Life: A Book of Quotes

By awakexunafraid

4.8K 138 142

Quotes on anything and everything under the sun. ***THESE QUOTES ARE NOT MINE. I FOUND THEM ON GOOGLE. FEEL F... More

Dr. Mary Temple Grandin
A.A. Milne
Keep Your Head Up
You can do it!
Walt Disney
Jerry Spinelli
Friendship II
So. Freaking. Bored.
Absolutely Random
Dr. Suess
Randomness In Words
Patrick Stump
Pete Wentz
Lorien Legacies
Roald Dahl
Be A Champion
Gerard Way

Night Owls

964 10 19
By awakexunafraid

Here's to staying up late with good ideas and reading into the morning. I don't know about you, but I always feel like I can do anything at night. Often, all my best ideas come to me in the middle of the night, when the world is silent, and all are calm. Sweet dreams everyone! 😘😴💤🌙

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