Fallen but Not Broken {Destie...

By chey319

639K 23.5K 25.4K

The angels have fallen. Castiel lost his grace, and is now a human. He experiences hunger, cold, need, but st... More

Chapter 1: A Fallen Angel
Chapter 2: Let's Get You Cleaned Up
Chapter 3: Shower Incidents, Awkwardness, and Suspicion
Chapter 4: A Weeping Angel (not sorry)
Chapter 5: I Can Hear the Sirens
Chapter 6: Sam the Man with the Plan
Chapter 8: What Now
Chapter 9: Am I Dreaming?
Chapter 10: What? I Like Dream You
Chapter 11: Fallen for a Fallen Angel
Chapter 12: Bounty Instead of a Halo Above Your Head
Chapter 13: Losing My Religion
Chapter 14: Another Case
Chapter 15: They Killed Kevin! Those Bastards!
Chapter 16: Friend of the Devil
Chapter 17: Honey I'm Home
Chapter 18: Day Off
Chapter 19: Trial
Chapter 20: Isn't the End
Author's Note

Chapter 7: Missing

31.1K 1.2K 657
By chey319

Since Cas and Dean still hadn't back from the case, Kevin and Sam took the opportunity to search for cases involving demons.

"You find anything," Sam squinted at the laptop screen.

"Nope, you?" Kevin asked, setting down the book on his desk.

"No, damn it. Where can they all be?" Sam questioned himself, hoping an answer would present itself.

"Hello boys," Crowley smirked, appearing in the middle of the room, loose papers swirling in the breeze he produced with his entrance.

"Crowley!" Sam jumped up from the table, grabbing the demon blade from his jacket and readying himself to lunge. However, as he did, Crowley teleported right behind him.

"Calm down there, Moose," Crowley laughed, "Is that any way to treat a guest? Especially since I thought I'd come to tell you some useful information."

"And why exactly would you help us?" Kevin scowled.

"That's just it. I don't want to help you, I'm just informing you two," Crowley turned to face Sam, "You see, I've been keeping an eye on you Winchesters for a while now, and I heard some things."

"The walls keep demons and angels from locating us or hearing through the walls," Sam reminded.

"Then how else would I have been able to get in you so-called demon proofed base if those things were true?" Crowley walked around the room, admiring the small details in the coffee table, "Anyway, some of my demons heard that you were trying to perform the last trial. They weren't too fond of your decision, Moose. So now they're hiding, making sure you don't snag a demon for curing."

"Okay, well that explains a lot," Kevin remarked.

"Indeed, prophet. Just thought I'd pop in and tell you that. Now, if you don't mind--"

"Hold up. So you're saying that they've known about the trials, you knew about the trials and didn't bother to tell us? If the demons knew, the angels had to have known. Why didn't anyone tell us?" Sam questioned before Crowley could pounce from the room.

"Poor, poor Moose. You think a demon is just going to tellyou the way to their demise? And I thought you Winchesters were supposed to be smart," Crowley grinned, "Anyway, as far as the angels go, I suppose they didn't spill because you ruined the apacolypse, something that has been etched into the holy timeline since the dawn of time. If they told you how to seal Hell, they figured you'd find out how to do the same with Heaven. What did that one gentleman say? Every action has an equal opposite reaction. Seeing as how I doubt you'll get your hands on one of my own, I'll let you in on a little secret. When one domino falls, the rest are more than likely to come to the same demise. Meaning, since the pearly gates are closed, Hell is dwindling in the balance. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I have a little Hell to raise."

Before they could blink, Crowley had disappeared.

"Did you hear that?" Sam wanted to reassure that he did.

Kevin nodded, jaw slightly dropped.

"Okay, so basically, since Heaven is closed for renovations, it's going to be easier to close Hell?" Kevin half-asked, half-stated.

Sam shrugged, typing something into his laptop.

They continued looking.


"Hey! How was the hunt?" Sam beamed at his brother as they came through the door to the bunker.

"Oh, you know, just great," Dean spoke sarcastically.

"What was it?" Kevin introduced himself into the conversation.

"It was a siren," Castiel responded.

"How'd you manage to kill that?" Sam inquired, "Don't you need the blood of a person under it's spell? I thought all of the tainted ones were dead."

"Well, about that--" Dean started.

"I almost killed Dean," Cas frowned towards the ground.

"Oh," Sam tried to give a competent reply, but to no avail, "Well, glad you guys are back!"

"Yea, it was pretty quite around the bunker with you two missing," Kevin gave a Cas a hug, and Dean surprisingly hugged back when it was his turn.

"You two are pretty cheery for a couple of people trapped underground with the world falling apart," Dean remarked.

"Well, we've managed to keep ourselves busy," Sam sassed.

"I trust that you did," Dean walked from the room and came back in moments later with a beer in hand.

Dean made himself busy while Cas spoke with Sam and Kevin, discussing the tablet. Castiel picked it up and examined over the chicken scratch.

"This would be better in Enochian," Castiel told them, turning over the tablet in his hand and further investigating the markings.


"Well, I'm exhausted. Night guys," Dean got up from the couch and started for the stairs.

"Night, jerk," Sam smirked, raising his beer towards his brother.

"Night," Dean turned to his brother, "bitch."

"Yea, I'm heading to bed too," Kevin stretched in his desk chair, and got up scratching his head.

"Night guys," Castiel cheered, fascinated with the books in the library that were in Enochian.

After the two departed from the room to give into the darkness of their rooms, Castiel and Sam were left to chat.

"Hey, Cas," Sam turned to Cas, who was still flipping the pages of a book, soaking in every letter of the beautiful Enochian masterpiece, "Did you know?"

"I do know alot of things. Can you be more specific?" Castiel licked his finger, flipping the page, never once looking up to meet the younger hunter's gaze.

"About closing Hell?" Sam furrowed his brows as he took another sip of the warm beer in his hand.

Castiel looked up, "What brought that up?"

"Just wondering," Sam shrugged.

Castiel put down his book and walked towards Sam, "Sam, to close the gates of Hell is very dangerous. The first two almost killed you. To finish the last one would be a suicide mission. I'd advise you focus on something else, perhaps pick up on some Enochian," Castiel spoke sternly, sounding very concerned.

"I know, Cas. It was just a question, I didn't mean to stir any suspicion," Sam lied, trying to avoid Castiel's stone cold glare without bringing attention to himself.

"Good, because if you did, there's no one I can think of who could bring you back this time. Your death would break the righteous man. Please, for you brother's sake, just forget about it," Castiel gave his final statement, exiting the room without further word.

Sam stared off into the distance, thinking about the whole situation, mostly, his brother. There ain't no me if there ain't no you. He took another sip of his beer, processing the words his brother had spoken.

I have to do this, just to do one right thing, even if it kills me. Sam thought.

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