3 | We Who Survive the Apocal...

By ImagineDragonflies16

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***Sequel to "We Are Survivors of the Zombie Apocalypse"*** The late-January cold is... More

Faces of the Apocalypse
Faces of the Apocalypse (2)
We Who Survive the Apocalypse
Chapter 1 - Flames
Chapter 3 - Shadow
Chapter 4 - Red-Headed Stranger
Chapter 5 - Kat
Chapter 5 - Kat (republish)
It's Time to Christen a Ship
Chapter 6 - In the Beginning of the End
And the Ships Shall be Christened....
Chapter 7 - Moonlight
Chapter 8 - Familiarity
Chapter 9 - Found
Chapter 10 - Reunited
Chapter 11 - Forgiveness
Chapter 12 - Shattered
Chapter 13 - Shots
Chapter 14 - Smoke
Chapter 15 - Taken
~ An Update ~
Chapter 16 - Almost
Chapter 17 - Arena
Chapter 18 - Past
Chapter 19 - Wounded
Chapter 20 - Death
Chapter 21 - Crazy
Chapter 22 - Peanut Butter
Chapter 23 - Crazy Can Get You Places
Chapter 24 - Haircuts
Chapter 25 - Silence
Chapter 26 - Idiot
Chapter 27 - Rude Awakening
Chapter 28 - Danger
Chapter 29 - Return
Chapter 30 - Peace
Chapter 31 - Forget
Chapter 32 - Weight
Chapter 33 - Drinking
Chapter 34 - Trial
And that's it, that's the story

Chapter 2 - Snow

4.4K 335 76
By ImagineDragonflies16

I look through the dirty glass, the broken windowpane, and I see what Izzy is staring at.

At the edge of the trees, a figure stands. Tall, snow covered, steeped in shadow. Hundreds of yards away, and yet somehow, I know.

I know it's him.

Before anyone can stop me, I'm flying out the door on feet as light as air, tears streaming down my face, and soon he's running, too, toward me, and I'm calling his name as we collide, his arms wrapping around me so tightly I can hardly breathe, and I cling to him as if for dear life.

"Wynne..." he breathes, his breath tickling my neck, and I sob into his shoulder.



" Wynne!"

My eyes fly open, and there's Izzy's annoyed face staring down at me as she shakes me.

"Wake up already," she grumbles, shaking me a little more before leaving.

It was just a dream. He isn't really back. The reality hits me like a punch to the chest. It had seemed so real...

My cheeks feel wet, and I bring my hand up to my face to discover that I'm really crying. I quickly wipe away the tears and sit up, looking around the room.

It's barely light out, but that doesn't mean much, because it's still snowing, even more than yesterday.

Seth is sitting in front of the fire, staring into it, his face illuminated by the glow of the flames, his dark eyes reflecting the warm light, and he seems to be deep in thought.

Izzy plops down beside him, and says nothing, just looks down at her lap and plays with her thumbs.

I crawl out of my sleeping bag and slip on my boots before going over to them. "What's up?" I ask as I sit cross legged beside Seth, shivering.

"I think it's time we moved on," he says, his voice low, "I feel like we're not safe staying in the same place for too long."

"But we can't leave," I blurt out, unthinking. What if they come back?

Izzy rolls her eyes. "Do you seriously think they're gonna find us again? They're probably dead."

"Don't say that!" Seth snaps at her, turning the glare at her.

She rolls her brown eyes. "You two are holding on to an impossible hope. You need to grow up a little."

"You better be glad you're not a guy, because I'd kick your ass," Seth fumes.

Izzy scoffs. "Yeah, 'cause we all know you could win against a girl in a fight. Just admit it, girls are too tough for you, dickhead."

"You wanna bet on that?" Seth asks, and he and Izzy both leap to their feet, facing off, their muscles taut.

"You bet I wanna bet on that!" Izzy thunders, and I hear Mara murmur sleepily in the far corner of the room.

"Guys, guys!" I shout, standing up and trying to figure out how to diffuse the situation. If Doyle were here...ow, and there's the knife. "Stop it, okay!"

And now they both turn on me. "Why?" Izzy demands. "This pee-on is long overdue for an ass-kicking!"

I hug myself, my hand rubbing over the scar from the bullet that grazed my arm during our escape from Finley. As I ran, with him. "Because you shouldn't be fighting. Save your strength, watch our surroundings, something besides turning on each other."

Izzy groans, rolling her eyes before stomping away into the other room. Seth huffs in irritation and goes out into the porch.

I sink down in front of the fireplace. I'm so tired. If I could, I'd go back to sleep. But now I'm too stimulated, so I'll just have to wait until tonight.

I stare at the flames, my mind thankfully blank. And I don't know how long I stay like this, but when I finally snap out of it, Mara is awake, so is Hudson, and they're putting a few pieces of the rabbit on a stick to roast over the fire.

I watch Hudson lick his lips, and he says something about how hungry he is. Seth enters through the front door, snow blowing in behind him, the frigid wind tousling his hair, and then he slams the door shut.

"It's snowing too much for us to go anywhere right now," he mutters as he crouches beside me, warming his gloves hands over the fire.

Thank God. Or whoever or whatever. I don't want to leave yet, and now I won't have to. I don't inform Seth of my relief, just nod and keep my eyes trained on the fire.


So here's a new chapter finally! I don't know when the next one will be up, but hopefully soon. Enjoy (I know it's horribly short, sorry....)!

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