were kids like 10 years old, 12 years old, 13 years old, Matt years old (14), and even older! Like 16! That was a lot.

Before I started counting, something made me look to the side. Out in the other play rooms was the Neon packs. They're room was big too. Lots of kids were running and playing like us, except for 2.

I took a better look at them and saw a big boy laughing at the boy on the floor.

Well that's not nice! He shouldn't do that!

The boy on the floor looked up, and I got all warm and fuzzy. He was the cutest, and cootie-less boy I have ever seen! Even while crying he looked pretty!

"Pause! I'm gonna check something out first!" I screamed.

Before anyone could stop me, I ran out of our room and entered the Neon Pack's play room. I breathed in and breathed out. The smell was amazing! I don't know what it is, but I like it!

Jasmine! Remember the cute guy you have to rescue!


I made my way towards the big kid and the kid on the floor.

I looked back and saw that some of the big kids were right behind me along with Matt and Drake.

"You don't belong here, why don't you just drop dead in a ditch?" Said the mean boy. I'm gonna call him Voldemort.

"Hey! You can't say that to him! That's not nice! It's extremely bad!" I shouted like the girls on tv do.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and were looking at me.

"Kids from the Blood Thirst pack are here!"

I ignored the whispering like mommy and daddy taught me when we went out in public. I focused my eyes on Voldemort. He was kinda ugly too.

"What?!" Voldemort spoke as he looked at me with a scowl on his face.

Before I continue, I would like to point out that scowl doesn't rhyme with owl.

"Stop picking on him you bully! You wouldn't like it if you were being picked on would you? Then don't do it, stupid!" I said in anger.

Why am I defending the pretty boy, again? Oh right. Mom told me that I have to protect the weak. Besides. I'm mad and this is kinda fun.

"This is none of your business brat. Get out of here you peace of-" he was cut off.

"Hey kid, what's wrong with you? Don't you know who that is? That's our future princess! The daughter of the Blood Thirst Alphas. And she's the daughter of a very powerful wolf! You don't get to finish that sentence unless you want a beating you stupid kid!" Matt growled.

I looked back at him and saw that he was really, really, really mad. Drake was next to him and he had a very serious face on as well. He was so mad, you could see smoke coming out of his ears! Just like a cartoon! Or a demon! Oh yeah...I almost forgot!

Drake is a half demon! (Please don't tell him I read his diary!)

"What?" I turned my attention back to the problem when I heard Voldemort speak up.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't know." He said as he ran away and screamed like a baby.

Ha! He screams like a girl! Girly Baby!

I looked down and saw the really pretty boy hug himself. I walked up to him and stared.

I know it's rude, but he's prettier than Justin, from Wizards of Waverly Place and Deuce from Monster High!

When I was done, I introduced myself.

"Hi. My name is Jasmine. I'm the Alpha of the Blood Thirst pack's daughter. What's your name?"

"Nate. Thanks for saving me." he whispered. Then he gave me a small smile. That smile was so bright, I thought I was gonna melt. Like Jessie's ice cream does when he leaves it in the shade and forgets to eat it.

Yes I said shade. Even in places that aren't hot, ice cream melts ya know!

"Nice name. Do you wanna go to my packs playroom to play?" I asked him as I take out my hand.

Now that I have a good look at him, he seems to be 10 years old. He has brown wavy hair and cute dimples'.

He thought about it.

"Okay." He said as he took my hand. I instantly felt little sparks. I was seeing sparks. I felt like I was in Disney's Magic Kingdom!

Oh my cookies! He's touching me! And he doesn't have cooties or germs!

I looked up at his eyes while blushing and just...stared. Why is it rude to stare? Does it make people uncomfortable? I hope he's not mad, because I like his eyes. That's a weird thing to like. Eyes. His are brown. And... I just like them.

Eeeeewwww!!! What's wrong with me?!

"Ahem!" We jumped apart as a throat was cleared.

"Let's go" I said while blushing.

"Jasmine?" Matt said.

"Yes?" I asked as I kept holding Nate's hand.

I don't wanna not touch him! If I don't touch him, I'm afraid the sparky things will go away!

"Oh God, I think you two are mates." Matt said as Drake grinned.

"We are?" I asked while Nate gasped.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you are, twerp." Matt grumbled under his breath.

Drake laughed and started patting his back. Matt growled a low 'Shut up.' before he motioned for us to follow him and left.

After 2 minutes of contemplating what Matt said, I had my epiphany.

"Yay! My mate is pretty!" I screamed as I skipped to my packs play room with a nervous Nate behind me.

"I am?" Nate asked with a whisper.

I stopped walking and turned to him. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek really fast.

I blushed and kept walking, still holding his hand.

Why did I do that? That's embarrassing!

"Well, um. You're really pretty, too." Nate said.

My heart did the weird fluttery thing again.

"I'm glad I found you. I'm glad you're my mate." I said with a smile.

