Found horse

By StephanieShear

10.9K 135 97

Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!

342 2 1
By StephanieShear

Josie's POV- Point of View!

Urg my head is pounding, my whole body is aching with pain. Beep Beep Beep and what is that beeping sound I thought. I opened my eyes and squinted them because of the light. I groaned urg my head hurts like no tomorrow.

"Josie" a voice say from beside me I turn my head but cry out in pain cause my head hurts so darn much, I see Trevor sitting by my bed, his hair is messy and his eyes are red and puffy from crying.

"Trevor were am I? And why does my head hurt so stinking much? I said.

" your in the Hospital and you have a concussion, do you remember what happened?" He said.

Hos- then it all came back to me of how I got beat up by Britney and that Danny dude, I sat up but fell right back down groaning in pain cause there was horrible pain in my ribs.

"Easy there Josie you have 3 broken ribs" he said I groaned again.

"I'm so glad your okay I was so worried" he said and came over and gave me a hug, but I wince in pain because of my ribs, he noticed and pulled back.

"Wait Trevor we haven't fed Angel yet" I exclaimed his eyes widened.

"Oh shoot, I was so worried about you that I totally forgot" he said with guilty eyes.

"Well, we half to go feed her" I said and shot up but fell right back down once again groaning in pain, urg gosh why did they half to break my ribs I thought.

"Uh... Trevor you half to go feed her" I said he bit his lip nervously.

"You sure your be okay?" He asked I nodded, ow that hurt my head.

" okay but I'm going to get a nurse first" he said and went out to get a nurse, seconds later a nurse came in but no Trevor.

"Glad to see your awake Hun, your friend left something about feeding a horse" she said I nodded.

" so how are you feeling?, Do you hurt? What hurts?" She asked I rolled my eyes of course I'm hurting I just stinking got beat up I thought to myself.

" my head and ribs hurt really badly" I said she nodded in understanding.

"Well, that's understandable you got several strike to the head, you have a concussion and you've got 3 broken ribs" she said I nodded.

" I'll go get your pain medicine" she said and went off, minutes later she came back with the pain medicine.


After I got the pain medicines, I fell asleep, and when I woke up aunt Linda and uncle Steve were here but not my dad they said he had to work, but I don't believe that he just simply doesn't care about me anymore, I mean he does abuse me, I wonder if he even cared that his daughter could of died , if it wasn't for Trevor finding me, I probably would of died but dad just doesn't care about me anymore.

And Trevor he saved me I owe him big time, he seemed so worried about me, I wonder if he likes me as in more than a friend, I'm so thankful for Trevor I mean he saved me I thought.

After Trevor got back from feeding angel he stayed for awhile but had to leave cause his dad wanted him home, so here I am sitting in this Hospital bed it's about 8:00am in the morning but I've been up since 6:30 cause I kept having that awful dream about my moms death, so I've just been lying here thinking and in pain my head and ribs hurt so bad the pain medicine wore off.

I heard footsteps I thought it was a nurse but when I looked up I saw a girl around my age, with straight blondish brownish hair, green eyes, kinda pale but not to pale, petite skinny and she had a cast on her arm.

"Hello" she chirped happily, I rose a eyebrow at her.

"Uh... hi who are you?" I asked her wondering who this girl is.

" oh sorry, I'm Peyton...Peyton Roberts" she said and smiles.

"Hi.. I'm Josephine... Josephine Williams, but everyone either calls me Josie or Jose, now will you tell me what you are doing in my room?" I said.

" I love that name, it such a beautiful name, and oh I was just roaming around while my mom works cause apparently I'm not responsible enough to stay home by my self and I saw you here and you looked lonely so I thought I'd give you some company" she said I laughed.

" okay um... what happened to your arm? And why aren't you in school?" I asked.

" oh I was doing the monkey bars and I fell and landed on my arm and I'm home schooled" she said.

" lucky" I said she chuckled.

"Yeah, so what happened to you looks like you got a pretty bad beating" she asked my smile dropped.

" well, it's kind of a long story" I said hoping she'd drop the subject.

"I've got time" she said I sigh.

"We'll let get to know each other first" I said she nodded.

" hey why don't we play 20 questions" she said.

"Sure you go first" I said.

" okay.. how old are you?" She asked.

"15 almost 16, you?" I said.

"15 also, um favorite color?" she asked.

" red, yours?" I said. "Lime green, favorite food?" She asked. " pickles, yours?" I asked she giggles. "Carrots, have any siblings?" she asked. "Yup one older brother, and you?" I said.

