Remembering Family

By SailorGirl9574

15.2K 178 277

*Spoilers* Her family was kidnapped, Amy was remembering her. Now what? *STORY LINE BELONGS TO ME* ALL CHARA... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part 2
Epilogue Part 3

Chapter 8

1K 10 18
By SailorGirl9574

When Tam and I arrived at Everglen for the sleepover, Dex was already there and chatting with Biana. He said something that made her laugh, and I smiled at the pair. I had always thought they would make a good couple. Linh was already here as well, chatting with Fitz. Keefe was off to the side, and he scowled when he noticed Tam and I's intertwined hands. 

Somebody likes Linh.  I transmitted to Fitz teasingly, and I could see him blush from here. 

She's nice and she's pretty. He protested, but he didn't deny it. 

You two would be cute together. 

You and Tam ARE cute together. Keefe's just jealous. 

And still bitter about Tam and his reading. 

Tam was right, when he said that people who refused to get read hid something. 

Yeah. But he was the one who started the mistrust anyways, when he refused to. It didn't help that he betrayed us soon after. Tam's shadow was extended so it was reaching Keefe, and I could see they were having a mental conversation. I smirked and extended my shadow to Linh, before speaking. 

Hey Linh. I whispered through the shadow. 

What?  She replied, raising her eyebrows at me. 

Fitz likes you. 

Well I like him.

No like has a crush on you.

Well I have a crush on him too?

Can I tell him so he actually makes a move on you? 

Sure I guess. 

YO FITZ  I transmitted to my cognate. 

Yes?  He replied. 

Linh likes you back!

you told her didn't you.


So I'm guessing you want me to do something about it now.


fine. He turned towards Linh and grabbed her hand, and she blushed as he asked her a question quietly. She nodded, and they both grinning. Tam and Keefe seemed to be done chatting, and Keefe was no longer scowling. 

"What do you guys want to do?" I said, breaking the silence. 

"Truth or dare!" Biana said, not giving us a choice in the decision. I sighed and we sat in a circle. 

"Tam! Truth or dare?" Biana said, looking at Tam with a mischievous glint in her teal eyes. 

"Dare." He said, shrugging. 

"I dare you to......let me do a make over on you." She declared.

"But I thought you only did make overs for girls." He protested, crossing his arms and shaking his head. 

"That's why Keefe is going to help me." She said smirking. 

"What if you do me and Keefe does Tam?" I blurted, surprised by what I said. Everybody's eyes turned towards me and I gave them a lopsided grin.

"Saving you from Biana." I said, winking at Tam.

"And leaving me alone with Keefe." Tam grumbled, but I could tell he was joking. 

"Hey!" Keefe said, putting a hand over his heart in mock offense. 

"We'll be back!" Biana sang, grabbing my hand and pulling me up to her room.

This is going to take an hour, isn't it? Fitz transmitted, as I got yanked into her bathroom and forced to sit on the white stool in front of the mirror. 

"WAIT! Dress first!" She said, pulling me into her wardrobe. I groaned as she sifted through her dresses, pulling out a fancy red dress and placing it in my arms so I could change in to it. She left, and I grumbled as I changed into the dress. 

When I exited the closet, Biana squealed in excitement and pulled me over to her jewelry case, pulling out a matching necklace, bracelet and earrings. 

"Makeup!" She said, and pulled me into her bathroom. 

"Not too much." I pleaded. She smiled and shook her head. 

She finally pulled me over to the full length mirror and I gasped at my reflection. Biana seriously worked miracles. She finally pulled me downstairs, where Tam was already done and they had continued the game without us. As soon as Tam noticed me, he went silent, in the middle of answering a truth. 

"My most embarrassing moment? Well that had to be-" He was saying, before he caught sight of me. He stopped mid-sentence and stared at me. Everybody's heads turned to look at me, and I blushed, fidgeting with the bracelet on my wrist. 

"You...You look beautiful." Fitz said first. 

You are breathtaking Tam said through shadow whispering, and I smiled. 

"We're playing Make Foster Blush right?" Keefe said, grinning. "You look absolutely stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous, beautiful and amazing right now, Foster." He said. I refused to blush after his previous statement, but ended up blushing at all the compliments anyways. 

"Wow." Linh murmured, picking up some of the dress's material as she was sitting next to me. 

"Gorgeous." Dex muttered. 

"Oh my! Sophie!" Della said, appearing in the doorway with a plate of mallowmelt in her hands. She almost dropped the plate, but I caught the plate and it's contents with my telekinesis and put it back in her hands, smirking. 

"Well, I have mallowmelt!" She declared after a moment, walking to the center of the circle, vanishing every few steps. She placed it down on the ground before leaving the room, and I snatched two of the treats. I plopped down next to Tam, crossing my legs within the mass of dress. 

"This is why I don't like dresses." I mumbled. "You can't sit." 

"You look gorgeous though." Tam said, turning towards me. 

"Well, Keefe did a good job on you, Mr. Song." I said, smirking. His shirt brought out his baby blue eyes, and Keefe had styled his hair in a way that brought attention to the metal ends. He pressed his lips to mine, and I smiled against the kiss before kissing him back. 

"Ahem, while I'd love to be Tam right now, I'm not and this is quite awkward." Keefe said. "Especially considering I can feel Sophie's emotions right now." 

"Keefe!" Biana said, playfully shoving him into Fitz. Who in turn, stumbled into Dex, who stumbled into Linh, who fell into me and Tam. I laughed, waiting for everybody to get up before standing up and pulling Tam up with me. I smirked and grabbed Biana's hand, before yanking her so hard she tumbled into Dex, consequently causing both to fall on the floor, Biana on top of Dex. 

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