Unraveling Rosen | ✓

By -chanel

6.8M 222K 104K

"He said he is scared of commitment, but he has tattoos all over his skin." The day Hazel Stevens moves from... More

Unraveling Rosen
01 | barre
02 | allegro
03 | ballón
04 | terre
05 | tour
06 | soutenu
07 | sauté
08 | elevé
09 | grand
10 | en arriére
11 | frappé
12 | brisé
13 | en dehors
14 | adagio
15 | en avant
16 | en dedans
17 | fondu
18 | l'aire
19 | devant
20 | center floor
21 | demi
22 | pas de chat
23 | assemblé
25 | derrière
26 | en pointe
27 | sissonne
28 | la seconde
29 | chassé
30 | cou-de-pied
31 | ronde de jambe
32 | relevé
33 | en croix
34 | arabesque
35 | ballote
36 | developpé
37 | penché
38 | tendu
39 | glissade
40 | pas
Bonus 01 | Christmas

24 | beats

116K 4.4K 1.5K
By -chanel

2 4

b e a t s

To hit the legs together, moving in and out of fifth position in the air.

We met with Sven and Serenity in the bowling alley.

Rosen and me are already inside, when Sven and Serenity come strolling in, huge grins on their faces as they're talking to each others, standing very close to one another, Serenity practically hanging onto Sven's shoulder like a lovesick puppy.

"Hey." The two of them greet us and Serenity walks over to me to pull me in for a bone crushing hug, while Sven and Rosen do their bro handshake.

"Did you already pay for a lane?" Sven asks Rosen, who shakes his head. Considering we just walked in about two minutes ago, we didn't have time to pay for a lane and get everything organized. Sven just nodded his head and headed over to the cashier to pay for us all, while the three of us went to pick out our shoes that were lined up in shelves on the opposite side of the room.

"So, what did you two do today?" Serenity asks me.

"Isabella went on a date with Graham so the two of us went to the amusement park as well since Isabella wanted me to keep an eye out for her," I tell her. "But since everything was going well we totally ditched them to come hang out with you two."

Serenity chuckles. "Isabella is a big girl, I'm sure she can take care of herself."

"That's what I said to her as well," I respond. "But she was so anxious and scared that I went with her just in case. Rosen and me basically had to spy on them from the bushes because Isabella didn't want Graham to find out that we're there. Apparently that way she can figure out what his real intentions are and if he wants to have sex with her or not."

Serenity snorted. "Why would he want to have sex with her?"

Shrugging, I respond. "I don't know. Guys are horny."

After I say that sentence I hear Rosen chuckling next to me, his eyes glistening with amusement. "Not all guys are like that, you know," he states. "Some of us are after something more valuable than sex."

"Well yeah, some aren't like that."

When Sven joins us we wait for him to change his shoes as well and then we heard to our lane. After entering our names, the game begins. I haven't gone bowling in what seems like forever so I already know I'm going to lose.

Sven and Rosen a probably pros. Guys are always better at bowling somehow. At least back home in Maine whenever we went bowling in large groups, the guys were always better and the girls lost. I guess it's some sort of a Murphy's law or something.

"Haze, your turn," Serenity yells after she makes her shot. She got seven points which is pretty good in my opinion.

"Get ready to see skill," I announce as I stand up. "And by skill I mean look at me not hitting a single pin."

The guys laugh as I grab a ball and take a deep breath before walking up to the lane and firing at the target. I keep my eyes focused on the ball, in hopes that'll help with me getting a strike. I chuckle when the ball slowly moves off the lane.

Rosen claps for me. "Good job, sweet."

He never really calls me by any sappy nicknames so just him calling me 'sweet' made my heart tingle a little bit. Honestly I can feel my feelings for him growing every day and I can't tell if I'm still just crushing on him or if I'm slowly starting to fall in love with him.

I look back at him as Rosen looks at me with what seems like joy and pride in his eyes. The kind of look that screams 'hell yeah that's my girl'. But I might be completely hallucinating. When I sit down next to Rosen he throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in for an embrace as Sven stands up to make his shot.

Just by being this close to Rosen makes all kinds of feeling erupt inside me and I have a feeling that I'm definitely falling madly in love with Rosen.

Now I just have to figure out if that's a good or a bad thing.


I receive a text from Isabella after the game. She said that everything is wonderful and they're going out to eat with Graham as well. I'm happy that she likes him so much and judging the fact that Graham didn't try anything stupid, I'm guessing he has some sort of feelings for her too. At least Isabella found someone nice for her, not a total douchebag. The only bad thing is that Graham will probably leave for college in the fall and their relationship will be cut short since I doubt Graham will be willing to be in a long-distance relationship with Isabella.

He just doesn't seem like the type of guy to be interested in that kind of stuff, but at the same time I can't make any judgements right now. Things might be completely different in nine months.

Since Isabella isn't home the four of us decided to go over to my house to make homemade pizza and enjoy a movie. I already had all the ingredients we need back at home so all that's left is to drive back home and then we can get started and just enjoy the night.

When we're driving towards my house, Sven is driving in front of us. Since the road is completely empty right now, he keeps swerving from one lane to another, driving in a slalom way. Chuckling I notice how annoyed Rosen is getting with Sven's behavior.

