Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wa...

By KariHunter3

34.5K 792 180

What happens when two best friends, who've known each other since the 3rd grade, gradually come to realize th... More

~16: Final Chapter~
Update and Thank You


1.7K 37 1
By KariHunter3

Kira's POV

It's been about a week since Woody came onto me. At work, I could hardly function because of the consistent thought that would come up about what happened. Today was supposed to be an easy day for work and no stress was supposed to be a part of it. I just wished none of this ever happened.......


Monday, August 17 (12:30 pm)

"Kira! Hey what's up!" One of my friends asked me at the lunch table during lunch break.

I looked up from my container, which had salad in it, and smiled. "Hmm, not much, Kenzie."

Kenzie looked at me with a confused expression on her face. "Kira, don't lie to me. I know when something's up with my friend. C'mon, you can tell me. It's just you and me in here. Everyone else is in the other break room." She tried reassuring me.

My smile transitioned to a frown as I took a bite of my lettuce and tomatoes. I was still silent for a few seconds until Kenzie kept bugging me.

"Kira, Kira, Kira! I'm begging you, please. I care for you and I want know what's up. So, what's up?" She asked, nudging my arm.

"Okay, alright I'll tell you. So, when me and Keith were over at his friend Woody's house, Woody wanted to talk to me in private about something. Then, we went into his kitchen and he told me he had a crush on me. By the way, he knew that I'm dating Keith, but he didn't give a care in the world. Next, he started kissing me and coming on to me. It was a pretty uncomfortable experience so, that's why it's been bothering me so much for so long. And, I know he never acts like this regularly so, that's also what's been irking me."

After I explained the whole thing, I saw a surprised look on Kenzie's face. "My god! That would bother the hell outta me as well. The only thing I wanna ask though he hot?" A smirk then appeared on her face.

I laughed. Kenzie is your type of girl who's always looking for a guy, no matter who he is, how old he is, how he looks, or where he's from.

"I mean, not to me he's not, but if you meet him one day, of course you'd think so."

"Hey, I'm just wonderin'. You know I'm always up for anyone, haha. Maybe you should introduce me to him one day, you know, once you guys clear the air." She said with a weird chuckle.

"Yeah. To be honest, you guys would actually make a good couple." I said, shaking my head and taking another savory crunch of my salad.


"Of course, girl." I replied, chuckling.

"First thing's first though. I have to know one thing. Does he date white girls?" She asked in a joking tone.

"As a matter of fact, Kenzie, he does. He once told me he likes all races of women. So, you have a 90% chance with him."

"Great!" Her voice cracked a little as her voice rose. She then cleared her throat, toning her voice down. "Ahem, I mean, that's cool. I'll be looking forward to meeting him."

I rolled my eyes, jokingly, and packed away my container in my lunch box.

"Well, enough about me. Let's talk about you, Kira. How's you and Keith's relationship going? Good, bad, great, okay?" She asked with her thick southern accent.

My smile brightened at the thought of Keith. I took a sip of water and then answered her question. "Oh, our relationship is going perfect. No flaws at all, haha. Everyday, I slowly fall in love with him. He's like Prince Charming and I'm his Cinderella."

Her face beamed as she smiled. "That's good to hear, Kira. Hmm, I really want a man like that, but no one ever wants me because I'm "too southern" for them. None of the guys back in Kentucky criticized me like that. The guys here in California are rude to me, haha, but whatever. Hopefully your friend Woody isn't like that."

"You're actually down to meet with him? You're dead serious?" I asked, almost spitting out my last sip of water.

"Heck yeah, girl. I don't mind tryin' a bit of cocoa in my cream...shoot!" Kenzie exclaimed, laughing her butt off.

"Oh my gosh, girl, you are so crazy!"

Suddenly, we heard the intercom come on. Urgh, we knew what that meant! Our lunch break was slowly coming to an end and it was time to get back to work.

"Two minutes remaining of lunch time, I repeat: two minutes. Everyone, slowly report to your studios and get back to work. Thank you." The person on the intercom was our boss, Mr. Cazarez.

"Dang it! Well, it was fun chilling with you, Kira." Kenzie said with a sigh, getting up from her chair.

I got up from my chair and pushed in into the table, and got my lunch box. "Yeah, gotta get back to work. I'll see you soon, Kenzie." I said, walking up to her and giving her a hug.

