In Hate, We Love

By AwayWithWriting

241K 7K 2.8K

Clarke Griffin doesnt have it easy on the Ark, her dad is sick, her ex-boyfriend Finn seems to be waiting aro... More

1. I Hate Bellamy Blake
2. Cupboard Chat
3. Dinner
4. Slippers
5. The Princess and the Prat
6. Panic at the disco
7. Broken Glass
8. Uncertain
9. I Am Sorry
10. What Next?
11. The Garden
12. Mystery
13. Alone
14. Across the room
15. Lock Down
16. Locked Out
17. He Wont Hurt You
18. The Dream
19. Attacked
20. The Plan
21. Hallway Fight
22. Covered Eyes
23. Medical
24. Breath
25. The Ball
26. 'Friends'
27. Drug
28. Painted Red
29. Only Him
30. You Love Him
31. Normal
32. I Did This...
33. Colour Me Blue
34. Wait For Me
35. I Think Of You
36. Overhearing
37. A Creeping Emptiness
38. Secrets
39. The Boy I Love
40. Earth

41. I Love Bellamy Blake

6.2K 202 77
By AwayWithWriting

About 4 weeks later

"Clarke you have to get out of your tent at some point" Jasper Jordon jeers.

I stifle a giggle as I watch his shadow pacing.

I continue rummaging in my bag and find one of my berry ration packs.

I load them quickly into my makeshift wooden sling shot.

"Come on Clarke surrender" Jasper groans.

I can see his slingshot raised.

"Okay, I concede, you idiots win!" I sigh, readying my weapon. "Aha!" I cry, jumping out of the tent - the safe zone for me and my team.

I fire at Jasper and he stumbles back in shock, tripping on a tent peg, almost falling over completely.

I giggle and a blueberry splatters against my already sticky and coloured hair.

I turn and fire at Monty who is hiding a little way accross camp.

I hear him groan a little but he ducks out of sight.

I look around but Harper, who is meant to be on my team, is nowhere in sight.

"Hey princess" my cheeks turn pink and my heart jumps a little.

I turn round to see Bellamy hobbling over with Miller at his side.

"Hey!" I grin, meeting him half way and hiding the slingshot behind my bag innocently. I kiss him on the cheek before stepping back.

Bellamy looks me up and down suspiciously and Miller is beaming, a hugely amused grin spreading accross his face.

"Have you guys been throwing stuff at each other again?" Bellamy asks, raising one eyebrow in his adorable way.

"No of course not!" I gasp and Miller snorts. I throw him a glare that says "shut up" but I cant fight a smile peeking onto my lips.

"Then what is this, in your hair?" Bellamy asks, raising both eyebrows now as he leans over and appears to stroke my hair behind my ear. My stomach flutters as usual from his closeness.

His tanned fingers come away smudged with blue and I glare at Monty who is watching from his hiding place, only his wide eyes visible.

"Oh I had no idea that was there- and what do you think you're doing walking about on that leg? It's broken! I would know as I was the one who had to patch you up!" I exclaim hotly, changing the subject, my amusement turning to the worry of a doctor.

He rolls his eyes, "it's fine doc!" He grumbles and I frown at him.

I look down at the makeshift cast. he is meant to be using the crutches - not that they were very sturdy - but he isnt. His leg wont ever get better unless he rests.

Suddenly a red berry comes flying out of nowhere and hits Bellamy's cheek, splattering it a bright red.

My stomach leaps as it looks so much like blood, but when I turn and see Jasper, an evil grin on his face, I relax.

Bellamy in one swift motion, takes my loaded slingshot and aims. He hits Jasper right in the chest with force I have never been able to get from the crap weapon.

I take it off Bellamy immediately, his eyes eager and his legs twitching as if about to run.

He groans, "I know, I know I can't join in - my leg" he sighs and his eyes look so sad I actually almost give the sling shot back to him. "You know I could beat all these losers sat down!" He chuckles, his eyes brightening and I force a smile.

