The Teacher πŸ’•

By Unknown4OneReason

2.6K 120 11

Not good at descriptions, so just read. More

The Teacher
The Teacher (2)
The Teacher (3)
The Teacher (4)
The Teacher (6)

The Teacher (5)

439 21 5
By Unknown4OneReason

Chris POV

The bell finally rung for free period and I put the marker down

"Don't forget to do pages 609 and 506 tonight!" I semi yelled as my 6th period class rushed out the door

I took a deep breath and flopped into my chair. I stared at the wall clicking my pen, it was a knock on the door and I sighed and got up. I opened the door and Kayla was there, causing me to smile

"C'mon in." I said

She nodded and walked in. I furrowed my eyebrows and closed the door

"What's wrong with you?" I asked

"Some dudes are just fucking stupid." She rolled her eyes

"What happened?"

"I was coming to class and some guy was trying to talk to me. I ignored him and kept walking, he got mad and called me a ugly bitch and he ain't wanna be with me. Then he said I ain't shit." She got teary eyed "That shit hurts and I'm pissed the fuck off."

"Look." I sighed and wiped her face gently with my thumb "Don't you ever, let a no good ass nigga bring you down. All that shit he said, he just jealous cause you dissed him in front of his friends. He right, you ain't shit, you a diamond that needs to be treated with care. Now stop crying." I said

"Thank you Chris." She said smiling sitting in my chair

"He has 7th period in here?"

"Uh, yeah. I think so." She said

I nodded my head and sat in the stool I pulled behind the desk. I pulled out my phone and seen that my ex wife, Renya texted me

From Nya.
"Chris, I know this is kind of random, but I want you back😍😪."

To Nya.
"No. Stop texting me. ✌🖕"

I sighed and put my phone on my desk

"You okay?" Kayla asked looking at me

"Um." I cleared my throat "I'm good."

She stood up and stood behind me and started massaging my shoulders

"My grandma always told me, if something is bothering you, let it out because if it's to bad, it can change the way you look at yourself and at other people." She said as she continued to massage my shoulders

I relaxed and sighed

"My ex wife texted me and asked me to get back with her."

"Mhm." She hummed letting me know to continue

"I told her no, but the thing that's bothering me is that she up and left me for another guy, its been 5 years since we broke up, and I spent 3 of those years trying to win her back but she kept turning me down. So why would she want to be with me now?"

"I don't really know her like that Chris, so I can't answer that." She said and sat in my lap

"She wasn't my type, but she was a good woman."

"Oh." She said quietly

"What?" I asked

"You still have feelings for her, you just don't want to cheat on me."

"Why you say that?" I asked clearly confused

"Well, you called me a good girl but you call her a good woman."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and said "I don't want her. I called you a good girl because that's mainly what you call women that doesn't do everything. She wasn't a good girl because she did....much. She was a good woman because she was on her woman duties."

"Oh, I understand now." She said

Her phone started ringing and she answered

"Hello... Why? .... What do you mean you moving..... Victoria, stop fucking playing like that.... No, I'm not doing it.... Because I found somebody, but we still going to the bar though..... Yeah.... Okay, bye." She hung up the phone

"Why y'all going to the bar still?" I asked

"So we won't be off schedule. We doing a lot of stuff today." She said

"Okay." I said and pulled her close resting my head on hers

"Go ahead Chris." She said noticing I want to rub her butt

I rubbed my hand up and down while dosing off. I felt her breathing relax letting me know she was falling asleep to. I laid my head against the board and closed my eyes

BBBBBRRRRRRIIINNNNGGGG! I opened my eyes and sighed

"Kayla, baby get up before they come in." I said tapping her

She rose up off my chest, got up and went to her seat. As soon as she sat down the door bust opened and one of the kids ran in

"Mr. B! They fighting!" She yelled and ran back out

I ran out behind  her and made my way through the crowd. It was two dudes fighting. I grabbed the one on top and put him against the lockers. The other one got up and started coming towards him

"Come on." The guy I had chuckled

"Aye, chill out!" I yelled pushing the other dude back by his chest

He tried to run up on me. He swung and missed. I jacked him up by his shirt and slammed him against the lockers

"Daaammnn!" The crowd said

I heard some teachers coming and they took them.

"Ight, everybody get to class. You late you get detention for the rest of this week. Especially if you're in my class."

The crowd spreaded out as everybody ran to class. I made sure I made it back to class before any of my students. When I got there everybody was in. I closed my door and everybody got quiet.

"Pull out the mathbooks and work on pages 105-107 quietly." I said sternly

Everybody quickly pulled out their books and got to work. I looked at Kayla and she gave me a confused look. I shook my head and sat down behind my desk. She nodded and started on her work. It was quiet until somebody walked in

"Sorry I'm late, I had to go to Mrs. Carey class to finish my test." Shanquasha said walking in and handing me a note from Mrs. Carey

"Kayla tell her what we doing." I mumbled

"Pages 105-107."

"Chris, do you mind telling me, I couldn't hear her."

"Kayla can you say it louder."

"I don't repeat myself." She kept working

"You gotta ask somebody." I shrugged

She rolled her eyes and mummered "Oh my gosh!"

"What you say?" I asked "Say it louder."

"I didn't say anything." She said and rolled her eyes

"I don't do that disrespect you got going on. I'm not bout to put up with your bratty attitude either, so get out my classroom. Now." I said

"What?" She said in disbelief

"He mad, so I suggest you just leave." Kayla shrugged

"Ain't nobody talking to you bitch!" She growled at Kayla

"That's my 4th time getting called a bitch today." Kayla laughed "I ain't putting up with the shit."

Kayla stood up and started laughing. She quickly took off her shoes and walked up to Shanqausha grabbing a hand full of her hair and slanging her on top of a desk. She started pounding her fist against her face and I got up and was about to break it up but the class formed around them.

"Let me go you crazy bitch!" Shanquasha yelled in pain

When I finally made it through the crowd I seen Kayla slanging her from on top of the desk to the floor. I grabbed Kayla and pulled her through the crowd and in the hallway. I closed the door behind me and pushed Kayla up on a wall

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I whispered

She didn't say anything. She just looked at me and burst into tears

"I hate this fucking school, all I do is get picked on. My self esteem is low is hell because of the hoes in this school. All they want to do is fight me over their nigga that I don't give a damn about." She sobbed into my chest

I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her back and forth

"Ssh ssh ssh." I said stroking her hair

She slowly stopped crying and I told her to go to the bathroom to wash her face off. I walked back into the class room and seen Shanquasha sitting in her desk and wiping her nose with a tissue and looking at her swollen lip with a mirror

"Ugh, that bitch!" She growled

I shook my head and sat down. Kayla walked back in and Shanquasha rolled her eyes

"Stop!" I yelled at her

She jumped and Kayla smirked sitting at her desk

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