"Aye, remember to introduce me to that chocolate king of a friend you got, okay Kira?" Kenzie teased, letting go of our embrace.

Rolling my eyes and giggling, I replied,"I will, Kenzie, I will."

We both continued laughing while walking out of the lounge and going to our designated spots. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Woody's POV
Monday, August 17 (1:15 pm)

It's been a full week since that incident occurred. You don't know how damn stupid I feel right now! I really, truly, positively, wanna apologize to Keith and Kira about what I did to her. It was disrespectful and out of line. Now, I realize it's gonna take a lot of guts to apologize. So, I decided to call Keith and apologize because I know Kira is at work.


Phone Call:

Keith: Hello?

Me: H-hey, man. Wassup? What's goin' on? How's life?

Keith: Good, I guess. Whatchu want?

Me: Well, I finally got the guts to apologize to you about what happened last week at my house....

Keith: Okay.....where's the apology?

Me: I'm so sorry, man. I was totally outta line and it was greatly disrespectful to do that to Kira and that's not how anyone should be treated. And you did a good thing in protecting her from me by punching me in the face, hehe. That junk did hurt though.

Keith: Well, your apology is accepted by me. Just never, EVER, do that to Kira, or anyone other girl.

Me: I understand that now, Keith. I really do and it will never, EVER, happen ever again. I swear on my life.

Keith: Okay, I'll take note of that. You want me to tell Kira that you apologized once she gets home?

Me: Yeah, that'll be great. Speaking of Kira, how's she doing?

Keith: She's doing better now. You've honestly traumatized her for about five days straight. She couldn't even function without thinking about what you did.

Me: Damn. I'm really just a monster. I've been thinking about it as well.

Keith: Yeah, so have I. I'm still pretty upset but, hey, I forgive you, and I'm pretty sure Kira will, too.

Me: I sure hope so, man. So, where you at?

Keith: I'm at the store picking up some groceries and some surprise gifts for Kira, hehe.

Me: For real? Whatchu get her?

Keith: I got her a box of chocolates, a dozen roses, a teddy bear, and some candles.

Me: That sounds nice, but it also sounds like some Valentine's Day stuff, Mr. "Outta Season"! Haha.

Keith: Man, leave me alone, haha. I hope she likes it though. I spent like a lot of money on just those things, let alone the groceries, hehe.

Me: I'm just playing! What, you tryin' to make it a romantic night for her or something? Y'all gonna kiss and stuff?

Keith: Yep, that was my point. We haven't really had a romantic night yet so, I just want to try it out and see how she likes it, cuz I'm down for it.

Me: Sounds good, sounds good. Well, I'mma let you keep shopping. Didn't want to keep you on the phone long. Just wanted to apologize and I really do hope you and Kira can forgive me, honestly.

Keith: Okay, I gotchu, man. We'll be talking later.

Me: Ight then. Later.

Keith: Alright, later.


Phew! Finally got that off my chest. I do feel pretty bad for Kira and what happened but now that I know everything is fine between Keith and I, I feel much better.

Keith's POV
It was now 7 pm, the time that Kira usually comes home. I was getting done with the finishing touches for our romantic night. You don't understand how pumped I was to see Kira's reaction once she sees what I've done for her.

I was lighting the final candle that was on the table. "Last one....there we go." I uttered with a sigh of relief.

Instantly, I put the lighter in my kitchen's drawer. Finally, everything was done. The roses were the center piece of the table, the candles surrounded them, the box of chocolates were stood up beside the rose bouquet, and the teddy bear sat next to the chocolates.

I glanced over at the roses and smiled because they symbolized her beauty. That was the whole point of why I got them for her. The candles symobolize the spark and fire in our relationship, the chocolate resembles her and how good she looks😏, and lastly, the teddy bear is just an additional gift.

At this moment, I snapped myself out of my daze and decided to turn off the kitchen and living room lights because, what's the point of candles with lights on?

I flicked the light switches off and went back to the kitchen to sit down and wait for my lady to come home.

I went through my phone and saw I received a text from Kira.

It read:

Baby Gurl💟: Hey, Keith! I have some good news for you! I've been signed to the record label!!!! Omg you don't understand how I feel right now 😱

This was some awesome news to hear! She's been wanting to be a singer ever since I've known her and now, she can live her dream.