"Who's your mate?" Jessie asked as he walked up to us.

"He is!" I said as I pointed at Nate. I hugged him but he groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing." He said as he fake smiled.

Hmmmm. Something smells fishy.

I sense a lie!

"I wanna see if I can accept him." Jessie mumbled under his breath, getting jealous. He always did love my attention.

"Okay." I encouraged.

When Jessie inspected him, he started laughing at the silly faces Nate was giving. I did too.

"Okay! He can be my new brother!" Jessie said.

"Good. We have to tell mommy and daddy!" Jamie screeched when she appeared out of... nowhere.

"Let's go!"

We ran all the way back to the stadium. When we didn't see them, I decided to sniff them out. I followed their scent, (and power) all the way to one of the dark meeting rooms.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I yelled as they were talking to Pappy.

"What?" Mommy said as I ran into her and she twirled me around.

"Jas, you know you're not allowed to interrupt meetings unless it's important." Daddy scowled.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Matt beat me to it.

Why does he always gotta ruin the fun?!

Heck, where did he come from?!

"Mom! Dad! Guess which princess just found her mate?"

Drake grinned at Dad's pale face and pulled me mate forward.

Me mate... I sound just like a pirate! Aaarrgghh!

After a while. Daddy went back to normal and smiled.

"Hi kid. What's your name?" he spoke with a strong yet nice voice.

"Nate." He whispered shyly.

No matter how low he's talking, I still manage to hear him.

"Nate. That's a great name! How old are you Nate?" Mom cooed.

He blushed and fidgeted a bit.

"I'm 10." He responded shyly.

I saw him slouch a bit and fidget. He looked really uncomfortable.

That can't be! My parents are the coolest! And he's my mate! They have to get along like chocolate and ice cream! Or PB&J! And Oreo with Milk!

I made myself a little hungry.

Maybe he just needs a little push?

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. He tensed a bit but then relaxed. I squeezed his hand slightly and he blushed.

"I'm 7 years old! You're only 3 years older!" I exclaimed happily!

"You must be in elementary school like Jas. You can play with her whenever you want once you move in with us in our pack." Dad said with a soft smile.

All of a sudden, Nate tensed like a board and tightened his hold on my hand. His skin turns white as paper and he starts sweating. His gasp fills the room as he looks up at my daddy with a fish face, mouth open and eyes wide as saucers. After a minute or two, he starts shaking a bit.

Is he cold? His hands are cold and clammy, maybe he is.

Just as I was about to hug him in comfort, I heard a loud growl. I came from mommy.

Nate's eyes start to water as another growl fills the room. Both Daddy and Pappy are growling now! Is it because he's not answering? He's not being disrespectful is he? Of course not! He's just shy! Mommy and daddy now it happens to us!

"Did you see it as well?" Mommy asked pappy in a hard voice. And a hard voice means mommy isn't happy. And if mommy's not happy, nobody's happy.

"I heard it all as clear as day. His mind is practically shouting his thoughts! He's been hurt severely. And repeatedly so. He's deathly afraid of his attacker."

There was a pause of silence. His eyes narrowed while his mouth formed a scowl.

Nate was too gone in his trance to realize that daddy was crouching down in front of him. He snapped out of it with gasp when daddy lifted him up and gently sat him on the table.

"I'm just gonna check something, buddy. I'm not gonna hurt you, so don't be scared." Daddy whispered.

Daddu crouched down in front of Nate and tentatively lifted his shirt up. It was lifted to his upper stomach. Then he growled.

As soon as Mommy growled, Nate looked faint. Daddy quickly put his shirt down and started pacing again.

But now I know why they were all mad. Heck, I was mad!

I may be young, but I'm not stupid! I know how to connect the dots and realise that Nate has been hurt! Probably his whole life by his dad! And with the scent of iron that made itself known in the air, I can tell that it's obviously Nate's blood.

The bloody gauze on his abdomen was a dead give away as well.

I saw Nate spin a little on the desk, so I made haste and held him in his place. I looked up at him and his pale face. His eyes looked big and panicky. His body was slightly shaking. And his forehead was coated with a sheen of sweat.

I jumped up the desk and sat beside him. I grabbed his hand and hugged him closer to me. I made sure to not hug him too hard so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He seemed to stop shaking and relaxed a bit by leaning against me.

We weren't paying much attention to the fuming Alphas and elder. We were more focused on relaxing our heart beats.

Nate must be beyond scared. We know how badly his daddy injures him. We know that he hits him. It's a capital crime, punishable by death. No one is meant to hurt any pups in an abusive way, because it could alter our wolf's strength and mental health. It could even alter how the wolf grows. The wolf could be summoned without a limb, a disfigured face, a hearing problem, etc. So much was at risk, that the Royals decided to test some pups before they train them. All pups that want to train must go through an examination first.

But besides the fact that it could harm the wolf, it was an obvious moral defect. No one wants to see a child bruised! No one should hurt their child!

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got.