"Nope I'm a only child but I wish I had a brother or sister" she said and this continues on for 30 mins till we just settle to just talking.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" She asked.

"Horseback riding, anything horses, music, dancing and swimming" I said smiling her eyes widened.

"OMG!! I love horses too there my whole world" she squeals excitedly I giggle.

"Yeah there my whole world too" I said smiling.

"Do you have a horse?" She asked.

"Uh...kinda" I said.

"What do you mean kinda?" She asked confused and I told her the story of saving angel after I was done telling her she had a sad look in her eyes.

" wow, just wow your like a horse hero" she said dramatically I roll my eyes at her.

" I've heard" I said referring to the time when Trevor told me I was her hero.

"Really by who?" She asked.

"Just a friend" I said and blushed.

"Aw, someone's blushing who's the lucky someone" she asked I blushed even more.

" one" I stuttered.

"Oh come on I know you like someone, tell me please" she begged.

" I don't like anyone" I said.

"Yes you do" she said.

"No I don't" I said.







"No, wait no yes" she said frustrated I smiled in victory.

"Oh come on tell me please" she begged again, I sigh she's not going to give this up.

"Well, it complicated, you see I think I like him but I'm not sure if I do at at the same time, and I've only known him for like 3 days" I said and sigh in frustration she comes and sits beside me on the bed.

" Hmm, you've got it bad, but luckily you've got me to help you figure it out" she said I raise a eyebrow at her.

" yeah and how do you suppose your going to do that?" I asked her.

"Easy first ask questions, secondly see what your actions are when your around him, third get you two together" she smiles evilly I roll my eyes at her, " whatever" I said sarcastically.

"Okay let's start the questions" she says excitedly I roll my eyes.

"First question, do you blush when your around him?" She asks. "Yes" I said. "K, do you feel a strong attraction towards him?" She asked.

" um..yeah I think I do" I said. "Okay, do you get nervous when your around him?" She asked. "Yeah" I said. " Hmm, when you look into his eyes do you feel like little butterflies are in your stomach?" She asked my eyes widen.

" uh.. yeah I do" I said she smiles in victory.

"Yup you definitely like him" she said smiling I shook my head.

" No, I can't I just met him like 3 days ago I can't like him, I don't I can't" I rambled on she rolled her eyes and laughed.

" yes you do Josie" she said I sigh.

" I ..I think I just need to think this over myself for awhile" I said.

" okay whatever you say Josie" she said I nodded.

"So.... will you tell me what happened to you?" she asked I sigh.

"I guess so....a um.... school bulling" I stuttered she furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion.

"That seems pretty severe why would they just beat you up like this?" She asked.

"Well can I tell you the whole story?" I said she nodded.

"Okay well when I first started this school I hung out with Drake Johnson the schools most popular guy in school, and Britney didn't like that so she threatened me to stay away from Drake or she'd hurt me or what not, so I tried to stay away from Drake but he wouldn't have it, and so she started bulling me, emotionally and physical, and so yesterday I was walking down the hall of the school when this guy grabbed me and dragged me down to a janitors closet and dropped me in it and then Britney came and both of them started beating me, and after awhile I got tired of getting beat so I pushed Britney off of me and the guy didn't like that so he jumped on me and punched my skull several times several times till I blacked out" I said Peyton sat there with wide eyes.

"Wow, oh my gosh Josie I'm so sorry, have you told anyone? You need to tell someone" she said.

"No I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on telling anyone" I said.

"But you have to tell someone, the principal, teachers someone you can't let them get away with that" she exclaimed I shook my head.

"No Peyton I'm not telling anyone, I'm already risking it telling you, so no Peyton" I said.

"But-" she started but I interrupted her.

"No Peyton" I said sternly she signed and nodded reluctantly.

"Fine, so who found you and brought you to the hospital?" she asked.

"Trevor a friend of mine" I said and blushed she smirked knowingly.

"oh Trevor is he the guy-" she got interrupted by a nurse coming in.

"hello dear, how are you feeling today?" the nurse asked not noticing Peyton yet. "well, my head feels a little better but my ribs hurt a lot" I said. "okay I'll go get you some pain medicine and Peyton what are you doing in here?" the nurse said finally noticing Peyton. "hey mom, I'm just keeping Josephine here company" she said the nurse or Peyton's mom nodded and went out to get my pain medicine minutes later she returned with them and I took them so she left.

my phone started ring I looked to see who it was it was Trevor, I also checked the time to see it was 12:00, I answered the call from Trevor.

"Hello!!" I said into the phone.

"Hey Josie, how are you feeling today?" Trevor asked sounding concerned.