So, because I was so happy and proud of her, I replied:

Me: Kira!!! That's so amazing I'm so proud you, baby.

She replied:

Baby Gurl💟: Thanks, sweetie. Aye, maybe we should celebrate tonight. 😏

Me: Okay, sure thing. See you when you get home 💟 Luv ya

Baby Gurl💟: Luv ya too! Can't wait to see you tonight 🙉

Me: Can't wait. See ya, baby girl 💙

Baby Gurl💟: 👋💞

A smile was forever imprinted on my face. She has the voice of an angel and I'm glad that those producers and other people saw her talent and finally put it up for good use.

The thought of seeing her name in lights was just amazing. I could just see it: Kira Southerland: America's Best Singer!

For some reason, I felt that I was more happier than she was and it's not even my situation. So, I decided to share the news with my friends. I decided to call Algee because he's also in the music business.

I dialed his number and waited for an answer......

Finally, my ears filled with his sudden 'hello'.

Me: Aye, man. I got some good news for you!!

Algee: Okay, what's up, Keith?

Me: Kira just texted me and said she got signed to the record label she works for! She's finally gonna be a professional!!!

Algee: Bruh, that's dope! I'm so proud of her!!! I gotta tell her congratulations.

Me: Yeah, man, you do! I'm overly proud of her and she doesn't even know it.

Algee: Haha, aye, maybe y'all should celebrate with some food or wine or somethin like that.

Me: Ain't no need. I already bought her roses, candles, a box of chocolates, and a teddy bear before she even told me the news.

Algee: Ok, so you already got it set up, huh? That's good.

Me: Yep. So, whatcha doing? How's life treating you?

Algee: Life's good, man, life's good. I think I found my wife, hehe.

Me: For real? Haha, who and where?

Algee: I met this girl named Meilin Park at the grocery store last week. She is everything I ever wanted. She can cook, sing a little bit, and I love her accent.

Me: That's cool, man. She's Korean right? Her last name sounds like it.

Algee: Yeah, man. I'm telling you, she's great.

Me: Haha, does she cook you Korean food?

Algee: Hell yeah, man. My favorite dish is Bulgogi. It's marinated beef with a little bit of brown sugar on it, and she cooks me rice and this spicy stuff called Kimchi.

Me: That sounds like some good food, man. Well, I'm glad you got a girl now and you can finally leave Kira alone, haha.

Algee: Aye, just cuz I found Meilin doesn't me I don't still got a lil somethin for Kira, ight? Hehe.

Me: Mmhm, alright dude. I gotchu.

Algee: Well, imma let you go cuz I was just about to head out to go see my girl. I'll talk to you soon, man.

Me: Alright then, bruh. Have fun with Meilin.

Algee: I will. Have fun with Kira.

Me: I sure will. Peace.

Algee: Peace.

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. Suddenly, I heard a fidgeting at the door. It was Kira. I quickly got up to get it. Once I opened the door, I fell in love instantly. The outfit she was wearing looked so good on her.

"Woah!" I exclaimed as she came in. "You look good, Kira." 

She smiled and replied,"Why thank you, Keith." Suddenly, I noticed that she realized the lights were off and all that was visible was the flickering of the candles' light. 

"Keith, what's going on?" She asked, putting her purse on the coat hanger, looking up at me, smirking.

I smiled while taking her hand,"How about you come and see..." She gladly took my hand and followed me into the kitchen. 

Once we entered the kitchen, I looked at her and noticed her eyes widen and she gasped. 

"You like it?" I asked her. 

"Y-yes! This is so beautiful, Keith. Thank you so much!" She let go of my hand and walked over to the table to look at her gifts. 

She picked up her teddy bear and looked at what was on it. The bear was holding a heart and it said: "I Love You". 

"Aww, the bear is so cute. Thank you so much, babe." Her eyes shimmered in the candle light. Her eyes hypnotized me into her beauty. 

I walked over to her and continued watching her go crazy over the gifts. Next, she picked up the chocolates and open them up. 

"Oh my gosh! These are my favorites! How did you know?" She exclaimed, popping one into her mouth.

"C'mon, Kira. I've known you since we were kids. I know almost everything about you." I reassured her.