Rosen honks his car which makes Sven drive normally again. This time our drive to my house isn't silent. Rosen and me are talking about all kinds of silly things that come to our head. Usually we sit in complete silence since that's what we're used to but today we're not.

We keep talking about our Juilliard audition and how we think that went, future plans, tonight's plans and at some point we just turn on rock music and scream those songs on the top of our lungs. It feels great to know that Rosen's into rock music just like me. I feel like it would be pretty awkward if he listening to hip-hop or rap since I can't stand either or those music genres. Luckily we listen to the exact same bands so that's a plus.

"This song is great," Rosen says as he quickly changes the song on his Spotify playlist, also somehow keeping his eyes on the road so he won't cause an accident. The soft tune of 'Stayin Alive' by Bee Gees starts playing in the car as I start dancing in my seat, making Rosen laughs.

I almost choke on my own saliva when Rosen starts singing, his voice completely high-pitched. It's obvious he can't sing that well but he's trying to amuse me and that's all that matters to me.

We reach my house and the four of us get out of the car. As I unlock the door, everyone just heads straight to the kitchen, while Rosen goes to the bathroom. Serenity and me get out all the ingredients and then get all the utensils ready.

"What kind of pizza will we make?" I ask as I start looking at the instructions for making the dough.

"I don't really care but if any of you little shits want to put pineapple on the pizza then I'm moving to Antarctica because pineapple doesn't go on pizza." Sven announces, making all of us laugh.

"I totally agree," I tell everyone. "My house, my rules so no pineapple."

When I start preparing the dough, everyone else just looks at me like I'm an alien. Once that's done, I attempt to start rolling it and that's when Rosen walks up to me. He grabs a handful of flour and for a second I think he's about to help me.

But no.

He smashes the flour onto my head, making me gasp as Serenity and Sven laugh at me.

"Oh, you two think you're not going to be floured?" Rosen asks as he grabs more flour. He throws more flour and throws it at Sven, all of the flour landing onto his hair. Sven immediately grabs an egg and smashes it onto Serenity's head.

I join them all and grabs the packet of cheese, throwing cheese at Rosen. He then grabs the salami and starts throwing slices at everyone. When Serenity grabs the entire pack of flour, my eyes widen. She starts throwing the flour at everyone and before I know it, we're all covered in flour and all other kinds of condiments and food.

"We should probably get cleaned up and now we need new ingredients," I softly tell everyone. I grab some paper towels and cleaning supplies to start cleaning the kitchen and Rosen starts to help me.

"We'll go buy new things," Serenity tells me as she grabs Sven's hand and drags him out of the kitchen with her. I look up and stare at them as they're leaving, both of them bumping hips and pushing each other lightly as I hear Serenity's soft giggles. Honestly they're so cute together it makes me almost vomit, but it's nice to see my best friend all happy.

"When do you think you can help me study for Chemistry?" Rosen asks me as we continue to clean. "I mean I don't want to pressure you or anything but I'm just curious."

"We can start studying tomorrow if you want to, I don't mind."

Rosen chuckles, "Someone's eager to be alone with me."

"We're alone right now, dumbass," I say as I hit him slightly with my hand towel.

Rosen grins at me as he slowly starts walking towards me.

"I know," he murmurs. "Maybe we should use this time to do something fun."

"Oh really?" I ask as I place my towel on the kitchen counter, throwing it amidst the mess on the other side. "What do you have in mind?"

"Maybe something like this," he says as he wraps one of his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss, sending a thousand chills down my spine. I tangle my fingers in his hair as I pull him closer to me to get more of him. To feel more of his lips against mine.

I almost freak out when I feel Rosen lifting me up slowly and placing my butt onto the kitchen counter. He stands in-between my legs as we continue to kiss, his hands resting on my hips, his thumbs massaging the sides of my body in a way that leaves a burning sensation behind. I can only focus on the kiss right now.

There's nothing else in my brain currently. Only the feeling of his lips against mine. My entire body is yelling in happiness as I tug his shirt slightly, making Rosen grin against my lips. When his tongue enters my mouth, I melt even more.

My mind is hazy. My body burning at Rosen's touch. A chill runs down my spine and my lips are tingling. Rosen pulls away for a second, trailing kisses down my neck. He uses one of his hands to push aside my hair from my ear as he continue planting small kisses along my neck.

"That's what I had in mind," Rosen whispers to my ear, making all the hair on my body rise as a shiver of need runs down my body. I open my eyes and stare at Rosen. His lips are slightly swollen, happiness permanent on his face.

He takes a few steps back as I push myself off the kitchen counter.

"We should get cleaned up before Serenity and Sven come back. I'm gonna take a shower and you can use the guests bathroom if you wish to."

"Or we can just shower together and save water," Rosen replies casually as he shrugs.

For a second I almost want to accept his offer.

"In your dreams, pretty boy." I tell him as I head upstairs to my bedroom to get cleaned up.

As I head upstairs it almost seemed like Rosen was disappointed that I didn't agree to his offer. I push those thoughts aside as I enter my bedroom.

I swear to God if Rosen can make me feel like this after just kissing, I can't even imagine what would happen if we took things further. 

Where you can contact me:

Twitter • aulhoei

Instagram • aulhoei

Email • pretenceonwattpad@gmail.com

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