Fifty Shades of Phoebe Grey

By XxxHannah_MariexxX

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Phoebe grey, Daughter of Christian grey finds herself introduced into a world/lifestyle that she never knew e... More

Big things coming!!
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Please read
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen


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By XxxHannah_MariexxX

"Phoebe Mae Grey where they hell have you been!" My father yells as he approaches me with pure rage burying in his eyes.

"Um..... out....." I say rubbing the back of  my head and looking at the floor. If looks could kill I'd surely be six feet under by now.

"Since when you do you thin- Have you been drinking!?" He yells harshly grabbing me by the arm making me follow him towards the kitchen.

"Dad! Please let me explain" I plead as I rub the now sore spot on my arm.

"Sit you ass right here and don't you dare move while I go get your mother!" He seethes before stomping off in the direction of the stairs.

Sighing I sit on the bar stool knowing that I'm more than likely going to be grounded until I'm ninety years old. Cursing my self under my breath I begin to realize just how stupid I am for thinking I could have gotten away with this. My father has cameras everywhere and so much security you'd think he was royalty. I'm lucky to have gotten as far as I did. My internal hate session is ended when my dad returns with a very sleepy and confused mom.

"Would you like to explain to your mother why I woke her up in the middle of the night?" Dad says eyeing me with that same unwavering rage.

" No." I stupidly reply and immediately mentally face palm. I'm digging my own grave here and I know it.

" Very well. Ana, it appears our unruly daughter thought it would be okay to sneak out after we went to bed. Not only did I catch her coming back into the house I also smell alcohol on her." He states deadly calm. Which makes me gulp in fear of what's to come.

"Phoebe Mae! What are you thinking with!" She yells catching me by surprise. Never once in my life has my mother yelled at me or looked at me with such disappointment.

"Mom please. It was just a party. I swear I didn't do anything bad." I try to reason in hopes that she will look past this little incident.

"Nothing bad my ass! You broke the goddamn law! Under age drinking is illegal. I thought we raised you better than this!" My dad cuts in looking highly disappointed in me and it hurts like hell to see him look at me like that.

"Look it was one mikes hard lemonade, which doesn't even contain enough alcohol to get me drunk." I try to reason once again failing miserably.

"It doesn't matter how much alcohol it contains, you broke two rules in this house. Number one, no going out past curfew and number two, no drinking.  Mom says trying to contain her anger.

"Like you never went to parties as a teen." I say to mom. Maybe by now I would have learned to keep my mouth shut, but nope I have to keep on fighting back.

"As a matter of fact, I never went to parties as a teen and your father and I are not going to stand for this kind of behavior. She says crossing her arms looking expectantly at my father.

"Phoebe give me your phone. Your grounded for the next two weeks. You will go to school, come home do your homework, and not touch any electronics or hang out with friends. Do you understand me?" Dad states reaching his hand out for my phone.

" but dad."I whine," I was supposed to go with my friends to the maroon five concert next week! You can't do this!" I yell not giving into this punishment easily.

"To bad, it's not happening now. Now give me your phone and get to bed end of discussion." He says ending the argument giving me no choice but to surrender and accept my punishment.

Handing over my phone I trudge upstairs to my room and fall face first onto my bed letting out a frustrated groan that turns into sobs. I can't believe how my perfect night turned into such a disaster. First that Max kid kisses me and then causes me to cause a scene and my own god damn birthday party and now getting caught sneaking back into the house . I should have just stayed home and read like the perfect child my parents expect me to be.

After deciding I had done enough crying I made my way to the bathroom to clean up the mess that is my face. Looking into the mirror I am met with the sight of mascara running down my face and half of my foundation missing. To say I look a mess would be an understatement. Grabbing my makeup wipes off the counter I begin to harsh scrub at my face until I am  satisfied with how clean my face is. I throw on an over sized t-shirt and crawl into bed wrapping myself around my body pillow hoping that it will somehow make things better. Staring out my window I can't keep my mind of the events of tonight and the tears begin to flow once more and I don't even try to stop them.

Waking up in the morning I can't help but notice the dry and crusty tears staining my face. With dread of facing my father I hesitate before getting out of bed. When i finally do get up i head to the bathroom and am disgusted with the reflection staring back at me. Quickly jumping in the shower I try my best to wash away any remnants of last night. As I walk into my room I glance and the clock and see it is almost noon which means my father should be off at work. Sighing in relief i quickly dress and head downstairs plopping the couch. I reach for the remote, but it is quickly snatched up before I can grab it.