"Oh yeah. Of course you do, hehe." She giggled, while eating one more.

Slowly, I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I looked down at her and grinned.

She looked up and me, with those beautiful eyes, and smiled as well.

"Woah. I forgotten how tall you were. You're like a giant." She joked.

I laughed. "Haha. I've always been taller than you, you little munchkin."

"Shut up, Keith! Can't help being short. I'm only 5'4, haha." She retorted in a joking manner.

I rolled my eyes still laughing at her. "What do you mean ONLY 5'4? You're still a short little munchkin!"

She shook her head, snickering, and replied,"Hehe, and I forgot how stupid you were as well."

I put my hand on my chest and gasped, acting like I was surprised,"What? How dare you call me stupid, baby? I thought you were better than that!"

She played along with my act. "Oh, oh I'm sorry, Keith. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.."

Kira then stood up on her tippy-toes and gave me a peck on the cheek.

After she kissed me, I instantly cheered up. "Ah, that's better. Now Kira's back to being nice."

"Oh my gosh, shut up, fool!" she joked, letting go of my embrace and getting some more pieces of chocolate.

I sat down at the table, laughing at her.

                        Kira's POV

These were the best gifts ever! The chocolates are good, the roses smell good, and candles were the scent of cherry blossoms.

As Keith sat down, I decided to as well. I sat in the chair across from him.

"So, Kira, tell me about how you got signed to the record label. I'm so pumped to hear about it!" Keith started, while grinning.

A smile wiped across my face and I began,"Well, it all started after our ten minute lunch break. My boss, Mr. Cazarez called me into his office. He said, Kira, the producers and I were just talking a few short minutes ago and they told me that you have potential of becoming a great singer. I've heard your voice and it is so amazing and I'm positive that people would love it. So, would you like to be a part of our label?   My heart jumped and I got so excited. I told him 'yes' and he handed me the contract. I signed it and here we are today."

"Wow! I'm so proud of you, baby girl. You just don't know how happy I am. That hard work and dedication really paid off." He congratulated me.

"I appreciate it very much, baby. I really do. Maybe you should sing as well."

He should his head laughing. "Uh, uh. Singing ain't my thing. You're definitely better than I am at it. Remember when I tried out for chorus in 3rd grade? My voice was terrible!"

"Babe, no it wasn't. I think you sounded good." I said smiling, internally knowing that he really couldn't sing back then.

"Well, I appreciate your encouragement, but, nah. I'm never gonna go back."

"Hehe, alright, whatever you say, Keith."

We both laughed for a little while. We continued talking, bring up old times and laughing and joking.

I really loved talking and hanging out with Keith: my boyfriend and best friend. We have this connection that I don't have with anyone else.

While we were talking, I couldn't help but stare into his eyes and look at those soft lips of his. At first, I hoped he didn't notice me looking, but finally, he did.

"Kira, haha. You starin' at me?" He asked, knocking me out of my daze.

"Oh, hehe. Yeah, I was. Sorry."

He waved his hand at me, reassuring that it was okay. "Psssh, nah, no need to be sorry. I like it when you stare." He then winked at me, also biting his bottom lip.

This sent chills up my spine and caused me to internally freak out. So, just to see how he'd react, I asked him,"You sure? I mean, I don't wanna come off weird, ya know."

"I'm positive. If I didn't want you starin' at me, you think we'd be dating right now, haha?" He smirked.

"Hehe, guess not." I answered, shaking my head.

I looked down at the floor at my shoes and was slowly kicking my feet. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Keith was staring at me. I looked up and giggled.

"Are you giving me payback?" I joked.

"Nah, haha. I'm just daydreamin...." He replied, going back into his gaze.

"Hmm, whatcha daydreaming about, huh?"

"I'm dreamin about you, baby." He said in a sexy tone.

His answer, and the way he answered me, sent more chills up my spine. I didn't know how to think or what to think. I mean, we are dating now, so there's no need to feel weird or anything. This is how couples are supposed to be.

I rolled my eyes, playfully, and stared off into space.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me, munchkin?" He asked in a playful tone that was a mixture of seriousness and jokingness.

I woke up from spacing out and looked at him.

"Yes. Yes, I did. And what are you going to do about it?" I added in a playfully bold manner.

