Into The Light (On Hold)

By Blondie_NextDoor

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Daisy has always lived at the orphanage all her life. Every night she would set out into the forest behind th... More

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161 23 0
By Blondie_NextDoor

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A soft tap came from the other side of the door.

That's weird, Madame Diana just barges in.

I snuggled farther into the fluffy comforter. If she was gonna be nice there was no point in getting up. When did my bed get this comfy?

"Miss Daisy. The Queen has requested your presence." An old male voice came from the door.


Memories of last night came back to me. I sprung up from the bed. The queen requested my presence?

"Okay thank you!" I called to the person on the other side.

"When you are ready, just take this hall down to the main stairs. The door on the right leads to the kitchen, the queen will be waiting for you there." With giving me directions, I heard footsteps lead away from the room.

I wiped the sleep away from my eyes. Heading into the attached bathroom, I turned on the sink and splashed my face. All feeling of falling asleep disappeared.

I took in my surroundings, the sink was a white glossy marble. The bath tub was huge, like a jacuzzi. The shower was one that rained down from the ceiling. And of course there was a toilet.

The vanity held a bunch of things, makeup, soaps, shampoos, conditioner, hair products, lotion and brushes. A little note card was placed next to these things. I picked it up and read it.

For you Daisy, a little thank you gift from me and the king. There are also clothes in the closet for you! Enjoy.

~Queen Isabella

"Awesome." I said out loud. I never had any of these things at the orphanage. Though I knew how most of these things worked because Madame Diana always had me help her with her hair and makeup.

I applied a little mascara and lip gloss, so I looked presentable. I pulled my naturally curly hair into a pony tail. I walked back into the bedroom and headed to the closet.

The closet was filled with clothes, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, shirts, and blouses. Everything a teenage girl could ever want or need. Shoes of every type lines the floor of the closet.

I selected a nice black button up blouse, dark wash skinny jeans and a pair a nude 1 inch pumps. I would tackle the high heels later.

"Beth, time to get up Hun." I pulled the covers off the bed, only to find it empty. "Beth?" I called out. Wondering maybe she had gone into the bathroom when I was in the closet.

The bathroom was empty and so was the closet. I remember telling the queen we would share a room. Also going to sleep with Beth cuddled to my side. She was now no where to be found.

"Beth!" I screamed, panic taking over. I flung the door open and ran down the hall. I followed the older gentleman's directions, screaming her name the whole time.

Not carrying if I was in a castle, I flung the kitchen door open. Everyone in there jump and looked my way. I didn't care, my eyes zoned in on the little brunette. My legs cared me to where she was, sitting in a chair with a plate of cookies in front of her.

I plucked her off the chair into my arms, dispute her protested. I hugged her and swung her around. Happy to know that she was okay and nothing bad had happened to her.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I squeezed her again.

"Sorry Daisy flower." She looked down, twirling her thumbs.

"Just let me know where your going next time. I was worried some thing had happened to you." I pushed the strands of hair that had covered her face. She really needs to get it cut soon.

"Okay, a promise!" Beth gave me a big smile showing off the lost tooth in the top row.

"Beth," I gave her a stern look. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Referring to her missing tooth.

"Oh!" She squealed, "I lost a tooth!" She bounced in my arms.

"Congratulation! We must celebrate!" I tickled her, causing her to giggle and swat me away.

"Ahem." A cough came from behind me. Turning around I came face to face with Queen Isabella.

"Queen Isabella. Hello." I announced awkwardly. "Am I suppose to bow?"

"No,no, it's fine. You are an honored guest." She laughed, waving me off with her hand. "I just wanted to let you know I called you down to eat. I wanted to let you sleep in because you haven't sleeped in over 48 hours," She pulled out a chair from the table and guest urged for me to sit.

I sat down, Beth still in my arms. She wiggled around until she was siting on my lap, facing the table.