"A little bit better, my ribs still hurt a lot though, oh and Trevor I want to tell you something" I said.

"Well, I'm glad you are feeling a little better, and what do you want to tell me?" He said.

"Well, I don't know if I should tell you this in person or what" I said.

"Oh come on tell me you've got me curious now" he said I giggled.

"Okay fine, I just wanted.... to um.... tell you thank you" I stuttered nervously.

"For what? He asked confused.

"For saving my life, for finding me, for bringing me to the hospital" I said it was silent for a minute.

"It's really no problem Josie anything for y-a friend" he said.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you , if it weren't for you I'd be dead, so thanks so much Trevor" I said.

" your welcome Josie like I said anything for a friend" he said.

"Yeah,well I just wanted to say thank you not everyone would do what you did, Trevor even though we've only known each other for three days I consider you one of my best friends" I said sincerely.

" aw, Josie I consider you one of my best friends too" he said I blushed.

"Well, I've got to go lunch is almost over and I haven't eaten a thing and my stomach is rumbling like a volcano, here listen" he said, then I hear a loud rumbling, he seriously made me listen to his stomach I thought I laughed.

"Did you seriously make me listen to your stomach?" I asked.

"Yeah why not" he said I chuckled.

"Go eat Trevor" I said.

"Will do, bye Josie" he said.

" bye Trevor" I said then the line went dead, I chuckled.

"Josie?" Peyton said, but I forgot she was here so I jumped which sent me groaning in pain because of my ribs.

"Don't scare me like that Peyton" I said.

"Sorry" she said sheepishly I nodded.

"So who was that?" She asked

"That was Trevor, a friend of mine" I said she smirks.

"Oh Trevor your little crushy wushy" she said I roll my eyes at her.

"I told you I don't know if I like him" I said with a sign.

"If you say so" she said with a smirk.

"If you don't wipe that smirk off your face , I'll do it for you" I said with a smirk of my own her eyes widened.

"You wouldn't" she said I smirk at her.

"Oh but I would" I said evilly she drops her smirk as soon as I said that.

"So this Trevor guy is he the guy who saved you? She asked.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'.

"So what's he like?" She asked I furrow my eyebrow together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked she rolls her eyes at me.

"What's he like tell me about him" she said.

"Oh, well. He has blonde hair, blue eyes that I could stare at all day, he's fit and he's kinda tan, he's the sweetest, kindest,loving guy I've ever met, he's funny he can make you smile and laugh on your worst of days, he's just a blast to be around, he can make me smile, laugh, joke and be sarcastic, and just be happy with just being around him, I just love being around him, but most of all he loves horses but his idiot. Dad thinks horses are just for girls" I said with a smile she had her smirk back.

"Wow, your crush on him is bigger than I thought" she said I glare at her.

"I don't have a crush on him" I whine she rolls her eyes.

"Sure you don't" she said sarcastically.

"I don't" I protest.

"Yes you do" she said.

"No I don't" I said.








"N-" but I was rudely interrupted by Peyton.

"Fine think what you want" she exclaimed I smile in victory she glares at me.

"You-" she starts but got interrupted by her mom which is also a nurse.

"Peyton come on we got go" her mom said.

"Okay mom give me a sec" she said. Peyton turns to me.

" give me your number" she said I nodded and we give each other our phones I enter mine and give it back to her, she finishes and gives my phone back to me, I look down at it and she what she put in as her contact name.... <3PeytontheAmazing<3:). I laugh.

"Seriously Peyton?" I question still laughing.

"What it's a awesome name" she defends herself, I shake my head at her and chuckle.

"Peyton come on let's go" her mom said sternly Peyton signed.

"Bye Josie" she said.

"Bye Peyton" I said she bends down and gives me a light hug as to not hurt my ribs, she then leaves with her mom.


Authors note!!!!

And here another update sorry this one took so long, I've been busy, at my barn riding my horse and school and stuff so I'm sorry but here's the update now!!!! Wow, 170 reads thank you so so soo so much keep reading cause I've lots of other ideas for this book:) and I would like to thank the one person who commented on my book thanks so much!!! and thank you for the votes 8 votes bull yeah:) so how did you like the chapter? good or bad? do you like Peyton? And do you think Josie is going to tell Trevor what happened? will she tell him who did this to her? let me know by commenting or message me on my message board:)

Vote cause there's no age to voting on this, comment cause I want to know your thoughts and commenting is crazy awesome, and last but not least read cause reading is so awesome!!!

have a great time reading my book:)

Tootles:) lol


Happy readings!!!!

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