Two Tiny Buddies

By Squirtster

26.1K 483 202

Childhood friends, Robert (Rob), Drake (Dart), and Sarae (Scratch), were on a hike in the woods to find a tre... More

Meeting (Prolouge)
Finding a Tree (chap 1)
Who knew? (Chap 2)
Oh Boy! (Chap 3)
Whatever (chap 4)
Little Siblings (Chap 5)
School! (Chap 6)
Gettin' Close (Chap 7)
Dirty Time! (Chap 8)
After Dinner (Chap 9)
Feelings unfold (Chap 10)
Storm's a Comin' (Chap 11)
Way Too Close (Chap 13)
Found out (Chap 14)
Explanation (Chap 15)
Ants in your pants (Chap 16)
Never Again (Chap 17)
New Girl (Chap 18)
Into the Woods (Chap 19)
Finding Them (Chap 20)
No this isn't a chap, Sorry
Getting Back (Chap 21)
Nightmares (Chap 22)
Off to Work We Go (Chap 23)
Not an upate but plaese look
Also not an update but again please look!

Drenched (Chap 12)

950 19 2
By Squirtster


'Fuckin' perfect! The storm just had to rear its ugly mug in the middle of our loving?' I shout in my head,

I quickly scoop Dart and Scratch up and walk into the bathroom, setting them on the counter. I get the sink filled up with warm water before turning it off,

"I'll be back in a while, need to pack everything into the garage and make sure all the doors and windows are shut. Think you can manage?" I ask looking down at them,

"We'll be fine, just get what you need done and come back as soon as you can!" Scratch replies,

I give a quick nod before running out, putting pants on, and running out of my room to get everything where it belongs, 'god I hope the others get home safely!' I run to the backyard and quickly pick up all the toys and stuff, putting them into the garage, moving the swig set close to the house and covering up the pool. It starts raining so I quickly run around to the front yard and move all the toys and stuff into the garage before closing it, I do a quick check to make sure all the outside hatches are shut before running back inside. I check every window and door to make sure they're all closed before running back up stairs for my rain jacket. It's 3:55 and the kids will be home soon, I run back downstairs but before I reach the bottom, my feet slip on the stairs. I thud down the last few steps before coming to a stop. My back and sides are burning with pain but I push on and stand up, sadly the rest of my body doesn't agree with my actions and I fall back to the ground.
"Uhhg..... that one hurt, ahhh, come on get up, need to go get the kids! Uhhhu," my legs don't want to work and my arms feel like noodles.
Just then, the twins come through the door, nearly saturated. They see me and immediately drop their things,

"Rob, Robert are you ok? What happened?" They ask me worriedly,

"I'm fine guys, just slipped on the stairs. Guess you shouldn't run down stairs when your feet are wet. Hehe," I say. Barely mustering a laugh without my back hurting like a truck ran over me.

"Come on, we'll help you up. Can you walk at all?" Amilia asks,

"Yeah a bit, my legs can't hold my weight right now but I can move 'em." I say, wincing as the twins slowly help me to my feet.

"Once your in bed we'll call mom and tell her what happened,"

"Thanks you two. Ok so what's your plan for getting me up there?" I ask,

"Well we can take most of your weight but you'll have to get on your knees so you're closer to our height,"

"Alrighty then," 'here goes nothing'

Time Skip (10 minutes later)

Thanks to the twins, I was able to get up to my room and laying down on my bed. Right know they're on the phone with mom, telling her what happened.

"She said she'll be home as soon as she can. She said to stay off your back and suggested putting an ice pack on any swelling," Adrian says.

"Thanks you two. If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be on the floor down stairs. So you think you could go an ice pack for me?"

"No problem big brother," Amilia says cheerfully.

"Thanks, just be careful going down those stairs. Don't need all of us injured,"

"Yes sir," with that, they walk out of my room.

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh. 'Always happens to me!' I'm laying on my stomach with my arm hanging over the edge of the bed. I feel something bump into my arm but I don't really care right now, a few seconds later something is climbing up my arm then I hear Scratch's quiet voice speak up.

"Hey buddy, you alright?"

"Yeah I guess," I say. Cracking open an eye, I see both my tiny lovers standing in front of my face.

" you mind if we-?"

"Go ahead," I say closing my eye once more.

I feel them cuddled up against the crook of my neck. They're a little damp but compared to me, they're pretty well dry. We hear the twins coming back and they hide under my pillow until they leave, closing the door behind them. They crawl out of their hiding place before curling back up against my neck. We sit together quietly, not one of us wanting to break the comfortable silence. About haft an hour later, mom gets home and she comes straight to my room and knocks on the door.

"Honey, can I come in?" Dart and Scratch duck under my pillow.

"It's open!" I say and the door opens slowly as my mom walks in.

"Oh my poor boy, I always knew getting a house with stairs was a bad idea." She says, trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a small laugh, agreeing with her on that. "No arguments here," I say.

She smiles, "ok so what happened exactly?"

"I heard thunder so I went and put everything inside but it started down-pouring so I ran up here to grab my jacket and as I was running back down, I slipped."

"Do you mind if I take a look at your back?"

No, go ahead. Just be careful pulling my shirt up,"

She moves over to my bed and slowly lifts up my shirt. I hear her gasp,

"That bad huh?" I ask over my shoulder, at the edge of my hearing, Dart and Scratch let out a snort hearing me ask that a second time in only a few days.

"Well, it could be worse but I'll call a doctor to come look at it tomorrow. As well as the school to tell them you're not going for a day or two,"

"Ok," I let out a sigh.

"I'll let you get some rest, just call if you need anything."

"Ok mom, love you."

"Love you too sweetheart" and she walk out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I relax into my bed, closing my eyes. I feel Scratch and Dart crawl over to me and try to squeeze under my body,

"Guys, what are you doing?" I ask, opening my eyes enough to see them.

They point to the gold chain that the pendant hangs on and I understand what they're doing, a soft smile curls on my lips and I turn to the side slightly.

"You two are so stubborn, you know that?"

"Your not much better there gigantor,"

I laugh at the comment before holding them to my heart and wishing them safety. Once they're in there, I roll back onto my stomach, keeping the pendant out from under me.

'I'm gonna try and catch some z's, we can chat later, after I wake up. If you want, you can wonder around a bit. Just stay out of those blocked off ones ok?'

'No problem dude. Have a good sleep,' Scratch says.

'Yeah buddy, don't worry about a thing. Just get some sleep,' Dart says

I don't respond back, being too far gone into the dream realm. My last thought; 'love you,'

To be continued...

Squirt out🤠

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