What right does that Monster have to hurt Nate? To even touch him!? What has Nate ever done to him? How many times has he been hurt? Why was Nate left with a awful man? Where is his mommy? Is she dead? Does she know?

My thoughts were cut off by My mom's growl. Dainala is seriously mad. And so is daddy. His wolf is absolutely mad!

"Zayne has to pay the price! A very heavy one! He can't get away with being a poor excuse for an Alpha! For a Werewolf! What kind of leader lets father's abuse of their children? What type of leader turns a blind eye to the abuse and suffering of the young ones? Of the elderly? Of anyone?! No leader, no Alpha let's his pack members run around doing whatever they want, causing trouble. He's a danger to the society and the world. Who knows if one of his members has told a human with no relation to the supernatural world of our existence? He must be removed from power. Now!" Daddy screamed. He was panting and growling in anger.

"Don't lose your cool, love. You'll end up doing something bad. Try to clear your head." Mommy whispered. She touched his shoulder and started caressing his arm.

Evidently, he did calm down.

I've always liked seeing how mommy and daddy acted together. It was like a magic show. One could be mad, and in a split second, they were in love again. I hope me and Nate can be like that when we get older.

"We have to see who his father is. Once we know who he is, we will remove Nate from The Neon pack and eliminate Nate's guardian. It's the most we can do for now until we find a suitable punishment for Alpha Zayne and finish discussing our previous topic." Pappy said.

Both mommy and daddy nodded and looked at Nate. I grabbed Nate's hand and gave it a small squeeze. He slowly got up from his slouched position and slowly straightened up as to not hurt his already beaten body. His cheeks were red and he didn't look at me. His face was expressionless, but you could see the pain and humiliation in his eyes.

My poor Nate. Hurt, worse than I was when mommy found me. He must be in a lot of pain right now. And scared. I don't want my mate to be scared! I want my mate to feel happy and smile a lot!

My heart started feeling warmer, and warmer by the second. And not in a good way. It was burning. It was making me mad.

I am mad!

How dare anyone hurt my mate? A nice mate! He won't look at me cause he's embarrassed! How do I make him feel better? How can I show him I want to be his best friend?

Being a kid is so hard!

"Nate, honey. Alpha Chase and Elder Roland are gonna see who your daddy is, okay? They are gonna see him in your head, so you won't have to point him out in the crowd. So he won't hurt you anymore. We're gonna make sure your daddy won't lay a hand on you ever again, got it?" Mommy said while she knelt in front of Nate's knees. Nate tensed the whole time she spoke, but after I softly squeezed his hand, he sighed and nodded.

Mom smiled sadly at him and kissed his cheek.

Pappy looked at Nate in the eye and spoke.

"Nate. I know this is scary. But I promise you it won't hurt. You won't even know we are in your mind. But we need you to do us a favor and think of your daddy's face for a minute. Nothing special, just his face so we can finish sooner. Then you're free to go buddy."

Nate nodded and closed his eyes.

The whole room was silent. Daddy touched Nate's shoulder while Pappy stayed where he was with his eyes closed.

You know the feeling you get when the television in on and only shows static? Or when your foot falls asleep? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling right now. The power coming from daddy and pappy are rolling off in waves, making me feel tingly.

Soon after a minute or two, the sensation stopped, and Nate opened his eyes. His eyes were watery and his lip was trembling, making my heart break.

So much sadness in his eyes. So much pain and hurt. It reminds me of what I felt when the monsters killed my real parents. Pure heartbreak.

I couldn't control myself as I made him face me and hugged him gently, but tightly.

He wrapped his arms around me and whimpered. He buried his nose in my head and started sniffing me. It tickled a bit but I didn't laugh. I let him get comfortable with me and relax.

"You did a very good job Nate. You even gave us his name. You don't have to do anything else except rest. You won't be seeing that man for a very long time." Pappy voiced. "In fact, you will be moved from pack. Your mate is in the Blood Thirst pack, so it's only logical for you to be there as well. Besides, I'm sure she would be thrilled and help you make many friends."

He didn't respond, but I felt him nod. He sniffed again and held me tighter.

"I'll send one of my men to detain Nate's father in secrecy. We can't have another spectacle here. I don't think.The Neon pack could handle it." Pappy spoke.

"I'll send one of my pack members to inform Alpha Zayne of what has happened. Then we'll take Nate with us." Mommy said.

After hearing that, my body relaxed from the tension. My hand automatically started to caress Nate's sagging form. To say he was knocked down from the relief is an understatement. His sniffing stopped. I thought he had finished crying until I felt water land on my head. I felt Nate shake in my arms and I knew it was because he was happy. I held him as he cried and held me.

Right then and there, I made a promise to Nate and myself.

I would never let anyone hurt him or make him cry. The only exception being tears of joy.


Guys! Stay put! The next chapter, if it doesn't have the (*) sign, don't read it please! Is a jumbled mess and you will get confused since information is missing!

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