Skyrim book 2 : the companion...

Por thedarklord86

4.9K 100 29

(Updated) shadow of mordor/war powers deleted Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

553 11 2
Por thedarklord86

You and your shield brother Farkes left no draugh alive in your search for a piece of Wuuthrad cutting through draugh together like a greatsword through a skeever only the skeevers were undead and had years of combat experiments. The fight raged on until you found a closed room with no sighs of hostiles so far your eyes could see.

You both lowered your guard and sheated your weapon looking for a way to open the closed gate blocking your way through when you found a lever with a chest...... suspicious.

He walked to the lever taking slow steps looking around looking for traps but only saw that you would be locked in but who knows maybe it would lead you the right way. You took a deep breath and pulled the lever lowering the gates behind you being to late to try to escape before the gates lowered but failed now being trapped.
Farkes : now look what you got yourself in too... don't worry sit tight i find a release.

When he said some people together with a orc and a khajiit walked in the room carrying silver swords and surrounded Farkes forcing him with his back against the gate while closing in. They talked for a while until Farkas said none of them would live to tell the tale.

Farkas changed into a werewolf right infront of you and the silver hand giving one scary roar then started killing them with swings that killed them by one he just jumped on and started slashing at the guy chest until he died. He then just stood up looking if somebody was still alive but sensing none he left the room into another room a second later the gate trapping you raised so you were free.

Farkas came back wearing his armor again then picked his sword up from the ground dusting it off so it was clean expect a bit of blood not much of a bother anyway.

Farkas : sorry for that i hope i didn't scare ya.

(Y/n) : not really im..... surprised your a werewolf.

Farkas : huh i expected a more scared reaction but...... yeah im a werewolf like the others.

(Y/n) : well one im not scared because back at my home we also had plenty of werewolf even wanted to be one still want but our leader said thats was only something i should choose when i was like 20. And wait others ?

Farkas : yeah you have seen me already so there is no point in keepin it from you....... the circle are werewolfs so me, my brother, Aela, Skjor and kodlak.

(Y/n) : are you gonna change me in a werewolf ?

Farkas : thats not my call to make but come on we still have to find the fragment of Wuuthrad.

You nodded and together the two moved to the main room the shard should be located killing draugh and silver and alike while making your way through the dark tomb. Soon Farkas kicked the last draught through the door of the main room then runned at him stabbing him with his sword so hard the draugh feet floated above the ground.

Farkas dropped the corpse next to him, you walked past your shield brother to the shard of Wuuthrad also seeing a nice shout with a chest waiting for you behind the table holding the shard. You reached for it when a few coffins in the room opended to let in more draugh that attacked the two companions on sight.

You dodged the swing of the sword of the draugh who aimed for your arm only hitting solid ground then you placed your boot on the blade holding it on the ground then cut the draugh head off. Another one came from a coffin behind you holding a old ancient war axe, it charged at you swinging down only you rolled behind the draught the stabbed him in the back holding the sword by the handle and blade cutting your own hand a little then raised the corpse of the ground throwing it on the third who charged at him.

The draught threw his death friend on the ground then raised his greatsword above his head for a swing only you held your sword by the blade smacking the handle in the neck of the draught pulling the draught past you to the ground.
It tried to stand up only your blade stabbed him in the back of his head.

You dodged the arrow of a archer returning fire with a fireball ignoring rotten flesh. You slashed against the blade of a draugh then the two kept slashing blades together until it tried to stab you in the side only for the dragonborn to dodge the stab then immediately slash the draugh chest so it fell death on the ground in two pieces,

You looked for your next oppenent just seeing the draugh charging at you holding a normal one handed axe, you blockted the attack from the draught who pushed against you pushing you into the table putting you between a table and a death warrior.

Draugh : die mortal

One hand held the sword to keep the axe from hitting your chest so with the other you punched the draugh in the face then placed your hand on the draugh head to push that rotting face away when your magic surged through your arm and burned the draugh face off

You turned your head to Farkas in a sword clash with two other draugh not able to do anything about the third walking over to him letting his sword slide over the ground. You burned the third draugh with your fire magic then runned to Farkas aid.

You runned to Farkas and stabbed your sword in one of the draughs back causing the tip to come out his chest which you ripped back out, you kicked the second in the knee so Farkas could win the clash and cleave the draught in two with a single swing to the waist cutting the draugh in two.

You dodged a arrow of a draugh archer that fired another arrow you dodged just barely. You summoned your white bow pulling the string back, you released it making the arrow fly from the bow then right in the chest of the archer who fell death down.

You looked at your left hand glowing in a light blue aura then disepeared, you knew you could't dwell on it to long with maybe more draugh in the tomb so you grabbed the piece from the table putting it in your pocket. You and Farkas walked over to the stairs when two more draugh stood ontop of it walking down to face them.

You cut the legs of so the draugh fell down the stairs breaking his neck, you blockted the strike of the next draugh pushed the blade against the wall then sucker punched the undead in the face so it was dazed long enough for you to throw the draugh of the stairs

You even threw a throwing knife so the draugh was truly death then you and Farkas rushed out the to back to Whiterun happy to breath in fresh clean air lacking the stence of death.

They both runned to their home over the green field to the companions home getting a few greetings from the people inside Whiterun then reached the companions guild going behind it to see the members of the circle waiting for them. You grabbed the piece of Wuuthrad out of your pocket tossing it to Skjor who caught it accepting it as a 'mission complete' from the dragonborn.

Farkes joined Kodlak side standing there with his fists on his hips looking proud that you two retrieved another piece bringing more honor to the companions.
Kadlak : you work fast lad... who will speak for him
Farkes : i will

Kadlak did the intro into the circle with Farkes supporting you entirely telling he would have your back. Kadlak finished the intro making you official member of the circle so the others left you promising you a drink leaving you with Kadlak who greeted you with a warm smile.

You talked to him about the wolf blood so he answered your questions truthfully all it seemed he didn't want to give you the beastblood so you accepted it for now going back inside to celebrate that you were already a part of the circle in a few weeks while most fought much more months or years.

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