It hasnt been easy, not since arriving on the ground. Bellamy's leg was in a right state and there was only so much I could do.

The Ark followed us down three days later - there werent many survivors. My mum luckily was amongst them and she did what she could to help his leg. Of course it would heal - like any break, but he wanted to be with his friends, he wanted to help build up camp and he wanted to be part of the hunting teams but he couldnt.

I have been helping my mum in medical, we were busy the first week but most people are okay now. The camp is coming along steadily and the couple hundred people seem content.

Harper, Bryan and Miller all made it down with their families - except Bryan's dad who died on landing.

Jasper and Monty have apologised to me for everything and they are actually pretty good guys. I havent seen Murphy or Raven around.

"You wouldnt beat me!" I say to Bellamy, realising I went quiet for a bit.

He scoffs but doesn't argue and I smile up at him.

"Come on, please let me check your leg?" I say with puppy dog eyes and he nods.

I take his hand, curling my fingers with his and we walk slowly over to the part of the ship in which the Arkers came to earth on.

We head to medical, which is oddly, empty.

"Wonder where Abby went?" Bellamy says and I can hear in his voice that he is struggling.

I pull my hand from his and sit him down.

I prop his leg onto a stool and roll up his trousers.

In silence I undo the cast and I feel around the damaged area carefully.

"Tell me if it hurts" I say quietly and he winces.

"That bloody hurt!" He groans and I smile apologetically up at him.

"There is some new swelling closer to the ankle" I say, passing him an accusing look. He smiles innocently.

I put the brace back on and roll down his trousers.

"It will be fine if you dont walk on it so much" I say, turning away to get him painkillers but Bellamy grabs me and pulls me back by the arm.

I sigh and throw my arms around his shoulders, standing between his legs.

"Bellamy I'm sorry about your leg - you know I miss you not being able to move about and stuff" I sigh, glossing over how much I have actually been missing him. The first two weeks, he was basically incapacitated and couldnt move. I was so busy, I didnt get to see him.

"I may not be able to walk - well - but I can still do this" he grins, pulling me foward by the waist and pressing his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss, memories flooding my mind of that first kiss.

I brush my fingers through his messy hair and I pull away, leaning my forhead against his.

"Dont leave me princess" Bellamy says calmly, his eyes closed, his thumbs beneath my shirt running circles over my bare skin.

It was a simple thing to say but it shocked me and I look at him properly.

"I wont ever leave you" I say seriously and his big brown eyes melt my heart. The cuts on his cheeks are already fading but I can still imagine them there, I still remember stitching them up. The blood. I remember leaving him in that dropship and hearing him plummeting to earth. I remember that first kiss, and the second. The paint fight - the actual fights.

"I wont ever - even if we grow to hate eachother again I will be around to make your life miserable" I joke lightly, rubbing his cheek with my thumb carefully.

"Just like the good old days" he grins and I roll my eyes, kissing him on his stupid lips just so I dont have to look at his smug face.

His hands slide a little more up my back and my skin tingles, like it did after the dance, his fingers against my back. It had felt right then and it still feels right, now.

I pull away from the overwhelming sensation, my heart thudding and my stomach throbbing.

Bellamy looks at me worriedly and I just smile.

"I love you, you big idiot" I say, grinning and he chuckles.

"Well there is no better match than the idiot and the princess" he shrugs.

"On that, Bellamy Blake, I think you may just be right" I laugh, kissing him quickly.

Suddenly I realise, everything is going to be okay! Nothing used to make sense, nothing worked but Bellamy and I changed, well perhaps we didnt, the circumstances did and as much as I hate to admit it. I love him. I love Bellamy Blake.

AN: Annnnnddd its done! Wow did not intend for this to be so long - hope you enjoyed it, thank you so much everyone who stuck with this story, all your comments have been amazing and they really helped me keep going with this one.

If you want to read more Bellarke stories, I have some more, I'd really appreciate it if you checked those out
Thanks - bye :)

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