You Saved Me

By Lovesick2001

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I am not continuing this story. More

Dinner Party
Band Practice
"Pick you up at 8"
First Date
Cheating? part 1
Cheating? part 2
"You're not gonna leave me?"
The Past is Dark part 1
The Past is Dark part 2
Coming Back to Haunt Me.
Jailbird part 1

First Goodbye

81 0 0
By Lovesick2001

Alli's POV

Calum had to leave for his trip to LA, he and the boys were doing some writing for their new album Sounds Good Feels Good. You were over at Mali's house purposely avoiding Calum, and dodging his phone calls.

"Would you just answer your bloody phone!" Mali huffed, as Calum's name flashed on your cell for the hundredth time.
"I can't," you said, sighing. Ashamed at how you were acting, but you were genuinely upset that he was leaving. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be his girlfriend, but it didn't make it hurt any less.
"I know you're anxious about him leaving, but ignoring him won't make it any better," Mali said, rubbing your back. Doing anything she could to comfort you.

Cal's POV

I had been calling Alli all day and she hadn't answered. I was starting to worry when I saw her name flash up on the screen.

"Hello," I answered, relieved she was ok.
"Hi Cal," she said meekly. Something was wrong, I could feel it.
"What's wrong babe?" I asked, scared for the answer.
"Can I come over?" She asked.
"Of course, do want me to pick you up?" I asked, relieved that I would be able to see her before I left. 
"No, I think I'll drive." She said.

"Ok, see you soon," I said, hearing the line click off, something was most definitely wrong.

Alli's POV

You gathered up your things from Mali's bed and grabbed you keys.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Mali asked clearly worried. You hated yourself for ruining her day, you didn't want Calum leaving to be this big of a deal, but you couldn't help it.
"I'll be fine," you assured her. "I need to handle this," you said, forcing a smile. You walked out the door, getting into your truck and starting it up.  You drove done the familiar road to Calum's flat. Letting the soft music distract you from your thoughts, but all too soon you were in front of the flat Calum shared with Ash. Usually, the sight of this particular house filled you with a giddy feeling, but today all you felt was dread.

Cal's POV

I heard her truck pull up, and ran out the door to greet her. Ash was at Mikey's helping him pack, as usual, he had left everything till last minute. I opened the door for her and noticed her forced smile. I swooped her up into a hug and held her close to my chest. I loved that she was short. When I held her I was able to rest my chin on her head. She mumbled into my chest, "I don't want you to leave." she whimpered. She was crying and my heart broke. I wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I don't want to leave you either, but I have to this for the boys. It might be our only chance to write for the new album." I explained, wanting her to understand.

Alli's POV

Calum was looking down at you, explaining why he was leaving. His eyes light up when he talks about his music, and again the guilt punched you in the gut. He was so passionate about the band, and that was one thing you loved about him. You smiled at him and cupped the side of his face, up on you tip toes you pecked his lips. "Can I help you pack?" you whispered against his lips.

"I would love that." he agreed. He led up to his room and passed clothes to you as you folded them and put them in his suitcase.

Later that night

You and Mali had decided to drive the boys to the airport. You sat next to Calum in the backseat, gripping his arm as he drew circles on your hip, like the first time he held you.  You pulled up into the drop off gate that meant you had to say goodbye.  You held back the tears that threatened to spill over, as you and Mali helped get the luggage out of the back.  You turned around to see the boys pulling on their backpacks, and getting ready to enter the airport, go through the door where you couldn't follow.  Just when they were about to disappear around the corner, you ran into his arms. 

"I'm gonna miss you Alli," he said, holding you tighter. 

"We're gonna miss the flight!" Luke yelled over his shoulder. 

"Go," you said, pushing him forward. "Don't miss your flight," you said, smiling up at him.  You walked back to Mali and laid your head on Mali's shoulder as you watched the boys disappear around the corner.  

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you're just a project. not a lover. copyright 2014 completed.