"Thank you, it was the best sleep I've ever had." It really was. Normally I was a light sleeper that any sound would wake me up.

"I'm glad to hear." The queen sat across from me. "I also called my son down, I want you to meet him. Sadly he's not here yet." She frowned slightly, looking longingly at the door.

"Um, quick question." She looked back at me. "How exactly am I supposed to do this?"

"Befriend him, you're human and don't have powers. There for you will not cause him to not wanna be around you. Just get him to smile. That will be your first goal. Then I think you will take it from there." A knowing smile set on her lips. She knew something I didn't.

"Okay." I dug into the waffle a women set in front of me. I'm gonna take a guess and she is a castle helper. I didn't want to imply she was a maid in case that seemed offensive.

"My queen." Came the voice that woke me up this morning. I looked up to see he was indeed an older gentlemen. "The Prince will be here any second he just came down the main stairs."

"Great, thanks Manfred." Queen Isabella got up from her chair and brushed off her dress. Even though there was nothing on it. Right then the door slammed open.

"You called,mom?" A deep voice sent a chill down my back. I turned to find a very attractive guy around my age. He had chestnut brown hair like his mother. Yet styled up to a small fo hawk.

"Yes Ethan, I want you to met someone." The guys name was Ethan, a nice name.

"Who? Another one of your therapist people?"Ethan huffed, a pointed look was sent to his mother.

"No, actually we have a human guest." She emphasized the word human. His face light up a little bit.

"Human?" One of his brows rose. His perfect eyebrow, which I was currently jealous off. I always had to fix mine.

"Yes, met Daisy. Also little Beth." The queen swept her arms towards us.

"Hello. I'm Daisy." I stood up, taking Beth with me. My hand extended towards his to shake it. He took my hand in his.

"How do you do?" Ethan shook my hand, before letting go. He turned to Beth and gave her a smile. "You must be Beth."

"Are you a Prince?" She giggled, staring intently at him.

"Yeah." He answered her, but anyone could tell he wasn't to happy about being a Prince.

"I wanna be a princess when I grow up." She clapped, bouncing in my arms.

"I'm sure you'll be a great one." He nodded, amused by her enthusiasm.

"I'm gonna be the best." He laughed, the Queens face was shocked before it lite up in seconds.

"Ethan, why don't you show Daisy the village? I'm gonna take Beth to a dress fitting." She sent me a wink. To be honest, I didn't quiet know what it meant.

"Ohhh! Dresses!!" Beth squeal and squirmed out of my arm. She grabbed the queens extended hand before tugging her out of the room.

"Um," A hair fell in my face and I shyly pushed it back. Which was weird, I'm not a very shy person.

"Well Daisy, I guess the village it is then. We don't get to many visits. Humans are almost zero to none. I'm sure your curious about are world. For I an curious of yours. Perhaps we swap stories on a tour of the village?" He said in such a sophisticate manner, I was having trouble thinking this was the guy who walked in the kitchen less than two minutes ago.

Seeing my confused face he bursted out laughing. "Don't worry, I'm not that formal."

"Okay good, cause I'm about as casual as they come." A sigh of relief slipped from my lips. If he was gonna be all formal this would not be enjoyable at all.

"Then we will get alone great," He hooked his arm around mine. Off we went.

* * *

"Over there we have the pure waterfall." Ethan pointed to the beautiful blue waterfall.

"Pure?" I asked, It was a waterfall, how pure could it be?

"It's 'light' water. Which means it can help heal any darkness that could flow into anyone's blood stream." He explained.

"How would darkness get into ones blood stream?" The question escaped before I could think. I blushed instantly, surely everyone here had to know this. I was just a mere human with no knowledge of this world.

"If one is pierced by a dark shard, that one will slowly be consumed by darkness if not treated immediately." His voice was tight and chipped. I didn't want to press any more but I couldn't help it.

"How is one pierced?"

"By the Prince if darkness."


Dedicated to Minikay99

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