"No electronics includes Tv Phoebe." He states before turning and walking towards his office.

Groaning at the fact that my father chose today of all days to work from home I get up and head to the kitchen. Realizing I'm not all that hungry I settle on a bowl of lucky charms before heading to the island where I eat breakfast every morning. Not having anything to do because of my grounding I decide to get a head start on my English  paper. After about two hours of struggling to find the inspiration to write I decide to head down to the gym. In the gym I decide that today will be leg day. I also decide I'm gonna push my self and do more than I normally would. By dinner time I am so frustrated and pissed at my parents and myself for getting caught that I don't even want to eat. Sitting down at the table I try my best to ignore my parents attempts to talk to me.

"Quite it with the attitude or I will extend your punishment." Dad calmly says without looking up from his plate.

"I do not have an attitude." I snap at him.
"Phoebe, knock it off. Your brought this on yourself." He says clearly annoyed with me.

Not being able to handle anymore I push my chair back with enough force to make it screech. I get up from the table and drop my plate in the sink letting it clank loudly as it hits the stainless steel basin. Stomping up to my room I slam my door and look around trying to find something to take my anger out on. I settle on screaming into my pillow which last for all of two minutes. Once I have calmed down I pull a book off of my shelf and curl up in my reading nook. Before I know it it is almost midnight and I have school in the morning. Putting the book away and crawling into bed I stare at the ceiling wondering how I'm going to survive the next two weeks with no phone and no tv.

When I arrive at school I head straight to my locker, but not without noticing all the whispers and stares I receive. I try to ignore it, but as I'm closing my locker a group of girls walk by, cough "slut" and laugh. Now I want to know what is going on. So I track down Madison and she quickly pulls me into the girls bathroom.

"Is it true?" She asks.

"Is what true?" I question not quite sure if I even want to know the answer.

"That you fucked Max at the party." She whisper yells as I shush her looking around to make sure no one else is in here.

"What! No the fuck it is not. I would never. He is a player I don't care how hot he is it did not  and will not ever happen." I say through gritted teeth trying to control my anger. Could this week get and fucking worse.

"Then why would he tell everyone that you did?" She asks thoroughly confused.

"Did you seriously not see him kiss me while you and I were dancing. You were right next to me. Did you also not notice that I slapped the asshole across the face and did you seriously not see the confrontation at you front door before I stormed out." I snapped clearly annoyed with her.

" shit! I don't remember that. I must have been really drunk." She sighs rubbing the back of her neck obviously feeling guilty.

" that's not even the worst of it." I laugh.

" what could possibly be worse?" She questions.

"My dad caught me sneaking home and he could smell the alcohol on me. So now I'm grounded for two weeks and can't go to the concert." I groan and slam my head on the bathroom stall door.

"Oh, wow' I'm sorry phoebs." She says pulling me into a hug trying to comfort me.

The rest of the day I deal with the constant slut shaming and whistles from the football players who now have false hope of getting with me. Now The Whole school thinks all it takes to get into my pants is a couple of drinks when in reality I'm still a virgin and I plan to keep it that way. By the time the bell rings I am so ready to go home. I have never dealt with anything like this and there is no way in hell I will tell my parents about it. Dad would freak and try to get every single kid who has been teasing me expelled, which is basically the whole school, and that would be even More embarrassing. I would be know as the girl who got her rich daddy to get rid of everyone who was reading her. I will not let that happen.
I walk through the front door and make my way up to my room avoiding both my parents at all costs. At dinner I decide to keep my mouth shut and just eat my food. Apparently my parents are doing the same thing because they haven't uttered a single word to me.which I am highly thankful for I'm dreading these two weeks even more now and I don't know how long the rumors and teasing will continue. High school girls can be particularly mean and it's not something I'm used to dealing with. If it doesn't stop then I will for sure have to at least talk to mom. I at least know she wouldn't try to get the whole school expelled. Maybe she'd even give me some good advice. But talking to her will be a last resort. I don't want to take any chances of my dad finding out. I will try to handle it all on my own and hopefully in a few days it will have died down. High schoolers always find something new to gossip about right?


Here is a doubles in length chapter two. I don't want to rewrite the whole chapter so I'm just adding details where I see fit. I hope this makes the story a little bit better and I will hopefully soon get some editing done on these chapters. (Preferably by someone other than myself).
As always
And follow me if you haven't already and you like my story.


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