His eyes widened and he smirked,"Oh, so you wanna be all big and bad, huh?"

Keith got up from his chair and stood in front of me, looking like he was about to fight me. I knew he wasn't going to. He usually just play fights with me, all the time.

So, I got up and from my chair and stood in front of him.

"What? Whatcha gonna do now, boy?" I asked, slightly pushing him back.

"Hmm, I see how it is, Kira. I see exactly how it is." He slowly walked up closer to me and picked me up, bridal style.

"W-what the heck? Haha! Keith, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice filled with laughter.

"Since you wanna be like that, Kira, I'll show you what I'm about to do!" He joked.

He carried me into the living room and threw me on to the couch. I just layed there, giggling. He was still standing up by the couch. Slowly, his face changed from a happy face full of laughter into a serious face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, still laying down.

He sat down on the couch and leaned towards me, bringing his whole body with him. Before I knew it, he was hovering above me.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. I had no clue what would happen next.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Do you mind me kissing you, Kira?" He asked me with a smirk appearing on his face.

A smile formed on mine and I then came to realize that he wanted to kiss me.

"Nah, there's no problem with you kissing me, Keith. Go right ahead." I assured him.

He winked and leaned closer, and closer, and closer to me. Our noses were touching (that's how close he was to my face), and then, our lips collided.

His kisses are always so amazing but, I've never known he could kiss this passionately. The kiss was slow and meaningful and I did not want this moment to end.

For a long time now, I've wanted a night like this with him, and him only. I've dreamed of one like this and now, it's finally come true.

A few minutes into the kiss, he took his lips off of mine and looked deep into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful, Kira. I've been waiting to do this for a while now." He stated, pecking me on the neck.

When he kissed me on the neck, I flinched a little because it tickled.

"What? Does it tickle?" He asked while chuckling.

"Y-yeah, it does, hehe." I answered. It may have tickled but I still enjoyed it.

"Hmm, well does this tickle?" He asked while kissing my left cheek.

"Yes." I replied, chuckling.

"Alrighty, then. How about....this?" He then kissed my earlobe, slowly.

"Hehe, stop it.." I replied.

I removed his lips from my earlobe and lifted his head and looked at me again.

"Kira, do you love me?..." He asked in his well-known sexy tone.

"Yes, baby. I do. Do you love me?"

"Yes I do. More than you can ever know..." Keith kissed my lips again and removed his lips again from mine.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm glad that we're boyfriend and girlfriend, Keith." I uttered.

"You know, so am I. You wanna know what I love about you?" He said, kissing my neck again.

I flinched then chuckled. "Hehe, what's that?"

"I love how beautiful you are, inside and out. You make me fall in love with you every single day. Your personality is definitely my most favorite thing about you. You always have a good heart. And lastly, I love your body." He bit his lip once he said that last line.

"Oh, really?" I inquired with a smirk.

"Mmhm, heck yeah."

"Hmm, alright. Well, I love your body, too." I lifted myself up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly, he got up from the couch and stood up.

"It's getting kind of hot in here don't ya think?" He asked, with a smirk.

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled.

Then, I noticed he was taking off his shirt. Once his shirt was fully off, I saw his amazing six pack and I instantly fell in love.

"Oh my gosh, Keith. You look soooo good." I said.

He said, flexing his muscles a little bit,"Thank you, baby."

I smiled and got up to stand next to him.

For some reason, at the moment, I felt like having a piggy back ride. Not really sure why.

"Hey, can I have a piggy back ride?" I asked like a little kid.

"As long as I'm able to take you upstairs." He suggested with a lip bite.

"Okay, sure." I replied.

"Ok, then. Get on my back and we'll be going."

He turned around and bent over so I could hop onto his back. So, I did. Immediately, he walked into the direction of the staircase and we went up the stairs.

Finally, we made it up the stairs. He put me down and we were near the entrance of his room. I knew what was going to happen. I had to make a decision. Should I share the way I feel about him with him or should I back away and wait another time?

He turned around and looked at me, holding his hand out.

"Are you ready, Kira?" He asked with a smile.

My mind was finally made up. I decided to share my love and affection with him.

"Yes. Yes, I am."

He winked and replied,"Okay, c'mon then."

I put my hand into his and followed him into the room.
*A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you liked the ending. Next chapter will be even better!*

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